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Polar Reaction

Page 10

by Claire Thompson

  Jamie didn't react right away, wondering if Tuck thought he spoke for both himself and Brendan. Then Brendan held out his hand. “Yes. Please."

  Their faces were open, smiling, the invitation sincere. It was as if someone had lifted a mantle of loneliness from his shoulders he hadn't even known he'd been wearing. Jamie felt lighter in spirit than he had in weeks. He leaned down and the two men parted, making a space for him in the middle and wrapping him tightly in their arms.

  "So, what's that tattoo about? You have some kind of snake fetish? Are you a member of a secret cult that uses snake venom as an aphrodisiac?” Tuck traced the green and black snake with his finger, stopping at the flickering red tongue. Jamie was on his back between them, his cock a thick, hard rod resting against his flat stomach.

  Jamie snorted and shook his head. “Nothing so exciting. Actually there's a name under there. The name of the guy who I, at the ripe old age of twenty-one, thought I was in love with and would be forever. We had our names tattooed on each other's hips. We thought it was romantic. Then we broke up six months later and I ended up with a snake. I just picked it at random, to cover the name. No deep significance."

  "I like it.” Brendan, who was lying on his side facing the other two, drew his finger in turn along the snake's body. “That must have hurt, huh? Needle on the bone like that."

  "Yeah. It hurt like hell both times, but the guy was pretty quick."

  Tuck let his hand wander over Jamie's stomach to his smooth, broad chest. Brendan was moving his hand down Jamie's thigh, the fingers sliding inward toward his crotch.

  Jamie closed his eyes with a contented sigh. His cock was thick, long and straight. If they'd been alone, Tuck wouldn't have hesitated to take the beautiful member into his hands and mouth, but he was still cautious about Brendan.

  He looked to him now, studying his face. Brendan was eyeing Jamie's shaft. Tuck imagined he saw both lust and uncertainty in his eyes. Brendan, perhaps aware of Tuck's gaze, turned to him. “I still can't quite believe this is happening."

  Jamie, his eyes still closed, offered in a deadpan voice, “It's not, Brendan. You're just dreaming. You'll wake up later and still be straight as an arrow, don't worry."

  "Jamie.” Tuck laughed and shook his head. Jamie wasn't going to give poor Brendan any slack, that much was obvious. It occurred to him Jamie might be jealous. He was an observant guy and he wasn't blind. He had to know there was a special attraction between Brendan and himself.

  Which didn't take away from the very real desire he felt for Jamie. The guy was seriously appealing. It had been so hot it almost hurt to watch him deep-throating Brendan with such phenomenal skill and obvious pleasure. Tuck's cock twitched at the memory. He wouldn't mind burying his cock in Jamie's tight little ass. Would Jamie like that? Was he a bottom or a top or both? How about Brendan?

  Slow down, he reminded himself. Things were already moving at an incredibly fast pace, especially for a guy who defined himself as straight until only the day before. Maybe he'd just show Brendan how it was done. Let him watch from the sidelines for a while, no pressure.

  He leaned over and tongued Jamie's nipple. It rose against his tongue and he bit down, hard enough to make Jamie suck in his breath. He sat up and gripped Jamie's shaft, letting his eyes meet Brendan's.

  Brendan's eyes were hooded, his expression intense. He seemed frozen in place, watching, waiting. Tuck hoped Brendan understood this about all three of them—there was no need for possessiveness or jealousy. His gaze still on Brendan, Tuck massaged Jamie's cock.

  "Yeah. Oh, yeah.” Jamie approved, apparently. Tuck pulled up, lifting the shaft until it was perpendicular to Jamie's body. With his other hand, he cupped Jamie's balls, heavy and hot in his grip.

  Tuck noted Brendan's cock had risen, its tip touching Jamie's thigh. He turned his attentions back to Jamie, taking his second nipple between his teeth, enjoying the rush of power when Jamie again drew in his breath. His cock hardened in Tuck's grip.

  So he liked a little erotic pain, did he? Tuck bit harder and Jamie moaned. “Yes,” he whispered, in answer to Tuck's unspoken question. Tuck bit the other nipple, his hand moving faster over the granite-hard shaft.

  Jamie began to squirm and shudder, gripping and twisting the bed sheets between his fingers. “God. So good. Yeah.” His words were interspersed between sighs of pleasure and gasps each time Tuck bit down on a pert nipple. When he sensed Jamie was about to come, he dropped his hand abruptly.

