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Disturbing the Peace: Blue Line Book Four (Blue Line Series 4)

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by Brandy Ayers

  Might as well rip that off too.

  It barely took any effort to shred the flimsy thing He slipped two fingers under the meeting of the strings at the small of her back, and pulled. The fabric stretched as it pressed against her pussy. He yanked and it fell away with barely a whisper.

  “Don’t forget to add that to your repayment.”

  The corners of his mouth tilted up. “Yes, ma’am. I best get started since I have a large debt to repay.”

  Justice fell to his knees behind her. Gripping her lush thighs, he spread her legs wide. Ana started to stand, but he put one hand against her back, forcing her back into her prone position. “Don’t move.”

  Not waiting for the protest he had no doubt she formed at that moment, Justice dove face first between her spread legs and licked from clit to just before her tight back hole. “Fuck, woman, you taste incredible.” Still not letting her get a word out, Justice went back in for seconds, this time not coming up for air. He used every trick in his book. Sucked on her clit. Shoved his tongue into her sopping opening. Circled her asshole with his thumb on one hand and pressed two fingers into her pussy with the other, sawing them in and out as he pressed more firmly against her back entrance. Ana writhed and screamed and sobbed out one orgasm after another. And all the time she begged for more and more.

  Doing his best to ignore his throbbing cock, Justice worked Ana over until her juices ran down her thighs, then he licked them clean and started all over again. Finally, she reached down and pushed his head away. “I don’t think I’ve ever said this before, but I need a break. Now it’s your turn. Where’s the bedroom?”

  Justice stood to his full height. He didn’t tower over Ana as he did most women. With the heels, she was almost even with him. Without them, he thought she would be only a few inches shorter. She turned, her chest heaving with the aftereffects of the multiple orgasms he had given her, and his gut tightened with an unknown emotion.

  This woman was the physical embodiment of everything he had ever dreamed of. The hair that had been tamed into smooth waves at the bar, now a halo of crazy curls that framed her face after the high-speed bike ride. Dark eyes the color of coffee sparked with intelligence and lust. He wouldn’t call her skinny or even thin; those words suggested weakness to him. No, this woman standing before him naked except for those sinful heels was strong. Lean. He bet she could give him a run for his money on the endurance front. A four-pack softened into the delicate curve of her lower stomach. A tiny waist widened to hips he could grab a hold of. She was toned without losing any of her femininity. Her plump tits sat high on her chest, needing no support to cut the perfect figure under her clothes.

  She stood before him totally comfortable with her nakedness and completely blowing his mind in every way. He gripped her waist and pulled her flush against him. “Right this way.”

  As they stumbled back toward his bedroom, Ana deftly stripped the clothes from his body. Each delicate brush of her fingers against his skin ramped up his arousal to the point he thought premature ejaculation might be a problem for him for the first time since losing his virginity at sixteen.

  Once in his room, Ana shoved him back onto the large bed he’d splurged his entire first paycheck on, and crawled between his legs. No way would he miss a minute of whatever she had planned. Justice propped himself on his elbows, and his gaze clashed with hers, a sassy mischief glinting in her eyes as she took him fully into her mouth in one swoop.

  “Fuck.” The heat of her mouth nearly had him blowing his lid and embarrassing the shit out of himself. Desperate to extend this unearthly pleasure, Justice recited the crime stats for Middleburg from the last month in his head. Two sexual assaults, five aggravated assaults, twelve simple assaults, seventeen robberies— four of them armed.

  Abruptly, every mind-blowing sensation in his dick halted.

  “What are you doing? Where did you just go?”

  “I’m trying not to come after two minutes like a teenager.”

  A smug grin pushed Ana’s already prominent cheeks higher. “How’s your recovery time?”

  “Normally? About five minutes. With you? I don’t think I’ll need it at all.” Air seemed to be stubbornly refusing to fill his lungs, leaving him dizzy and disoriented with lust.

