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Heart of the Druid Laird

Page 4

by Barbara Longley

  “What word, whose mouth?” Their food arrived, and all conversation between them ceased. He wasn’t telling the truth. At Panache, he’d scolded Thomas for not taking whatever was at stake seriously. Honey bees were hardly a “what’s at stake” kind of thing in the business world, and he said it was only a cottage industry.

  No matter. It didn’t concern her. Scary Faerie had made it clear she should stay away, and her instincts didn’t disagree. No more questions. This one lunch would be the end of their association.

  The rest of their meal passed with nothing more than small talk, and Sidney was relieved once they were headed back to her store. She tried hard not to notice the frisson of electricity running through her when Dermot took her arm. Moving out of his reach, she thought of things that needed to be done at the store, like eliminating shadows, and things to do at home, like calling her mother—anything to take her mind off him. Once the door of Panache came into view, she heaved a sigh.

  “Thanks for lunch, Dermot. I hope you enjoy your visit to the States.”

  “Same time tomorrow, Sidney.” He stepped closer. His gaze roamed over her face, settling on her mouth.

  “No.” She shook her head. “I can’t see any reason to continue our conversation, and I can’t take the time away from work. I have no interest in doing business with you.” She stepped back.

  Dermot placed his hands on her shoulders and bent his head as if he intended to kiss her goodbye. Sidney’s heart started to riot. Panic…or something else?

  “You have questions I have no’ yet answered, lass. We have things to discuss. I’ll pick you up here at noon.” He ran his hands down her arms.

  “Don’t you ever take no for an answer?” Sidney did her best to glower. It worked too, until he planted a chaste kiss on her forehead.

  “Of course I take no for an answer, when the outcome does no’ matter to me.” He kept eye contact as he backed away from her before turning down the sidewalk.

  She watched him go, her mind a swirl of emotions—powerful feelings beyond those a day’s acquaintance could produce. By far, the strongest was…grief. What the hell?

  “Kincaid’s was a great choice for this evening, love. I’m glad you suggested it.” Thomas placed his credit card with the bill so the server would see it.

  “You don’t mind it’s so expensive?” She rested her chin in the palm of her hand and raised her brow in question.

  “Nay. I’ve more than enough money. If you want, we can eat here every night.” He reached across the table and took her hand in his. “Is there a place we can go where we might find some privacy?”

  “Hmm, not my place. I live with Sidney and her brother. One of them is bound to be there. How about your hotel? I’m not suggesting anything, mind you.” She gave him a prim look.

  “I only wish to talk, lass.” For now. He grinned. “I share a suite with Donald, Lachlan and Niall, and I canna guarantee we’d have privacy there either.”

  “What about your cousin? Doesn’t Dermot share the suite with the rest of you?”

  “Nay, he has his own. Dermot is a very private man, and he sleeps very little.” The server picked up the bill and his credit card. Thomas waited for her to leave. “We’re staying at the Saint Paul Hotel. Are you familiar with the place?”

  “Sure. It’s across Rice Park from the Ordway Theater, right around the corner from here.” She gathered her coat and purse. “I was born and raised here.”

  “Let’s find a quiet bench in the park and I’ll tell you everything you need to know. We can walk there.”

  “The park, as in outside? It’s awfully chilly to sit on a bench. Let’s try your suite first, and if the others get in the way, we’ll move to the hotel bar.”

  The server returned. Thomas added a generous tip and signed the receipt. He helped Zoe into her coat before slipping into his own. By the time they were outside, his stomach had knotted up. Where to begin the story eluded him. How would she react? “You mentioned earlier that I seem familiar to you, aye?” Her small gasp sent his blood straight to his groin and had him imagining the sounds she’d make when they made love. Which he hoped would happen sooner, rather than later. God, how he’d missed her.

  “Do you feel it too?” She glanced at him. “It seems like I’ve known you forever, and we just met. Usually, for the first few dates with someone new, there’s all that nervousness and self-consciousness. I haven’t felt any of that with you. Why do you suppose that is?”

