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Between the Sheets

Page 4

by Bella Emy

  I’m left here not knowing where I have left off. Was I washing my hair or my legs? I don’t have a fucking clue.

  All I can think about is Derek walking in on me.

  Derek with the perfect washboard abs.

  Derek shirtless in only extremely revealing sweats.

  Derek with his erect cock pointed in my direction in all his gorgeous glory.

  Fuck, this sucks. This is Derek we are talking about… my best friend’s twin brother. I need to stop. I need to go out and find someone to get him completely out of my system. I turn my head up toward the stream of the shower and let the water splash on my face.



  I take my ass out of the bathroom and go into the kitchen to see what’s left from the night before to munch on. I chuckle to myself, grabbing the orange juice out of the fridge as I think of how cute Ellie looked, all red in the face.

  Cute and sexy.

  And if I’m not mistaken, she had a burning desire in her eyes screaming lust for me. Yeah, right. That’s all in my imagination. I’m nothing she wants or even thinks about. She’s got to be the only chick I know not to want to spend a night of pure bliss with me. Ellie likes good guys and that’s so not me. I’m known for being an asshole.

  But still, that body is on fire. It needs me. Even though the shower door blurred out her amazing features, it was enough to let me see exactly how she looked naked. I had already known I wanted her. But now? Now, I really have to have her.

  I leave the kitchen, but before I can start heading toward my room, I turn my head in the direction of the bathroom Ellie was currently occupying. I strain to listen and hear the shower water still on. Mmm, she must still be showering.

  Naked and wet.

  God, I want to fuck her so badly. I don’t remember the last time I have ever wanted a chick this much before. I’ve never had to work hard at getting pussy. Usually, it’s thrown my way without me even trying. Chicks love me. Chicks adore me. They can’t resist my irresistible charm. Maybe it’s my dimpled smile that drives them up the wall? Maybe it’s my lustful stare that makes them wild? Maybe it’s the way I lick my full lips as I remove my shirt, revealing my godlike body?

  Well, whatever. All I know is that it’s definitely my amazing cock and the way I work their bodies over, making them constantly beg for more. They always want the big D from Big D. D Man. That’s me. I deliver and aim to please. I make their pussies wet with just one look.

  It reeks of sex in my room. I smile to myself but decide I’d best clean up a little before showering. When I’m done, I grab my light blue towel and walk into the bathroom closest to my room. I pull my sweatpants off and throw them on the ground to my right. I look down and see my cock still erect and ready to go. I grab it and give it the attention it deserves by stroking it a few times. I squeeze and imagine it is Ellie’s hand on it.

  Whoa! Hang on, boy! Let’s do this the right way, I think to myself.

  I’m so fucking horny I could ram my shit through a brick wall and still keep going. I turn on the water and step inside. As I lean my head back and allow the warm temperature to run onto my face and down my body, I imagine once again how Ellie looked all naked and perfect. I wish the glass wasn’t blurred so that I could see exactly how her tits look.

  How round and luscious they are.

  How the goosebumps form on them when she’s cold.

  How her nipples harden as I’m placing hot kisses on her neck.

  How her flesh tingles with each touch and caress I give her…

  As my mind has been busy picturing all of this, I hadn’t realized I had once again begun stroking my cock.

  I tighten the hold on my throbbing, aching cock, and smile. Too bad I won’t be home with her later tonight to keep her body warm while the blizzard is going to be coming down.

  Fuck, who am I kidding? Ellie is the only girl I can’t have, and yet, she’s the only one I want.

  I have a date with Christy, or is it Charlotte? Whatever, who the fuck cares? I’m going to be spending my night with the girl I had brought home about a week ago.

  No, I don’t normally sleep with the same girl more than once. Twice if it’s especially good, and since Caity is pretty amazing in the sack, she’ll do just fine. Plus, while I bone her, I’ll picture Ellie’s naked body riding me hard. Now I kind of know how those perfect tits and sweet pussy look like. God, to feel her grinding on top of me…

  Mmmmm. I squeeze my dick again and can already feel like I need to release. I’d better take care of this situation before I make a fool out of myself with Cindy tonight.