  “Then let go. I want to taste your cum on my tongue as you lose control. You don’t have to hold back with me.” Without another word Ana went back to her single-minded goal of making him lose his damn mind.

  The head of his cock bumped against the entrance to her throat before she swallowed and took him deeper than any other woman had. A roar clawed its way out between his teeth, and he gripped her hair in both his fists. He couldn’t be sure if it was him fucking her mouth, or her fucking him with her mouth, but either way, it was the single most transcendent sexual experience of his life. He didn’t just see stars, he saw solar systems. Whole galaxies.

  One of her hands cupped his balls, alternately tugging on them, then caressing. The other hand gripped the two inches of his cock that she couldn’t fit in her mouth and, aided with the mixture of saliva and pre-cum escaping her mouth, stroked him to a near frenzy.

  Every muscle in his body clenched as his climax bore down on him like a freight train. His balls tightened close to his body, and in response, Ana pressed the pads of her fingers against the spot behind them. As if she had pressed an invisible trigger, Justice lost all ability to control himself. He held her head still as he thrust up into her mouth, and thick ropes of his cum shot down her throat. The ability to see completely left him, and instead, blackness swarmed behind his eyes. The most powerful orgasm of his life left him feeling wrecked. Slowly it ebbed away, and he collapsed back against the pillows. Ana’s soft tongue lapped at his half-hard cock, cleaning every bit of his essence.

  By degrees he came back to himself, immediately fearing that he had gone too far, been too rough. Gently, he stroked the hair back from Ana’s face, a pang of regret hitting him square in the chest as he took in the tracks of black mascara staining her cheeks from the tears that must have been streaming down her face.

  “Fuck. I’m so sorry, Ana.”

  She looked up at him with surprise. “For what? That was amazing.”

  He thumbed at the streaks of makeup on her face. “I made you cry. I thought I hurt you.”

  “God. You’re a sweet thing.” Ana sat up, straddling his upper thighs, her hand tenderly stroking his oversensitized cock. “I don’t care who you are. Even the most seasoned of porn stars are going to have their eyes water when they’ve been face fucked like that. Doesn’t mean I didn’t like it. I loved it, actually. You have nothing to apologize for. But the concern is sweet. Thank you. Not all guys would give a shit.”

  Her frank words, along with the gentle attention she showed his dick, slowly brought it back to life. Not only recovered, but ravenous for her again.

  “Damn, that really didn’t take long.” Ana laughed to herself, seeming fascinated by his quick turnaround. “Maybe there is something to be said about younger men.”

  “I’m not that much younger.” He stroked her legs, sweeping his hands over her inner thighs on each upsweep. With each pass, he brought the tips of his fingers closer and closer to her core but didn’t touch her yet. She began to writhe on top of him, her breathing becoming erratic.

  “We are so not talking about our age.” Ana rose up on her knees, captured Justice’s hands in hers, and pinned them over his head.

  If he had wanted to, Justice could have easily broken the hold, but he found he didn’t mind relinquishing a little bit of control to the awe-inspiring woman positioning his cock at her opening.

  Slowly, she sank down onto his length, and before she took more than an inch or two into her body, she lifted back up again until he almost fell from her folds. But before he did, she lowered once more, taking another inch into her. She repeated the slow, torturous descent of her body on his cock until their hips locked together, the base of his cock snuggly fitting agains
t the lips of her pussy.

  She moved her hands from his wrists to his chest, using it to steady herself as she started to move up his length once more. Before she got far, he gripped her hips and held her still, pressing his hips up slightly, seating himself even deeper inside her tight body. Ana gasped and ground down on him, rubbing her clit against the base of his cock. Shifting his hold on her, he pressed one hand to the small of her back and the other firmly against her lower stomach.

  “Open your eyes.” The low, rough tenor of his voice surprised him. It held more emotion than he had intended. Justice held no misconception about what tonight was for the sassy, sexy woman he met in the bar only hours ago. He knew this would be a one-night stand. Didn’t mean he had to like it. But if he never saw her again, he would make sure Ana never forgot the feel of him stretching her body.

