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Your Life in Color

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by Dougall Fraser

  Praise for


  “Dougall puts the power of color energy on full display.

  This is an informative, fun read that delves into the deeper

  meaning behind colors we see every day.”

  — James Van Praagh, New York Times best-selling author of

  The Power of Love

  “Powerful, motivating, and uplifting. The book has helped me

  explore different parts of my consciousness using color, enhancing

  my ability to tap into my intuitive side in simple ways.”

  — Nicole Richie, New York Times best-selling author of

  The Truth About Diamonds

  “A brilliant yet fun and simple approach to utilizing color energy for

  personal transformation. Dougall Fraser’s connection to auras

  and energy will inspire you to weave more color into every

  aspect of your day! Written in his intelligent and witty style,

  this is a book that will educate and entertain. Beautifully

  rendered and eloquently explained.”

  — Colette Baron-Reid, best-selling author of

  The Map and Uncharted

  “The aura color descriptions that Dougall lays out in Your Life in

  Color are very detailed and easy to apply to your life. This book

  invites you to open your own third eye and start understanding

  yourself and the people in your life with more clarity.”

  — Glynis McCants, numerologist and best-selling author of

  Glynis Has Your Number and Love by the Numbers

  “Your Life in Color is written in a style that represents Dougall

  Fraser’s wit, humor, wisdom, and knowledge. Once you begin

  to understand and work with colors, understanding how

  they affect and influence your life, you’ll never

  look at them in the same way again!”

  — John Holland, psychic medium, spiritual teacher,

  and best-selling author of Power of the Soul

  “Dougall Fraser adds a bright new dimension to the colors in our

  lives. His intuitive perceptions are penetrating and extraordinarily

  practical. Soak up the wisdom of this rare teacher with integrity

  and heart, and raise the frequency of the world you live in.”

  — Alan Cohen, New York Times best-selling author of

  A Course in Miracles

  “The subject of color is one of the most important parts of our lives

  and can be baffling and intimidating. Here’s the book

  that makes it tangible and fun!”

  — Isaac Mizrahi, fashion designer

  “Dougall is my color guru! Your Life in Color is the go-to handbook

  for living with total confidence, clarity, and purpose. Once you’ve

  got Dougall’s book in your hot little hands (and color on your

  side!), you’ll always have a compass guiding you to

  the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!”

  — Licia Morelli, best-selling co-author of The Lemonade Hurricane


  But You Knew That Already: What a Psychic Can Teach You about Life

  Copyright © 2017 by Dougall Fraser

  Published and distributed in the United States by: Hay House, Inc.:® • Published and distributed in Australia by: Hay House Australia Pty. Ltd.: • Published and distributed in the United Kingdom by: Hay House UK, Ltd.: • Published and distributed in the Republic of South Africa by: Hay House SA (Pty), Ltd.: • Distributed in Canada by: Raincoast Books: • Published in India by: Hay House Publishers India:

  Cover design: Charles McStravick • Interior design: Bryn Starr Best

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process, or in the form of a phonographic recording; nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or otherwise be copied for public or private use—other than for “fair use” as brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews—without prior written permission of the publisher.

  The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Names: Fraser, Dougall, author.

  Title: Your life in color : empowering your soul with the energy of color / Dougall Fraser.

  Description: 1st Edition. | Carlsbad : Hay House, Inc., 2017. | Includes bibliographical references.

  Identifiers: LCCN 2016046663 | ISBN 9781401951689 (tradepaper : alk. paper)

  Subjects: LCSH: Color--Psychic aspects. | Parapsychology.

  Classification: LCC BF1045.C6 F73 2017 | DDC 133/.25356--dc23 LC record available at

  Tradepaper ISBN: 978-1-4019-5168-9

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  1st edition, April 2017

  Printed in the United States of America


  Your friendship, guidance, and encouragement

  have meant more to me than you can know.




















  Writing a book is a profound and powerful experience. There are so many people who are a part of this process, and most of those names will be mentioned in the acknowledgments section. There is one person in particular that I must mention before you begin reading.

  My husband, David, wrote this entire book with me. After years of working together, we created a concept and process that merges my ability as an intuitive coach with my passion for color and self-help.

  Even though his name may not appear on the cover, please know that his soul, heart, and voice are woven into every page.

  David, you are brilliant, talented, and an honor to work with every day. Thank you for helping me turn 20 years of sessions into a complete and thorough body of work.

  I love you.


