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4 Terramezic Energy

Page 20

by John O'Riley

Chapter 28

  Perry watched Josephine, Maggie, and Alice step through the portal and vanish from sight. He wished that they would somehow find Mark before it closed but it wouldn’t remain active for very long because of the energy used to open it three times in rapid succession. He and Helen stared at the silvery sheen of energy of the spherical-shaped portal as it continued to flow clockwise. It didn’t take long at all for the barely visible aperture to wink out of existence. A pang of loss and a temporary sense of disorientation washed over Perry as his connection to Mark, Alice, and Josephine severed. This time, there wasn’t the sharp pain like before which was a relief.

  Helen scrutinized him with an assessing gaze. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “That’s good. I was worried you wouldn’t be able to open the portal to get them back,” Helen confessed.

  “Me, too.” Perry offered a shy smile. “I’m glad you’re here. As soon as the enchantment charges up, we can get them back.”

  Helen’s feminine presence shone like a beacon in Perry’s mind and he couldn’t help but admire her physical and auric beauty. It was strange when he thought about it because there were others just as alluring but something about her presence drew him like a magnet. His lips tingled as he remembered their brief kiss yesterday.

  “It’s going to be a long wait. Would you like some coffee or tea or something?” Helen offered.

  “No, thanks.” Perry didn’t understand why humans enjoyed consuming food and drink. Corporeal existence was an unfathomable phenomenon that led to bizarre habits and behaviors.

  “Are you sure? I think I’m going to have some coffee.”

  Perry realized that Helen wanted him to accept the offer. He wasn’t certain why but perhaps it was related to what they referred to as ‘social etiquette’ in regards to guests and hosts.

  “On second thought, coffee sounds good,” Perry said.

  Helen’s luscious red lips formed a pleased smile. “Coming right up.”

  Her purple, silk blouse fit loose and it was tucked under her jeans. Perry found himself admiring her figure as she headed for the doorway to the kitchen then stepped through it. He joined her in the room and watched her prep the coffee maker. When Helen finished scooping the grounds, she glanced back at him with a warm smile. Perry smiled back and she returned her attention to the coffee maker.

  “I’m curious about something.” Helen poured water into the reservoir in the back of the machine. “I notice you often hang around in the form of a white dove. Is that your favorite animal? Is it more comfortable than being a person?”

  Perry cocked his head to the side as he considered this question. “It just felt safer for some reason. Plus, birds are smaller so there is less energy expended to manifest in the physical.”

  “Why is it safer?”

  “I’m not sure it is. It was just instinctive, I think. Birds are kind of ignored by people – especially if they’re small.”

  Helen finished prepping the coffee and turned the power on.

  She turned to face him and leaned against the counter top. “I’m glad you’ve chosen to remain a human while you visit with me. Sometimes, I find it awkward conversing with a dove.”

  “Sorry about that.” Perry’s face flushed with embarrassment. “I didn’t realize I made things difficult by doing that.”

  “It’s okay. I was just curious.”

  “It’s easier for me to rest when I’m in a smaller physical body,” Perry said.

  “I figured as much.”

  Once the coffee finished brewing, the two of them gathered in the living room with steaming mugs of java. They sipped their coffee in companionable silence for several moments before Perry spoke up.

  “Later, we can work on strengthening your power center,” Perry suggested. “If you want to.”

  “That sounds lovely,” Helen said. “I appreciate how much time you’ve spent helping me already.” She set her mug down on the table and pinned him with a questioning look. “Now that my power center is connected with Josephine’s, does it really need to be fussed with?”

  “Yes, it does. It’s still a young enchantment. Even the mature ones like Josephine’s need upkeep or they won’t function properly. I think that’s why its protection is so sluggish. Luckily, no one’s attacked her home since the wards converted to light energy. I’m not sure how well the defenses will hold up,” Perry explained.

  They continued to chat until the doorbell rang.

