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Sins of a Bad Boy (The Original Bad Boys Book 1)

Page 6

by Naomi, Soraya

  “No.” William beckoned her into the hallway. “Move.”

  With hesitant steps, she passed him, and he curled his fingers around her upper arm, guiding her to the elevator and up to his apartment in total stillness. Only their breathing filled the uncomfortable silence.

  At the top floor, the door swooshed open into an expansive high-ceiling living room with a luxurious dark brown carpet and massive oak furniture. The left wall had shelves full of books and a rolling library ladder. The adjoining wall had six rectangular windows that overlooked the Loop.

  On the right was a broad hallway, which William pushed Ivy through. All the doors were open except for one at the end of the hall, and Ivy peeked into each room as she passed. The first was the kitchen. The second one was filled with William’s workout equipment. The third was a bedroom, and the fourth had the closed door. William turned the knob and led Ivy inside.

  It was the master bedroom, and William watched her hasty inspection of the large room, which had a chaise lounge beneath two gigantic rectangular windows that were draped with heavy ivory curtains. When she noticed the rumpled satin sheets on the canopied bed that was exactly like the one in his fight club room, a blush darkened her cheeks.

  Was she thinking of their sexual encounter last night? He was; he thought of it incessantly.

  The bed also had the same ivory sheets and curtains hanging from the frame – it was William’s favorite bed. Up until the day he met Charles, he’d slept on thin mattresses that always hurt his back and deprived him of a good night’s rest. Nowadays, he made sure he had the most deluxe bed to sleep in. And he always wanted a thick, soft mattress.

  William noted that Ivy wasn’t walking slumped over anymore to try to hide her nakedness. And he could feel the heat coming from her.

  “You may bathe.” His bathroom was equipped with the latest modern plumbing, and he pointed to the adjoining washing room and parked himself on the edge of his bed.

  Ivy cautiously stepped inside and looked around, spotting the marble Grecian bathtub on the right and the toilet and cabinet with mirror on the other side.

  He heard her relieve herself, and then she didn’t make another move.

  William released a heavy breath before he got up and entered the bathroom.

  Ivy was standing right in front of the tub, and she didn’t flinch when he rested his palms on the flare of her hips.

  “I can wash you,” he offered, since he’d definitely like to touch her intimately again.

  “No!” she snapped. “I need a towel, and can I close the door?”

  William took a white towel from the sink cabinet behind him and placed it on the edge of the tub, then he sat down there. “No, you may not close the door. You have ten minutes to bathe, Ivy.”

  “Are you staying?” she probed in disbelief.

  William turned on the faucet and started to fill the bath for her. “Yes.” His gaze raked over her pussy, up her stomach and mouthwateringly rosy nipples and stopped at her pink lips. “I think we’re past the point of being shy.” Then he met her eyes. “My fingers have been inside you, and I’ve already tasted your sweet pussy.”

  A shiver went down her spine, and she bit her lip. Ivy was holding back a scathing remark, probably afraid he would take her downstairs again without giving her the opportunity to wash.

  William was slightly disappointed that she held it in, because he preferred their banter. Yet he could’ve sworn that it wasn’t a shiver of fear, but a tingle of yearning he saw. William now had his confirmation that this lady was driven by repressed sexual desire. If she’d been afraid of him last night, he wouldn’t have been able to make her come – of that, he was certain.

  As she stared at him, he heard Charles’s voice in his head telling him to work his charm, so William held out his hand, trying to be chivalrous under these odd circumstances. But then again, both of their behaviors had been strange.

  Someone like Ivy, who’d lived a sheltered, aristocratic life, should be more frightened. But William could see how strong she was, and that was unsettling.

  And William shouldn’t have brought her to his apartment, which he wouldn’t have if he hadn’t been stupid enough to come on her stomach the previous night. But he needed her clean for his upcoming plans.

  William was glad when she didn’t take his offered hand but stepped inside the tub with her back to him – probably to shut him out – but she’d just given him a magnificent view of her ass and pussy when she angled forward slightly to sit down. He couldn’t help but give her a swat.

  “Ouch! You ass!” She hurriedly sank down into the water.

  “Then don’t present that luscious behind of yours on a silver platter,” he commented unapologetically.

  “I did no such thing...I-I just want...” at a loss for words, she faltered at trying to defend herself.

  It pleased William that her spunkiness was creeping back to the surface.

  She effectively blocked him out by facing the wall while washing herself with a cake of soap.

