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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 3 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series)

Page 21

by Charlie Buxton

  "The Xaru male sex organ," Ms. Aernor was saying, "is notable for its unique quality of voluntary erection. Unlike the Human male, who must be sexually aroused in order to achieve an erection, a Xaru male has the innate ability to control this feature of his genitalia."

  Kav was surprised that no one, including the Xaru males in the room, seemed to shift uncomfortably or even snicker at the topic. It was a well known fact, after all, but she didn't know any Human males that had a problem in that area. The few Xaru males she had slept with in comparison hadn't seemed to be any better at sex due to this ability.

  "While we're in the general vicinity of the sex organs," Ms. Aernor continued, "we can also note the unique appendage that Xaru females possess, which Human females along the males of either species do not. The tail."

  Kav fidgeted in her seat, not because she was uncomfortable by any means, but rather from the urge to twitch her tail at the mention of it. Xaru tails were thin and prehensile, with a distinct arrow-shaped tip covered in dark scales. "Devil tails", as Humans sometimes called them, though the reference was most offensive considering the implied resemblance between Xaru females and evil mythical beings. It wasn't the same as calling one of them a cow, but it certainly wasn't a polite label.

  "The tail of a Xaru female is notable for its prehensility and its sensitivity to touch..."

  Kav knew exactly what she meant. It was not a secret that Xaru females enjoyed being sensually touched on their tails. When a big strong male, of either species, would take her from behind and hold her tail at the base just above her anus while he pounded into her...mmmmm...

  "...known to elicit heightened sexual response..."

  Kav wondered if she was the only Xaru female who felt a stirring from this part of the lecture. Most people seemed to be staring straight ahead at Ms. Aernor with all seriousness. She rested her chin on her hand again, but tried to keep her eyes forward this time.

  Class went on for what seemed like forever, as Ms. Aernor kept pointing out the physical differences of the two species. Kav found the subject boring, despite the tantalizing few moments of sexuality that were touched on. She much preferred listening to one of Mr. Wuriz's lectures. He was the history professor here on the terracolony, and being a Xaru himself, Kav found that she related more to his style of teaching. He was fascinated by the events that led the two species together to form this colony, called Elios.

  The Planetary Cultural Board had ruled that all colonists that were past their formative years had to attend the university for twelve semesters. Kav wanted to be a doctor, or do something with medicine, and thus she had elected to take the biology courses that would lay the foundation for her future studies. Her family was a reputed Xaru lineage of doctors, and her older brother Tah had graduated last year from the prestigious Terra Academy, the finest medical school on the planet. She had been expected to follow suit, and was doing so with only some reluctance, but she had accepted her path by now. It was just the grind of it all that she hated. The day in and day out studying and learning.

  She was leaving Ms. Aernor's lecture hall and walking down the hall of the quad when one of her friends caught up to her. It was Arne, the son of her family's old neighbor from Xaru Prime. He was a nerdy thing, for sure, but Kav felt comfortable around him and he seemed to take a liking to her. It wasn't anything sexual, and she had basically said as much to him a few months ago when someone joked about it in front of them both. He brushed off any concern and had always been a perfect gentlemen in her presence.

  "Kav!" he said as he ran up to meet her. His hair was a disheveled mess behind his cranial formation. "Did you hear about Turece?"

  Kav shook her head. "No, what?"

  Arne was already laughing before he could answer her. "She slipped and fell in Mr. Erga's class this morning, and her face landed right in his crotch!"

  Kav pictured the scene, which was not at all unbelievable considering how klutzy Turece was known to be, and her mouth dropped open.

  "You've got to be kidding me!" she laughed. "What did he do?"

  Arne shook his head. "What could he do? The whole class saw it happen. She was all, 'Sorry Mr. Erga' but afterward she was bragging about how she had groped him and how big his dick felt through his pants. He was furious at her!"

  "Wow," Kav said. "She better not try that again, if she knows what's good for her."

  "So anyway," Arne shifted the conversation, "are you going to lunch now? Or what?"

  Kav shook her head. "I'm gonna head back to my dorm and relax, I have a good hour at least before Astral Science with Mr. Gaeog."

  "Ooh, fun," Arne said. "K, see you later."

  He was off as fast as he had appeared. Kav found him humorous but he was a dependable friend that would do anything she asked. She knew the value that she could place on such a thing. She had plenty of Human friends as well, but unfortunately it still seemed that the two species tended to associate with their own kind the majority of the time. There were plenty of weirdos too, the ones who harbored strange sexual perversions that centered on the opposite sex of the other race. Those people had mostly been weeded out of the terracolony, but that mindset still existed in isolated pockets. The Planetary Cultural Board was careful to separate healthy interactions between species from perverted fixations.