  Her eyelids slid open, though still hooded with her climbing desire. Increasing the pressure of his hand against her belly, he felt it from the inside as well and thanked the gods he had already come once. The tight walls of her pussy already molded around his throbbing cock, but with his hand pushing down from the outside, the tightness became almost too much. Apparently Ana agreed, because her body tried to buck and squirm under his hands, trying desperately to find a release.

  “You feel my cock deep inside your hot little body?”

  Ana bit her lip, whimpering and whining with need. He planted his feet on the mattress and punched his hips up once, hitting a spot inside her that made her squeal.

  “You feel how perfectly your cunt was made for me?”

  Her nails clawed at the skin of his chest as she nodded again.

  “Every time you touch yourself from this day on, it is going to be to thoughts of me filling your pussy to the brim.” He lowered his hips, then thrust back into her, never lessening the pressure on her belly so that every time he entered her, the tip of his cock scraped against her inner walls and made her scream.

  Done with words, Justice moved her in sync with his own thrusts from below. The sway and bounce of her tits as she rode him would forever be burned into his memory. The smooth satin of her skin shone as he regretfully relinquished his hold on her stomach to tweak and twist her dark nipples in his fingers.

  The wet slap of their bodies crashing together nearly drove him mad. With the added attention to her breasts, Ana soon splintered apart, screaming and moaning as she rode him in a frenzy. She collapsed on top of him, her hips still moving involuntarily.

  “Holy shit.” She struggled to catch her breath. “I can’t remember the last time I came that hard.”

  “Don’t worry. You haven’t seen anything yet.”

  Her head popped up, eyes wide with shock. “You didn’t come?”

  “Not yet. I’m not near done with you.” With that, Justice flipped them over, thrusting into her hard as she moaned and stared at him with disbelief. “We’re just getting started, baby.”


  Justice squinted as the daylight streamed through his windows. Normally, he welcomed the bright sun in the morning, preferring to wake from its rays pouring in through his large windows more than a blaring alarm. But at that moment, all he wanted was for the sun to go away and give him more time with the mysterious Ana.

  Rolling over, he stretched his hand out to pull her back into his arms. He’d discovered she was a restless sleeper. Each time they passed out after another round of gasping orgasms, she would be snuggled deep in his arms. But when he would rouse, the urge to join with her body too strong for even sleep to keep him away, she would be starfished on the bed beside him, her limbs thrown in every direction. It was fucking adorable, a word he hadn’t thought to assign to her before seeing her deep in the throes of sleep.

  His searching hand came up empty. His heart raced and he sprung up, the blanket pooling at his feet.

  Gone. She was gone. He stalked through each room, though he knew without a doubt the woman who had rocked his world in every way had disappeared while he slept.

  Finally rounding the corner into the kitchen, he stopped dead in his tracks when his eyes landed on the small scrap of paper in the exact spot on the island where he had bent her over and ate her pussy from behind.

  Two simple words, written in neat, straight lines, tore a chasm inside his chest he feared would never fully close again.

  Thank you.

  Chapter Three


  Three Weeks Later

  “What the fuck is it going to take to get these assholes to talk?” Luke bellowed, his anger vibrating inside the small office.

  Ana had only just arrived after the hour drive from Pittsburgh to her new place of employment for the foreseeable future. Even so, it didn’t take long for her friend and former classmate to get down to business. “I don’t think it is a matter of getting them to talk. I honestly think they have told you everything they know.”

  Luke chucked the pen he had been gripping in his hand across the room.

  “The fact is, Artiga is a smart fucker. It isn’t often we run across smart criminals, but that is just the case here. We must stop investigating him as we would any other dealer off the street. We need to find a new approach.”

  Over the past few weeks, since they interviewed Richard Artiga’s sister in the hospital, the investigation had stalled. It didn’t help that Ana had been able to come up to help only on a sporadic basis. But now that all her duties in Pittsburgh were wrapped up, she was officially the detective on loan to Middleburg PD. Hopefully, now that she would be on the case full-time, they would be able to catch a break.

