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My Brother's Keeper (Bewitched and Bewildered Book 5)

Page 18

by Alanea Alder

  Aiden stepped forward. "We would like to negotiate."

  The ninja with metal in her mouth looked up. "What's negotiate?"

  Aiden leaned back and winked at him. "Evasive answering. They are professionals. Look, she has the most badges, she is clearly their leader."

  He then leaned down and got right in the ninja's face. "We want your cookies."

  That was when she and the three other ninjas began to cry.

  Colton looked at Aiden and frowned. "Commander?"

  Aiden held up his hand. "This is a negotiation technique, it's meant to evoke feelings of pity in their victims."

  Colton brightened. "Oh."

  We're going to jail.

  "What in the Sam Hill is going on out here?" Kendrick looked up to see an older man shuffling toward them.

  Aiden smiled. "Bart! Good to see you again, friend."

  Bart looked at their group then over to Kendrick. Kendrick just shrugged, lifted his hand, and wiggled his fingers at him. Bart turned back to Aiden. "What is wrong with you boys?"

  Aiden frowned. "Sir?"

  "Why are you harassing these sweet angels?" Bart demanded.

  Aiden snorted. "Sweet angels? Ha! They have you tricked, my friend. I will let you in on a secret." Aiden leaned in close to the old man. "They are actually ninjas."

  Bart didn't say anything right away; he just stared at Aiden. "Son, did your wife hit you with that toilet again?"

  Aiden shook his head. "No, sir."

  Kendrick pushed his way between Aiden and Colton. "Sir, what I believe my well intentioned, well armed friends were trying to do was buy some cookies."

  By this time, angry looking mothers were swooping in to stand by their daughters.

  Darian leaned into Aiden. "Abort mission, sir, abort!"

  Aiden shook his head. "No! We came here for cookies for the women."

  "Bart, get these maniacs away from my daughter before I call the police!" one especially shrill woman demanded.

  Kendrick watched as each man took in the scene in front of them.

  Crying baby girls, check.

  Murderous mothers, check.

  Angry mob forming, check.

  Slowly, each one began to pale.

  Kendrick turned to the furious mothers. "We want to buy your cookies."

  The women looked at each other. "How many?"

  "All of them!" Aiden blurted out.

  Good answer, Commander!

  Kendrick watched anger slowly ebb away as cash began to exchange hands.

  It took all five of them to carry the ninjas' entire stash of cookies to their car. Once inside the SUV, Colton wiped his brow. "Those women were grown ninjas; you could tell."

  Gavriel glanced down at his orange and green boxes, looking a bit harried. "I do not ever want to face them again."

  Aiden was in the driver's seat, drawing deep breaths. "Good job, men. Though it may look like we got away easily, we can't be too careful. Darian, I want you to watch behind us to see if they try and tail us."

  Darian quickly crawled into the backseat. "Yes, sir!"

  Colton looked a bit wild around the eyes. "She had metal in her mouth. Are they supposed to have metal in their mouths like that?"

  Gavriel shuddered. "I am going to have nightmares tonight for sure."

  Colton nodded.

  Aiden gripped the steering wheel. "It was worth it, for the women."

  All around him, the men nodded.

  Kendrick stared out the window.

  Keelan, how did you do this all the time?


  "Where do you think they went?" Elizabeth asked.

  "No telling. Colton had that look in his eye." Rheia smiled.

  "The one where he thinks he's being clever, but really he's being an idiot?" Meryn asked.

  Rheia nodded. "Yup, that one. He's so adorable when he does that."

  "Papa is silly," Penny chimed in from her mother's lap. After the startling revelations about the necklaces, Rheia went to command central to get Penny, she had been cuddling her ever since.

  Basil turned to Noah. "So Tezuka really does like Yuri, he's just pretending not to?"

  Noah nodded and passed him the bowl of popcorn. "He thinks he is protecting him."

  Basil looked confused. "But isn't he hurting Yuri by denying their love?"

  Anne leaned forward. "Ahhh. That is the crux of most anime. Hurting the one you love by denying them, so that others don't hurt them, finding out that you were hurting them all along, leaving them, causing them more hurt and then almost dying."