  William enjoyed the view of the graceful slant of her neck, down her spine, and the swell of her ass that was visible in the clear water.

  After minutes of silence, she uttered, “What do you want from me, William?”

  “I’ve told you that, Ivy. Where’s the money you stole from Charles’s office?”

  “And I told you that I don’t have it. I don’t even know what you’re talking about. What’s your plan for me?” She grabbed the towel, throwing him a glower over her shoulder, and stood to dry herself. Then she swiveled around, her pussy level with his face.

  William realized she was back to seducing him. And his cock was definitely paying attention, because his blood was furiously rushing down south. He’d take this opportunity to make her think she was successful in tempting him. The start of his plan to get her into his corner.

  “You can’t just keep me here. People will be searching for me,” she said with a tremor in her voice that made William wonder if she wasn’t confident that her family would be looking for her.

  He tilted his chin up. “Ivy, if you continue to play dumb regarding my money, I’ll refuse to answer any of your questions. But I will tell you this”—he splayed both his large hands on her hips—“you intrigue me.” And he pushed his nose into the soft flesh of her stomach, prompting a gasp from her.

  The towel fell from her grasp and into the water with a splash. She tightened her hands in his hair and tugged his head back, then dug her nails into his scalp. Once again, she was doing the one thing he detested, breaking his first rule of fighting – no scratching.

  Before she got a chance to draw blood, William jumped up and she released his hair, startled. He saw red, and his anger overruled his initial plan to start to soothe and seduce her. No, he was furious now since this was the second time she’d scratched him.

  He grabbed her shoulders and towered over her, lifting her up like she weighed nothing and placing her on the floor. He then leaned in close to her face. “Don’t ever scratch me again. You won’t like how I retaliate.”

  She blinked at his sudden outburst and stiffened.

  He needed to get away before he did something else to mess up his plans even more. “You’ll be allowed to stay up here, but there’s no escape for you. I expect you to eat something from the kitchen. If you break or destroy any of my belongings, I’ll drag you down to the underground and ensure you won’t see the light of day for weeks. Do you understand me, Ivy?”

  With round eyes, Ivy nodded, and he let go of her, making her stumble back.

  “Behave or you’ll be sorry.” He looked at her with absolute contempt. “You can work those seduction skills you wanted to use on me tonight.”

  She was stock-still and whispered, “What do you mean?”

  A malicious smile was her answer along with William’s parting words, “Because you’ll be in the sex club.” And he charged out to the elevator that only worked with his key, stepping inside to get away f
rom her. To regain some calm.


  William stormed into Charles’s office on the first floor.

  He needed to cool down from his encounter with Ivy. That woman equally fascinated him as much as she exasperated him.

  “What happened?” Charles, looking up from writing in the ledger, asked him from behind his desk.

  “She scratched me again! That pisses me off to no end!” William raked back the stray hairs that were falling over his forehead and dropped into the chair across from Charles.

  “You said yourself she’s spirited. It’ll take some time to either break or seduce her, William.” Charles came around the desk and perched on the edge, taking the top off a decanter and pouring freshly squeezed juice into two glasses. He handed one to William. “You need to stay calm when it comes to her. If she doesn’t fall in love with you, we’ll have major issues whenever it’s time to release her. I told you this last night; you need stay focused. She’s just a means to an end. She’s just our pawn, and you need to place her in the right position. Your volatile behavior will probably make her hate you more; therefore, it’ll push her away. Although, it’s also your arrogant attitude that attracts the ladies, so your behavior could equally intrigue her.” Charles lifted his brows in quick succession, causing William to laugh.

  “You need to find some common ground with her. I can see that she interests you, and I’m fine with that. Toy with her as you wish, as long as you keep in mind that she needs to get us our money back.”

  They sipped their juice.

  “And after doing the books, I can tell you that we need to have a profitable opening night and many more to come if we don’t collect from Alfred Ravensdale.” He took William’s drink and set it on his desk. “Come with me. We’ll do one final round in Sins to check to make sure everything is set up perfectly.”


  It was nine p.m. when William returned to his apartment. He and Charles had been overlooking the final touches made to Sins, which had opened its doors hours earlier. There wasn’t a grand opening since this was a sex club, but William was there to give his employees final instructions and to oversee the proceedings with Charles.

  William, who had a rising suspicion about Ivy’s leashed sensuality, wanted to see her reaction to the sex club. Earlier, he’d ominously promised that he’d take her. What better way to gain her trust than to let her peruse her surroundings without any participation. She had to be scared that he was going to engage her in the club. But he’d let her prowl around while keeping an eye on her, making her feel safe with him. Step one of his plan must commence.