  I chuckle to myself thinking how if I really want Ellie, I know I can have her. Sure, I’m not what she usually goes for, but I just know I can make her give in and forget the wall she has put up against guys like me. If I try hard enough, I know she’ll let me taste her. I mean, look at me. I’m King D. I never have a problem getting women to cum all over themselves from just one look at me pulling my shirt off. They love me. But am I willing to cross that line? Lauren would kill me. I don’t want a relationship with Ellie. I don’t do relationships anymore. I just want to bend her over repeatedly for one night.

  That’s the way it has been for me for a while now. Even back in college when I had so desperately wanted Candy Corbin. I slept with her, of course. After I had gone up to her and we started talking, she had practically spread her legs wide open for me, begging. And I had given it to her so good. Hell, she’s the one who had nicknamed me Big D. Well, technically, she called me King of Arrogance… wasn’t that something? Then, it got personalized to King D, which I prefer, because well, I’ve got the most amazing dick for all these hoes.

  Anyway, after Candy and I finally fucked, just as I had expected, she had become clingy. That part I didn’t see coming, but I should have known. All the chicks I bone get clingy right after. It’s like my dick is cursed! One night of pure pleasure and bliss from Big D and all the chicks come running back for more. I had to cut Candy off, though. As hot as she was, she was just as crazy.

  Crazy for Big D’s big D.

  I shudder. I need to get Candy off my mind. I picture Ellie again as she looked naked in the shower and God damn, I pump my cock faster and faster in my hand. Grabbing onto the tile wall for support, I throw my head back in pleasure. My eyes shut close and here comes the explosion. Fuck, that felt good.

  Somehow, I manage to finish showering. That orgasm had been quite a load.

  Thank you, Ellie.

  Picturing her beautiful naked body definitely helped me release some frustration.

  After I’m done pleasing myself in the shower–damn, it only took about ten seconds of picturing Ellie playing with herself on my bed–I wash off. I step out of the shower and grab a towel from the rack. I wrap it around my waist and look at my reflection in the mirror above the sink.

  “Good afternoon, King D,” I say and smile to myself. Today is going to be a good day. Snow and all, I’ll be spending the night getting some. I know I’m going to need it. Jerking off to Ellie’s image is going to last me only so long before I want more.

  And that’s the thing. I always want more sex. Maybe it’s because I’ve never had Ellie. But something about her makes me completely insane. Fuck, I want to make her scream.

  But what would Lauren do if I were to bang her best friend? Lauren and Ellie have been so close since like the fifth grade. Ellie has always been around.

  Yep. Lauren will definitely murder me if I do anything with Ellie.

  My sister and I have always been close. Of course, we joke around and pretend like we can’t stand one another, but come on. We’re twins. We shared the womb–womb mates–for nine months. Well, technically, eight and a half months. Mom gave birth to us a few weeks early.

  I have been there for Lauren through her first knee scrapes from falling off her bike to her ton of shares of heartbreaks. I had even beat up one of her now ex-boyfriends back when we were in high school. They had broken up because s
he refused to sleep with him. My sister was one of the good girls, at fifteen, one of the rare ones who was still a virgin. Most of the girls at our school were sluts. But not Lauren. She has always been respectable and too good for most guys, if you ask me. Anyway, “old boyfriend” went around spreading rumors about her saying how she put out on their first date. He had called her a whore and all types of slutty insults to his loser friends. Lucky for him, he didn’t go to our school. I would have fucked them all up repeatedly for my sister.

  Well, that was the last time my sister’s name ever came out of his mouth again, because with just one upper cut to his face, I broke his jaw.

  So, like I said, Lauren and I have always been tight. And even though we don’t go back and forth telling it to each other, we love one another very much. She’s like my other half. Again, womb mates.