  Meryn frowned. "Wasn't that Twilight?"

  Elizabeth laughed and threw popcorn at her friend.

  They heard the door open and close, and they all turned to see who had come in. Seconds later, Lily and Marshall came into view.

  "Well, the Committee is now dedicated to finding out who cast the perimeter spell and used black magic. Kendrick did such an amazing job refuting their allegations, they have given up altogether. Though to be honest, if they had just walked through the city, they would never have wasted their time. The people absolutely adore you and your mate, Meryn."

  Meryn bobbed her head. "They are good peeps."

  Lily sat down with Marshall and looked at the television. "What are we watching?"

  "One of my new favorite shows," Amelia answered.

  Lily smiled. "Well, they certainly are handsome."

  The women all sighed.

  About an hour later, they heard the men return.

  "Hold the door Aiden!" Anne heard Darian yell.

  The women all looked at each other.

  "Need any help?" Anne called.

  "No!" The men shouted.

  A few minutes later, the men walked in and began passing out brightly colored boxes.

  Kendrick passed her two. She looked down mint and peanut butter cookies? She dropped the boxes to the floor and threw herself at him. "My favorites! How did you know?"

  Kendrick chuckled. "I didn't, I guessed. I hope you know how difficult these were to obtain."

  Anne kissed him soundly then immediately picked up her treat and tore into the box of mint cookies. Around the room, the other women were reacting in much the same manner. As each woman took their first bite, blissful sighs filled the room.

  Colton eyed the cookies Rheia and Penny were eating. Rheia rolled her eyes and gave him his own sleeve. Shrugging, he opened the package and popped one in his mouth. His eyes widened and he began to chew faster. He quickly finished his pack and then hopped up to go get two more boxes.

  Seeing Colton's reaction, the men scattered, each grabbing their own boxes. Anne lay back on the sofa and watched her favorite anime. She snuggled close to Kendrick, who had also broken down and was indulging in the sweet treats.

  Around the room, everyone was floating in a happy sugar haze, deliberately trying to forget the ugliness of that afternoon. Ryuu clucked his tongue at their food choices and began carting in pots of tea and sandwiches for dinner in an effort to get them to eat something substantial.

  "Oh dear! An elevator cable snapped in Spain; thirty people plunged to their deaths!" Amelia exclaimed, looking at her phone.

  Darian plucked her phone from her hands. "We're doing happy time now."

  Amelia buried her face in his chest. "Sorry, you're right. Happy time. I was just doing something for Meryn."

  "How do you fit thirty people in an elevator?" Meryn and Kendrick asked at the exact same time.

  Anne hid her smile at Amelia's incredulous expression. "That's what caught your attention?"

  Meryn nodded. "Well, yeah. I mean how big was the elevator? Maybe it was a freight elevator," she suggested, looking at Kendrick.

  Kendrick frowned. "If it was meant for freight why were thirty people in it?"

  Aiden popped a cookie in his mouth. "You know, having Kendrick here makes me worry less about Meryn."

  "It doesn't worry you that we now have two people who have a skewed sense of reality?" Colton

  Aiden shook his head. "No, because they're on our side."

  Colton brightened. "Oh, yeah."

  Anne tilted her head back and kissed Kendrick's cheek. "I love the way you think."

  Kendrick leaned down. "You'd love it even more if you could see what I was thinking," he teased.

  She laughed and hugged him tighter.

  "Amelia, did you help me out like I asked?" Meryn said with a mouth full of cookie.

  Amelia sighed. "Of course I did, though I don't know how you've leveled up so much in such a short amount of time."

  "My furries on Facebook help me." Meryn popped another cookie in her mouth and tapped away on her phone.

  Aiden sat up. "Her what?"

  Elizabeth shook her head. "Never mind, Aiden, lost cause. Trust me."

  "All your fields are belong to us," Meryn said in a robotic tone.

  Everyone looked at Amelia who winced. "I introduced her to FarmVille."

  "I will take over the world. Ma-ha-ha-ha!" Meryn shook both fists in the air.

