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The Sizzle Saga

Page 21

by Sarah O'Rourke

  “When I figure out who took a wrecking ball to your self-confidence, I’m going to kill them,” Devil growled under his breath, finally releasing her so that she could go get her sweater.

  “I have plenty of confidence,” Molly returned over her shoulder as she reached into the coat closet and pulled out a cream cardigan, slipping it around her shoulders. “I’m just a realist that can recognize things for what they are.” Currently, she wished he’d recognize that this conversation was making her wish the Earth would swallow her whole and let it go.

  “I do, too,” Devil replied, crossing the room to join her by the door. Cupping her upper arms in his hands, he stared into her slightly distrustful eyes. “I don’t lie. I have no problem calling a spade a spade. You, Molly, are one of the most gorgeous creatures that I’ve ever encountered. Convincing you of it will be my pleasure.” He brushed a chaste kiss against her dry lips. “Now, let’s go and get our day started. We have an engagement to announce,” he suggested, gently easing her toward the door.

  Sizzle: Chapter Thirty-Four

  Devil turned the Mercedes into the gravel parking lot of the moderately-sized Baptist church with ease, sneaking a look at Molly from the corner of his eye. She’d spent most of the half hour drive staring out the passenger window without speaking. It worried him, but he knew better than to intrude on her thoughts.

  She was skittish enough already, and most of that was because of him.

  Not that he’d change anything he’d done.

  He wouldn’t.

  Fate had already decided that Molly was predestined to be his, and he’d be damned if he’d walk away from the treasure that had been dropped in his lap. After a year of fighting his feelings, the truth had finally caught up with him. No matter how fast or hard he’d run, no matter how many women he’d used to try to shield his heart from Molly’s influence, the tiny woman had woven herself inside his soul.

  He watched as she twisted the gold chain that hung around her neck with nervous fingers. His Nana would have called it fidgeting. He just thought it was adorable. Pulling the sleek car between a green Impala and a white Dodge truck, he shoved the gears into park as he turned to fully face the woman beside him. “We’re here, sweetheart.”

  Pursing her lips, Molly stared out the window. “So, it’s show time,” she said heavily, worrying her lower lip with her teeth. “I always wondered what opening night jitters felt like. Now I know,” she mused aloud, her green eyes darkening as she watched people gathering on the church’s steps, filing into the sanctuary a couple at a time.

  “This isn’t an act,” Devil pronounced firmly. “We’re not playing roles here, Molly. At least, I’m not. I plan on being a part of your life for quite some time to come. I know the Church is a significant part of who you are. Part of the reason I’m here today is that I want to share that.” He wanted her to believe, if only just a little, that he cared about the things that she did. He wanted to be with her wherever she was.

  Offering him a quick, stunned look, Molly swallowed and nodded. “We should go. Services will start in about fifteen minutes,” she informed him, reaching for her car door.

  Stilling her when she would have shoved the door open, Devil shook his head. “Wait there. I’ll come around and open the door for you, Molly.”

  “I’m capable of opening my own door, Dev,” Molly mumbled, tugging on the wrist he held.

  “I didn’t say you weren’t. But I’m here now, and I was raised that a gentleman opens doors for ladies. Sit there,” he ordered before releasing her and shoving his own door open. He circled the vehicle quickly and opened her car door, offering her his hand as she climbed out of the car.

  “Thank you,” she said softly and he squeezed her fingers.

  “You’re welcome,” Devil replied gently, smiling at Molly reassuringly when she looked up at his face. “It’s all going to work out fine, babe. Just relax and trust me,” he assured her softly as he closed the car door and wrapped his arm around her slender waist.

  “Sure,” she managed, the light tone she was angling for falling flat as she looked around the parking lot. “Everybody’s here, I see.”

  “Who is everybody?” Devil asked as he guided her through the mostly full lot toward the sidewalk.

  “Oh, you know. Momma and Daddy, Grant, Karen, and the kids, Sami, Viv…”

  “Wait a second. Sami and Viv attend church out here?” Devil asked curiously, glancing down at her.

  “How do you think we met?” Molly smirked. “Ah, so you are getting more than you bargained for, huh? Suddenly I feel a bit vindicated,” she commented with a small satisfied smile.