  “The Chief is not happy that we aren’t getting anywhere.”

  “No offense, but fuck the Chief. You are the chief now. He took off with one of our witnesses to God knows where.” Ana didn’t even try to hide her disdain for the former Chief Gallo. He might not have relinquished his title permanently, but as far as she was concerned, he should have. “If he wants this case solved, tell him to get both their asses out here and help.”

  Luke ignored her little tirade. For some reason, the current acting chief still held out a loyalty to the man who had abandoned his department. A small sliver of guilt worked its way into Ana’s chest. She wasn’t abandoning her department though. She was simply on loan until everything back at home settled down.

  Thankfully, her night rolling in the hay with Justice had gone a long way to helping her forget Derek. Turned out, sex she had experienced with her ex wasn’t the be-all and end-all of pleasure. Instead, she now wondered if the stranger from a bar would be the last truly fantastic sex she ever had. Almost a month later, and she still felt the imprint of him inside her, though she knew it was simply the ghost of a memory.

  “Ana, we’ve picked up four suspects in the past three weeks, and not a damn bit of good has come from it.” Luke paced behind his desk, frustration written plain as day on his features. “We have a contract killer who claims not to know shit, and three low-level dealers who definitely don’t know shit. My guys are damn near dropping dead on their feet from the hours they’re putting in because the damn city council won’t approve enough money to hire more bodies. And now I have to go out there and tell the same bunch of guys that despite all their hard work, they are no closer to finding the man that we damn well know is responsible for all the problems our town has seen over the past two years.”

  The door to his cramped office opened, and Luke’s very cute, and pregnant, fiancé waltzed in. Ana liked to think of herself as fiercely independent. She didn’t need a relationship or a man to define her. But seeing Luke and Sophie together caused a pinching deep in her chest. The whole debacle with her ex had proved one thing to her. She might not need a relationship, but she liked having one. So many years of her twenties had been focused on building her career, she never even thought about what she might be missing out on. But the months she’d been with Derek had been nice. Before the whole cheating thing. Having someone to talk with, to sleep next to. It had fed something inside
her she had ignored for far too long.

  “Hey, honey, the guys are all in the briefing room.” Sophie came over to rub Luke’s neck, having to rise up slightly on her tiptoes to make up for their height difference. “You’ll get them, Luke. If there is one thing I know, it is that.”

  Just as Luke lowered his mouth toward his fiancé, Ana diverted her attention to the file in her hand, embarrassed to be witnessing this amazing couple’s private moment. The two whispered words to each other between kisses before they seemed to realize Ana was still in the room.

  “Okay, let’s go introduce you to the guys.” The door clicked closed behind Sophie and Ana turned back to her friend. “There are a few guys who have been more involved with the case that I’ll assign for you to use in any way you please. I asked them to meet us in the pen before I introduce you to the whole crew. Just prepare yourself for Officer Wright. He’s a smart-ass.”

  Ana smirked. “I’m sure I can handle anything you throw at me.”

  “Remember you said that after you want to strangle him for the first time.” Luke picked up several files from his desk, then whipped open the office door, holding it open for her.

  An unexpected rush of nervous nausea swept through her, throwing her off balance for a moment. She placed her palm against the smooth wall with her eyes shut tight to gather her equilibrium. Ana wasn’t prone to fits of self-doubt. She knew how to do her job and do it well. But there was no doubt in her mind that some of the men at the Middleburg Police Department would not be happy to have a female detective from the city encroaching on their territory.

  Just as she collected herself, one voice sent her spinning off her axis again. “Ana?”

  That smooth bass rolled over her skin. It may have been only one night a month ago, but she would never forget the filthy words he’d muttered while pumping into her body or the whispered conversations they’d shared between bouts of sexual ecstasy. But it couldn’t possibly be him, not here.


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