  Anne laughed at Meryn's quirky excitement over an Internet game.

  When the doorbell rang, Anne wasn't the only one who looked around and mentally did a head check. Who could be at the door if they were all here?

  Meryn hopped out of her recliner and headed for the door.

  "Meryn," Aiden called.

  Meryn froze and turned to him, tapping her foot. "Well, come on."

  Aiden walked past her as everyone got up to look into the foyer.

  Aiden opened the door. "Can I help you?"

  "I was told the Sei Ryuu served in this household," a male voice stated in accented English.

  Aiden held the door open, and a small man in traditional Japanese dress entered slowly, taking in his surroundings.

  Anne watched as Ryuu walked in from the hallway; his eyes looked haunted. Kendrick walked past Colton and Gavriel to stand next to his friend.

  The small man began to speak in Japanese.

  Ryuu shook his head. "Out of respect for the owners of this house, please speak in English."

  The man inclined his head slightly and continued. "Sei Ryuu, your services are required in the main household. Your contract is still valid." The man held up his arm and pulled back his sleeve. A faint grayish-blue tattoo wound around the man's wrist and up his forearm.

  Ryuu bowed at the waist, apparently returning the man's gesture, and shook his head. "I was banished, I cannot return."

  The man stepped forward. "You will do as you are ordered. It is disgraceful that you would come here and serve such as these."

  "Mizushima-dono, how did you find me?"

  The man's eyes flashed. "You dare address me in this way? Have you forgotten your purpose? Your friend at the main house was so excited to hear from you, he had to let everyone know that you were alive and doing well here in Lycaonia. How dare you serve anyone other than your master? Come!" The man pointed to the space next to him as if he was calling a dog to heel.

  Ryuu looked down at Meryn. "Maybe this is for the best. My poor judgement almost got you killed today. I don't deserve to be at your side."

  Meryn gave a low cry and flung her arms around Ryuu. "No!"

  "Denka, please."

  "Denka? This lowly creature? She is human." The man spat every word.

  "Denka..." Ryuu tried to disentangle Meryn's arms from around his waist.

  She shook her head back and forth. "No! No! No! No! You're mine." She looked up, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Do you hear me? You're mine! You're my family, you and Felix." She held up her arm where her own tattoo was blazing a bright royal blue. "You promised." She looked at him, unable to catch her breath. "I love you."

  Those three words straightened Ryuu's back. He wrapped an arm around Meryn and looked at the small man. "I have bound myself in service to denka. The contract I had with your family is completed. It ended the day you exiled me from my country. The mark on your arm will continue to fade as will any power that was attached to it. I wish you luck in your future endeavors." Ryuu bowed, clearly dismissing the man, then stood tall.

  Anne felt like jumping up and down. Meryn was a sniffling mess. She'd never be dignified or elegant, but it was clear to everyone that Ryuu cherished her love more than any prestige that could be found by returning to his old family.

  The small man's face turned a dangerous shade of red. He held up his wrist and whispered a word. Ryuu jerked forward slightly, a pained expression on his face.

  Meryn stood back. "Ryuu?" She turned and saw what Ryuu's former master was doing. She moved until she stood in front of Ryuu and held up her wrist. Whatever had been pulling Ryuu forward was negated by Meryn's tattoo.

  Kendrick stepped between Meryn and Ryuu, and the outraged man. He shook his head at Aiden who had been reaching for the interloper. Kendrick grinned.

  "Mizushima, was it?" he asked.

  "Do not speak to me, dog." The man righted his robes.

  "You showed me yours, now let me show you mine." Kendrick rolled up his right sleeve. His muscled forearm was encircled by a red, a black and a silvery white bands that formed intricate knot work. A phoenix, a black tortoise, and a white tiger wrapped around his wrist.

  The man began to shake and took a step backward. "Impossible! You're a foreigner!"

