Book Read Free

Between the Sheets

Page 19

by Bella Emy

  She’s sitting at a table with about three other girls, and they’re talking probably about some guy they all screwed, laughing at his expense. She pushes her wavy long golden blonde hair back with her right hand. Her blue eyes shimmer even in this low lighting. I’m sure at any other time, I would have found her more attractive.

  Suddenly, she spots me looking at her, and when she realizes who I am, she smiles at me and winks.

  Wait, is it even possible that she remembers me? I haven’t seen her in years, and we had only seen one another twice. Well, I’m sure that day in the closet and the time after that I had made a damn good impression on her. I had always wanted to call her back for another go, but I never did because of Lauren.

  Damn, once again, I stopped myself from seeing a chick because of my sister. I really need to find other women I’m into that don’t know my sister.

  I wink back and turn my chin up at her. If she comes over, it’s on. Natasha hasn’t been able to keep my mind off Ellie, so maybe Gina will.

  She tilts her head to the right, her friends still in their own world. She looks around with those shimmering blue eyes and gets up from her seat. She whispers something to one of her friends, a brunette, who then looks at me and smiles. I can only imagine what she’s told her. Maybe she already said she’s going to be leaving with me. Damn, I hope so. I need to fuck, and I’ll take her to help me forget all about Lauren’s best friend.

  As she begins walking over to the bar where I’m sitting, I can feel my cock start to harden. Okay, so maybe she is as cute as I remembered. That or I’m just a horny bastard, and an asshole right now. But I’m doing Ellie a favor, aren’t I? I don’t want to end up hurting her.

  Gina walks over slowly. She has an amazing body with a great rack and curves for days. Her skinny jeans hug her hips. You know a woman has a nice round booty when you can tell from the front. I lick my lips and think back to the last time I had her turned out. Fuck, I’m ready for another go.

  I throw back the last gulp of beer just as she walks up to me.

  “Derek Mykels,” she says in her sexy voice. Apparently, I had forgotten exactly how she cute was.

  “Gina. Join me, gorgeous,” I say more so than ask.

  Her eyes widen and her brows furrow. “Wow, I’m shocked you even remember my name.” She takes a seat next to me as Gage starts making his way back over to us.

  “Oh, I remember more than just your name, sweetheart,” I say.

  She giggles. “Is that so?”

  “Hell yeah, sexy.”

  “What can I get for you, sugar?” Gage asks, the flirt. He better back off. Gina’s mine tonight. I’m on a mission to bone as many chicks as need be to forget about the one who I can’t seem to forget about. But I will. For both of our sake. And why the fuck not start with gorgeous Gina?

  She looks at Gage, but she’s talking to me. “I don’t know… what’ll I have, D?”

  As I lean in closer to her ear, I get a whiff of her amazing scent. I lick my lips and whisper in her ear, “Me, inside of your tight wet pussy, all night long, making you cum over and over again.”

  She shifts in her seat. I can tell that’s done a number on her already. Her pussy is probably already dripping. I want to touch her.

  Gage waits for her response, but he knows the deal already. He knows how I roll, and he’s chuckling, probably imaging the things I’ve said to her.

  Gina gets up and says, “Thanks, Gage. But I think D and I are ready to head on home.” She turns to face me and my usual devilish smirk forms on my face.

  Gage chuckles. “Alright. See you folks again soon.”

  I get up from my stool and place an arm around her. “Night, Gage.”

  “Don’t be a stranger,” he responds, walking over to attend to another customer.

  “Come, sweetheart. Let me take you home,” I say.

  I’m back in my car by four a.m. Gina had been just as amazing as she had been years ago, but after we finished fucking, she came out and told me that her fiancé would be home any moment, and I needed to get the fuck out.

  It’s cool. At least I don’t have to worry about her catching feelings, but damn, this bitch could have gotten me killed or something. Honestly, I don’t think another man could fuck me up, I can definitely hold my own, but why fuck me if you’ve already got a man?

  I know why. Because no woman in her right state of mind can resist King D. Of course, she had wanted to fuck me. She remembered exactly how I tore her pussy up the last time we boned. She had to have herself another taste.