  Kav felt a buzzing in her pocket, and reached into it to retrieve her commpad. She thumbed the small device to unlock it and read the message she had received across the Planetary Network. It was her roommate, Bethany, begging Kav to let her have the dorm for the evening. She must have snagged another hot date and thought her chances were good for the night. Bethany was a very attractive Human female, and Xaru males especially seemed to be her preference. She had confided in Kav more than once how some of her exploits had the "biggest grey cock" or the "juiciest red dick" she had ever seen. She certainly hoped Bethany wasn't saying any of her Human partners had red genitals, or else that could mean a contagious medical condition.

  Kav sighed and replied back that it was fine. She supposed she would have to find somewhere to go for a few hours after class today. Normally she wouldn't mind so much, but she was feeling especially flush today. A memory of one of Ms. Aernor's previous lectures played out in her mind just then:

  "The Xaru female often experiences a heightened peak of sexual craving near the end of each lunar cycle. Unfortunately for them, the orbiting moons of our new home on this planet have a shorter cycle than the one they are accustomed to on Xaru Prime. Thus, this bodily cycle occurs every few weeks, rather than once every month or so."

  Damn Xaru biology. It could be worse, though. The menstrual cycle of Human females sounded like a bitch. Instead of enduring a period of genital discomfort and sexual unavailability, Xaru females had to endure the opposite. They craved sex during these cycles, and if they didn't engage in it either by choice or force, they would eventually auto-climax uncontrollably at the end of the cycle. It was their body's way of shifting their chemical balances, which were more potent in Xarus anyway. Sex wasn't so much a luxury for them as it was a necessity. The Xaru male felt a similar involuntary urge at the end of his physical cycle, which occurred even more often at about once a week. Of course, there were hardly any accounts of Xaru males auto-climaxing due to sexual neglect. Like Human males, they seemed to possess an innate mastery of "mano-intercourse", as was the coined term for it by Humans.

  For Xaru females, masturbation was not exactly fulfilling. Their physiology required the absorption of male ejaculate for them to feel sexual gratification and satisfaction. It held the intense chemical cocktail that mixed with their own metabolism to create a heady feeling of pleasure throughout their awareness. Human semen contained the same basic ingredients. Absorbing these chemicals through the vaginal canal was quite effective, as was swallowing it and digesting it.

  Embarrassingly enough, at least for the prudish, a Xaru female absorbed these chemicals best through anal delivery. It was established between both races that the rectu
m was the most efficient way for the body to absorb foreign material into the body. In the darker past of both worlds, addictive drugs and mind-altering substances had been introduced this way quite effectively. Nowadays it was not unheard of for Xaru females, and Human females that liked to compete for equal male attention, to take it in the ass for this reason alone. Some of them ended up quite liking it as a result. A sexually accomplished Xaru female could even climax from anal sex alone.Kav had yet to really experience anal sex. One Human male partner had stuck his finger in her dark grey sphincter, and the feeling hadn't been very thrilling. She knew that potential sexual escapades would depend on her skill in that department, which meant she needed to get more practice. Any number of Human males would surely line up to volunteer their services. She was just picky when it came to sexual partners. They needed to have a dick, not be one. And regular availability while not interfering with her studies was a big plus. Meeting those criteria seemed to be too difficult for most eligible males these days.

  Kav went back to her dorm while she still had some privacy for the start of the afternoon, and undressed to take a nice hot shower. She peeled her shirt and pants off and kicked her undergarments aside into a pile. When she caught sight of herself in the mirror after turning the water on, the sight of her nubile Xaru frame with the bold contrast of grey on the left and red on the right made her feel flush again.

  Gods, even seeing myself naked isn't safe right now, she thought.

  Her body was growing flush again, making her red skin tone take on a fiery glow while the grey color darkened a bit. Her tail whipped back and forth just once, like an involuntary response to an itch. Her breasts swelled and her nipples stiffened and protruded slightly. She had to close her eyes and force herself to think of something else, or the feeling would overtake her. That wouldn't be bad if she had a few hours to spend either seeking out a sex partner or trying to satiate the hunger in her loins herself. But with another class only an hour away, she couldn't risk making herself experience that post orgasmic wave that Xaru females felt long after they climaxed.

  She forced herself into the shower and stuck her head under the water. It felt good, even though it was almost scalding. She realized it would only get her blood boiling and possibly make the hunger worse, so she quickly changed the temperature and went for a cooler approach. She bathed silently and let her mind wander.

  "Kav?" a shrill voice interrupted her thoughts.

  Kav opened her eyes. "Bethany?"

  Footsteps approached the bathroom that she shared with her roommate, and the enthusiastic Human female barged in to talk to her. Bethany was a tall and skinny redhead with bright green eyes and freckles all over her. She hadn't even bothered to set her books down before nearly stepping into the shower with Kav. There was no curtain or door into the shower or bathroom. Kav wondered if the Cultural Board had done that intentionally, like the way they always paired a Human and a Xaru of the same sex together in a dorm. It was a forced experiment to get the two races more accustomed to each other. Apparently mutual nudity was considered a helpful factor in that experiment. Either that, or the maintenance of the dorms was just awful and there was a terrible shortage of shower curtains on Elios.

