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Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica: Volume 3 (Sci-Fi & Fantasy Erotica Series)

Page 23

by Charlie Buxton

  He opened his eyes, pushed the stall door open and watched Tina undress. "Me too."

  She slipped in next to him and pulled the slender aluminum door closed behind her. "Mind sharing?" she asked.

  "Not with you." His hands slipped to her hips and dragged her against him. Their lips touched; their tongues tasted. Tina slid her hands up his chest and around his neck. Her fingers stroked at the bare scalp and she wondered, just like she often did, what her lover, friend, and Captain would look like with a full head of hair. In the end though, she knew it made no difference, she liked him just the way he was, shaved and well hung.

  Ice trailed his lips across her jaw, nipping her flesh and then nuzzling her hair. "Sorry you had to suck metal head's balls." He tugged on her ear lope before tracing the shape of its delicate curve. He felt her nails drag slowly down his arms. She shuddered as his warm breath caressed her skin; his tongue skated across her shoulder, slipping down to follow the path of her collarbone.

  "You can make it up to me," Tina whispered, bending her head to take a bite of Ice's broad shoulder.

  "How's that?" He captured one of her breasts in his hand and began to knead the round globe. His tongue trailed a path across her chest, lavishing just the tops of her bosom. He loved how her firm breast fit in his hand. Both women were unique and Ice saw the erotism in their uniqueness. Cerise was busty; Her breasts overflowing his large hands, where Tina's were what some men called a perfect fistful.

  Tina grinned as she ran her fingers over Ice's bare head. "Lower baby. I'm sure you'll think of a way."

  Ice chuckled; his other hand slipped down to skim across her stomach. He continued holding her tit, letting his warm breath hover over the ridged areola. His tongue flicked the hard gem, that jutted out, begging for his attention. "I've got an idea."

  "Yeah? I knew you were quick."

  "Not that quick," Ice chuckled. He rose up and turned just enough that he could adjust the settings on the sonic shower. The temperature of the heat that had been filling the air, dropped drastically and Tina shivered. Ice winked. His hands resumed their wandering as did his mouth. He slowly walked her back to the starboard wall of the shower. The palm, pressed against her stomach, traveled lower. His fingernails grazed the top of her trimmed bush and his tongue swept back and forth against her nipple.

  "That's what I like about you," Tina hissed. She felt the wall against her back and bent her knees to help support her and keep her balanced. "You're always so thorough."

  He tugged her tit with his teeth and then released it. Ice watched the bounce of her globe out of the corner of his eye as he licked his way over to the other jewel. Two of his fingers slid between her slick pussy lips. She moaned and spread her legs wider. "You're always so willing." Ice slid his fingers back to the top of her sex, toyed with her clit and then pushed his way back down the juice-coated path. He felt her hands pushing at his shoulders.

  The pearl in his mouth, grew harder. He sucked and bit down on the tender morsel, letting it pop free, only to be captured again. The only free hand he had moved to slide around and toy with the crack of Tina's ass. "See," she groaned, relaxing her tight entrance so he could tease it, "thorough."

  He chuckled and created a wet path with his tongue that traveled from between her breasts, down her torso and then across her stomach. His fingers continued to play her. He pushed nectar from her slit down to the tender flesh that separated her pussy and her tight hole. Eventually, he dragged her honey back and covered his finger tip and her anus with juice. Ice settled on his knees, flicked his tongue over her hard clit and pushed his face into her soft, trimmed fur. At the same time he pressed his finger into her ass and screwed the thick digit to the left, then the right.

  Tina moaned, tilted her head back and threw her hips forward as she bent her knees, lowering herself even more onto his invading fingers. She felt his tongue bathing her; his long digits drove their way deeper into her holes. Two fucked her pussy; slow; while one played a quicker melody in her ass.

  Ice swallowed the ever flowing honey that he coaxed from Tina's sex. He licked his way up and down her slit, toyed with the hard strip of flesh and whispered perverse words over heated skin. Her muscles clenched tight around his invading weapons; both her pussy and her ass kept him locked in a vise. He knew she was close to coming; he lowered his head further, bit down on her puffy lip and then dragged his nails down the sides of her fleshy surfaces. Her come exploded into his thirsty and eager mouth.

