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The Sizzle Saga

Page 36

by Sarah O'Rourke

  Shit. Molly was crying. He ran his hand through his hair in frustration as he all but yelled, “It was a misunderstanding! Amanda showed up at my office.”

  Grant’s eyes widened in surprise. “The Aussie with attitude? That’s not a misunderstanding, Devil. That’s a freaking catastrophe. I can only imagine what my sister thought.” He shuddered. “I thought you said you’d never see that nightmare again. You’ve been messin’ around with her this year?”

  “No! She called a few months ago and wanted to get together. I said no. When she read about the upcoming wedding…”

  “It raised her jealous hackles,” Grant surmised with a heavy sigh. “I warned you that chick was bad news when you met her, man. I told you that women like her are good for one thing. Making trouble.”

  “Well, your point was proven this afternoon. Congratulations on being right again,” Devil snapped, gazing longingly at the front door. “Look, I love Molly. You both already know it. Hell, everybody inside that house knows it except for the one person that needs to know it. Please,” he begged, looking between Grant and Nana, “Get me in there.”

  Katy Delancy exchanged a look with Grant before addressing her grandson. “If I take you in there, lad, you realize that you’ll have to face a sea of women that’d like your head on a bloody platter, don’t ye?”

  “Including my wife,” Grant added pointedly, crossing his arms over his chest as he looked at his best friend with something approaching sympathy. “My wife that likes sharp, pointy things, and at the moment, she’d like them buried in your heart.”

  “I don’t care if I have to face Satan himself. Molly’s worth it,” Devil stated firmly, already moving toward the steps.

  “Well, there might be hope for you yet, lad,” Nana murmured, following her grandson at a more sedate pace. “Move, boy. They might not have a problem evicting you from the premises, but me, they love,” she grumbled, shoving her grandson aside with a rough hand before using her wooden spoon to jab at the doorbell.

  Fortunately for Devil, it was the nicer of Molly’s two best friends that jerked open the door. Vivian’s doe eyes widened as she caught sight of him on the porch. Lifting his hands in surrender, he quickly vowed, “Vivian, I come in peace.”

  “Peace?” Vivian echoed dumbly, blinking. “You came here in peace?” she asked, her voice lifting. “Are you insane or just plain stupid? I hope it’s insane. Insane you can’t help. But stupid? Stupidity will get you very, very dead, Devil.” Shifting her gaze to Nana, Vivian shook her head quickly. “Nana, if you love him, hide him. Hide him far, far, far, away from….”

  “Oh, my God!” Sami shrieked from behind Vivian, her words echoing off the walls and out onto the small brick porch.

  “Too late,” Vivian said weakly as they all heard Sami storming toward the open door.

  Resigned to facing Molly’s avenging angel, Devil sighed. “Let her have her pound of flesh, Vivian,” he recommended heavily as the brunette caught Sami’s arm when it would have swung at his head. Stepping over the threshold, he met the model’s jade green eyes. “She’s got the right, and I can’t really get angry that Molly’s got such protective friends.”

  Deflating like a balloon, some of the heat went out of Sami’s eyes and Devil could see that he’d shocked her. “Take your swing and then get out of the way so that I can save my relationship with Molly. Please.”

  “You think I’d settle for a piddly pound and a single swing? You think that’s gonna satisfy me?” Sami questioned waspishly, lifting her chin despite the fact that Devil had thrown her for a loop. Shaking her head, her eyes narrowed.

  “I know you’re angry, Samantha. I know you’re all angry,” he amended as he looked around Molly’s cozy living room at the sea of faces staring angrily at him. “If I’d done what you think I’ve done, I’d want to rip my head off, too.”

  “It’s not your head I want to cut from your body, Devil” Sami replied with a vicious smile. “Well, not the one on top of your shoulders,” she added sweetly, sliding her eyes down his body to glare at his crotch.

  “Alright, that’ll be enough crass, lass,” Nana returned with a hard look at the younger woman. “Cutting off my grandboy’s manhood won’t bring Molly any peace of mind.”

  “But it’d give her a nifty parting souvenir,” Armando mumbled from behind Grant and Karen.