  "What are you doing here?" Bethany asked, standing less than two feet from her naked and dripping wet Xaru roommate.

  "I was going to take a nap before class," Kav answered, feeling no awkwardness by continuing to lather her naked body as the annoying Human watched shamelessly.

  Bethany smiled sheepishly. "Oh, cuz...I was going to study with my friend Jaret."

  Kav noted the pleading look in Bethany's eyes, and rolled her own with a sigh. "Fine, I'll give you privacy."

  Kav knew what "studying with Jaret" meant. Jaret was her longtime Xaru friend, a nice enough guy who would typically be friend-zoned by girls like Bethany. She had taken that concept and turned it on its head, making him her casual sex partner on the side of whatever relationship she was actively cultivating with other suitors. As far as Kav knew, Jaret had no false assumptions about what his position was with Bethany, and was completely fine with being used. If only Kav could find someone like that...

  "You're the best!" Bethany squealed, and leaned close to kiss Kav on the cheek.

  It wasn't exactly a strange thing to do, but feeling Bethany's hot breath on her face for just that instant sent a tingle down her stomach and into her vagina. Kav froze and closed her eyes for a moment before inhaling deeply and then opening them. She saw Bethany staring at her with a surprised look.

  "Are you...OK, Kav?" she asked.

  Kav felt her hands start to shake, one of the first signs that her flush was getting serious. Damn it, this was the worst possible time. Jaret was probably out in their living space right now waiting for Bethany to come suck his dick.

  "Oh, I get it," Bethany said with a smirk. "It's that time, huh?"

  Kav nodded, finding that it helped to have someone sympathize with her, even if that sympathizer had no idea what it was like. Bethany leaned forward again, slower this time with sensuality, and boldly put her face right in Kav's. Their noses touched at the tips, and Kav was shocked to feel Bethany's palm on her vagina. Bethany gave her mound a firm stroke and just held her fingers there, making Kav start to sweat. Her fingers were right there at her entrance, and if she just pressed them in a bit further...

  "Wow," Bethany said softly, "you are flush right now. Want me to see if Jaret will help you out with that?"

  Kav broke out of her moment of haze and shook her head, though she didn't pull herself away from Bethany's touch.

  "Uh, no thanks," Kav said, as if the idea was somehow ridiculous, no matter how badly she wanted it to happen. "That would be kinda weird, don't you think?"

  Bethany withdrew her fingers from Kav's lips and ran one of them across the surface of her tongue, tasting her roommate's alien fluids.

  "Why?" Bethany asked. "I'll still get what I want from him. I'll get off first, then you can have his cum. You really need it, by the look of things."

  Kav was teetering on the edge of accepting the lurid proposal, and it was possible the cool water from the shower was the only thing that kept her flush down enough for her to think clearly.

  Bethany didn't wait for her to respond though. She grabbed Kav's hand and guided her out of the shower like a mother leading a child into unknown territory. Kav was dripping water everywhere, but she allowed Bethany to lead her out of the bathroom and into their living space, where Jaret sat on their couch with his eyes glued to his commpad. He didn't even look up when he heard them entering the room.

  "So, what'd she say?" he asked. "Are we cool to fuck or what?"

  Bethany let go of Kav's hand once they were both standing there in front of him, and started to take off her clothes. Jaret finally glanced up, first seeing Bethany getting naked which made him smile, and then noticing Kav standing right next to her. His eyes went wide.

  "Holy shit!" he exclaimed. "Uh, hi Kav."

  Kav felt embarrassed, but it wasn't exactly mortifying for two Xaru of the opposite sex to see each other naked. Humans were more squeamish when it came to nudity, oddly enough considering how much of their attention and energy went into sex. Her embarrassment stemmed more from the fact that she was about to have her first threesome, and her first ever sexual interaction with a Human female. She had been with Xaru females before on rare occasions.

  It didn't take long for Jaret to put two and two together. Bethany was getting naked, and Kav was already naked, which meant if he got naked too they could all be naked together and possibly do things that naked people did with each other. Bethany sauntered up to Jaret as he yanked his pants down and pulled at his shirt.

  "Kav is flush pretty bad," Bethany explained, "so she's gonna watch us go at it for a while. If you could hold out long enough for me to cum first, then give it to her for a few minutes..."

  Jaret nodded. "Sure, anything you want!"

  He always followed Bethany's instructi
ons. That was why she liked him so much. Not as a boyfriend, but as a virtual slave to her sexual desires. What young male wouldn't want a gorgeous young female to have sex with him? He didn't care if she bossed him around or slept with other guys too. He had a few adventures of his own on the side that she didn't know about. It all balanced out.

  Kav got on her knees right in the middle of the living space and watched as Bethany reached for Jaret's penis. It was hard, by his choice of course but why the hell wouldn't he want it hard right now? It was also quite thick and lengthy. Kav could see another reason she chose to keep him around. It was the biggest penis Kav had ever seen. And it was going to feed her hungry body shortly.


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