  "Ice!" Tina's voice ricochet off the walls and she thrust herself deeper down into his mouth. She shuddered violently. His finger easing its way from her ass, brought another wave of come from deep within her. A whimper and a moan followed her climax as did a series of tender licks and suckles from her Captain's mouth.

  She watched with a glazed expression as he worked his way back up her body, flicking her skin with his tongue. Ice covered her mouth with his, delivering a gift to her parched throat. Tina drank the mouth full of juice he'd saved of her. Ice then turned her around, gripped his cock and lined it up with her pussy. She placed her hands on the wall, thrust her ass back and waited for the penetration of his cock slamming into her. Tina didn't have to wait long.

  Ice pushed his way into her slippery home. The head of his cock sliding against her thick walls and nestling itself as far as it could. He held himself still, letting her pussy clench and relax, stroke and milk his cock. One of his hands moved her long brunette curls out of the way; twisting them in his fist, he turned her head, leaving her neck exposed for his perusal. "You're so fucking hot, babe," he growled low and then took a bite of the pulse that tormented him. He drew the skin in, sucked hard on the delicate flesh, before drawing his cock out, and keeping himself poised at her entrance.

  Tina gasped. The sound, proving to Ice, that she wanted him buried inside her again. He slammed himself back into her sweetness. His mouth traveled from her neck to her shoulder. He swept back up and tugged on her ear, buried his nose into her hair, and reached around to begin a new assault on her already tender clit.

  Faster he drove into her, drawing himself out and plunging back in while he rubbed, pulled, and twisted her hard nub. His tongue continued to sweep up and down the veins of her neck, teasing the flesh, making the woman beneath him squirm. "Tell me what you want," he demanded, never easing up on his driving force.

  "You. . .ohh fuck Ice. . . I want you to come baby. . ."

  He chuckled and gave a final thrust, that had his balls tightening, and his come flying out, to coat with her juice-laden cunt. His jaw tightened. His eyes glazed and his head fell to her shoulder as he held himself still. His cock pumped its fluids into her slick home. Her nectar covered his dick, the steamy fluids slid down seeking freedom, and settled in the crevices of his balls and around the coarse hairs of his sex.

  Tina felt him slip out of her. She turned and sealed their fucking with a kiss. She reached behind him and increased the temperature of the sonic shower and soon both were helping each other lift or spread all intimate areas to the cleansing, yet dry bath.

  After the shower, both walked to their quarters. Ice stepped into his and quickly donned a pair of clean slacks, and white shirt. The logo from alien rock group had long ago faded, but he still found the worn fabric comfortable. Out of instinct, he slipped a small electronic phaser into his boot and headed back to the helm. "Lost the bet again, huh?" he asked, taking the command from Cerise.

  She glared at him, a small frown planted on her pink hued lips. "Yes. Damn slut is too fucking lucky."

  Ice smirked, knowing the truth behind Tina's luck. He licked his lips. "She tastes good too."

  Cerise stuck her tongue out, but quickly agreed. Tina rejoined them; her slacks hugged her long legs and round hips. The t-shirt she wore was sleeveless and the collar's self-made slit exposed her small cleavage. Ice admired his two partners as he leaned back in his seat, enjoying the serenity that surrounded him. They'd been through several missions together and after the firs
t three months of heated glances, he'd taken both to bed at the same time. . .they'd been fuck buddies ever since. He loved his life. Ice slipped the chip from his pocket and handed to the Head of Nefuo Theta. In return he was handed an envelope and a firm handshake. Together both men watched Cerise push the dolly with Maelstrom off the ship. "He is missing an arm," the official said, his voice mirroring his curiosity.

  Cerise heard the gentleman and blushed. It had taken her an hour to get the spinning contraption working again, and when she had. . .she'd enjoyed it, far more than she'd admit to anyone. She suspected that Tina and Ice knew though, since they were often using the twirling metal to tease and torment her into orgasm.