  I sat in my new optometrist’s office as she conducted my eye exam. The wall behind her desk was covered with prestigious diplomas, fancy accreditations, and certificates of excellence. As someone who left high school early and got a GED, I am always impressed by those with a traditional higher education. After successfully reading from the list of letters to test my vision, I braced myself as she dilated my eyes with drops.

  “Now remember, Dougall, your pupils are wide open, and you will be sensitive to light for the next few hours after this exam.”

  You don’t know the half of it, I thought. She then asked if I ever saw anything unusual that she should know about.

  “Um, well, what do you consider unusu

  “Like spots, dots, lines, or anything you might see during the day that isn’t physically there.”

  Oh boy. This is a charged question for a psychic to answer. I was there for an eye exam and to renew my contact prescription. But when you make your living as an intuitive life coach, the mere question “Have you seen anything strange lately?” is not going to be answered the way this doctor is used to. In fact, the answer will probably cause her to think that I am all kinds of crazy.

  Where shall I begin? In the past week, I saw orange light around a fellow intuitive, a deep green aura coating the arms of a successful author, and a halo of blue energy floating around the head of an attorney. Today, in the doctor’s waiting room, the receptionist had opaque, dark blue light all around her arms; this tells me that she suspects her husband of cheating. And there is a sparkle of gold energy in front of my optometrist’s shoulders, letting me know she is thinking of leaving this office to start her own private practice.

  “Nope, nothing unusual at all!”

  She updated my prescription, and I was on my way.

  Every year, when I am presented with this question, part of my brain has to ask, What if the past 20 years of seeing auras and energy was actually just astigmatism? Can you imagine building an entire career and body of work on a misdiagnosed eye problem?

  My parents used to say I would talk about seeing colors above my crib as a toddler. I don’t remember this, but I do remember announcing at the age of five that I had a friend who was a ball of pink light named Doshun. My parents were supportive of my “active imagination,” but I’m sure that my dad pulled my mom aside to ask if any of her hippie friends had given me their adult brownies by mistake.

  I have been able to see color energy around people since I was very young. But I did not initially understand what this energy meant for the people that were surrounded by it. At first, seeing aura colors was just a fun hobby that I enjoyed. My early readings would involve me telling a client what color I saw around them but not offering any true insight from that color. It was as though I could read words from a new alphabet but didn’t understand any of the language itself. But as I continued exploring this new language, it spoke to me in ways that I found surprising. It took 18 years of working with clients to hone the messages I was receiving from spirit, and I continue to learn more about harnessing the power of color every day.

  As my work with color energy evolved through the years, I have also learned there may be a scientific explanation for the experiences I have had since childhood. I have been told that I exhibit signs of synesthesia, which is when one sense (like sight) leads to an automatic, involuntary stimulation of a second sense (like sound or taste). Essentially, synesthesia occurs when two senses overlap in unusual ways. Synesthetes may describe seeing music, hearing a photograph, or even tasting certain words. In my case, hearing the sound of your voice results in my seeing color around you. And this would have been the end of my experience with hearing color, had it not been for my job and the countless readings I have done for clients. Being an intuitive has given me the opportunity to connect a third sense, which is the feeling, or energy, of each color. Synesthesia may also explain why the colors I see have different meanings from traditional Sanskrit chakra colors or any other color therapy approach. Each color presents consistent properties to me. I am not saying my definitions are the best or only way to interpret color. I encourage you to explore the various approaches to understanding color, but this is how I interpret the color energy I see around people.

  Here’s a quick explanation of how I utilize color when doing a private session with a client: As soon as I hear the sound of someone’s voice, I start to see a glow (either physically around them or in my mind’s eye if I am on the phone). I believe that when I hear a person’s voice, I am seeing the color of their current energy, or, even deeper, the color of their soul. I explain what this color’s qualities are as a jumping-off point, and then I use my intuition to tap into how this color applies to my client’s specific life path.

  My goal for this book is to relay the information about color that I have collected over the years in the hope that you can use it as a tool for self-improvement. You do not need any previous experience with intuition in order to utilize my approach. All levels are welcome! It is wonderful if you believe in energy and the idea of auras. Or if you are just curious about people whose brains process energy and information differently, that’s great too. Regardless of your beliefs, there are plenty of historical, scientific, and cultural references within these pages to keep you informed about the power of color.

