Newmarket: STC attends races, 74
Norfolk Street, Covent Garden (London), 423
“North, Christopher” see Wilson, John
Notebooks: on opium, 12n, 96, 356, 521; on Malta, 18, 32, 34; and STC’s ascent of Mount Etna, 21; on Cecilia Bertozzi, 23; cipher in, 35, 94, 178, 296; introspective musings in, 36–9, 73n, 135, 208, 216–19, 406, 417, 531; and return journey from Malta, 50; and STC’s struggle on return from Mediterranean, 65; on Hartley’s education, 70; on passion for Asra, 75, 83–4, 87, 107, 114, 149, 177, 196, 216–18, 296, 433; on relations with Wordsworth, 86, 107; on STC’s sensitivity, 87; on STC’s stay in Bristol, 94; on marriage failure, 95; outlines STC’s lecture themes, 109; on isolation and depression, 137–8, 216; on 1808 return to Lake District, 144; and The Friend, 153, 155, 198, 200; compares life to shipwreck, 180–1, 189; hints of suicide in, 200–1; fascination with origins, 203–4; as repository of STC’s learning, 203–5; on Scott’s Lady of the Lake, 210; on Morgans and Charlotte Brent, 220; on stay at Morgans’, 221; on London social-literary life, 224; nightmares in, 229; on death, 235; Jean-Paul Richter quoted and translated in, 251–2, 254–5; on spider’s web, 256; and STC’s alleged plagiarisms, 281n; on popular education, 310; abstract diagrams in, 316; address to Muse in, 369–70; on Wordsworth’s self-obsession, 383; Charlotte Brent and Mary Morgan organize, 387; and Biographia Literaria, 407–8; on Imagination, 407; loss of intimacy, 433; on final lecture, 493; on love, 495n; dreams in, 501; on poem “Youth and Age”, 537; science and philosophy in, 550
Novalis (Baron F. von Hardenberg): Heinrich von Ofterdingen, 479, 586
Omniana (annual anthology), 203
opium (and laudanum): STC takes, 11–12 & n, 14–15, 19, 32, 45, 66, 77, 82, 96, 102, 103, 110, 117, 120, 134, 137–8, 184, 189, 201, 211, 228, 236, 239, 254, 263, 314, 340, 349–50, 355–6, 368, 416, 421, 423, 502, 521, 541–2; De Quincey and, 12n, 101–2; poppies in Sicily, 22; STC seeks cures from, 144, 145, 154–5, 177, 216, 228, 355, 424–5, 428–30, 444–5; dosage, 355n; cost, 522
organic form: STC’s theory of, 278–9
Oriel College, Oxford, 496, 510–18, 531
Ottery St Mary (Devon): George’s invitation to STC to stay in, 90–1, 99, 109; STC reopens communication with family at, 244; resemblance to Calne, 374
Oxford University see Merton College; Oriel College
Page, Dr George, 373
Paine, Thomas, 227
Paley, William, Archdeacon of Carlisle, 71
Palmer, Samuel, 473
Pantisocracy, 37, 170, 172–3, 204, 348, 554
Parry, Caleb, 350
Pasley, Captain, 39, 51–2, 161, 213
Peacock, Thomas Love: caricatures STC, 175, 432, 450, 454–5, 485; and Shelley’s The Defence of Poetry, 455; Headlong Hall, 450; Melincourt, 449–50; Nightmare Abbey, 454, 485–6
Peel, Sir Robert, 474–7
Penn, Granville, 18, 49
Pennington, Matthew, 157–8
Penrith, 74, 158–9, 171, 176, 296
Pentridge Revolution (1817), 447
perception: STC’s views on, 114n
Perceval, Spencer, 227–8, 237, 242, 245; assassinated, 307–8
Peterloo Massacre (1819), 478
Petrarch, 467; On the Life of Solitude, 163
Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph, 475
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, 355n
Pharmacy and Poisons Act (1868), 355n
Philadelphia (ship), 29
Phillips, Thomas, 478; portrait of STC, 487
Philosophical Institution, London, 264–5
Philosophical Society, Fleur de Luce Court (London), 465–8
philosophy: STC lectures on (1818–19), 489–94
Philpot (Ramsgate bathing-machine attendant), 545
Pickering, William (publisher), 555
Pisa, 57–60
Pitt, William, the younger: death, 64, 237; STC promises article on, 256–7
Plato, 114n, 135, 482, 490, 492–3
Plotinus, 362
Poe, Edgar Allan: takes opium, 12n; “The Maelstrom”, 403n
poetry: STC on theories of, 388–91, 398, 435, 453
Polidori, Dr William, 437; The Vampyre, 437
Political Register (Cobbett) see Weekly Political Register
