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Mine to Fear

Page 6

by Janeal Falor

  “What? I though Chancellor Ryan was kicked off the council after the tournament when he forced Nathaniel to take the magic from those women. And Stephen hasn't been on since Serena's ball when he tried to have Zade murdered.”

  “I'm afraid the Grand Chancellor has reinstated them both.”

  “But he got rid of Chancellor Ryan because of the effect he was going to have on relationships with other countries. Doesn't he care about that still?”

  Daniel sighs. “Apparently, not any longer.”

  “How are we going to hold any leverage against him if he doesn't care what other countries think?” Tawny says.

  “We'll just have to keep trying different things,” he replies.

  Annabelle yawns. “Excuse me. I'm not used to staying up to this hour.”

  “It's getting late,” I say with a yawn of my own.

  “I'm afraid time got away from us,” Annabelle says as we all stand. “Thank you for joining us this evening, Waverly.”

  “I was happy to. It was great getting to know you both better. I really appreciate your candidness.”

  “Anytime,” Daniel says.

  As I pull the door shut behind me, I catch a last glimpse of Annabelle and Daniel, still sitting side by side holding hands, but now gazing at each other, perfectly content just to be in one another's presence. If only we could get this country to be so content with everyone else in it. There has to be a way to rid the country of the Grand Chancellor's poison.

  Chapter Twelve

  The council meeting should have started by now. I pace the short length of my room, wishing there was more space to really stretch my legs. What if they somehow figured out how to catch my spell before it activated? They are council members after all. They're supposed to be some of the best warlocks in Chardonia, even if the Grand Chancellors, throughout the ages, have taken away their power. Though I'm not sure if the “best” means the ones with the most power or the ones with the most influence. Either way, it's daunting to think about.

  What's more, it's not just the councilmen I need to worry about. There's Chancellor Ryan and Zade who are a bigger threat. Zade would be even more livid than Chancellor Ryan at my scheme. Though Chancellor Ryan would probably torture or kill me, while Zade would just yell. Brothers.

  And then there's the Grand Chancellor. He's not a warlock I want discovering I'm trying to spy on him. What if he decides to make me his next sacrifice?

  I shake my head. Stupid, useless thoughts. I'm not a tarnished, the council won't sacrifice me. Of course, that doesn't mean they won't find some other form of punishment. Or that they won't tarnish me and then sacrifice me. It won't matter. I'm still an Envadi while I'm in their lands; that much has been made very clear.

  Gah. All this time in Chardonia is wearing on me. Making me worry over things I shouldn't. Next thing I know, I'll be lowering my head to Jack.

  My pacing grows more frantic. I need more useful thoughts. Something that isn't driven by fear. What is useful to think about? The spell hasn't been activated, so it's like it's not even there. And how could they discover it if it's not working? Would they even know it's from me? Or would they think it's from Councilman Daniel? Maybe he's getting in trouble for it right now. I can't bring that on him. Not before, but especially not after, chatting with him last night. He and his wife are much too good to deserve something like that to befall them.

  I direct my pacing toward the door to break the rule of going out there to see what's happened when my fingers finally tingle. The spell is working. They didn't find it after all.

  I sag with relief onto the chair. Unless of course they found the spell and purposefully made Zade activate it to try and discover who cast it. I sit ramrod straight.

  No sense waiting to see if they come after me. I cast the second half of the spell that allows me to hear what's being said by thinking of the first half of the spell and Zade's voice. Zade must have spoken already because my finger is now tingling. I hold my colored finger up to my ear.

  “…has been brought to my attention.” The Grand Chancellor is speaking, I think. “More Envadi have entered our country. Without clearance.”

  Though this discussion does sound like it's my fault, at least it's not related to the spell.

  “This is a serious problem, indeed,” someone replies but I don't know who. Not having sight is more frustrating than I suspected.