  “You and that sassy mouth are going to find more trouble than you can handle if you keep it up, darlin’,” Devil warned with a warm smile.

  “Promises, prom –…” Molly’s words abruptly broke off and her footsteps faltered as she gasped.

  “Honey?” Devil questioned, grabbing her elbow and steadying her when she stumbled slightly. Frowning, he scanned the crowd ahead of them for the cause of her concern.

  “No, no, no,” she whispered faintly, her eyes widening on the familiar man staring at her from the brick steps of the church.

  “What’s going on?” Devil questioned sharply, tightening his grip on Molly’s arm as an elderly couple stepped around them on the sidewalk.

  “He Who Shall Not Be Named,” Molly breathed as her eyes locked with the first man to ever break her heart. “It’s Sean, Devil. What in the world is he doing here?”

  Following Molly’s gaze, the muscle in Devil’s jaw flexed as he spotted Molly’s own personal Voldemort standing against the iron railing of the church, managing to look both smug and smarmy in his expensive suit. Glaring at the man as he possessively drew Molly against his side, Devil didn’t miss how the other man’s nostrils flared and jealousy shined in his eyes as the jerk that had hurt Molly two years ago witnessed the gesture.

  That’s right, asshole. She’s with me, Devil thought possessively. You lost your shot. Game over.

  Gently urging Molly down the stone sidewalk, Devil murmured, “It’s fine, Molly. Just keep walking, sweetheart. He’s in your past.” Devil clamped down on his jaw as he watched the younger man move down the steps to intercept them.


  Turning her head as one of her two best friends hurried toward them, Molly tried to smile. “Hi, Vivian,” she weakly greeted the other woman.

  Wrapping her arms around Molly for a quick hug, Viv whispered, “I was trying to intercept you before you saw him, sweets! Sami’s inside with Karen, trying to keep Grant from committing attempted murder with a Bible on He Who Shall Not Be Named. Sorry I was late, but as usual, my timing leaves something to be desired. Where the heck is your cell phone?”

  “I must have forgotten it,” Molly murmured against Viv’s cool cheek, then whispered frantically, “What’s he doing here?”

  Shaking her head quickly as she spotted Molly’s ex drawing closer to them, Viv shifted her serene gaze to Devil. “Evidently his new girlfriend attends services here, too. Kaitlyn Higgins, I think. Don’t let him get to you,” Viv ordered as Sean approached with a practiced smile affixed to his face. “Just take a few deep breaths and play it cool, Mols. And if you wanna impress me,” she hissed under her breath to Devil, “Be the intimidating SOB everybody accuses you of being and make that guy wish he’d never been born with one of those patented death glares of yours.”

  Not a problem, Devil thought silently as Sean walked toward them and smiled at Molly. He’d crush the little irritant like a bug beneath his boot before he gave the other man a chance to injure Molly’s feelings again. He had cultivated that SOB reputation for a reason, after all, and he had done his homework to be well prepared for this little situation.

  “Molly,” Sean greeted her with a wide smile as he nodded to Devil and Sami, “Long time, no see, huh?” he remarked, leaning forward to try and kiss Molly’s cheek.

  Sizzle: Chapter Thirty-Five
  Was that jerk actually going to try and kiss her cheek? She’d rather smooch a rabid Rottweiler!

  Molly stared in shock as Sean slowly leaned toward her. Taking an instant step back, she was thankful to feel Devil’s hands on her hips. He’d felt her recoil away from the younger man, and her back met his solid chest as she shook her head. Relaxing slightly as Devil’s arms slipped round her waist, she burrowed her stiff body closer to his warmth.

  “Keep your hello kiss to yourself, Sean, and you better thank your lucky stars we’re at a church. Otherwise, I would tell you exactly where you could put your lips,” Molly hissed, keeping her voice low. Momentarily satisfied to see that her rebuke had stung him, she gave herself a mental pat on the back. She’d earned it.

  “Now, Muffin,” Sean soothed, holding up his hands, “This is exactly what I was afraid would happen.” He eyed Molly appreciatively as she stood in front of a glowering older man. “You look good. You finally shed the freshman fifteen you were packing around from college.”

