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Genesis War (Genesis Book 3)

Page 24

by Eliza Green

  ‘You’re the new leader, you can do what you want,’ Gabriel said shrugging.

  ‘I haven’t agreed to anything yet.’

  He led Serena out of the Gathering Room and into the Council Chambers, then closed the door and turned around to face her.

  She looked surprised. ‘Stephen?’

  ‘I wanted to talk to you later about this, but things are moving a little faster than I’d expected.’ He walked over to the flat screen next to Pierre’s bookshelf and pressed a couple of buttons. He pulled up a file and asked Serena to join him.

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘Bill Taggart sourced your file for me—on your human life.’

  ‘It won’t change anything,’ she said, shaking her head. ‘I’m here because I want to be.’

  ‘Well, here’s your opportunity to read this if you want. The choice is yours.’

  She looked at him. ‘Have you read it?’

  ‘Not without your permission.’

  Serena swapped places with Stephen but pulled him close to her side. ‘Let’s read it together.’

  They read about Susan Bouchard, that she’d worked as a lab technician in Toronto, had one sister and one niece, and was good friends with Joel Taylor, her colleague. She’d headed up the genetic trials because of her unique ability to put people at ease.

  Serena frowned. ‘I guess we know where my ability to influence comes from now.’

  Stephen caught her strained expression. ‘What is it?’

  ‘I remember my imprisonment more clearly now. Joel and I were on a space craft with similar blonde-haired and blue-eyed people. The government had changed the selection policy to target specific genetic types.’ She turned to face him. ‘I guess that’s how I ended up here.’

  He rubbed her back. ‘I’m glad you did.’

  ‘Can someone get a message to my sister and niece, tell them I’m fine? They must have been worried when I didn’t check in.’

  ‘The government sent messages to them on your behalf,’ said Stephen. ‘They believe you arrived on Exilon 5 as planned and are working as a doctor.’

  ‘And Joel Taylor?’

  ‘Bill said to tell you he recognised the name when he read your file—he’d seen him in stasis on board the ship to Exilon 5. He’s still human and living on Exilon 5.’

  Serena’s eyes glistened. ‘I need a moment.’

  ‘Of course.’ Stephen’s heart thumped too fast as he left the room.

  Back in the now-empty Gathering Room, Stephen re-joined Gabriel on the raised platform.

  ‘Serena needs more time, but I’ve made a decision,’ said Stephen. ‘But before we call the representatives back in, there’s something I want to ask you.’

  Gabriel folded his arms. Stephen saw his aura colours change from relaxed green to hesitant yellow.

  ‘Is there something bothering you?’ said Stephen. ‘You’ve been holding something back, ever since we discovered where Serena came from.’

  Gabriel unfolded his arms and sighed. ‘I won’t lie that the idea to change back into a human crossed my mind. Margaux and I never really felt like we belonged here.’

  ‘And now?’

  Gabriel smiled. ‘I like that we’re different. It’s worked well for Serena and I think that’s what changed my mind—she helped because of her uniqueness. Besides, I’m too old to become human again. But it doesn’t mean others here won’t consider the idea.’

  Stephen nodded and gave Gabriel’s shoulder a quick squeeze. ‘Let’s get the representatives back in.’

  The crowd gathered again and Gabriel announced that Stephen would take up the position of leader. Serena, however, needed more time to decide.

  Stephen searched the crowd again; there was no sign of her. She was supposed to bring him. They should be here to celebrate. He perked up when Arianna walked through the door, her arm linked with Anton. His friend still looked weak, but the colours of his aura were brighter than before and his spirit was strong. Stephen jumped down off the stage and went to them. The representatives parted to let him through.

  ‘I thought you weren’t going to make it.’ Stephen slapped Anton on the arm. But without Serena there, he felt incomplete.

  ‘I wouldn’t miss this. You’re creating history here. You’ll be the youngest leader this district has ever known,’ said Anton. ‘The question is, can you handle it with that big ego of yours?’ Arianna grinned and thumped Anton on the arm.

  ‘Ow. It’s the truth.’ He grinned back.

  Serena appeared at the door causing Stephen’s heart to lift. He grabbed her hand, pulling her close. ‘I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon.’

  ‘I’ve made up my mind.’

  Stephen read her thoughts and smiled. ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘My ability is accepted here. I’m accepted here. I didn’t seem to help anyone on Earth. Quite the opposite—all I did was add to this mess.’

  ‘But if you hadn’t been changed, we might not have gained the advantage.’ Stephen kissed her forehead. ‘Glad to have you on board.’

  Serena pulled back. ‘Glad to have you on board—that’s all I get?’

  He pressed his forehead to hers and passed to her some things he’d wanted to say to her, but not until she’d made her decision. Serena smiled in response.

  Then Stephen turned to Anton. ‘You think you can behave yourself under my direction?’

  Anton folded his arms. ‘We’ll see, old friend. We’ll see.’

  Continue the story with GENESIS PACT


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  Word from the Author

  I had planned this series to be a trilogy, but that idea fell flat the minute I finished Genesis War. Did I know what would come next? Nope. That’s why I continued the story in Genesis Pact to discover what happens to the people when the World Government abandons Earth. New and old characters appear and reappear to help shape this brave new world.

  This world is going to shit. Sorry to offend anyone, but it is. We live in a commodity-driven world where it’s easy to ignore issues like climate change. That was part of my inspiration behind this series, to shine a light on the mistakes we make today that could affect future generations. Or the changes we could make now to prevent them. But I don’t want to preach, so that’s where I’ll stop. Because above all that, I wanted to write an entertaining story that you could get lost in. Please continue this journey with me because you make stories happen through your passion to read and share good books.

  And so the thanks must begin, because writing a book is never a lone adventure. Thank you to my editor, Averill for copy editing this book, and Mary for proofreading it. It was an absolute pleasure working with you both.

  Thanks to my cousin for teaching me the basics of genetics and DNA. She knows a lot! Her interesting lab stories kept me very entertained.

  Thanks to my writer peeps for showing me that writer generosity knows no bounds.

  Thank you to my beta readers, Kathryn and Jessica for your perfect suggestions. Thanks to my third beta reader who generously offered to read the third book, but life caught up with him and he ran out of time.

  And finally, thanks to the team at Deranged Doctor Design for the wow covers.

  Please leave a review if you enjoyed this book. I read all of them—yep, even the bad ones—because you made the effort.

  About the Author

  Eliza Green tried her hand at fashion designing, massage, painting, and even ghost hunting, before finding her love of writing. She often wonders if her desire to change the ending of a particular glittery vampire story steered her in that direction (it did). After earning her degree in marketing, Eliza went on to work in everything but marketing, but swears she
uses it in everyday life, or so she tells her bank manager.

  Born and raised in Dublin, Ireland, she lives there with her sci-fi loving, evil genius best friend. When not working on her next amazing science fiction adventure, you can find her reading, indulging in new food at an amazing restaurant or simply singing along to something with a half decent beat.

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