  "Yeah, he took a swipe of one the girls with it, and she demanded justice. I figured she'd earned it," Ice answered, knowing Cerise had heard him and had caught the double meaning of his words. He smirked when he watched her eyes flash annoyance back at him.

  "It makes no difference," the official answered. "Maelstrom will be activated, charged and then executed. His stolen flesh peeled from his body as he did his victims, and his parts sold."

  Ice winced. The idea that the Swampdroid would be awake during the peeling process did not unnerve him. He knew Maelstrom had not taken pity on his victims, leaving them awake and on occasions when they did pass out from the torture, he waited till they were revived and then began cutting away and skinning them again. He felt for the victims, not for the droid.

  "You and your women are welcome to stay on Nefuo Theta for as long as you like. My own home is at your disposal, or I can arrange a cottage for you, if you wish privacy."

  Ice couldn't help but notice that the official, refused to acknowledge Cerise or Tina, though they had been introduced. It didn't surprise him, nor did it surprise the girls. Nefuo Theta did not recognize women, unless they held a position in leadership, that they were forced to accept.

  "I'm touched by your generosity, Sir. The ladies and I, however have another bounty to collect. I received word as we were landing that Sangin was spotted a few weeks ago. I've been trying to collect on her for over a year now. The ladies insist though, before we leave, on a real meal and a real shower, so if your invitation could include those instead of a whole house, I'd be appreciative."

  "It does. My assistant will see to your needs. I understand your ship is in need of a new coil?"

  Ice grinned. "Couldn't miss that could ya?"

  The gentleman laughed. "Leave Tricutter here and the coil will be replaced. Quata, will take you to the lodge where our most elite and honored guest often freshen up." He turned and waved the small woman over. "Show Mister Racer and his females to a suitable chamber. Good day," he then said and turned away.

  Ice nodded hello to the frail woman. He wondered if he blew on her, she'd fall over. The race was a small one, their bodies weak from the loss of half their sun. Yet, they had managed to survive. Rumors were spreading that they were growing extinct and were searching for a new planet to live on. He hoped they found it; because their need for one particular mineral, that had not yet been found on any other planet, he found their plight hopeless.

  The three of them followed the tiny creature, each lost in their own thoughts. Ice occupied his with the information he'd received upon entry. Sangin was one of the most sly and most evil creatures he'd ever encountered. He and the girls had been close to nabbing her once, but because Sangin held a child hostage, Ice allowed her to escape. He found the child later, her throat slit and her life flowing out of her. He told himself, no matter what cards the woman held, he would not hesitate to take her life. Even if it were one of his own.

  Quata left them after giving a quick tour of the rooms they were being given. Ice headed to the well-organized and fully stocked kitchens. "They knew we were coming," he shouted to the two women who were heading down a short hall. "Steaks, potatoes, hell even beer."

  "It's probably all generated!" Cerise yelled, pulling her boots off and tossing them away as she hobbled through the walkway, stripping her clothes as she went.

  "We'll see. I hear they ship this shit in for the important folk. Looks like we're important."

  Cerise laughed at her Captain's words, then closed the door on the bathroom, that connected to the main bedroom where Tina was disrobing. Ice pulled out three steaks and grinned as he started whipping together a meal that would make all their mouths water.

  Tina heard the door to the room, open, but refused to open her eyes. She was too busy enjoying the soft covers and firm mattress that lay under her. "You didn't leave a scum ring on the tub did ya?" she asked the woman, who sounded as if she were kicking clothes out of her way.

  "Nah. . . I rinsed all the bubbles away."

  The sound of metal clinking to the floor caught Tina's attention. "What was that?" Silence seemed to weigh down on the brunette, so she opened her eyes and rolled to her side. Her eyes grew wide as she stared at Cerise's naked body. It wasn't enough though to distract her from what she saw Cerise holding in her hand. "Now, let me explain," she said as she scrambled up to the head of the bed.

