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The Two Pawns: Alien Mating Frenzy (Book 1)

Page 7

by Immortal Angel

  Chapter Seven

  Another night at Rusty’s was almost finished. Rayden dried the last mug, then set it on the counter behind him. A few locals shot pool in the back…a curious game he’d finally gotten a handle on after Rusty’s constant nagging.A song played in the background, the male singer discussing two males talking, man-to-man about the proper treatment of a female. It was a tune he liked.

  Other than the locals in the back, Rusty sat at the counter complaining with three old men, Jimmy, Ben, and Frank. No four people had ever looked happier while complaining about the good old days.

  It was a nice night. He wouldn’t get much in the way of tips, but it was calm.

  And yet, he couldn’t seem to relax. Something was in the air tonight. Something that made him uneasy.

  Turning, he looked at his reflection, slightly distorted in the mirror behind the rows of liquor bottles. Was his skin developing a red tint? He tugged at the black bar going through the top of one of his earlobes. It was made to control his skin and eye color. To keep his flesh pale like the humans, and his eyes dark rather than red. Was it malfunctioning?

  Wouldn’t that be just great?

  But it wasn’t just his skin that seemed to feel warm. His whole body felt warm. An unexplainable tension had the muscles in his shoulders in knots.

  “Pretty boy?” Rusty called, drawing his attention. “The college girls seem to have stayed in tonight. Why don’t you take out the trash, bring another keg in, then head out for the night?”

  Unexpectedly, Rayden felt a wave of relief. “Sure thing.”

  You’resounding more like a human with every passing day.For some reason, the thought pleased him.It’s because you’re amazed by them. You admire so many things about them.

  As he stepped out into the night, a full moon cast the parking lot in a soft glow. It was a strangely quiet night, almost one in the morning, but not quite yet. The few shops and restaurants on their street had long since been closed for the day. Even the woods around them seemed still, as if even the creatures of the forest had decided to rest.

  He hauled the trash bag around the back where his truck was carefully parked in the alley between the two buildings. Walking to the far back, he tossed the bag into the Dumpster, then headed back inside. In the back room, he got a keg and carried it easily to the front, although he made a point to look burdened by it as he came into view of Rusty and the customers. After all, humans are far weaker than we are.

  He shoved the keg under the counter and rose, dusting off his hands.

  What is that presence?

  Somehow, he knew the woman was there before his gaze slid to her. It wasn’t quite a scent, but more a feeling. She lingered in the entrance to the bar. Her deep brown hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing a face that was breathtakingly beautiful. High cheekbones, wide brown eyes, and full, soft lips.

  Who is she? Why does she seem so familiar?

  His gaze traveled down, and his cock hardened. The black shirt she wore was criminally see-through. Her breasts, small but perfect, strained against the silky material. He quite clearly made out her pink nipples, small and hard. His blood raced as he took in her skirt. It was too short. Gods, so short it’d take nothing at all to stand behind her and slid into her moist depths.

  I’ve never been attracted to a human before. What is it about her?

  He made a sound in the back of his throat. And realized, for the first time, that the bar was awkwardly silent. Every male in the room stared at the tiny woman in the doorway. At the woman who was scarcely wearing clothes at all.

  Rage pounded through his body. How dare they look at her!

  Storming toward her, he watched as her large eyes followed his approach with both hunger and fear.

  “Are you here for me?” he growled, clenching his fists to keep from touching her.

  I thought I was too in love with Syri to even look at a human.But this one…she’s fueled something inside me the others never could.

  She tugged at the silver earring that clenched most of the side of her earlobe, while nibbling her bottom lip in a movement that made his cock jump in his pants.”Yes. How did you know?”

  “Outside,” he ordered through gritted teeth.

  Take her now! his body commanded, focusing on her ass as she walked before him. Slam into her tight little pussy until she begs for more!

  The need was so great that he reached out, placing a hand on her back and urging her toward his truck in the alley. His senses were so in tune with her that he could hear her heart as it sped up. They barely made it to the shadows of the alley before he reached beneath her skirt and smoothed a hand up the back of her thigh to cup her firm ass.

  She cried out, stopping and spreading her knees slightly, her legs quivering.

  Her submissive gestures were driving him crazy. Gods!She feels it, too! All logic failed him.Get inside her. Give both of you what you need.

  Urging her forward once more, he didn’t stop until he reached the truck. Once there, he didn’t open the door, but spun her around to face him. He leaned forward, putting one leg between hers so she was riding his thigh. “Do you want me?”

  She trembled, then nodded her head slowly.