Poole, Thomas: STC and family stay with in Nether Stowey, 95–7, 103–4, 106, 112; writes to Josiah Wedgwood, 97; Davy writes to about STC’s lectures, 107; Sara writes to, 109, 510; and STC’s opium addiction, 110; STC fails to write to, 111; STC complains of ill-treatment by, 138; and STC’s launching of The Friend, 151–2, 157, 160; Wordsworth writes to on STC’s future, 162, 212; supports The Friend, 171, 182–3; STC writes to on life at Allan Bank, 185; Sara Coleridge writes of STC to, 199, 295; and STC’s proposed volume version of The Friend, 203; and STC’s breach with Wordsworth, 305; and success of STC’s Remorse, 338; supports fund for STC’s children, 359; visits STC and Hartley, 452; and Hartley’s dismissal from Oriel, 516, 518; and STC’s exhaustion with Hartley, 520; letters from STC, 530; Mrs Coleridge recounts STC’s talk at granddaughter’s christening, 557; bequest from STC, 559
Pope, Alexander, 276, 451
Pople (bookseller), 337
Porlock: person from, 435–6
Porson, Richard, 74
Porter, Seymour, 521–2, 542
Prelude, The (Wordsworth): and STC’s Mediterranean voyage, 1; STC reads in manuscript, 3; dedicated to STC, 25; STC consulted over, 74, 76, 82, 85, 87; Wordsworth reads to family and STC, 85; extracts published in The Friend, 173, 184; and STC’s Biographia Literaria, 380
Priestley, Joseph, 373
progressive transition, 481, 483
Psellus, Michael, 419
punishment: STC condemns in schools, 131–2
Purkis, Samuel, 172
Pythagoras, 492
Quakers (Society of Friends), 73, 145–6;
subscribe to The Friend, 161n; see also Clarkson, Thomas
Quantock Hills, Somerset, 104–6, 109, 403, 537
Quarterly Review: Southey reviews for, 198; Scott reviews Southey’s “The Curse of Kehema” in, 210; John Taylor Coleridge contributes to, 245, 368; STC criticizes in lecture, 268; and assassination of Perceval, 309; Southey’s earnings from, 328; Southey asks to review Remorse in, 338; assessment of STC, 368; STC reads, 371; criticizes “Christabel”, 439; hostility to STC, 446; praises Cary’s translation of Dante, 468
Rabelais, François, 465, 469
Rae, Alexander, 331
Ramsgate, Kent, 505–6, 522, 527, 532, 540, 544, 552
Rann, Joseph, 344
Raphael Sanzio, 361, 463
Reform Bill, First (1832; “Great”), 477
religion: STC’s beliefs and interest in, 71–3, 204–7, 216–18; see also Christianity
resurrection: STC’s views on, 359
Reynolds, John Hamilton, 368
Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 81
Richter, Jean-Paul, 232, 252–5, 278, 348, 407, 418; Geist, oder Chrestomathie, 231, 251–3; Palingenesien, 252
Rickman, John, 78, 183, 200, 211, 224, 264, 267, 272, 309
Ridley, Matt, 540n
Rifleman (newspaper), 286
Rigaud, Stephen, 248
Rimbaud, Arthur: “Le Bateau Ivre”, 182n
Robinson, Henry Crabb: attends and reports STC’s lectures, 127–8, 130–2, 143, 265–9, 271, 273–4, 281, 286, 311, 465–7, 469; subscribes to The Friend, 161; background, 222–3; relations with and observations on STC, 222–7, 232–3, 236; STC reviews translation of Amatonda, 231; criticizes STC’s patriotic journalism, 240; reads STC’s article on reappointment of Duke of York, 243; and STC’s cancelled Courier article, 243; gives Richter’s Geist to STC, 251–3; and STC’s supposed plagiarism, 254, 280n; Southey harangues, 256; discusses STC with Mrs Clarkson, 258; misjudges STC, 258; STC requests copy of Schlegel’s lectures from, 266, 275; and STC’s relief from bowel problem, 267; admires STC’s references to German writers, 276; and STC’s imitating Schlegel, 277–8; Mrs Clarkson w
rites to on STC’s relations with Wordsworth, 296; and STC’s quarrel with Wordsworth, 301–6; and Wordsworth’s reputation, 311; and STC’s Surrey Institution lectures, 318–19; and production of STC’s Remorse, 322, 336–8; and STC’s quiescence after Remorse success, 339; STC borrows books from, 348; favours STC’s translating Faust, 366; visits STC on 1816 return to London, 424; appreciates “Kubla Khan”, 429; visits STC in Highgate, 430–1, 450, 551; reviews STC’s second Lay Sermon, 448; dissuades STC from suing Blackwood’s, 454; and Wordsworth’s reading of Biographia Literaria, 457; on STC’s meeting with Wordsworth and Asra at Monkhouse’s, 463–4; attends Hazlitt’s lectures, 469; and STC’s campaign against child labour, 475, 477; at Monkhouse’s dinner party, 636–7; Diaries, 223
