Syren's Rebirth (Syren Series)

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Syren's Rebirth (Syren Series) Page 7

by Jennah Thornhill

  “I’ve never been on tour with a band before, I don’t know where to start, what do I need, what am I meant to wear?”

  I haven’t got a fucking clue as to what I’m meant to take with me. Shit, will it all fit into one bag?

  “Oh, you are going to love it,” Liam says, with a sly smirk on his lips.

  I swear to god this man has some sort of mood disorder. Not only an hour ago I would’ve sworn he hated me and now he’s being Mr Nice, demanding that I go on this tour with them.

  “Don’t worry about any of that hun, we’ll go shopping this weekend and make a girly day of it, the boys can watch Syren for a few hours. Can’t you?”

  She looks at Connor first and then at the other guys, and like they know where their place is, they all reply in unison.

  “Yes, we sure can, Angel.”

  This has me laughing on the inside. The poor fellas daren’t disagree with her.

  “Good that’s settled then, Mel I’ll pick you up from yours at nine am sharp, make sure you’re ready.”

  The rest of the day goes by fairly quickly. Connor and the lads are in his studio and Allie is dancing in the gym, where she puts the routines together for the tour. I’ve played with Syren most of the afternoon and worn him out. I’m currently in the kitchen making him some tea before he goes into the land of nod. He’s sitting in his highchair banging his plastic spoon on the table impatiently. Just as I’m about to place Syren’s dish in front of him, Liam walks back into the kitchen.

  “Hey, how’s my little man doing?” he asks as he gives him a gentle rub on his cheek.

  “He’s good, I think I’ve tired him out, so I’m just giving him his tea before he falls asleep on me.”

  I make myself busy with cleaning up the dirty dishes I’ve made, just so I don’t make any eye contact with him. For some reason I now feel awkward around him, which is stupid since I had a heart to heart with him and told him things I’ve never told anyone, except my family. I still need to tell him about Bethany, but right now I don’t want to rock the boat with him. He’s done so well today and telling him all about her will just send him straight back to square one again. I will tell him eventually, when I can figure out when and the best way of doing so, but at this moment in time he’s still fragile. So for now I’m going to take baby steps with him, one life altering thing at a time.

  “I just wanted to say thanks, for ya know… everything you said.”

  Guilt gnaws at my stomach, he doesn’t need to thank me. I broke him with my declaration over a week ago, it was only right that I tried to fix it, fix him, and put him back together somehow.

  “Don’t worry about it, it’s done now. Let’s just carry on shall we, I have a job to do and you're part of their family so let’s just try to get along and we should be fine.”

  “Oh, yeah sure… and Mel?”

  “Yeah,” I say lifting my head up from the sink to look at him.

  “I’m glad you’re coming on this tour with us.” Turning away from me, he leaves the kitchen, leaving me staring at his backside and admiring the view as it clings to every inch of his denim clad arse.

  I’m so screwed.

  Chapter Thirteen


  It’s official, I’m a wanker.

  What the fuck was I thinking, making her come on this tour with us.

  If anything I should be keeping her at a distance, we had our little chat earlier and that should've been the end of it. Instead, I had to come and go all alpha boss on her. Something inside of me enjoyed the look on her face when I walked into the kitchen and declared she was coming along on our crazy arsed tour. A part of me feels like I have to give her the experiences I couldn’t give Steph, to let Mel live for the both of them. Crazy, but that’s what how I feel.

  Walking back into the kitchen to grab a beer out of the fridge, I notice Melissa and Syren are no longer in there. She's probably getting him all tucked up in bed as I saw Allie was still in the gym dancing.

  I walk through the patio doors that lead to Connor’s studio. When we were in here earlier, I couldn’t do my thing without them all thinking I was losing it again, I just couldn't concentrate, so now is my opportunity.

  I have this frustrating feeling running through me and the only way I know how to get rid of it is with my drums.