  Helen arched a bemused brow as she rose to her feet. “I wonder who that could be.”

  She and Perry answered the door to find a dark-haired man wearing military fatigues. He extended a hand in greeting but couldn’t cross the threshold because the wards remained active.

  “I’m Captain Solorio.”

  Helen started to reach for his hand but stopped. “What can I do for you, sir?”

  “I’ve been assigned to assist Josephine escape. She sent word to Virginia that she’s found Mark and is ready to return but she’s been captured by hostiles,” he said.

  “Oh, dear,” Helen fretted. “That’s terrible!”

  “Please let me in so we can discuss a plan to rescue her,” Solorio said.

  “Of course.” Helen deactivated the wards and stepped back. “Come inside, Captain.”

  “Thank you, ma’am.”

  He entered the condo and Helen closed the door behind him.

  “How did Josephine communicate with Virginia?” Perry threw the military operative an inquisitive look.

  The man pulled out two brass wands, one for each hand, and blasted both Helen and Perry across the room with a telekinetic wave. Helen and Perry crashed into the wall and crumpled to the floor in a daze. Solorio pointed his wands at the two of them and used telekinesis to pin them to the wall several feet off the floor.

  “You aren’t really a captain, are you?” Perry asked.

  Solorio sneered at them with contempt. “White Knights are so gullible. It’s as if you were born yesterday.”

  “I’m almost a year old!” Perry found himself affronted for some inexplicable reason over the reference to his age and lack of life experience.

  “It’s going to be a short life for you.” Solorio’s eyes narrowed and his brows furrowed in a look of concentration.

  Heat warmed Perry’s body and he realized that they were going to be burned to death if he didn’t act quickly. Luckily, Helen must have figured out the same thing because she grasped his hand and activated her protection amulet. A sphere of white light flared into existence, protecting both her and Perry. Their feet landed on the ground as the white magic blocked the telekinetic wave that had imprisoned them.

  “You’re APU 81, aren’t you?” Helen asked.

  “It took you this long to figure that out?” Solorio took a step closer as his eyes conveyed loathing.

  Perry flinched when he sensed dark energy nearby surrounding them. APU 81 must have other hosts outside releasing the noxious stuff.

  Helen’s eyes widened with alarm. “What is that?”

  “I’m not here alone. I’ve brought some of my other human puppets along and they’re cutting off your supply of light energy as we speak,” Solorio informed her.

  “Why are you doing this?” Perry asked.

  “It’s time for me stamp out white magic once and for all. I can’t let you gain a foothold and learn how to avoid burnout. That would complicate matters for me,” Solorio said.

  He activated his wands and fire raged against the white sphere of energy which flickered and shrank as it threatened to collapse. Perry could sense they only had seconds before they were burned to a crisp. He stepped closer to Helen as the shield became almost skin-tight against them, allowing some of the heat from the flames to brush against their skin. Perry reached out with his mind and linked with the power center of their condo. He couldn’t draw light energy from it at the moment due to the presence of dark energy but instead, he transmitted an urgent and visceral
call to action to the power center to protect them and itself from their attacker.

  An instant later, Helen’s shield failed and the swirling flames rushed in to engulf the two of them. Helen screamed shrilly and Perry braced himself for the agony he knew was coming. After several seconds, he realized there was no damage. He lifted his arms and could see flames writhing over them. He turned to observe Helen whose entire body was cocooned with fire. Solorio’s eyes narrowed as he continued directing his attack at them. He stopped when he realized his efforts were entirely unsuccessful. A soft white glow suffused everything in the condo even with the continued presence of dark energy surrounding them.

  “How is this possible?” Solorio peered at them with bafflement.

  “You are recognized as the enemy,” Perry said.

  Solorio retreated towards the door as streams of silvery white light emerged from different spots in the room and swirled around his body. The source energy sank into him as he fumbled for the locks on the door. His hand slipped from the door and he froze as white magic permeated his body. After several seconds, the bright luminescence died away and Solorio turned to sweep a confused gaze across the room.