  “I believe it’s because we’re taking up where we left off from a previous life.” He held his breath and waited to see how she’d respond.

  “Really?” Her eyes grew wide. “I’ve always known such things are possible. My ancestors were Celts, and I’ve read a ton about their beliefs and history.”

  “Have you?” He took her hand in his, twining their fingers together. “That’s a fine thing, lass. It’ll make what I’m going to tell you much easier.”

  By the time they reached the hotel, his stomach had relaxed. Thomas led the way to the suite of rooms he shared with the others. If only they’d be fortunate enough to find the place empty. He slid the key card into the slot and opened the door. Darkness greeted them. “Oy, anyone here?” He flipped the light switch. No one answered.

  Their suite consisted of two bedrooms and a small sitting room, not the most posh suite in the hotel, but pleasant enough. Thomas turned on the lamps and considered his options. “Come sit with me, leannan. I need you close.”

  Zoe draped her coat over a chair, tossed her purse on top and took a seat next to him on the couch. He put his arm around her and tucked her up next to him. He wanted to hold her in case she tried to bolt. “Zoe, I want you to know my intentions toward you are honorable.”

  “Huh?” Her brow furrowed.

  “There are obstacles.” He leaned down and brushed his lips over the frown lines on her forehead.

  “Do you mean because you’re a Scot, and I’m American?”

  “Nay. I mean because of the difference in our ages.”

  “What are you talking about?” She twisted around so she faced him. “I’m twenty-six, and you can’t be that much older…or younger.”

  “I’m considerably older.”

  “How much older?” She shot him a skeptical look.

  “I’m one thousand, six hundred and fifty-three years old, love.”

  “Damn! Why’d you have to go and ruin such a perfect evening?” She shot off the couch and reached for her things. “I had such high hopes for you, too.”

  He caught her around the waist and drew her back, settling her on his lap. “Listen to me.”

  “I will not. I can’t stand being lied to. I don’t know what your game is, buster, but I’m outta here.”

  Thomas tightened his hold around her waist with one arm and reached into his boot for the sgian dubh he always kept there.

  Zoe yelped when she saw him draw the small blade from its sheath. “What are you gonna do with that?”

  “I’m not going to hurt you. I promise. Sit still and watch.” At least she ceased wiggling. “I’m going to prove something. Do I have your word you’ll be still?” He waited until she nodded, and then he held out his hand and drew the blade across his palm. The wound bled for a second and then began to close. In less than a minute nothing remained of the cut he’d made. He kept a careful eye on Zoe. Her mouth hung open, and her gaze fixed upon his hand. She went pale, and her breathing became shallow. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and she slumped against him.

  “Aye, well that went better than expected.”

  Dermot lay in his bed and stared at the ceiling with his arms tucked behind his head. He rarely slept more than a few hours a night and hadn’t for more centuries than he cared to count. He always tried. He needed rest like everyone else. It just wouldn’t come to him, and the handful of hours he did manage to get were restless and light.

  The memory of Sidney’s expression when he kissed her forehead made him smile. He enjoyed
provoking her. She wore every emotion she experienced on her lovely face. Recalling her nonsense about a Scottish Mafia had him chuckling into the darkness. He glanced at the digital clock on the bedside table and counted the hours until he’d see her again. One thought led to another, and before he knew it, his body was tight and uncomfortable.

  He wanted Sidney, and the realization shocked him. The thought of tasting her honey-scented skin and exploring her exquisite body had him aching with need.

  Slowing his breathing and heartbeat, he thought of other things to take his mind off his lust. It would do him no good to lose sight of his goal. Besides, Sidney deserved his protection, not his seduction. His life would end the moment the curse was lifted. To encourage any kind of attachment on her part would be cruel.

  The familiar weight of guilt settled in his chest. He’d let Mairéad down in the worst possible way. She’d given up her birthright to wed him, and he’d failed to protect her as he’d sworn. Worse, he’d failed to honor her last request as she lay dying. If Sidney knew, any attraction she might have for him would wither away.