  Jamie opened his eyes, lifting his head. “Hey,” he protested. “Why'd ya stop? Don't stop. So close."

  By way of answer, Tuck dipped his head, his mouth open in an O. He closed his lips over the crown of Jamie's cock, creating suction. “Oh,” Jamie moaned, his head falling back to the pillows. Tuck lowered his head farther, his tongue tickling a path down the underside of the shaft. He didn't stop until he had impaled himself to the hilt.

  "Jesus,” Jamie murmured fervently. He put his hand on Tuck's head, his fingers wrapping in Tuck's hair. Tuck was crouched on his knees over Jamie. He bobbed up and down the slick shaft, his own cock aching. Grabbing it, he pumped himself, moaning against Jamie's cock.

  He wanted Brendan behind him. He wanted Brendan to take his hips and position his cock at Tuck's ass and fuck his brains out while he sucked Jamie to orgasm. Of course that didn't happen. Shy Brendan remained where he was, his eyes glued to the scene.

  Tuck let go of the unlikely fantasy and focused his full attention on pleasing Jamie. He liked Jamie's scent—beneath a clean soap smell was his own spicy essence which reminded Tuck of cloves and incense.

  He lifted his head, replacing his mouth with his hand. His hand was large enough to cover most of the shaft in his grip. Without letting go, he shifted on the bed, scooting between Jamie's legs. “Draw your feet up,” he ordered. “Heels touching your ass."

  Jamie obeyed. Tuck saw that Brendan had wrapped his hand around his erect shaft and was moving it up and down as he gaped at the scene before him.

  Tuck returned his focus to Jamie. He let Jamie's rigid shaft go while he focused on his balls, licking in a circle around each one. He sucked one into his mouth, tonguing the delicate sac and then letting it go, only to capture the other one. He nudged it lightly with his teeth, eliciting another of those sweet, sudden gasps.

  Jamie's fingers again found his hair, pulling and twisting as he writhed beneath Tuck's touch. I wonder if he could come just from me licking and nibbling his balls. Jamie was shuddering and groaning. Surprised at such an intense reaction, Tuck glanced upward and understanding dawned.

  Brendan was holding Jamie's cock, his fingers curled around the shaft. He was leaning over, his mouth near but not touching the cock, his hand pumping it slow and hard.

  Tuck's cock felt like it was going to explode. To distract himself, he returned his attentions to Jamie's balls, licking down beneath them, following the small, ridged line on his perineum that led to the tiny puckered hole below.

  He tongued Jamie's ass, drawing a long, guttural moan from his lips. He forced the tip of his tongue past the tight circle of muscle and Jamie, his cock still caught in Brendan's grip, began to buck.

  "Oh God, oh God, oh God...” Jamie's voice rose in a crescendo of crashing pleasure. Tuck lifted his head in time to see gobs of spurting semen flying upward, splattering Jamie's belly and chest. Brendan pumped him until the last drops trickled over his fingers.

  On an impulse, Tuck grabbed Brendan's hand and licked the pearly ejaculate from his fingers. Brendan pushed his fingers farther into Tuck's mouth. Tuck sucked at them greedily, taking them like a cock into his throat.

  "Come lie down, you two.” Jamie's voice had the languorous quality of sexual satisfaction. Brendan pulled his fingers from Tuck's mouth. They both turned to Jamie, who lay sprawled, his cock still semi-erect against a nest of brown pubic curls.

  Tuck grabbed the corner of the sheet and used it to wipe away the semen from Jamie's stomach and chest. There was even a blob on his
chin. “Not bad,” Tuck teased.

  Jamie smiled lazily. “What about you? You got something there that looks like it's in serious need of attention. Would you concur, Dr. Aaronson?"

  "Yeah.” Brendan's voice came out hoarse and he cleared his throat. Tuck lay down beside Jamie, his cock rigid, his balls aching. Brendan was watching him, still perched beside Jamie on his knees. His tongue appeared between his lips when Tuck, his eyes on Brendan's face, began to stroke his own shaft.

  "Come on.” Jamie's voice was soft, entreating. “Join us."

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  Chapter Ten

  Brendan stared at them, letting the surreal moment wash over him. Was this really happening? Not just one man, but two, and him right in the thick of it. He was more sexually excited than he'd ever been with a woman. Was it only because it was taboo? Or had he somehow lived a life that was a lie, his true nature hidden beneath expectations imposed by himself and others?