  Well, now that I got laid again, I can go home and get some sleep. And not think about Ellie.

  Sweet, beautiful Ellie.

  Yeah, right. Ellie is still haunting me. Fuck. Not even screwing other chicks has helped me to forget about her. You’d think I had learned my lesson the first thirty fucks. But seriously, what the hell am I going to do?



  I can’t believe how quickly the last few weeks have flown by. Maybe it’s because I’ve been so busy helping Lauren with wedding preparations as well as getting everything ready for Derek’s big surprise party… which just so happens to be tonight.

  He knows they’re going to be celebrating his birthday, but he only thinks it’s going to be Lauren, Kev, and possibly Danny. He has no idea she’s setting up a party for him with a ton of people or that I’m even going to be here for it. He thinks I’m going to be away visiting my mom. I do plan on doing that, of course. It’s been a little bit since I’ve last seen her, but I’m not leaving ‘til tomorrow. I can’t imagine missing Derek’s party.

  Okay, so yeah, of course all that has kept me plenty busy, but there’s also one little minor detail I haven’t mentioned.

  Just as Derek had said from the first day Lauren signed me up, I was pretty popular on that dating site. I got messages from guys all day long, every single day. At first, I didn’t bother responding back, but once I got desperate to find someone to get D off my mind, I dove in.

  Why is it that when you want someone, it seems as though they never want you? God, I swear it happens more times than it should. It’s fucking irritating.

  Anyway, I dated a few guys that I met on the app, but we’d never get past the first date. Dating sucks. I can’t find anyone who comes close or even compares to Derek. Or maybe dating doesn’t suck, and I just want what I want, or rather, in this case, whom. And that’s where I think my problem lies: I compare everyone to D.

  I let out a breath and continue hanging the decorations around the living room. I grab the last piece of colorful streamers and tape them to the wall near the windows. If all goes according to plan tonight, D will be home around seven. Lauren had called him this afternoon and told him to make sure he gets here on time because she hates waiting. He has no idea it’s for his surprise.

  “Make sure you don’t get here late, we have dinner reservations,” Lauren had said into her phone as I cleaned the kitchen. She was in a white T-shirt and black stretchy pants with her hair swept up into a tight bun, dusting the living room. We had some cleaning to do before the guests would arrive tonight, wanting to make sure the place looked presentable. Granted, it was never really dirty, but sometimes we’d leave a few odds and ends around, along with a couple of dirty dishes in the sink. And Lauren is a clean freak. Oops. She’ll dust and mop over where I’ve already dusted and mopped just to be sure we haven’t missed a spot. Forget about it now that we have people coming over… it needs to be beyond spotless for her to relax.

  I turn to face her, and she quietly chuckles so that he won’t hear her. She brings a finger up to her lips, shushing me as she places the call on speaker.

  “Just you, Kev, and Danny?” I hear his voice come through on the line, and automatically, the butterflies in my stomach go rampant. Fuck, is he always so damn sexy, even through the phone? His voice alone can do a number on me. I’m fucking pathetic.

  “Yeah. But, oh who the fuck cares? Just make sure you get
here on time,” Lauren scolds him.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be there. I’ll probably see if some other people wanna come.”

  Lauren’s face lights up as she mouths the word, “Perfect.” I know she feels this way because she wants me to meet someone nice and sweet. I didn’t know if any of D’s friends were, but I guess it didn’t hurt to meet new people, right? All the guys on the dating site had been asses so far. I couldn’t wait to close out my account and be done with it, but not before finding someone to make me forget D.

  “Fine, whatever. Bring more of your boys. The more the merrier. Anyways, I’ll see you later. 7 p.m., D! Seven! You hear me?” she bellows.

  “Yes, Sis. Eight. Got it.” He chuckles, knowing just how to get under his sister’s skin. I can’t help myself and giggle quietly.

  Lauren flashes me a look, sending daggers my way. “D! I’m going to kill you, you son of a–”

  “I’m kidding, Laur. Chill. Seven. No later. Bye,” Derek’s smooth and sultry voice comes through the speaker once more.

  Did I mention how hot he sounded?