Rogers, Samuel, 274, 310, 536
Rogers, William, 130
Romanticism: and Imagination, 108; German, 232, 246, 276; STC lectures on origins, 318–20; in STC’s Biographia Literaria, 378; and creativity, 410
Rome: STC in, 50–7, 67
Rossetti, Gabriel, 487n, 544
Rough, Sergeant William, 224
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 167–8
Rowan, Sir William Hamilton, 487n
Royal College of Surgeons, 432, 548, 555
Royal Institution, London: STC’s proposed lectures at, 66, 70–1, 79, 107; character, 115–16; STC delivers lectures at, 115–20, 123–33, 273, 441; payments to STC, 117, 136, 161; STC terminates lectures, 135–6; lectures in honour of STC, 136, 137n
Royal Society, 70, 108
Royal Society of Literature, 541
Rumford, Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count von, 116
Ruskin, John, 484
Russell Institute, London, 271
Russell, Thomas, 53, 57–9, 61–2, 67, 90
Russia, 29
Rydal Mount: Wordsworth moves to, 335, 339
St Lawrence, 503
San Antonio see Malta
Satirist (magazine), 330
Saumarez, Richard, 317
Savage, William, 144, 156
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von: and organic unity, 36n; STC discusses with Tieck, 53; Crabb Robinson discusses with STC, 224, 269; and STC’s supposed plagiarism, 253–4, 280n, 401, 406; in STC’s lectures, 311; STC reads, 348, 371; notion of Nature, 352; STC’s analysis of, 391, 393, 437, 478–9; on Imagination, 400, 405; in Biographia Literaria, 405–6, 407, 412; Magee on, 411n; and life forms, 479; Abhandlungen, 406; Naturphilosophie, 398, 407, 479; Philosophische Schriften, 406; System of Transcendental Idealism, 53, 398, 406
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von, 53, 127, 212, 224, 276, 469; Don Carlos, 315; Wallenstein, 323, 366, 369, 508
Schlegel, August Wilhelm von: STC discusses with Tieck, 53; STC accused of plagiarizing, 253, 271, 275–9, 280n, 281n, 401; STC disagrees with, 254; influence on STC, 271; on Shakespeare, 275, 279–80, 283–4, 401; STC influenced by, 279, 311; STC acknowledges debt to, 466; meets STC and Wordsworth in Germany, 553; Lectures on Dramatic Literature (ber dramatischer Kunst und Litteratur, Vorlesungen), 266, 269, 275–8, 283, 318–21, 344, 424, 466
Schöning, Maria Eleonora, 173, 176, 178
Scott, Sir Walter: STC visits with Hartley, 93; imitates “Christabel”, 94, 208–10, 277, 280n; Wordsworth recommends The Friend to, 155; subscribes to The Friend, 161; in Crabb Robinson’s diaries, 223; success, 337; good relations with Byron, 377; recites from “Christabel”, 414; Schlegel disparages, 553; Lady of the Lake, 208–10; “Lay of the Last Minstrel”, 94; Marmion, 209
sex: STC on, 35–6, 43, 47
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 3rd Earl of: Characteristicks, 394n
Shakespeare, William: STC lectures on, 107, 109, 119, 123–5, 127, 231, 257, 264–86, 311, 318, 344, 465, 489, 494; STC on inward imagery, 168; Schlegel on, 275, 279–80, 283–4, 401; STC compares Goethe to, 367; and STC’s theories of poetry, 389; Keats appreciates STC on, 456; and STC’s essay on method, 482; Hamlet, 226–7, 249, 252, 269, 281–6, 311, 318, 323, 344, 356, 482; Henry IV Part I, 482; King Lear, 239, 269; Love’s Labours Lost, 272; Macbeth, 318, 344; Measure for Measure, 327; Othello, 318; Romeo and Juliet, 231, 272, 275, 318; The Tempest, 277, 279–80; Venus and Adonis, 123, 125
Sharp, Richard, 171, 298–300
Shelley, Harriet (née Westbrook; PBS’s first wife), 267, 292
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (née Godwin; PBS’s second wife), 266, 437, 454–5; Frankenstein, 280, 323n, 437