  “Indeed.” The Grand Chancellor again. “Not only have they entered, but they have received aid from at least two members of this council.”

  Zade and Councilman Daniel! Oh lands, what have I done? They're the ones who helped Tawny and I. Now they're going to get in trouble because of my insistence on coming back here, even when Zade said it was unsafe. I just never thought he meant unsafe for them.

  “New measures have to be taken. I will no longer try to appease the community as a whole, or other countries. It's time to do what's best for Chardonia no matter the consequences that befall because of it.” The Grand Chancellor makes it sound as if he's a martyr in all this. Jerk. “Hence forth, the following will apply, and I will not hear anyone utter a word until it's settled.”

  I begin pacing again, all the while holding my spelled finger up to my ear. My gut churns.

  “First, no woman shall be allowed the status of a warlock, no matter what. No law shall impede this one. Nothing shall allow them this status unfitting of simple property.”

  My heart clenches as someone tries to speak, but I can't make out the muffled words.

  “Silence!” The Grand Chancellor's yell is so firm, it makes my ear ache. “There is not room for arguments, Chancellor, as I previously stated. Furthermore, your arguments will be moot shortly.”

  That does not sound good. Not at all. A chill runs through me as I grab my pack, throwing things into it the best I can with one hand while he continues.

  “In accordance with this first rule, no woman will be allowed to practice magic. Ever. Anyone caught aiding them with this in any way will immediately be put to death. There will be no more erasing memories spell. Punishment shall be swift, harsh, and unfailingly public.”

  My stomach churns as I grab a pack for Tawny as well. Whatever happens, whether or not they catch my spell, we need to leave. We pushed the Grand Chancellor too far to not have further repercussions, and he knows we're here. All the work we've done working with the people, will it be enough to counter this new law or will it scare those already frightened souls? What will happen to everyone who supports us now? Who was thinking of supporting us?

  “Not only that, but because of the nature of these crimes taking place and the unprecedented amount of trouble and change happening recently, all Council members will be held to these laws as well. Any of you who break them in the future will suffer the same punishment.”

  I fall into a chair, packs tumbling to the ground. A stunned sort of stupor comes over me.

  There's a murmur from several warlocks, but I can't tell what they're saying, if it's good or bad. How much worse could it possibly get? How will Zade survive this change? The Grand Chancellor doesn't say a word against the murmurs, just continues on with his mad plan.

  “From this moment, the council is banned. Chancellor Ryan will remain along with the new Chancellor Stephen.”

  Curse those scum.

  “Those of you who have served me faithfully will, of course, be rewarded and will be given positions elsewhere as new laws go into effect. We will need your skills and loyalty to help with any…disturbances resulting from the changes so things can settle as soon as possible. Furthermore, anyone on this council who has broken these new laws at any previous moment will be arrested, imprisoned, and tortured until the next tournament when they will be put to death in front of not just our own citizens, but those of other countries.”

  Zade! I jump up, knocking my chair to the floor.

  There are several loud crashes followed by the Grand Chancellor, his voice almost gleeful. “Ah-ah Envadi. You've been so k
ind as to try and free our women, it's only fair you let us now show you our hospitality.” There's another loud crash. “You too, Daniel. We can't be soft on our own countryman, now can we?”

  Icy torrents blare through me. Zade's already captured. Daniel's already captured. What do I do? Nothing prepared me for this. No amount of preparing to get caught working a spell, nothing. I flex my hand, dashing for the door.

  My efforts will not be in vain. I can't save Zade and Daniel on my own, but there may be a chance to save others. And come back for them once I have a specific plan.

  Chapter Thirteen

  I sprint from my room, thinking about Serena. She has to be told immediately. Please don't let the Grand Chancellor be prepared to take her out before I have time to warn her. They have to have enough time. Her guards had better be there and remember what to do in a time such as this. I draft the message and spell it to go to her house as quickly as I can while on the run. It darts down the hall and out of sight. I plead silently with it that it doesn't get interrupted. It's more imperative now than ever before.