  Glancing at Molly’s newest supporter, Devil sighed. “Armando, I know what you thought you saw, but that wasn’t the whole story. Not by a long shot.”

  Looking over his shoulder at the lanky, handsome Latin man standing behind him in leopard print hot pants and a flowing white shirt that revealed a ripped chest, Grant raised an eyebrow. “New addition to the family and nobody told me?” he asked his wife out the side of his mouth.

  “Great new addition,” Karen agreed, linking her arm with Mannie. “Armando is the office assistant that Mols hired to cover for her while she prepared for the wedding. More importantly, he was Molly’s guardian angel today. He got her home after the asshole formerly known as your best friend broke her heart,” she explained to Grant, glaring at Devil as she spoke.

  “Welcome to the wacky family,” Grant offered with a choked laugh before turning his attention back to Devil.

  “I know I saw some skanky ho put the moves on you with Molly watching. I know you knew her, up close and personal-like, too. Or, do you show off those tattoos you’ve got to everybody?” Armando asked, his accent thick and heavy as his dark eyes narrowed.

  “You have a tattoo, lad?” Nana asked sharply, her keen blue eyes appalled as she looked at her grandson.

  “Not really the point right now, Nana,” Devil deflected, focusing his attention on more important matters. “Mannie, she knew about that because we had an extremely brief fling. Once. Years ago.”

  “The Australian hussy made it sound a lot more current than that, chico. She might be a passable model, but…,” Armando retorted, lifting his chin defiantly.

  “That’s because Amanda is a master manipulator,” Devil groaned, interrupting the other man and running a hand over his already disheveled hair.

  “Wait,” Sami interrupted suddenly, throwing up a hand to stall the conversation. “Amanda? As in, Amanda Morgan?” she asked, voice shocked.

  “That’s the one,” Mannie nodded. “Biotch Extraordinaire.”

  “You didn’t tell me he was banging Amanda Morgan!” Sami yelled, casting Armando a withering stare.

  “Does it really matter who he’s boinking if it’s not Molly?” Armando argued, his tan cheeks flushing as he met Sami’s irritated face.

  “In this case, yes. You’ve not been doing the modeling gig long, Mannie. You wouldn’t have known, but that witch is known for creating these kinds of situations. I’ve seen her destroy more than one relationship with her games.” Sighing, the blonde woman turned back to Devil. “You know she’s poison, right? She’s been looking for a nice, rich benefactor for years. Modeling is just a stepping stone for her. She’s looking for a golden ticket.”

  “I don’t care,” Devil retorted, the sharp pulsing pain in the base of his neck cinching tighter and tighter. “I was with her one night three years ago. I’ve seen her socially during the intervening years, but I’ve never seen her like that again, Samantha. I love Molly,” he shouted.

  Looking between Devil and Sami, Vivian stated hopefully, “So, Devil’s innocent.”

  “I didn’t say that,” Sami grumbled under her breath. “He has lousy taste in lovers.”

  “Prior lover and former lousy taste,” Devil corrected quickly, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m quite happy with the woman I’m with now, and I know I can make her equally happy if you people will just let me get to her.”

  “He’s right,” a quiet, calm voice said from behind them all. “Devil needs the chance to have this discussion with Molly,” Anne Ramsey agreed, moving through the assembled group to reach Devil. Crossing her arms over her chest, she looked him up and down. “You’ve create
d quite the mess here, young man.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Devil replied because, really, what could he say? He had been the source of their current drama. And disagreeing with Molly’s momma at this point in the ballgame would surely ensure that he’d be thrown out of contention completely.

  “Hello, Katy,” Anne greeted the elderly woman, ignoring Devil for a moment to kiss the elderly woman’s wrinkled cheek. “I’m sorry I dragged you out here this afternoon. At the time, I really didn’t know what to do,” she offered wearily, squeezing Nana’s hand.

  “Our children are going to be the death of us, aren’t they, Annie, my girl?” Nana asked with a tired smile.

  “They are at that,” Anne agreed as she exchanged an understanding smile with the older woman.

  These two matriarchs were going to be the death of him, Devil thought silently as he waited with barely contained impatience for them to address him.

  “I don’t know what to do with this lad,” Nana continued, jerking her silver head toward her grandson. “Chance after chance, he’s had with your girl. Keeps mucking up, he does.”