  He leaned down and took her mouth with his. His kiss was raging hot, but hers was more tentative, hesitant. He gentled himself, realizing her need might be as great, but her experience wasn’t.

  Innocent.The warning rang through his head, stopping him from taking her right there. Instead, he kissed her again and unbuttoned her shirt, cupping each of her breasts and teasing her sweet nipples with his thumbs.

  She gasped again. “Please.”

  For an instant he could see nothing but her mouth.He used his leg to spread her thighs farther apart, then moved between them, pressed his lips against hers once more.This time, she answered the kiss with an unexpected fire of her own, and the inferno that spread between them was earth-shattering. In fact, the ground beneath them seemed to shake. Her heat increased his own as he crushed her lips, tasting her mouth. His tongue swept inside, exploring her as she ground her womanhood against his hard erection. He reached down and grabbed one of her legs, bringing it up around his waist. She whimpered into the kiss.

  He swore, then leaned down and took one of her perfect nipples into his hot mouth.

  She bucked. “Gods, I can’t stand it!”

  He felt something hit the ground at his feet. He ignored it, his boot crushing it when he shifted to take her other nipple, sucking it even deeper into his mouth.

  She arched her back and ground herself against him even more. “It’s finally gone. I’m so empty. Please, please.”

  Slow down! the rational part of his mind begged him. He pulled away from her, staring at her with eyes that worshipped her perfect face and body.

  With his last ounce of willpower, he replaced her leg on the ground, steadying her. He took her hand and led her around the back of his truck to the passenger side door. There was a step up into his truck and he helped her, but her foot slipped and she fell face-first across the front seat.

  He reached forward to help her, but found himself staring directly at her swollen pussy. Fire raced through his blood. Reaching out, he stroked her gently.

  She cried out, her hands clutching the seat.

  So wet. So ready.

  He needed more of her.

  Dragging her back toward him so that her ass was high in the air, he clutched her outer thighs, parting her lips with his thumbs and leaning down to press his mouth against her hot core.

  She screamed, a sound of pure pleasure as he ran his tongue over her button of pleasure several times. He slid his tongue deep inside her, drawing out her wetness, her wails spurring him on. She rocked against his mouth as he pressed his lips deeper, tasting her sweetness, coating his mouth with her juices.

  “More! Oh gods, it feels so good.”Her tone was one of disbelief, and hunger so deep it matched his own.

  He sucked her clit into his m
outh as she bucked against him. I can’t wait another second.

  Drawing back, he rose, unzipping his zipper and finally allowing his hardened cock freedom. “I’ve never wanted a woman this much.”

  He grasped her hips.

  “And I’ve imagined this for so long,” she whispered back.

  He froze. Not a virgin. But his honor made him ask, “You’ve done this before, right?”

  “Does it matter?”She arched against him, rubbing herself on him, making his blood rush south.

  He cursed, trying to calm the tide of his desire. I can’t fuck a virgin in the doorway of my truck. As the thought cooled the storm raging within him, he admitted to himself, No woman should be treated like this.

  Stuffing his cock back in his pants, he reached down and helped her up.

  She turned to him, desperation in her eyes. “Please, don’t stop. I need you.”

  He was surprised by the tenderness that her words brought forth in him. Cupping her cheek, he pulled her against him. “We’re not done yet, love. But it’s time for us to find a bed. You deserve better than this.”

  He opened the door of his truck and helped her in, then walked around to the driver’s side. He started the engine and turned on the lights, hooking his seat belt. He turned to her and realized she hadn’t hooked hers, so he leaned over and grabbed it, pulling it across her body. Then he shifted into gear.

  She was silent for a few minutes, then she asked, “Is your placeclose?” Her voice was hesitant.

  “Yes.” But not as close as I’d like.

  He barely slowed as he left the town and reached the long road through the woods. His need had barely abated, and the way her legs kept shifting in the seat was driving him wild. He wanted to put his hands on them to still them, but he knew if he touched her, they wouldn’t make it home.

  Suddenly, she reached over, and her hand stroked his erection through his jeans.

  He bucked his hips off the seat and almost swerved off the road. “Careful!” He glanced down to see her looking at the crotch of his pants, hot desire in her gaze,

  “I haven’t seen one before.” She rubbed over his length again.

  He gasped. “This is not the best idea…”

  She ignored him and unzipped his jeans, pulling his cock from his boxers. His gaze flicked between her and the road, his heart racing. A second later, she licked his slick head.

  The steering wheel jerked. “Shit!”

  “Do you like this?” she asked as she slid the desperate head of his cock into the hot, wet cavern of her mouth.

  He bucked and cried out, struggling in his seat, the pleasure too much to bear. How the hell are we going to make it home?


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