  It's hard not knowing for sure what the Grand Chancellor would do. Would he count on being able to stop Zade from spreading the word? Or would he be more prepared than that?

  My legs ache as I burst up the stairs. Stupid time to have them so sore from yesterday, being curled up cleaning. If it saves Annabelle and Tawny, though, it will be worth even more pain than this burn. Just beyond horrid. If only I can get to them in time.

  Is there going to be an “in time?” Or would the Grand Chancellor already have had plans in place to take her out from the change he just made? The thought urges me on faster, but as quietly as I can go.

  I slow as I come to the last hall. I peek around the corner and dart back. There are two warlocks standing outside Annabelle's room.

  Double foiled.

  Can I take these two down myself? And what if there are more inside? They could hear if I'm not careful. It's what I get for spending too much time spelling my nails. Do I try it or not? Maybe it's too late. If I get captured with them, who will know to bring help? There's nothing I can do for them now. Not without endangering myself. I take a step toward the stairs, but immediately pull back and blast a sleep spell, channeling all of my energy and focusing on it just the way Cynthia would.

  They fall to the ground, out cold. Today is not the day to be a wuss. At least, so far. There could be more problems along the way. Besides, I can't bring help. I am the help.

  I tiptoe down the hall as quickly as I can. The guards are perfectly still on the ground other than their breathing. Good. I'm not Cynthia though, so who knows how long they'll be out.

  It's time to face whatever's in there. After several deep breaths, I open the door and stride in, closing it behind me like I'm supposed to be there. Not that guards would believe a woman was sent to do anything important, but if I at least pretend, maybe I could be another prisoner?

  As I take in the room, there's good news and bad. No guard inside. Unfortunately, Jack is. He's sitting next to Annabelle and Tawny as they all hold teacups, giving me a funny look.

  Is he there for the Grand Chancellor, or does he have some other purpose? There's no time to find out. I raise my hands toward him.

  “Waverly!” Annabelle shouts. “What are you doing?”

  Too late. Jack is on his guard now, his tea splashed all over the floor. His hands are up, ready to cast a spell against me.

  “Annabelle,” I say, trying to keep my voice calm. “We need to go. Now.”

  “What is going on here?” she asks. “Both of you stop threatening the other this instant.”

  I don't take my eyes from Jack, and there's not time to answer Annabelle. “Are you here because of the Grand Chancellor?”

  “What are you going on about?” The confusion on his face looks real, but he could be a very good actor.

  “The Grand Chancellor?” Annabelle asks.

  “We don't have time for this,” I say. “Zade and Daniel have been arrested and sentenced to death. The council has been disbanded. There were guards outside your door, and I don't know how long we have until more come.”

  “Jack, check the hall.” Annabelle's command surprises me.

  I keep my hands raised at him as he moves toward me, but let him pass, taking the opportunity to get closer to Annabelle and Tawny, who is remaining sensibly quiet. Though insensibly hasn't tried to help me threaten Jack yet.

  Jack turns his back to me, and I almost hex him, but Annabelle knocks my hands to the side. I glare at her. “I'm trying to keep you safe.”

  “So is he.”

  “Two, of them,” Jack says. “I gave them an extra sleep spell, but there's no telling how long it will last.”

  Annabelle moves without hesitation, but instead of toward the hall like I expect, to a wardrobe.

  “We don't have time to grab anything.” Even the bags I so carefully packed for Tawny and me are still on the floor of our room. Drat my not grabbing them.

  She pulls open the wardrobe and slips the back panel off to reveal a hidden path. “There's already some packs ready.”

  They already have a plan in place for something such as this? I should have known. “What about him?” I motion to Jack.

  “I'm coming with you.”

  “I think not.”

  “He's coming,” Annabelle says. “Don't you dare hex him.”

  Why is this woman so attached to him? He's rude. “He'll turn us in.”