  Nay, better to get the deed done quickly. He needed to find the key, the blue chip in this gamble. What would motivate Sidney St. George to make the journey to Scotland with him? Dermot turned on his side, his mind working on a puzzle with missing pieces.

  Thomas shifted Zoe’s body so she sat beside him with her head down between her knees. “Come back to me, love.” He rubbed her back. “There’s more to tell.”

  “I don’t wanna hear any more,” she mumbled between her knees.

  “Aye. I know. Still, I’m a selfish man. I’ve waited a long time to begin my life.”

  She snorted and sat back up to face him. “Begin your life? Seems to me you’ve been living it for quite some time.”

  “Existing, aye. Living, nay. There is no life for me without you. The day Mairéad was murdered was the day I lost you, as well.” Thomas took her hand in his and rubbed his thumbs over her knuckles.

  “Huh? I have no eff-ing clue what you’re talking about, and you’re giving me a headache.” She rubbed her forehead with her free hand. “Who the hell is Maw-red, and what do you mean you lost me? We just met…in this lifetime anyway.”

  “Before I explain, I must have your promise. You canna share this with anyone, especially not with Sidney.”

  “She’s my best friend.” She glared at him and snatched her hand back. “If this involves her, you can’t expect me to keep it to myself.”

  “I must insist. You know how easy it is between us, aye? It’s no’ so between Sidney and Dermot. Theirs was no’ an easy match, ever. I believe it’s crucial they find their own way through this.”

  “Find their own way through what? What do you mean by ever? You people showed up in our store yesterday—as in one day prior to today.”

  “I’m talking about Dermot and Mairéad.” Thomas raked a hand through his hair.

  “No. You said Sidney and Dermot.” She shook her head. “I’m not following you.”

  “Aye, that’s clear.” He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “You’ve come back to me.”

  “I didn’t come back to you. I’ve never traveled to Scotland. You came here, remember?”

  “Back to me as in reincarnated, lass. Just as Sidney is Mairéad reborn. You see? Mairéad gave up her birthright to be with Dermot, she wanted him that much. Dermot had no idea what to do with the lass once he had her, but the union gave our clan an alliance beyond any worth.”

  “Again. No eff-ing clue,” Zoe muttered in an annoyed tone and scowled at him. “What has all that got to do with me?”

  “It’s why I lost you, and why I can’t die. It all has to do with the curse. I’m trying to tell you about the curse.”

  “Ohhh. There’s a curse. Of course there’s a curse.” She smacked her forehead. “Now it all makes perfect sense.” She glared at him. “Not.”

  Thomas put his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. “Och, I’m going about this all wrong.”

  “Ya think?”

  “I swear I do no’ know where to begin.”

  She nudged one of his elbows off his knee so he was forced to sit up. “Try starting at the beginning.”

  “Aye.” He took her hand and placed a kiss in the center of her palm. “I must have your promise first. Will you keep this between the two of us?” He watched her think it over. Her natural curiosity battled with her loyalty and protectiveness toward Sidney.

  She sighed, and her solemn eyes met his. “I will keep it between us unless I find out you’ve made all this shit up. In which case, don’t let my stature fool you. My temper far exceeds my size.”

  He chuckled and put both arms around her stiff body. “That’s all I can ask, love. It all began the day Dermot was born.”

  “Wait.” She raised her hand to stop him. “Is Dermot as old as you?”

  “He’s a couple of years older.”

  “Do we have to go all the way back to his birth?”

  “Aye, we do if you’re to understand the curse. I want you to know all of it.” He paused until she agreed with a nod. “Dermot’s mother died giving him life, and his father couldna’ bear the sight of him because of it. He gave Dermot to the Druids to raise as a priest.”

  “What an awful thing to do.”

  “Nay. Remember, this occurred in the fifth century. Giving a son into the keeping of those responsible for a clan’s good standing with the gods was considered a noble sacrifice. Only those close to the family knew there was nothing noble about what Dermot’s father did that day.” He took her hand in his and played with her fingers.