  Molly watched as Vivian narrowed her glinting eyes on her ex-boyfriend and gave silent thanks that she’d been gifted with such loyal friends. “Molly always looked good, Sean,” Viv bit out, her voice like ice.

  “Of course she did,” Sean replied a little uncertainly, looking from Molly’s face to the man behind her, his face completely unreadable. Clearing his throat, he redirected his attention to the woman he once dated. “I’ve tried to give you a call a few times, Molly. You must have changed your number.”

  “I did,” Molly agreed tersely, remembering the barrage of phone calls she’d received from him right after they’d separated. She’d been forced to get a new phone when he still hadn’t stopped calling her after a week. “You and I said everything that needed to be said two years ago, Sean. Remember? I told you what a worthless human being I thought you were while you were struggling to pull your pants up and get that waitress out of my bed.”

  “Now, Muffin…”

  “Call me that ridiculous nickname one more time and I’m gonna forget we’re at church,” Molly warned ominously as she felt Devil’s grip tighten. Not even his strength, however, was going to keep her from gouging out Sean’s eyes if he kept pricking her temper. She’d successfully avoided him for two freaking years, and now, on one of the most stressful days of her life, he reappeared out of thin air. She wasn’t sure what she’d done to tick off the Almighty, but she was fairly certain she was about to commit a huge sin in His house if she didn’t get away from her ex soon. “What are you doing here, Sean?” she asked in a clipped voice.

  “I actually was invited by one of the members here. An associate at my law firm attends this church. She asked me to come along with her this morning. You might know her. Kaitlyn Higgins? I knew the name of the church sounded familiar when she mentioned it to me. Now, I know why.” Offering Devil a grin, he explained, “I attended here a few times with Molly when we dated. I’m an attorney now. I just passed the bar a year ago. I’m Sean Barlow, by the way.”

  “Congratulations to you,” Molly bit out tightly, not giving Devil an opportunity to speak. “And give Kaitlyn my sympathies; she obviously doesn’t know that slime like you can’t be saved. Not even with the power of prayer. If you’ll excuse us, we need to get inside.”

  “Now, Molly,” Sean soothed, taking another step forward, “We need to let bygones be bygones. I was a foolish young man when we had that unfortunate falling out.”

  Glancing at Devil over her shoulder, she shook her head incredulously. “Unfortunate falling out. That’s what he calls boinking a waitress in my bed. An unfortunate falling out.” Seeing the darkening in Devil’s blue eyes, Molly was somewhat comforted. She knew him well enough to know that storms were gathering behind that steady gaze of his. Sean wasn’t fooling him with the good-guy routine.

  “Listen, Molly, when I realized where I was, I thought maybe I’d finally be able to see you again. We could have a chat… catch up on old times,” Sean suggested with a charming smile. “I’ve missed you, honey.”

  “Her fiancé might have a problem with that,” Devil remarked blandly from over Molly’s shoulder, resting one hand against Molly’s stomach as he smiled icily at the younger man. “Darlin’, why don’t you tell Sean our happy news? I don’t think he knows yet.”

  Sean stuck his hand out to the older man. “I’m sorry. I don’t believe I know you. Although, I gotta say, you look real familiar.”

  “I bet I do,” Devil replied evenly as Molly tensed in front of him, ignoring the younger man’s outstretched hand in favor of drawing Molly closer. “My name is William Delancy, but most people just know me as Devil.”

  Molly couldn’t hide her satisfied grin as Sean’s jaw dropped. Her ex-lover had instantly recognized the powerful name. Why shouldn’t he? Half of Atlanta hoped to meet Devil Delancy one day, and the other half lived in fear he would show up in their nightmares. Obviously, Sean the Snake was in the latter half.

  “Soon, however, I’ll be pleased to be able to call myself Molly’s husband,” Devil continued, pressing a kiss to Molly’s temple. “She’s going to make me very happy and make an honest man of me.”

  Looking between Devil and Molly, Sean swallowed. “You’re marrying Devil Delancy?” he asked Molly, wide-eyed.

  “I am,” Molly said cheerfully, nodding as she gripped the hand Devil held around her waist with her right hand and raised her left for Sean to see the ring Devil had slid on her finger last night. “We’re very happy. We’re actually announcing our engagement to my family after lunch today.”

  “Married,” Sean echoed, looking between Devil and Molly.