  But just as she is close to me, I know she’s close to Ellie. I just have to accept and realize that Ellie is off the table for me. She’s the one I’m never going to be able to please.

  Thank God I have a million other girls I can screw when I’m horny. Starting with Casey tonight. Or is it Celia? Whatever. Doesn’t really matter. Pussy is pussy, and they are all so lucky Big D’s going to give them some big D.

  I shake my head back and forth chuckling to myself and commence making my way right into my bedroom. I close the door behind me and begin getting dressed. It’s still early in the day, but if I want to make it to Christina’s house before the weather makes it too damn difficult to travel, I’d better leave soon. She doesn’t live too far, so that’s a bonus.

  When I helped Lauren bring her luggage downstairs, there was already a shitload of snow covering the ground. They haven’t started plowing yet, but fuck, this weather is not going to ruin my plans. I’m so getting some pussy tonight.

  It’s just a real pity for Ellie. I feel so bad that she’ll never know what she’s missing because she’ll never get to have her share of King D. I frown, but then catch my reflection in the mirror hanging on the back of my closet door. Damn, I look good.

  I smile at myself again. Time to get dressed and head out before this storm gets so bad that I won’t be able to get my Nissan out of the parking spot.

  By the time I’m dressed in my jeans and hoodie, and I’m lacing up my boots, I hear Ellie moving about in her room. I’d so love to see if she’s still naked, but I doubt it. She’s probably dressed by now.

  A man can dream, can’t he?

  I grab my keys from the counter, and before I’m out the door, I yell out to her. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Ellie. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me.”

  I wait a second and then I hear, “okay,” coming from behind her door.

  I smile. She’s got the sweetest voice. I would love to hear how she’d sound whispering my name in my ear. That or screaming in ecstasy as I’m pounding into her…

  Damn, I need to get laid. Hopefully Cheryl can get Ellie off my mind for a bit. I need to fuck her out of my system.



  I peek my head out of my room just in time to see the door close behind Derek as he leaves. Good. At least there won’t be any tension here today. He can go on his merry way while I rot and do absolutely nothing in this house.

  Where the hell am I even supposed to go in subzero weather as the snow comes down? There is literally nothing to do around here on a normal sunny day. Forget about when it snows. The situation is helpless. Guess I’ll just lie around and be a total bum watching TV.

  I’m still so embarrassed, though. How could he have seen me naked? I pray to God he’ll soon forget my image in his head, but I know that’s highly unlikely. Derek is a guy and a God damn horn-dog at that. Even if he’s not at all attracted to me, I know it doesn’t matter. I’m still a woman, and he saw me naked. That would be enough for him.

  A bit of relief washes over me as I hear the click of the front door lock shut. I’ll be needing some time to myself to get over this mortification. I hope by the next time I see Derek tomorrow he’ll have forgotten all about me. Since you know, we can’t fuck.

  Suddenly, the image of his erect cock comes flooding into my brain. And what was it that he had asked me? Could he join me in the shower? Was he serious? Damn, I need to get the whole incident–as well as Derek’s cock–out of my mind.

  But fuck, I really do need to get laid some time soon. I know I’ve never been the type of girl before to just go around screwing guys I’m not dating, but what’s the point anymore? It only ever ends with the guy cheating on me. Maybe something is wrong with me. Maybe I’m a terrible lay.

  I haven’t had sex in months, even when I was with Shaun. That should have been the first sign that he had been cheating on me. But the first thing I had noticed were his Facebook messages to Trish. Why had he even been talking to his ex? They weren’t incriminating messages, just talks of work and family, so even though I was suspicious, I thought they were harmless. I guess they left all the naughty messages and pictures for their text messages on their phones. I was hoping after giving him so many years of my life that it was actually going somewhere. I really thought we’d be getting engaged and married, but no. He’d been screwing around.

  Fuck, are all guys players? I know for sure Derek is, the way he’s always with a different girl. How the hell does he even find so many women in such a short amount of time? Doesn’t he want to get to know any of them before he sleeps with them? I guess not. But then again, now I understand how it is because I have no intention of being seriously involved with anyone for a while. At least I have a reason to hate all men and not want to be in a relationship with any of them. But what the fuck is Derek’s reasoning for being such a skanky hoe?