  Kendrick cracked his neck. "I don't see how that has anything to do with it." He walked slowly up to the man and grabbed his right wrist. Seconds later, the man was screaming as smoke rose from where Kendrick gripped him tightly. He released the man, letting him fall to the floor. He stood over him, a cold expression on his face. "All those years ago, I had to stand by and watch you treat my friend like a dog, and I could do nothing. He is free of you and your ilk, and I don't have to play nice anymore. Whatever hold on him you had is gone." He pointed to the mangled mess he had made of the man's arm. "That is your one and only warning: Leave. And never come near my family again." Kendrick waved his hand and the front door swung open violently. He crossed his arms over his chest. Mizushima scrambled on all fours out the door, which slammed behind him.

  "And that is how you kick ass," Colton said grinning from ear to ear.

  "Kono-yaro!" Meryn called after the man.

  Ryuu looked down at Meryn in shock. "Denka, where did you learn such language?"

  Meryn whirled on Ryuu "Anime." She began poking him in the chest. "Where in the hell did you get the idea I'd be better off without you?" Meryn continued poking him while he smiled down at her. "Forget I said anything, denka."

  Aiden walked over to the squire and clapped him on the shoulder. "We couldn't live without you; you're family."

  Ryuu stepped back, placed his fist over his heart, and bowed low. "I swear to serve your house for as long as there are family members to serve."

  "And cook yummy food!" Colton added.

  "And be someone to have tea with." Rheia smiled at the squire.

  Darian and Amelia nodded. "It wouldn't be home without you Ryuu," Amelia said gently.

  Ryuu kept his head down, but Anne guessed it would be so that the others wouldn't see how much their words affected him.

  "Now, time for your punishment." Meryn rubbed her hands together.

  Ryuu stood straight, a faint smile on his handsome face. "Oh, and what would that be?"

  "I want all that yummy Japanese food you promised us. Actually, Meryn two-point-oh really wants it." Meryn rubbed her stomach.

  Anne turned to Kendrick. It had taken every ounce of self-discipline not to jump him after the door closed. He still stood with his feet planted shoulder-width apart, his arms crossed across his chest. The tattoos coupled with his stubble made him look dangerous and sexy. He caught her looking at him and gave her a questioning look.

  She smiled sweetly and mouthed the words, I want you.

  Colton must have seen what she said because he cracked up laughing. Kendrick grabbed her hand and made a beeline for the stairs.

  "Heika, aren't you hungry?" Ryuu call
ed, amusement in his voice.

  "I'm going to eat upstairs!" Kendrick called down.

  That sent Colton into convulsed laughter.

  Anne gasped and ran to keep up with him.


  They checked on Keelan and then headed to her room. Never in her life had she wanted anything as much as she wanted her mate. As soon as she closed the door, she began stripping. Kendrick hurried out of his clothing and waited for her on the edge of the bed. Anne looked over at him and saw the smug expression on his face. She let her panties drop and was rewarded when his eyes began to darken. She could feel his magic now; it was racing through his veins like lightning.

  Deliberately, she picked up her clothes and folded them into a neat pile on the dresser. When she bent over in front of him to pick up his magic clothes, she smiled when she heard him groan softly.

  She carefully folded his clothes and laid them next to hers. She then turned and walked toward the bathroom.

  "Anne, love?" he called.

  She turned. "Yes?" she asked innocently.

  "Where are you going?"

  "To take a shower. The smell of burnt flesh from the clinic is in my hair."


  "You're free to join me."

  He stood up. "Thought you'd never ask."

  She walked into the bathroom and went directly to the shower. She turned it on to the hottest setting. When steam was pouring out, she backed it off a little and stepped in.

  Kendrick stepped in behind her and moaned when the water hit his back. "This feels like heaven."

  "It's going to get even better," she promised.

  Kendrick pulled her wet, naked body against his. "You know, I've never done this before."

  "What, shower?" she asked playfully.

  He tweaked her nose. "No. I've never bathed with a woman before."

  Anne reached for the soap and began to lather up the washcloth. She took the cloth and began to work small circles over his chest, slowly moving downward. When she dropped the cloth and used her soap-slicked hands to stroke him, he swallowed hard.

  "Gods woman!"

  She worked him fast, then slow, torturing him in the same fashion he had her the night before. When she dipped her thumb into the tiny slit, his breath exploded from his body, and he slammed both hands against the tile on either side of her head.


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