  “Bye,” Lauren says, shaking her head, ending the call.

  “Almost done, Ells? You need to get ready!” Lauren states, bringing me back to reality and out of my thoughts, walking into the living room all done up and looking gorgeous as always. She’s wearing a black and silver cocktail dress, her hair done up in curls. A light coat of makeup graces her face.

  “Wow. You look stunning,” I say, climbing down from the ladder. She’s right. If I want to look my best tonight to impress anyone, I really need to get myself prepared just like she has.

  But I only want to impress D…

  “Really? I didn’t know what to wear, so I rummaged in my closet.”

  “Well, rummaging did you good. You look great,” I say, smiling.

  She smiles back. “Thanks, woman.” She pauses for a moment, checking out her reflection in the living room mirror above the couch and then snaps her neck back toward me before saying, “Okay, enough dawdling. Go get yourself ready!” She pushes me out of the living room, but I turn back around to face her.



  “What if I don’t meet anyone… what if…”

  “Oh, would you stop? You’re gorgeous, and you’re only going to look even better once you’re ready. So go shower, get dressed in your sluttiest outfit, and get ready because you are getting laid tonight!”

  Oh, yeah. That’s right. She thinks I haven’t gotten laid since Shaun. Fuck. I mean, it’s been a little bit, but not that long. I haven’t touched Derek in weeks. I do miss him and his touch so much.

  I chuckle. “I don’t want to just get laid. I want something… something real.”

  I want what she and Kev have. I thought I had that so long ago with Shaun. I thought by now we’d be engaged, but how drastically had my life done a 180, totally blindsiding me. I never thought he’d cheat on me, and I sure as hell never would have thought I’d sleep with D. Shit, not even in my wildest dreams could I have ever imagined I’d sleep with Derek Mykels, my best friend’s twin brother. But alas, I did, and Shaun is long gone out of my life. And for that, I’m so thankful. Shaun is a douche, and I know it would only have been a matter of time until his true colors came shining through.

  And even though it hasn’t worked out the way I wish it would have with D, I’m still so glad I got to experience how wonderful he is. Now the only problem is that I can’t figure out how to get my mind off of him. How do I stop being in love with a guy who I know is no good for me? But damn, he is so good to me.

  She offers me a sad smile. “Girl, you’re going to find it. You’ll see. But first thing’s first. You need some dick in your life, and we are going to get you some! We are getting you laid tonight!”

  We both burst out laughing. Damn, she’s on a mission to make sure I get some cock in me tonight. I mean, after all, what are best friends for? If she can’t help me find the dick that’s right for me, who can?

  By six-thirty this evening, everyone we had invited is crammed in the apartment waiting for Derek to show up. I think all of Derek’s friends are here, but who knows. He had mentioned bringing others, so I guess we’ll see.

  Danny is here, the owner of the bar downtown, Gage, and a bunch of other guys I recognize from our days in school together. I keep getting eyeballed by pretty much all of them, but there isn’t anyone I can really picture myself with. Some of them tried striking up conversations with me, but it didn’t do a thing for me. Sure, I was polite and answered, but it was nothing more than a few words. Of course, most of them are gorgeous. D doesn’t tend to hang around ugly people, but still, none of them take my breath away the way Derek had done when I first realized how attractive I found him. After I finally admitted it to myself that I wanted him after all…

  I decided to wear a short, tight, light pink dress. It hugged me in all the right spots, and I’m sure D would have loved to see me in it, if we were still sleeping together. Now it probably won’t even faze him. I really wonder why he stopped showing interest in me. It has to be because he found someone new. Tears begin to well up in my eyes. Fuck, I can’t let this happen now. There’s a shitload of people here, and I don’t even know how we fit everyone in this apartment.

  I can’t start crying… my makeup is going to get all messed up, and I don’t want everyone to see me upset. I don’t want to cause a scene or bring any more attention to myself than I already have by the ensemble I’m wearing. Plus, Derek is going to be here soon. I sure as hell don’t want him to know I’m upset about anything. He probably won’t even notice it, though. I mean, he sure as fuck seems to be in another world lately, but I fucking miss him like hell in mine.