  Letting myself in, I place my beer down and whip my t-shirt off, throwing it on an empty chair. Opening the glass door to the booth that holds my baby, I pull out my sticks from the back pocket of my jeans and caress them lovingly. Weird, I know, but playing the drums is my passion, the only thing I was ever any good at. Parking my arse on the leather stool, I start to tap out a soft beat at first, warming her up ready for me to go full throttle. It's just like making love, well as close to making love as I’ve ever got was with Steph. So you could say it’s like getting her ready for the biggest fucking of her life. You start her off slow and easy, then you work her up, get her all hot and sweaty and ready for the big climax.

  Before I know it, the sweat is dripping off me and my chest is now drenched. I’ve worked my way through our whole set list for the tour four times over. I’m just about to start again when the studio door swings open and staring at me through the glass is Connor with raised eyebrows.


  Just what I need, another bloody lecture.

  Placing my sticks down, I stretch my hands to ease the cramps that have started and leave the booth.

  “Feel better now?” he asks me sarcastically, as he throws my t-shirt at me.

  “Much, thanks,” I reply, as I start to wipe the sweat off me, using my t-shirt.

  Standing there looking at me, I give him a ‘what the hell you looking at’ expression, prompting him to open his gob, but before he gets the chance to voice what's on his mind, the studio door swings open.



  She stops talking as she stares at me and my current state of undress. Her eyes are wide, taking my still sweaty chest in, causing me to chuckle.

  Snapping herself out of whatever dirty thoughts I know that are running through her head, she stands straight and pulls her shoulders back trying her hardest to act as if she wasn’t mentally undressing the rest of me.

  “Syren is asleep and Allie is in the shower, so I’m off for the day. I just wanted to let you know before I left.”


  How she goes from drooling to being professional in a nanosecond is a bloody talent.

  “No problem, Mel. Thanks for today, you’ve been a miracle worker,” Connor tells her, indicating his head my way.

  “Oi, fuckface. I am here you know,” I say, as I shove his shoulder.

  “Oh, I know you’re here, until today you’ve been rotting in my house and thanks to this girl, it looks like I have my drummer back.”

  Why does the fuckwit have to be right?

  “I… It’s okay honestly. I’m just glad I could help,” she whispers, seeming to be embarrassed and shy all of a sudden. “I’ll catch you tomorrow.” Turning back to the door she walks out, letting it softly click shut.

  “You’re a grade A dick, did you know that? I mean I thought Max was a dick to women, but you have just taken the piss mate. That girl bared her worst nightmare to you today, just so we could have our friend back and you just stand there like she did nothing.”

  What the hell? What is this, let's give Liam shit o’clock?

  “Not that it’s any of your bloody business my friend, but I did speak to her earlier and thanked her.”

  “Yeah, and if I know you it was with very little effort, all because you don’t want to acknowledge the fact that she scares the shit out of you. I’m not blind, L. I saw her staring at you earlier in the kitchen and just now. The dirty grin I saw spread on your ugly mug tells me you enjoyed it.”

  This fucker knows me too well.

  He’s right though, she does scare me. Even if I did enjoy it.

  Melissa and Steph are so much
like one another, it's crazy. Yet in other aspects she’s the total opposite.

  Whereas Steph was gorgeous in a girl next door type of way, Mel has this raw sex appeal that has my dick standing to attention in seconds. My mind doing overtime with dirty thoughts I shouldn’t be having about her. Just the way her hips sway in her jeans, the way I’ve heard her laugh with the guys and girls. Don’t even get me started on the way she is with Syren, she was born to look after children. I may have been lost in my own head for the last week and a half, but it doesn’t mean I haven’t seen her. I’m a man, we were born to appreciate the opposite sex in all their glory.

  “Look L, I have no issue with you going after her, she’s a great girl, just remember that she isn’t for you to play with then throw away. She still works for me, and Al spent ages trying to find someone who she trusted to look after our boy.”