Shelley, Percy Bysshe: in Crabb Robinson’s diaries, 223; political disaffection, 238; absent from STC’s lectures, 267; elopes with Harriet, 267; in Lakes, 292–3; favours STC’s translating Goethe’s Faust, 367n; discusses STC, 432; reads “Christabel”, 437; caricatured by Peacock, 454–5, 485; reads Biographia Literaria, 454–5; regard for STC’s poetic vision, 455; STC praises, 456n; Hazlitt on, 471n; The Cenci, 323n; The Defence of Poetry, 130n, 455; “The Devil’s Talk”, 293; “The Mask of Anarchy”, 455; “Peter Bell the Third”, 455
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley, 321, 324
shipwreck: STC compares life with, 180–1, 189, 505, 554–5
Sicily, 1, 16, 18, 20–7, 50
Sidney, Sir Philip, 493
Skinner, Captain, 28
slave trade, 73, 141–3, 226, 474, 477
Smith, Horace, 455
Smith, Miss (actress), 330–1
Smith, Mrs (grocer of Box), 349
Smith, Stevie: “Coleridge and the Person from Porlock”, 436n
Smith, Sydney, 116, 223
Sotheby, William: and STC in Malta, 18; STC’s letters to, 73; STC borrows from, 93, 110; STC visits in London, 94, 133; attends STC lectures, 130, 310; and STC’s proposed magazine, 139; proposes further lecture series by STC, 288; STC hopes for help from, 421
soul: STC’s views on, 72–3, 473
Soult, Marshal Nicolas J. de Dieu, 242
Southey, Edith (née Fricker; Robert’s wife), 292
Southey, Robert: cares for STC’s family during absence, 1, 33; STC writes to from Mediterranean, 6, 33; and STC’s silence in Italy, 51; and STC’s return voyage to England, 62; and STC’s arrival from abroad, 64, 77; and STC’s marriage difficulties, 68, 78; disapproves of STC’s lectures scheme, 70; sees STC on return to Keswick, 74; literary reputation, 78; Sara depends on, 78; letter from STC on poetry output, 89; STC believes moving from Greta Hall, 90; and Hartley’s procrastination, 92; on STC’s procrastination, 98; De Quincey visits, 110; and STC’s poem to Morgans, 115; letters from STC in London, 119; on STC’s condemnation of school punishments, 131–2; STC complains of ill-treatment by, 138; on STC’s appearance, 146; at Greta Hall, 147, 294; doubts on success of The Friend, 152, 154; helps finance The Friend, 157; encourages STC, 160; incensed by STC’s disavowal of Jacobinism, 170; opinion of The Friend, 171–3; STC proposes publishing cheap edition of poems, 179; STC writes to about dying mother, 179; contributes to Quarterly Review, 198, 210, 328; praises The Friend, 198; and STC’s stay with Sara at Greta Hall, 199–200; uses STC’s fragments for Omniana, 203; in STC’s Notebook, 208; appointed Poet Laureate, 210; reassures Scott about Dubois’ article, 210; Carlisle writes to on STC’s opium addiction, 216; on STC with Morgans, 222; in Crabb Robinson’s Diaries, 223, 256; intercepts Burnett’s letter to STC, 230–1; letters to STC in London unopened, 230–1; advice to STC, 256; visits STC in London, 256; on Morgans’ hospitality to STC, 263; Shelley meets, 293, 456n; and STC’s quarrel with Wordsworth, 300; and STC’s report on popular unrest after Perceval murder, 309; reactionary Toryism, 310; and university education of STC’s sons, 317; finances, 328; STC borrows from, 329; and production of STC’s Remorse, 336, 338; and false report of STC’s suicide, 340; doubts on STC’s plans, 341; refuses to support annuity for STC, 356, 358; attacks STC’s opium addiction, 358–9; generosity to STC’s children, 359; and STC’s agreement with Murray, 366; reputation, 370; categorized as Lake poet, 377; in Biographia Literaria, 381, 396; disapproves of Hartley’s visit to STC at Calne, 385–6; combines wholeness with creative pleasure, 387; supports STC’s family, 415; on STC�
�s retreat to Highgate, 433, 452; payments from Murray, 437; dependability, 445; offers supportive review of Biographia Literaria, 446; STC sends second Lay Sermon to, 448; believes in mermaids, 497; informed of Hartley’s dismissal from Oriel, 514; STC cites in appeal to Oriel, 516; fails to accommodate Hartley, 532; as political reactionary, 546; “The Curse of the Kehema”, 210, 246; History of Brazil, 78, 198; Roderick, 369
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