  His focus landed on Perry and Helen. “How did I get here?” He looked down at his clothing. “Why am I dressed like this?”

  “You were possessed by APU 81,” Helen said.

  “I’ve heard of APU 81 on the news.”

  “Are you Captain Solorio?” she asked.

  He snorted with amusement. “Hardly. I’m Bruce Solorio though.”

  Perry could sense that the dark energy had receded and he took a quick scan of Bruce just to make sure he wasn’t still inhabited by the hostile AI. He was relieved to discover that Bruce was telling the truth. He had no idea how he’d arrived here.

  “Maybe we can help you remember what happened,” Perry suggested.

  “I’d appreciate that.”

  “Why don’t we sit down and discuss this over a cup of coffee,” Helen said.

  “All right.”

  “Do you take it black or with cream?” Helen regarded him with expectation.

  “I’m actually allergic to dairy,” Bruce said sheepishly. “I usually use almond milk.”

  “I use almond milk in my coffee as well. Coming right up.” Helen showed him to the dining room where he took a seat.

  Perry followed her to the kitchen. Helen leaned tantalizingly close to Perry and her lips descended towards his. His heart raced and his breathing quickened with anticipation. An instant later, she passed his mouth and he realized she was whispering to him.

  “Is it really safe or is APU 81 controlling that man still?” Helen asked.

  “He’s okay. The protection we built into the power center banished APU 81,” Perry explained.

  Helen pulled away and she looked relieved. “That’s good to hear. I can’t believe we were almost killed.”

  “We’ll need to be more careful.”


  Perry realized he had the perfect excuse so he drew closer to Helen and brushed his lips against hers in a light kiss. His chakras flared and energy flowed between his and Helen’s. His skin tingled with pleasure and he savored the feel of his lips pressed against hers for several more seconds before he withdrew. He resisted the strange and compelling urge to draw closer to her.

  Perry’s heated gaze lingered on hers. “We almost died. I thought you might need that.”

  “You are very kind.” Helen gently brushed his cheek with the back of her right hand. “I almost feel like I’m taking advantage of you.”

  “What do you mean?” He watched her with puzzlement.

  “You’re so young and inexperienced. You probably don’t even realize what’s happening,” Helen said.

  “Yes, I do.” Perry’s intuition kicked in. “I’m in love with you. We should date.”

  Helen laughed and patted his shoulder with affection. “I think that’s a good idea. We’ll have to take things slow.”

  Perry’s mind swirled with confusion but he didn’t want to appear ignorant so he just beamed at her.

  “Yes, that is the perfect strategy.”

  Helen chuckled again and turned to pour a mug of coffee for their surprise guest. “I feel kind of funny.”

  “What’s wrong?” Perry asked.

  “I don’t know. It’s like something is missing.”

  Perry performed a deep scan of her and after a moment realized what had happened.

  “You’re cured of the immortality curse,” Perry said.

  “I am?” Helen’s eyes sparkled with delight. “How did that happen?”

  “I think it happened just now.” Perry paused as his expression turned speculative. “I believe it was true love’s kiss.”

  “Yes!” Helen exclaimed. “White magic finally got rid of this curse!”

  She gave Perry a quick hug then turned back to Bruce’s coffee and added almond milk. She, Perry, and Bruce gathered at the table and she explained more about APU 81 and white magic.

  “That’s truly astonishing,” Bruce said. “And you think you can help me recover memories that APU 81 left behind?”

  “It’s a simple healing spell but light energy can pack quite a punch,” Perry advised.

  Bruce hesitated as he thought it over. “All right. Let’s give it a go.”

  Perry rose to his feet and went over to Bruce. He placed his hand on Bruce’s forehead and sent a gentle flow of light energy to him. After a moment, he returned to his seat.

  “I’m sorry.” Bruce straightened in his chair and his expression turned apologetic. “I don’t remember anything.”