  He knew he didn't want whatever was happening to stop. Maybe it was the crazy situation in which they found themselves, maybe it was the alcohol—he had no earthly idea. All he knew was he wanted these two men and what they offered more than he'd ever wanted anything in his life.

  Tuck lay easily beside Jamie, both of them supremely comfortable in their nudity, certain of their physical beauty, which couldn't be denied. Tuck's cock was thick and long. He held it loosely in his big hand, the invitation in his eyes unmistakable.

  Brendan looked down at himself, at his cock pointing eagerly toward Tuck and Jamie. Athletic all his life, he was used to being in locker rooms, used to seeing other guys naked, but not like this. Not with erections that wouldn't quit and lust so hot between them the air fairly shimmered with it.

  He wanted to touch Tuck's cock again, to feel its hardness beneath his fingers. He wished the room were dark. He wished Jamie wasn't there watching. He didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of the obviously very experienced younger man. Yet he couldn't deny the fierce desire he felt.

  What was happening to him? He enjoyed sex with women, the tight, velvet clasp of a pussy, the soft feel of female skin against his. But he'd never experienced this raging, heart-stopping lust. It was held in check only by his shyness, by the fact it was so new and, until now, not something he would have ever dared entertain, much less act on.

  Jamie turned away, reaching for something on the floor beside the cot. He came up holding the bottle of Southern Comfort. After unscrewing the cap, Jamie took a long swig. He held it out to Brendan, his eyebrows raised.

  Brendan reached for the bottle and drank several burning gulps. It slithered like liquid heat to his stomach and though it warmed him, he was still frozen where he knelt. He imagined himself scooting forward and crouching between Tuck's legs, as Tuck had done to Jamie, but he couldn't move. He didn't have the nerve.

  Jamie turned to Tuck and murmured something inaudible in his ear. Tuck nodded and sat up. “Good idea.” He scooted toward the end of the bed and stood, touching his hand to the bandages covering the stitches over his eye.

  Guilt assailed Brendan at Tuck's action. Here he was, focused solely on sex when Tuck might be in pain. “You okay? Is it bleeding?” He, too, stood, actually forgetting they were all naked.

  "I'm fine. Relax.” Tuck held out his hands and smiled. “We just thought we might make things a little easier on you. You look a little anxious.” He came around the bed and sat down, patting the mattress beside him. “Sit next to me."

  Brendan sat and Tuck sidled close to him. He took Brendan's hand in his and placed it over his erection. Brendan could feel the blood surging in his cheeks, but it was no match for the blood engorging his cock.

  He dared to squeeze the shaft, thrilling when it hardened beneath his trembling fingers. Tuck closed his eyes and rested his head on Brendan's shoulder, his cock jutting against Brendan's hand like a kitten demanding to be petted.

  Jamie came to sit on Tuck's other side. “That's it.” His voice was encouraging. “That's what he needs, Brendan. Just touch it the way you like to be touched."

  Brendan moved his hand up and down the rigid pole while Jamie reached beneath him to cup Tuck's balls.

  Tuck sighed heavily and leaned back against Jamie's other arm, which was draped over his shoulders.

  Brendan looked down at Tuck's cock as he pumped it. He wanted to taste it. To lick it. To see what it felt like to have it in his mouth. Did he have the nerve with Jamie sitting right there? Jamie, who had just given him probably the best orgasm of his life. Jamie, who knew he was a complete novice when it came to men.

  As if reading his mind and sensing his hesitation, Jamie lifted his hand from Tuck's balls and rested it lightly over Brendan's. “It's okay. We're all friends here. More than friends. Nobody's judging you. This is your chance, here on the edge of the world, to try what you never dreamed of doing before. Get on the floor on your knees. It's easier that way. Kneel between his feet and have a lick of the best damn lollipop you've ever tasted."

  Tuck laughed. “Never had my cock compared to a lollipop before, but Jamie's right. If you don't lick this sucker, I'm going to explode.” He squeezed Brendan's thigh. “Please,” he whispered. “I need you."

  Those three words gave him the final push. Brendan slipped from the cot to the floor and knelt in front of Tuck. His heart was beating too fast and he felt dizzy with nerves, anticipation and lust. Closing his eyes, he gingerly lowered his open mouth over the head of Tuck's cock.