  I let out a long, drawn out sigh. What in the world am I going to do today? It’s going to be a blizzard out there, meaning I’m stuck in this house. With no boyfriend and no best friend around, this is going to be a long day. I mean, not even Derek is here to keep me entertained with his smart remarks and inappropriate comments.

  And his sexy good looks.

  Fuck, man. What is it about him?

  Maybe I’ll get some good reading in. Or maybe I’ll watch a few horror movies and order some pizza before it gets so bad out there that they won’t even deliver. I’d better order two large pies and freeze whatever’s left over in case I get stuck in here again tomorrow.

  Lord knows I can’t cook to save my life. I had never inherited my Grams’s amazing cooking skills. My mom thankfully had, and she could cook anything damn well. Still, nothing compares to Grams’s festive meals that she’d always make around the holidays.

  Speaking of holidays, that was probably the last time I had been over to visit my family. I would need to take a trip over there, maybe after the blizzard, and see how they are doing. Grams has been ill for a little while now, but there haven’t been any changes in her condition. She’s been having heart problems for a really long time, but I’m not sure how much time she’s got left. I need to go see her soon.

  I’m really not looking forward to getting into the Shaun talk, but of course, it’s going to come up. Mom has never really liked Shaun, and I could never figure out why before. She would just tell me something about him seemed off. I guess she had been right all along. And that’s the thing about my mom; she’s always right. Most of the time it kills me to admit it, but this time, it’s whatever. Shaun doesn’t deserve me to defend him. He deserves all the bad talks that will come after what he did to me.


  I finish getting dressed and begin drying my hair. Once it’s half-dried, I pull it back into a high pony tail. I’m wearing a pink hoodie with black yoga pants, and I don’t even bother applying any makeup. I have no one to impress and will be spending the day all alone with a good book, pizza, movies, and possibly a tub of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. I hope there’s still some left in the freezer. Right now, I really just need coffee, though.

  I shrug and make my way toward the kitc
hen and begin brewing a cup of coffee. Fuck, I need the caffeine, even though it’s already after lunchtime. I have absolutely zero appetite, but I always want coffee. I have a damn headache, and I’m hoping the caffeine will help some.

  I grab a white Christmas themed mug out of the cupboard above the sink. Fuck, man. Lauren and her Christmas spirit. She had replaced all the normal items with holiday themed shit. This sucks.

  Whatever. It’ll have to do.

  I know I’m going to be hungry later, so I decide to raid the kitchen. Opening up the freezer door, I scan over the items: frozen veggies, ice, and Bingo! Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.

  “Mmmmmm, you and I will be having a date later,” I say with a devilish grin then close the freezer door.

  I open the bottom door and peer inside to see some bottles of beer and almost a full bottle of wine sitting on the top shelf. “Oh, shit just keeps getting better and better!” I mean, what else is there to do on a day like today?

  I close the fridge and leave the kitchen with my cup of coffee, making my way into the living room. Before I have a chance to plop my ass down onto the couch, I walk over to the three large windows in the middle of the room. Pulling back the curtains, I gaze outside to see the storm in full effect. There is probably already about five inches of snow on the ground.

  “Fuck, I’d better order that pizza for later soon or I’ll be screwed. Not like there is a ton of stuff in the fridge.”

  I plop down on the couch and take my first sip. The hot beverage tastes so good going down. I reach into the side of my Yoga pants–because not having any pockets, I always stick my phone on the side of my pants–but realize I left it on the counter in the kitchen. Fuck!

  I place the cup on the coffee table in front of me and march my ass back toward the kitchen. My kitchen. Whatever. This is my home for now until I decide to take my ass back to the apartment Shaun and I used to share. That’s the last place I want to be, but I guess I will need to go face the music soon. Again, I need to bleach those counters.


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