  “It was worth a try.” Helen exchanged a disappointed look with Perry.

  Chapter 29

  Josephine, Maggie, and Alice panted with exertion as they continued their brisk pace in the deep night. Josephine gently grasped Alice’s left arm to help guide her. Josephine knew that her own night vision as well as Maggie’s would expire soon and then they would be forced to use their flashlights which would make them easier to find by the search parties.

  “I can’t believe they’re still hunting for us in the middle of the night,” Alice grumbled. “Why don’t they wait until morning?”

  Josephine glanced at her friend with bemusement although this did no good as her features were indistinguishable in the heavy darkness. Light energy stirred within her and she realized her magical network had just strengthened.

  “I think the portal is open again. Have we really been here almost a day already?” Josephine asked.

  “You’re kidding right?” Alice’s tone was grievous. “I think every muscle in my entire body is aching. I’m too old for this poppycock.”

  “We have to keep moving,” Maggie said.

  “I know,” Josephine said.

  After a moment, she sensed Mark’s presence ‘knocking’ on the outer fringes of her mind.

  “Josephine, I told Perry to close the portal and open it back up again in an hour. I’ve almost reached you,” Mark thought.

  Before Josephine could respond, the portal closed and the magical network weakened again due to the loss of Perry and Helen. Her connection to Mark dissolved and she clenched her jaw with frustration. She took a deep, cleansing breath and reminded herself that Mark had given her good news. She shared it with Maggie and Alice.

  “That’s great! I’m looking forward to seeing my brother safe and sound,” Maggie said.

  “Me, too,” Alice chimed in.

  “We need to go that way.” Maggie pointed to their right and slightly backwards.

  Josephine could detect Maggie’s movements with her night vision but felt it slipping as psychic fatigue settled deeper into her. The three women turned and walked in that direction to avoid the search party.

  “We need to hurry! They’re gaining on us.” Maggie’s voice conveyed renewed urgency.

  Josephine tried jogging but Alice couldn’t see so she stumbled and fell. Josephine winced with empathy a
nd stooped down to help her friend. The two of them rose to their feet but the group of six guards had finally found them. A bright light shone from two of the brass wands like lanterns. Josephine and Alice squinted as their eyes adjusted. The guards leveled their wands at the two women and launched knockout spells. Josephine reached out with her mind to activate her protection but her physical and psychic fatigue had finally caught up with her. She and Alice crumpled to the ground as they lost consciousness. Josephine awakened to find herself strapped to a chair that was slightly tilted back in a room filled with working tables and a dozen other chairs like hers. The blue, translucent walls glimmered with soft illumination. Light strips lined the ceiling along with a couple of simulated skylights. Josephine took stock of her surroundings and saw Alice strapped to a chair beside her.

  A camera secured to the wall directly across the room pointed at the two women with a small red light blinking. A computer console lit up with rune-like symbols worked silently beside it. Josephine noticed a lack of anyone in their immediate vicinity so she assumed the guards monitored them through the surveillance system. Her head ached with psychic fatigue and she groaned softly. She wished her body had stayed asleep longer and recovered more.

  “Alice, are you awake?” Josephine peered at her friend hopefully.

  She decided to let her friend sleep for now. She pushed her legs tight against the straps that bound them and could feel her wands missing. She turned her head from side to side and made shrugging motions so her necklaces would rub against her skin. Her breath whooshed out with disappointment when she confirmed the guards had removed them. She carefully activated her psychic receptors just a little which sent sharp needles of pain arcing through her body and mind. She ignored the discomfort and scanned herself for any enchantments until she confirmed what she’d suspected. The guards had removed them all. She relaxed her psychic receptors and the pain immediately lessened to a dull throb that centered around her forehead.

  The door to the room slid up into the ceiling and a tall, lean muscular man with black wavy hair and vivid cerulean eyes emerged. His purple uniform fit loose over his body and he radiated authority and power.


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