  Sparing Devil a scathing look, Anne nodded her head. “I can’t deny that, but Molly’s not perfect either. She should have stayed and skewered him there, but she was hurt. Deeply hurt,” she repeated, with a hard look at what might or might not be her future son-in-law.

  “Miss Anne, I won’t deny that I had rotten taste in women until I fell for your daughter,” Devil began, opting for his best negotiating voice.

  “Amanda Morgan is not a woman,” Sami corrected coolly. “She is a man-hungry, gold-digging, soul-sucking, sequin-wearing shark masquerading in a woman’s body.”

  “I agree with all of that,” Devil stated quickly, pointing at Samantha. “I don’t know what I was thinking three years ago…”

  “Probably, I’m about to get laid,” Grant muttered, grunting when Karen’s pointed elbow found his sternum. “It’s true,” he whined.

  “…but I know what I’m thinking now.”

  “And what is that, Devil?” Vivian asked softly, her eyes kind as they met his.

  “I can not lose Molly. I won’t. She’s the missing piece to my puzzle. She’s everything I never expected to have and more than I have ever deserved, but she’s mine and I’m not giving her back. I’m not walking away. Yell at me. Beat me half to death if you want. Punish me in whatever torturous ways you deem fit, but know – all of you - that I’m not leaving this house until I find a way to make her understand how much I love her.”

  Everyone was silent a long moment after Devil’s impassioned speech before Molly’s mother tilted her head and smiled. “All right, troops,” she said softly. “I think it’s time for all of us to retreat and allow Devil the time he’s requested to change my daughter’s mind about not marrying him.”

  “You sure, Annie?” Nana asked with a sidelong glance at her best friend.

  “Your boy wouldn’t lie,” Anne declared quietly, still staring into Devil’s grateful eyes. “I trust you’ll make this right, Devil.”

  “I’ll move mountains to make this right, Miss Anne,” Devil promised, his heartbeat kicking into high gear as he watched women begin collecting their coats and bags.

  Grant guided Karen toward the door, then he paused long enough to narrow his gaze to Devil. “No matter how guilty or innocent you are, you still made my baby sister cry, man. You’ve got this coming,” he warned an instant before his fist landed in Devil’s gut.

  “Oomph,” Devil grunted, bending slightly as the impact knocked the breath out of him. “Feel better?” he growled, straightening.

  “Marginally,” Grant muttered, pulling his wife closer.

  “Fix it, Devil,” Karen ordered, her own hazel eyes glittering ominously. “Or Grant’s fist will be the least of your worries.”

  Devil nodded as they moved out the front door only to be faced with Armando next. “Go ahead,” he invited the younger man. “Hit me if you need to hit me.”

  “I don’t punch. I bitch slap,” Armando informed him with a sniff. “But I’ll put it in reserve and see if you can salvage this. Do I still have a job tomorrow?” he asked curiously.

  “You took care of Molly when nobody else was there to do it. You have a permanent job with my company if you want it; just lose the hot pants,” Devil advised, still holding a hand to his aching stomach.

  “Really?” Armando asked, wriggling his dark eyebrows suggestively.

  “In favor of a suit, man,” Devil bit out, rolling his eyes.

  “Buzzkill,” Armando returned with a sigh, sweeping out the door with a sway of his hips.

  Vivian and Sami faced Devil next. Looking at the two women that knew Molly best, he grimaced. “Tell me the truth; do I have a chance in hell with Molly or have I totally fucked this?” he asked them quietly.

  Patting Devil’s arm, Vivian smiled. “With love, all things are possible.”

  “Fucking Confucius,” Sami muttered, shoving Viv toward the door. “Be honest and tell her the truth, and you’ve got a shot. Lie to her, and you’ll lose big. You’ll lose everything, Devil.” Sami glowered. “In turn, Molly will lose everything. Then, I’ll have a reason to find you and finish the job I’m about to start.”

  “What job?” Devil questioned blankly.

  “Why this one, sugar,” Sami answered sweetly a second before she introduced her knee to his groin. “That was for being stupid enough to sleep with a slut three years ago and for making my best friend cry like a baby,” she added, stepping back to admire her handiwork.