  “Anyway,” he continued. “Dermot’s mother was a Pict, the daughter of their king, and her people also looked after him. As Dermot learned the Druidic arts, his uncles on his mother’s side saw to it he also learned the ways of a warrior. He and his brothers were all prepared to lead their clan.”

  Zoe rested her head on his shoulder. “You call him Druid because he was raised by Druid priests?”

  “Aye. When Dermot reached a score of years, his father and one of his brothers were slain in battle. His only remaining brother succumbed to a fever shortly after. Their deaths left us without a laird. His mother’s people brought Dermot back and insisted he take his rightful place as our chieftain. From that day forward he became known as the Druid Laird.” Thomas tilted her chin up and looked into her eyes. “The next part of the tale might be a tad hard to believe, lass.”

  Zoe snorted. “Harder to believe than your being…so much older than I am? Harder to believe than my being your reincarnated lover, and that you never, um…”

  “I’ve never died.”

  “Right.” She stood up, and paced around the room with her hands on her hips. “This is just swell.”

  “Leannan, there’s more.” Thomas rose and took a step toward her.

  “Not tonight there isn’t. Take me home, Thomas.”

  Chapter Four

  Sidney put the finishing touches on the “enchanted” display and glanced at Zoe. “You’re awfully quiet. Is something bothering you?”

  “I can be quiet. I’m frequently quiet.”

  “Hah! Since when?”

  “Since right now,” Zoe muttered. “Can I ask you something?”

  “That’s it. I’m taking your temperature. You must be sick if you’re asking if you can ask.”

  “Be serious.”

  She stopped fussing with the T-shirts and stepped back to take a good look at her friend. Serious? Zoe was rarely serious. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “I’ve been thinking lately…about stuff.” Zoe straightened the dragons on the shelf in front of her. “Do you, um…”

  “Spit it out.” She frowned.

  “Okay. Do you believe in reincarnation?”

  “Not you, too.” She rolled her eyes. “What made you think of this now?”

  Zoe shrugged. “It’s just that it feels like Thomas and I have known each other fore
ver. I’m usually so shy around a man I’ve just met.”

  She laughed, and once she saw Zoe’s disgruntled expression she laughed even harder. “I’m sorry. Have you forgotten our go-to-bars-to-meet-guys days? Shy is not an adjective anyone would use to describe you.”

  “Fine,” she snapped. “I’d appreciate it if you kept that little bit of shared history to yourself.” The door chimed, and she gasped. “Especially from Thomas.” She ran her fingers through her curls and smoothed her blouse. “They’re here. I’m having lunch with him. I’ll be back in an hour.”

  The pinball machine inside Sidney started up, and she forced herself to take a deep, fortifying breath. Be firm. She turned to find Dermot already close at hand. His intense gaze took inventory of her body. She swallowed. “Mr. MacKay, I thought I made myself clear yesterday. I have no time for lunch.”

  “Dinner, then. I can be flexible.” He slid his hands into the front pockets of his jeans, widened his stance and blocked her escape route.

  “Not dinner either.” His nearness made it difficult to speak, or breathe for that matter. Be firm. “I’ve already made my decision. We aren’t going to do business, and if that’s the only reason you made the trip to the U.S., I’m sorry to disappoint you.”

  “It’s no’ the only reason. I need your help.”

  “I can’t imagine anything you could possibly need from me.” She lifted her chin. “Legally, that is.” When he comes begging your help, refuse him. None of it made sense. How could she help someone like him? He reeked of money and power. She reeked of…too much debt. What did she have that he wanted?

  “Och, are we back to the Scottish Mafia?” Dermot laughed.

  “Who is this, Sidney?” a feminine voice behind her asked.

  “Oh, God.” She felt a headache coming on.

  “Not God. Just the next best thing,” her mother replied dryly.

  “Hi, Mom. What a surprise.” Lunch with Dermot MacKay versus another lecture about her marital status, the store and her vocation—which would be harder to bear? Sidney watched her mother give Dermot an intense once-over.


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