  He licked over the slit and ran his tongue experimentally around the rim of the crown. The skin was soft, softer than he would have imagined, silky beneath his tongue. When he cradled Tuck's balls in one hand, Tuck moaned and thrust forward, pushing the shaft farther into Brendan's mouth.

  Caught unaware, Brendan reared back, nearly gagging. He was annoyed with himself over this. He'd barely had more than the head past his lips. Both Jamie and Tuck had made it seem effortless—taking the shaft all the way to its base without so much as a flicker of their eyelids.

  He leaned over Tuck's cock again, determined to do better. He licked at the spongy head and moved lower. This time he gripped the base of Tuck's shaft so he didn't have as far down to go. Tuck's appreciative moans spurred him on, giving him confidence.

  He could do this. Why not? He wanted to give Tuck the incredible pleasure both Tuck and Jamie had given him. He lowered his head farther, using his tongue and lips as he moved. Tuck grabbed his head and thrust forward again, pushing his cock past Brendan's soft palate. Again Brendan gagged and pulled up sharply, gasping and silently cursing himself.

  "You better sit tight, Tuck.” Jamie's voice was teasing. “You're choking the guy with that huge dick of yours. Let him dictate the pace, why don't you?"

  Brendan was at once grateful and irritated with Jamie's remarks. It was hard enough to suck a guy's cock for the first time without a third party providing advice and running commentary.

  "Shut up, he's doing great.” Tuck's support made Brendan smile.

  "Oh yeah? Gonna make me?” Jamie laughed.



  "Like this.” Tuck leaned toward Jamie and kissed him. Brendan sat back on his haunches watching them, his feelings hurtling from jealousy to voyeuristic pleasure to almost painful arousal. He stroked his cock as he watched them. After a moment he leaned down again, once more taking Tuck's shaft into his mouth.

  Jamie's cock was pointing toward him as well and on an impulse Brendan grabbed it with one hand and began to stroke it. He kept his other hand on his own cock. Arrows of lust pierced him, shot directly from his groin, powered by what he was doing.

  Tuck moaned against Jamie's mouth and put his hand on the back of Brendan's head. Brendan licked and sucked Tuck's long, thick shaft, dropping his own cock to fondle Tuck's balls. He kept his other hand firmly on Jamie, pulling against his erection until Jamie was panting.

  When Brendan looked up, he saw they were no longer kissing. The two men were
both leaning back on their hands, their legs parted wide and cocks thrust forward. Gaining in confidence, fueled by lust, Brendan swallowed more of Tuck's shaft and didn't gag at all.

  "Brendan. Oh, God. Yes. So good, so good.” Tuck's running litany was punctuated by Jamie's panting moans. Brendan could barely believe he was the one responsible for all this male pleasure. His cock throbbed at the realization.

  All at once he felt Tuck stiffen, his balls tightening in Brendan's hand. Tuck shuddered and began to spurt in Brendan's mouth. The semen was bitter on his tongue and he jerked back, spitting.

  Damn. He hated when women did that to him—pulled away just as he was coming. He forced himself to lower his head again, taking Tuck's member back into his mouth until Tuck's trembling shudders had subsided. He swallowed—it wasn't so bad now that he was expecting it.

  He was still holding Jamie's cock and he focused his attention on the younger man, stroking and pulling the rock-hard shaft until Jamie came for the second time. Jamie fell back against the bed, joining Tuck.

  Brendan sat in a sort of daze for a few moments. He, Brendan Aaronson, had just made two guys come!

  "Where'd you find this dude, anyway, Tucker? He's not half bad."

  "Had us fooled, didn't he? Pretending this was his first time and all."

  Brendan growled with mock anger and hurled himself onto the two supine men. The three of them tumbled and laughed until they were breathless. Tuck held up his hands in surrender. “I'm a wounded man. Watch my stitches.” The other two at once rolled away.

  Brendan looked sharply at Tuck. They really should have been more careful around him. “I'm so sorry. Did we hurt you?"

  Tuck, who had used the respite to climb over Brendan and catch him in a thigh lock, laughed. “Nah. I'm fine.” Jamie, who apparently realized Tuck's ruse before Brendan, moved quickly to the head of the bed and grabbed Brendan's arms, pinning them beneath his knees.

  "But you, my friend.” Jamie's expression was deadpan, though his blue eyes twinkled. “You seem to be in something of a bind."


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