  There's a shuffling out in the hall. Not close, but not far enough away either.

  “There's no time to argue. Everyone get in, and I'll close it behind us.” Annabelle scampers inside, waiting just inside the passage.

  She can't really be letting him come with us.

  Jack closes the door to her room and stacks some chairs against it while Tawny darts into the passage to where I can no longer see her. He moves toward the passage as well, and I let him. I guess Jack is coming with us. Doesn't mean I'm not ready to drop him a hex at a moment's notice, though.

  I hurry in after them, and Annabelle puts the panel back on the wardrobe.

  “Do you want any sort of spell on it?” I ask.

  “No. It would probably just draw their attention here more.”

  True. She's clearly thought about this escape a lot more than I have.

  We hurry down the tunnel, attempting to keep our steps quiet, which isn't an easy feat at such a rapid pace in the dark on a rock path.

  There's a muffled bang behind us, followed by several more. They must be breaking into Annabelle's room. My heart clenches. Now's not the time for losing it. I have to keep them safe. I have to. We can't go to all this trouble only to be caught.

  It's hard to focus on my steps, to think of where we're going, when at any moment they could discover the secret passage. The noise behind us, while still muffled, grows louder. We move faster, using the noise to cover our own. My nerves feel as if they're trying to jump out of me.

  We come to a set of stairs that Annabelle warns us of. It's hard to use them in the dark, but once we've gone down a ways, Annabelle stops and lights a torch. The tunnel is made of dirt, stone steps beneath our feet and wooden beams above our heads. We continue to wind our way down them, the noise fading with every step. I want to think we're out of danger, that we've made it, but we're still in the same house as them. There's far to go.

  A few tunnels branch off the main corridor, but Annabelle continues down the main path, twisting, turning, and descending. Soon the walls have roots growing out of them. It grows cool, the crisp air a welcome contrast to my hot skin.

  Annabelle looks back every so often to make certain we're all still following, but otherwise, we press on through what must be an underground passage. The fact that there's been passages off of the main tunnel makes me more confident we won't be found. That we might just make it.

  The passage comes to a room with several packs in it, blankets, and a ladder leading up.

“Everyone grab a pack. We should be hidden by the forest out here, but we will check to make certain it's clear before coming out.”

  “I'll peek,” I volunteer.

  “Let me,” Jack says, but I'm already climbing the ladder.

  I'm sure he would, and then declare our presence to the enemy if the opportunity presents itself. He's a Chardonian warlock. What else would he possibly want to do? So while staying quiet and careful, I hurry to open the door on the roof. I crack it open, just a pinch. There's nothing in sight but trees and a squirrel.

  “I think we're clear. Let me check for certain. If I don't return within ten minutes, stay here and be prepared for anything.”

  With the borrowed pack on my back, I check one final time before escaping out into the world. I glance around at the cleverly hidden trap door and make note of what it looks like so I can find it again.

  I creep as quietly as I can. Mom and Dad didn't teach us stealth for nothing. The immediate area is clear of anyone except me, but I don't trust it. There's nothing but trees in sight. We must be in the forest near the house, though it isn't in sight.

  The woods are so quiet. I slink around it. Maybe none of the warlocks from the house suspect us to be out here yet. And they wouldn't realize we'd make a break for it, so they didn't set up guards outside the perimeter. Or if they did, they'd still be looking for us at the house.

  I suppose it's possible, but it doesn't fit with what I know of the Grand Chancellor. Especially with such changes like those he just made. And with Zad— I can't allow my thoughts any further down that path. Now is not the time to lose it.

  I'm just about to return to the others when a flash of bright green catches my eye. I dart behind the nearest tree, wait a moment, then peek around it. A warlock all right. A guard from the way he's scanning the scene. Yet clearly not doing a good enough job since he hasn't noticed me yet. Over-confidence in others is a blessing in times like these.


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