  “Yes, married, Sean.” Molly smirked. “You know, that holy institution wherein two people enter into and promise to do things like remain faithful to each other. Based on my past experience with you, I’m betting you probably wouldn’t like it very much,” she clarified with a grim smile, stepping out of Devil’s arms and twisting the metaphorical knife in her ex-boyfriend’s chest. “What with your wandering penis and all, fidelity is just a challenge I doubt you could meet.”

  Sean winced, reaching out a hand to touch her arm. “Aw, Mols, don’t be like that. I’m a different man now.”

  Quickly sliding in front of Molly, Devil intercepted Sean’s hand before he could touch his future wife. “Touching her would be a very bad idea, son,” he drawled, staring at the other man with eyes that glittered dangerously. “Molly, go inside with Vivian and wait for me in the lobby,” he ordered without taking his eyes off Sean. “I just want to have a little visit with Mr. Barlow.”

  Okay, Molly thought, she was all for torturing Sean a little. After all, the guy had wrecked her life a couple of years ago. He deserved to twist in the wind a bit. The look in Devil’s eyes, however, indicated that he’d rather see Sean’s lifeless body twisting from the end of a rope tied around his neck. Normally, that would thrill her, but they were at church. “Devil, let’s just go inside together,” Molly murmured, lightly touching his tense back.

  “Don’t worry, babe. I won’t commit any mortal sins in the parking lot. Sean and I are just going to have a man to man talk,” Devil assured her without taking his eyes off her now-sweating ex-boyfriend.

  “Molly,” Vivian said softly, stepping forward to hook her arm through her friend’s, “Devil is right. I need a drink from the water fountain before church begins. Pastor Martin is conducting services today so you just know we’re going to be here late. We’ll wait for Devil in the lobby. You’ve got about ten minutes,” she said with a smile at Molly’s fiancé. “We’ll wait inside.”

  “But…”Molly began to argue, abruptly closing her mouth as Devil turned to stare at her. She could see the determination shining in his blue eyes. He wasn’t going anywhere until he said whatever he had to say to Sean. “I’ll see you inside,” she murmured, letting Vivian drag her toward the steps. Looking over her shoulder one last time, she watched as Devil smiled coldly and took a step toward Sean.

She almost felt bad for the younger man.


  But not quite.

  Sizzle: Chapter Thirty-Six

  Devil waited until Molly began climbing the brick steps into the stately church before he turned his attention to the other man. Then, he smiled – that smile that he reserved for that moment right before he ripped the throat out of his competition. “Well, Mr. Barlow, now we can have a little discussion. You’re either very brave or very stupid. Since I know what you did to my fiancée two years ago, I feel more comfortable believing the latter rather than the former. After all, only a fool would have let Molly go.”

  Turning, Sean followed Molly’s progress up the steps with an interested gaze. “Molly did not look like that two years ago,” he murmured, licking his lips. “She was cute as a button, but on the plump side, if you know what I mean. Our Molly has become quite the vision.”

  Tilting his head, Devil’s eyes narrowed. “Believe me when I say that she’s not our Molly, Mr. Barlow. She’s most definitely mine. And I don’t share. Ever.”

  “Of course not,” Sean scoffed, shooting Devil a grin. “But, if she wasn’t taken….”

  “She’d still hate you,” Devil supplied evenly. “See, I was around for the fallout of your little affair two years ago, Sean. I’ve known my Molly since she was born. The only reason you stayed around as long as you did was that she was at college and you were just some name I heard mentioned by Grant a few times in reference to his sister. If I’d been around, you wouldn’t have lasted as long as you did, and Molly would never have gotten hurt.”

  Sighing, Sean shook his head. “What happened between Molly and me was a huge misunderstanding, Devil.”

  “Mr. Delancy,” Devil corrected. “My friends call me Devil. You and I are never going to be friends, Mr. Barlow. You became my enemy the day you took another woman into Molly’s bed and allowed her to find you there, betraying her.” Seeing that he had the younger man’s full attention now, he shook his head. “I don’t know what Molly saw in you at one point in time. I don’t really care. Fortunately, she sees you for what you are now, and that’s all that matters to me. I don’t know what your angle was approaching her here today, but you’re not going to make that mistake again.”


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