  I hear his underlying threat loud and clear.

  “Don’t worry about it dude, I’m not going to do anything stupid. I know what I have to do.”

  Giving him a pat on the shoulder, I leave the studio and for the first time in what seems like forever, I have a genuine smile on my face.

  I'm finally starting to see things more clearly now, it's okay to let go of the past and move on. Don't get me wrong, a part of me will always love Steph, but she's not here anymore. So from now on I'm going to live for the both of us. Starting right now.

  Trying my hardest to be quiet so Connor and Allie don’t know I’m rummaging in their office looking for private details, I go from file to file in the cabinet but I’m starting to lose my patience. What I want is not here, my plan is not going how I wanted it to so far. First of all the fabulous shower I was in love with earlier decided to spring a leak in the pipe and turn the bathroom into my very own swimming pool. I then proceeded to slip and slide everywhere causing me to fall and bang my head on the pisser. Finally managing to get everything under control, I showered and got dressed in record time ready to put my plan into action. Only now I can’t find what I’m looking for. Slamming the filing cabinet shut, I cringe when the drawer makes a loud noise.


  I stand stock still for a few moments and wait for either Connor or Allie to come in and ask what the hell I’m doing. When no-one comes I go to the desk and start pulling papers out right, left and centre. Just as I’m losing the will to live and I’m about to give up hope of ever finding what I need, I see a glimpse of a small picture attached to some papers.


  Chapter Fourteen


  Feeling drained after the emotional day I’ve had, I pour myself a large glass of wine from the open bottle I have in the fridge then collapse my tired, PJ clad body, onto the sofa.

  Turning Netflix on, I decide to have my fix of ‘Suits’. There’s nothing Harvey Specter can’t fix in my opinion. Only this time I can’t concentrate on the fine specimen that’s gracing my TV screen, my mind is full of Liam and everything that happened today. I never planned on spilling my guts to him the way I did, but the more I talked about Steph the more I found myself needing to tell him everything that happened. I guess in the long run it helped him so it's a win, win situation. What’s driving me crazy the most is my reaction to him. I’ve always told myself I hated him for what he did to my sister, but the need to help him is strong. The lust I felt running through me when I saw him after his shower. Then again in the studio with no top on, sweat dripping from him, now that is scaring the shit out of me. He’s my sister's ex for Christ sake, the man has only just learnt she’s dead. Now is not the time, if ever, to be feeling like this, even if he did make my foof flutter.

  I’m just getting stuck into another episode along with my second glass of wine, when there’s banging on my front door.

  Who the hell is here at this time of night?

  Placing my glass down on the coffee table, I make my way to the door just as the bang comes again.

  “I’m bloody coming, chill out will you!”

  The door is barely open as it gets pushed and in barges Liam. Slamming it behind him with his foot as he grabs me around the waist and pushes me against the wall.

  “Don’t say anything,” he whispers against my lips.

  Not that he gives me a chance to anyway.

  Holy cow!

  What the hell is happening? More importantly, what the bloody hell has gotten into him. Oh god, the feel of his lips on mine has me forgetting my name and the fact that this is wrong, so very wrong. We shouldn't be doing this.

  But who am I to say no? All thoughts of who he used to belong to slip from my mind.

  Crashing his mouth against mine, he teases his tongue against the seam of my lips, seeking entry.

  Throwing caution to the wind I decide to just go for it, parting my lips I give him what he evidently needs.

  He takes my action as the green light to go full force, his lips start to move hungrily against mine, his tongue seeks mine out and they start to duel against each other. It’s like he’s starving and I’m what he needs to devour to stay alive. His hands start to roam up my body. When his thumb brushes against my boob, only covered by the thin material of my top, I shiver with the prospect of what those hands could do to me. What I know those hands are going to do me.

  Thank god I got changed.

  A moan rips from my throat unexpectedly making him chuckle against my lips, the vibration of his chest makes me go weak in the knees.