  My fascination with psychic phenomena came as easily to me as some kids take to baseball or ballet. For me, the most interesting thing in the world was anything having to do with spirituality or the occult. After years of therapy and some healthy examination of my life’s journey, this fascination now makes perfect sense to me. From the age of 7 until about 19, I was in quite a bit of emotional pain. My older sister was diagnosed with leukemia when she was 16, which rocked the whole family to its core. My parents were miserable in their marriage and began the process of divorce. I was struggling with the deep awareness that I was gay, while growing up in a very conservative town. An even deeper secret was that I was being molested by a family friend. I desperately needed to know there was a purpose, a meaning, behind all the good and bad things that we experience in life.

  Sounds complicated, right? I truly believe that my psychological pain cut so deeply that I just needed to focus on something at the time that would soothe me. The idea that processes like meditation, tarot, chanting, or channeling could take me outside of my pain was very seductive. I had created a spiritual form of disassociating. Being bullied at school today? Let’s just meditate that away. Mom and Dad are fighting again? Let’s try to get a message from our guardian angels. The more spiritual books I read, the more obsessed I became. In the midst of so much uncertainty, the idea that I could predict the future for others and myself gave me a great sense of peace. Saving myself or anyone else from pain became my mission, and color would soon become an integral tool in my healing process.

  As I progressed into my teenage years, I became a pretty decent tarot card reader. I was completely devoted to sharpening my intuitive skills. I took courses, workshops, and retreats every chance that I got. At 16 years old, I was not exactly the target demographic for these kinds of experiences. Nonetheless, I felt completely welcomed and supported by my new community of mostly forty- and fifty-something spiritual women.

  At the same time, I continued seeing auras around my clients and keeping notes on their qualities. The colors that I saw manifested in extremely specific personality traits in my clients. I studied established methods of color energy, including chakras, which I love and respect. But what intrigued me was that my definitions of color energy often differed from those of the traditional Sanskrit chakras. I did not know what to make of this at the time, but I continued my observations.

  By my late teens, I was fully immersed in the New Age community and had slowly started to make a name for myself. It is now nearly 20 years later, and I am so grateful for how much my work and belief system have transformed my pain, as well as the pain of others. Every lesson I share in this book has been tested and found to be effective by numerous clients and in my own personal experience.

  Harnessing the power of color can work for anyone. I used to spend my days telling people what color I saw around them. I would describe the color I saw when they said their name, and then observe how these colors would change when they spoke about their job or love life. But after seeing literally thousands of auras around clients all over the world, I started to notice clearly repeating patterns and character traits associated with each color. Why was it that every self-employed person had a yellow or golden color around them? Or if someone had been cheated on, why would I always see a certain shade of blue?

  I expanded my studies by taking courses on color therapy, medit
ation, and color healing. I read countless books because I wanted to know more about color energy. What I noticed was that most approaches to chakra or aura color would describe each color’s qualities but would not offer practical advice on how to actually invoke or harness the energy of each color. With this in mind, I took regular notes on what I saw around my clients, offering suggestions on how they could use certain colors if they needed a boost of any particular energy. The colors I perceived around clients meant I could see their strengths and also which colors could be used to minimize those traits that didn’t serve them. After years of reading this new language, I finally began to understand. This is how Your Life in Color came into being.

  Color not only became my language for accessing information with clients, but it also offered powerful benefits I can now share with you to use whenever you need to. We are all born intuitive. These colors will give you the tools to make powerful changes in your energy on your terms.

  Although this book focuses on my intuitive experiences with color, I hope it will inspire you to explore and develop your own innate intuition. Intuitive abilities are often referred to as a gift, but I really don’t like that description. To me, the idea of someone having a “gift” conjures up an image of someone who is different or better than the rest of us, and I truly believe we are all born blessed with intuition. Unfortunately, many of us are not encouraged to trust our intuition from a young age. Most people are taught to look outside of themselves for guidance in almost every area. Our intuitive glow fades every time we give our power away, until it becomes so faint we assume we don’t have any at all. But it is always there, an inherent part of our life force, waiting to be awakened.

  While it is certainly beneficial to gain insight from experts, you should always listen to your own intuition when making a final decision on anything. Strong intuition is the result of putting in the time and effort required to connect with other people’s energy in a meaningful way. Having a psychic magically know your sister’s name may be exciting in a reading, but it is the insight they bring to your relationship that matters most. If the information they receive rings true, use it for your benefit. If not, discard it and move forward. As my friend Alan Cohen says, “Take the best and leave the rest.” You have access to the same insight as any other person; it is just a matter of amplifying that inner voice.


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