  “Alright, everyone. We are just ten minutes away ‘til D shows up… make sure you hide so he doesn’t see you ‘til we shout surprise!” Lauren announces. She has to be loud to be heard over this crowd. Thankfully, they all listen to her and begin to crowd, huddled in corners. The place becomes quiet minutes later.

  From behind her, Kev snakes his arms around her and brings her closer to him. She’s facing me but leaning against him. He kisses her on the cheek, and she beams. They’re so sweet and smitten with one another that I swear I get cavities just watching them. It literally makes me want to hurl. But I’m so happy for her. I really am. I just really hope one day I find what she has. I’ve never seen her so happy in all my time knowing her, and that’s all I really want for myself as well: happiness.

  I just wish it could be with Derek. I know it’s not a reasonable or logical thing to want, but my heart can’t stop beating for him. I love him, and I’ve come to realize that I don’t think I will ever get over him. No matter how much I try, he always comes right back into my thoughts. I don’t know what the hell he did to me, but I just can’t let him go. It seems so fucking hopeless.

  Lauren glances at me, and asks, “Hey, Ells? Are you okay?” Concern is written all over her face. She knows me so well that I know she can tell I’m about to cry.

  “Yeah, sorry. I’m just emotional. All this planning for this big night, and it’s finally here. I’m PMSing, sorry,” I whisper, lying to her once again.

  Lauren and Kev chuckle. Thankfully, the subject doesn’t gross him out. He’s a doctor, after all.

  “Okay, girl. I totally understand that.”

  Suddenly, we hear Derek’s voice from the other side of the door. Shit, he’s here. I’m a nervous wreck thinking about seeing him tonight, but at the same time, I can’t wait. He makes all the jitters inside me go wild.

  “Quick, everyone! He’s here!” Lauren whisper-shouts, as Kev turns out the lights. We all squeeze tighter into the corners of the room, one on top of the other, trying not to kill the surprise.

  I stand to the side, so if I feel the urge to hurl, I can still make a run for the bathroom. I’ve been waiting to see Derek on this night for his surprise party for so long. I do see him often since we all live together, but of co
urse, we don’t hang out like we used to, it’s usually for only a little amount of time. Tonight will be the first time in a long time that I will get to see him for longer than just a few minutes to an hour.

  Again, Derek’s voice can be heard, his sexy chuckle being the best of it. God, I love the sound of it so much.

  Wait… someone else is with him, just like he had mentioned he would bring along, but I didn’t expect this. It’s a girl. Oh, fuck me sideways, bent over the bed on all fours.

  As Derek swings the door open, I can make out the figure of a woman walking in front of him, his arms around her waist. God, I hope this ends soon… I’m afraid of what I’m going to witness. I’m starting to feel queasy…

  Sure, the lights are off, but there’s a sliver of light coming in through the curtains from outside, allowing me to see just enough, letting me know this isn’t something I want to see. Fucking summer and the never-ending daylight.

  “Why the hell are the lights off, they were supposed to be here,” Derek says, going for the light switch, but before he does, he says, “Maybe we were supposed to meet them at the restaurant. Whatever.” He brings his focus back to the girl. “Damn, sexy. I can’t wait ‘til we get back to your place later… I’m going to eat that pussy up and then screw your brains out.” The girl giggles as the light switch finally flips on, and everyone, but me, shouts, “Surprise!”

  As the lights go on, I see him pinning Natasha Hussey against the wall, his mouth on her neck, her legs spread with him in between.

  Derek spins around, scanning the crowd. When his eyes finally land on me, they widen.

  Hot vomit threatens to rise into my throat, but I push it down with a hard swallow. I can’t believe this shit. I am really feeling sick.

  “D! What the hell?” Lauren yells. I know she’s pissed he brought this STD-walking whore. He knows neither one of us can stand her, so why would he bring her around?

  Everyone is silent, noticing this isn’t the surprise party they were all expecting. Well, guess the surprise is on me. I honestly feel as if I’ve died and gone to hell. I’m standing around the eternal pits of hell, burning in the flames. I feel smothered, and I can’t breathe. This can’t be happening to me.


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