  We start attacking each other viciously, me taking handfuls of his hair and pulling on it, him holding me in place so tight it’s like he’s scared I’m going to run.

  “Fuck, you taste good,” he puffs out before taking the hem of the tank top I’m wearing and pulling it up slightly. Running his finger along the waistband of my PJ’s, goose bumps begin to break out all over my body when he touches me, skin to skin.

  “Touch me Liam,” I pant.

  I’m desperate, but I don’t care. He’s lit a fire inside of me and only he can put it out.

  Without skipping a beat, he starts to slide his body down mine, placing small, intimate kisses along my chest as he goes. Crouching down in front of me he takes my pyjama bottoms and starts to slide them down my legs before tapping my ankle to step out of them.

  In this moment I’ve never been more grateful that I shaved my legs and foof only twenty-four hours ago, otherwise this could’ve been mortifying.

  I’m pulled back to the here and now when I hear him take a sharp breath.

  Self-doubt starts to creep in, making me think he doesn’t really want me.

  “I… I… Is everything okay?” I manage to get out.

  Looking up at me, he gives me a dirty smile and raises an eyebrow as if I’ve asked the most stupid question.

  “Everything is just… perfect.”

  I’m not given any time to respond because I have the breath knocked out of me. His face is between my legs and his tongue is parting my lips as he is dipping in and out, licking at my clit that has been begging for his touch.

  Sucking my sensitive bud in between his lips, my eyes roll into the back of my head as he also inserts two fingers at the same time.

  “Christ, Liam.”

  I’m a hot mess, my breaths are coming fast and frantic as he sucks and finger fucks me at a speed I didn’t know was possible. My hands are gripping his hair so tight, that he may not have much hair left by the time he’s finished with me. As my orgasm starts to build, I pull out the hair tie he has in, threading my fingers through his thick strands.

  “Come on Duchess, give me everything you’ve got,” he mumbles against my flesh before continuing his amazing attack on my body.

  Unable to hold back anymore, a scream leaves my mouth as he holds my hips in place, allowing me to enjoy the orgasm he’s drawn from my body.

  Making sure he gets every last drop from me, he drags and dips his tongue all over my wet flesh.

  Satisfied with his handy work, he places open mouthed kisses on the inside of my t
highs that are glistening with the evidence of what he’s just done to me.

  “Not only do you taste good, you also smell exquisite,” he declares as he starts to rise to his full height, his hands taking my thin top up my body and over my head.

  Wow, I’m naked in my hallway and I have this gorgeous man in front of me to thank for it.

  My top gets thrown behind him, before he zones back in on my mouth. The taste of me that is evident on his tongue is turning me on all over again, causing me to attack him this time. In record time his t-shirt is yanked from his body and his jeans are around his ankles. Taking me in his arms I’m pushed further up the wall, leaving me with no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist. I’m unable to stop myself from scratching my nails over his strong, yet defined shoulders which makes him even more animalistic.

  I bloody love it.

  Pulling away from my mouth, he takes one of my puckered nipples into his mouth and gently teases it with his tongue.

  “Oh, fucking shit,” I curse.

  I note that my language is terrible, it’s never been this bad before, but I totally blame the man right in front of me. He brings out the worst in me.

  Reaching between us, I take his cock in my hand and I gasp. I can’t see it because of how close together we are but let me tell you, my hand won’t fit all the way around it.


  Moving my hand slowly, I start to stroke him at a slow and measured pace.

  “Jesus, Mel the things you do to me,” he states with deep growl.

  Without any warning, he takes the wrist of my hand that’s holding onto his dick, pulling it away and then entering me in one swift move causing me to yelp with pleasure.

  He pulls his hips back and with a grunt, he rams forward, hitting the special spot inside of me.

  “God, yes. More,” I beg.

  Repeating the same move over and over, his whole body starts to shake under my fingertips and I know he’s losing control.


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