  "Explain. Explain what? I mean this is your coin, right?" Cerise rolled the shiny disk back and forth over her fingers. "The same one we toss. . .isn't it? Her brown eyes flickered from the coin to her partner. "It looks like it. . . then again, I've never really examined it either. Guess I should have, huh?"

  Tina bit her lower lip. "You're not mad?"

  "Mad? Nah. . ." She flung the coin over her shoulder. "I figure you owe me though. So no more bets. I get first dibs on Ice and on the bounties, if I want them."

  "That sounds fair."

  "It is, but there's more." Cerise walked over to the bed, grabbed Tina's left ankle and dragged her across the bed. Tina grinned, opening her legs and letting her body relax. "That's right, sweets. . .I think you need a thorough tongue lashing."

  "That sounds fair."

  Cerise chuckled just before she dropped her face onto Tina's sex. Tina squealed, moved her hands to the railings of the bed and opened her legs wider. Her lids fluttered closed as Cerise spread her puffy lips open and rubbed her face in the sensitive, pink flesh. "Mmm...," Cerise moaned as her tongue lapped up and down. She swallowed the juices that Tina had instantly produced. Groaned in pleasure as they settled in her stomach. Her fingers began to massage the petals of Tina's cunt, while her teeth tugged on the strip that seemed to quiver each time Tina's pulse beat.

  "Ooh yeah, baby. Right there."

  Cerise grinned. She increased the massages, pulled harder on her lover's clit and then slid one of her fingers into the hot hole that was leaking. Another grunt of pleasure filled the air, making Cerise's body tingle and her own sex become more slick with nectar. She ignored her needs, pushing a second and then a third finger into Tina's pussy. Her tongue made laps. . . up, down, to the right, the left, she angled her head and suckled on first one trimmed lip, then its twin.

  Tina hissed, bucked, groaned for more. One of her hands released the bed railing. It found a nesting place in Cerise long red hair. She grabbed a handful and held the woman with the soft freckles, to her sex. Forcing her to breath in the air of an aroused woman. Her other hand moved to her tits. She squeezed one, then the other, yet unable to get the full pleasure she desperately needed. She abandoned her attempts, using her hand to help aid the other in its quest to absorb Cerise's mouth.

  The redhead's own excitement was growing as Tina held her. She moaned and growled, the vibrations shooting deep into her lover's sex. Faster she moved. Her fingers left their home; her tongue took its place. She swept the sides, feasting on the succulent morsel. The sound of another entering the room, was not lost to her and a whimper of pleasure rolled over her. Cerise refused to stop her ministrations on Tina's sweltering box as she heard the sound of clothing rustling.

  "Fuck, my steaks are gonna be cold."

  Tina laughed then gasped as Cerise bit down hard on her inner thigh. "Concentrate!" she shouted at her and went back to devouring her appetizer.
br />   Ice chuckled. His cock had been hard for several minutes. He'd heard the shower turn off, and had known the girls would have insisted on helping the other dry. That action would have led to them getting all wet again, which would have lead to what he was seeing now. Though, he later found out it was all a "punishment" for Tina; it still wouldn't have mattered. Ice's imagination had forced him to abandon his dinner plans and proceed down the hall to join in on the fun.

  Cerise paused for a moment as she felt Ice's hands on her hips. She opened her legs for him, pushed her ass back and beckoned his cock with her aching pussy. When his cock head pressed against the entrance of her cunt, she went back to Tina.

  One of Ice's hands wrapped around Cerise. His thumb brushed her clit. He squeezed it as he slipped his full length into her shaved mound. Her heat surrounded him. Her juices blanketed his dick and he felt the muscles of her pussy constrict around him. Cerise ate. Ice fucked and Tina squealed and pleaded for more.

  Eventually moans of pleasure were drowned out by grunts of lust and sounds of sex. Ice pounded his dick in and out of the velvet vise. Cerise rubbed her face all over the slippery box that bathed her in musk-scented honey. Tina's hands left Cerise's head, to tear and pull at her tits. Each person was lost in a fog of desire.


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