  Devil heard Nana and Anne gasp as he stumbled against the wall, gasping for air. “Noted,” Devil choked, gripping his crotch as he fought for air.

  “Wonderful,” Sami commented with a satisfied smile as she followed Vivian out the door.

  Somehow finding the strength to straighten, he faced the remaining women. “Nana already beat the hell out of me, Miss Anne, but you’re more than welcome to get a few licks in, too,” he offered weakly, leaning against the wall.

  “And mark your pretty face up for the wedding album?” Anne tsked with a small, negative shake of her head. “I don’t think so.”

  “Thank you,” Devil said appreciatively, and he wasn’t talking about her lack of a violent reaction. “Miss Anne, Nana…I meant what I said. I love Molly. I would never deliberately hurt her, and I damn well won’t allow anyone else to hurt her. I’ve taken care of Amanda. She won’t make any more trouble for any of us.”

  “Now that woman, I’d love to hit,” Anne muttered, her small fists dropping to rest on her hips.

  “I wouldn’t mind having a go at her myself,” Nana agreed with a nod, her hand instinctively reaching in her purse for her wooden spoon.

  “It’s not necessary; I’ve sufficiently inspired enough fear to take care of the problem,” Devil assured them both. “There’s not anything I won’t do for Molly. If it means wiping that woman off the earth, I’ll do it.”

  “Just let her know what you’ve told us,” Anne replied gently. “When I left her, she had closed her eyes, Devil, but I don’t think she’s actually sleeping,” she explained, shrugging on her own coat before helping Nana with hers. “I’ll take your grandmother home. You get into that bedroom and convince my daughter that you adore her.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he agreed instantly, holding open the door for both women and kissing them on the cheek before they left.

  Finally alone, he sagged against the closed door and closed his eyes. Releasing a long breath, he focused his mind on the objective at hand. Nothing mattered above making Molly understand how much he loved her. It was time to get into the bedroom and prove himself.

  He made it exactly one step.

  “Oh, c’mon,” he moaned as Chanel barreled off the couch and attacked his left ankle, latching onto the tender skin and biting viciously. “I didn’t do anything,” he pleaded as Coco arched her back and hopped off the sofa, hissing her own feline threat from beside the dog. “Just let me find her an
d tell her that,” he muttered, trying to shake the Pekingese off his leg.

  Stumbling toward the hallway that led to Molly’s bedroom, he managed to free his leg from Chanel’s piercing mouth. Disheveled and rattled, but in one relative piece, he reached her open door and found her on the bed, her back to the door. Walking inside the room, he closed the door behind him and twisted the lock, effectively shutting out the rest of the world and the yipping terrors. It was fitting since his world had been narrowed to the woman lying in front of him. Shedding his jacket, he tossed it toward the nearest armchair and loosened his tie. “Molly?” he murmured, moving forward. “Honey, we’ve got to talk.”

  Sizzle: Chapter Fifty-Four

  She’d known he was in her house as soon as she heard Chanel’s familiar growl. Her baby only sounded like that when one person was around.


  Closing her eyes as she heard his footsteps softly echo down the hallway, drawing closer with every step, she bit her lip and promised herself that she wouldn’t cry. She refused to humiliate herself any more than she already had. It was bad enough that her family had watched her break down. She wouldn’t do it again in front of him.

  The cheating bastard didn’t deserve her tears.

  “Molly? Honey, we’ve got to talk,” she heard him say a moment later. “You need to let me explain what happened at the office.”

  “My give a damn’s busted when it comes to cheating pricks, Devil. Been there, done that. I’m really not interested in rehashing this afternoon,” she retorted hoarsely without looking at him. She didn’t think she could handle listening to him defend himself. After what happened with her ex-boyfriend, Sean, she had the scars on her heart to prove that she understood infidelity all too well. She already knew all the reasons he’d use to excuse his actions. She’d heard them once already from another man, and they were permanently burned into her memory.

  You’d think she’d be used to this kind of pain. She was experienced with it. She’d just never expected to have it served to her by Devil Delancy. She’d let her guard down, gotten comfortable with him, and forgotten to keep her shields in place. That was her fault.


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