  Ivy was lying on the velvet brown sofa in his linen buttoned shirt. She jumped up when she heard the elevator mechanism and William stepped inside.

  “Good evening, Ivy.”

  Silence. Ivy studied William with disdain, squinting her eyes.

  His apartment looked fine; she didn’t destroy anything. But he would bet all his money that she’d been snooping around. However, William wasn’t worried in the least that she would attack him with cutlery or anything else, because he could overpower her effortlessly.

  William let a sheer purple nightdress dangle from his finger. “This is for you.” He threw the dress at her, and she caught the flimsy material in the air. “Wear it.”

  Of course, she tested his patience by not moving a muscle, so he edged closer and started to unbutton the shirt she had on.

  She didn’t jerk away. His behavior from earlier did alarm her.

  William stared at her while her eyelashes faced downward, her wild curls framing her heart-shaped face. From the moment he first saw her, he’d always thought she was striking. She was an elusive beauty, so different from other society girls, and he’d been drawn to her. Even now, while being her captor after she stole his money, he could still appreciate her quiet attractiveness.

  William unfastened the last button and slithered the shirt from her shoulders. The way his cock came to life every time her perfect round breasts were in his sight or her lean body was in his proximity was disconcerting.

  William brought his attention back to the task at hand. “Hold up your arms.”

  She complied, and he slid the dress down her body. It was French lingerie, shimmering ankle-length material with spaghetti straps and a split that ended high up her thigh. Sheer enough that he could see her skin, but it still hid her nipples and pussy from his view. It was also the costume of the girls working at Sins. The dress hugged Ivy’s curvaceous body in such a way that William daydreamed of how she would look riding him while wearing it. She looked absolutely appetizing in it. To complete her outfit, he held up a classic golden Venetian mask that covered her face from her nose up. He didn’t need anyone recognizing Ivy Ravensdale.

  “Put this on and wait here,” he instructed and went to his bedroom to change out of his trousers, shirt, and bowtie.

  William put on his black linen pants and nothing else, returning to his living room quickly with a satin rope in his hand.

  Ivy wasn’t in the same position. She’d walked to the window and was gazing outside.

  William placed his finger under her chin and tilted it up so she would meet his eyes. “I’m taking you to my sex club.”

  Finally, a reaction. Her brows snapped together, and he understood instantly that she saw this as her chance for escape.

  “However, don’t even think about talking to anyone. You’ll be chained to me.”

  William showed her the satin piece of fabric and wrapped it around her wrist, creating intricate knots. Then he took the other end and tied it around his wrist. The short rope forced them to stand close together at all times.

  To his astonishment, she spoke with a trace of belligerence and provocation. “This is your chain?”

  William barked out a laugh. “Yeah, it’s much stronger than you think.” Then he lowered his mouth close to hers. “But try to escape, and I’ll punish you with pleasure, Ivy.”

  A tremble raked her body before he tugged her along to visit Sins.


  The elevator landed on the first underground floor where William led Ivy through the corridor and to the entrance of Sins.

  The bodyguard, a huge bald guy with pumped muscles and wearing a black tuxedo, requested from two men who wanted inside, “Your coin and code word, gentlemen.”

  They showed the guard a silver coin and replied, “Caesar.”

  Ivy looked at William with a question on the tip of her tongue.

  To regain some trust with her, he answered without her voicing it, “Membership to this club isn’t granted easily. It involves a yearly fee that must be paid in advance. Then they receive a coin with a bust of Caesar on one side, and the code word is ‘Caesar’. They won’t be allowed inside with only the coin or the code word. Both are required.”

  Surprisingly, Ivy was fascinated by his explanation. “Why Caesar?”

  William answered honestly, “Do you know what people covet most? Power. Caesar was the most powerful dictator of the Roman Empire, revered by all. He was also the first living Roman who was depicted on a Roman coin. We provide the illusion of power. Power over the people our members have sex with, in a world that knows no sexual boundaries and without the fear of being judged. The members are treated like royalty, and they’re not denied any request: that makes them feel authoritative. And they’ll return every time to relive that sensational feeling.” He told her this matter-of-factly, but Charles and he didn’t know if that was going to happen. It was what they counted on though.

  She was enthralled by his words.

  “Now, let’s head inside.” William nodded to the guard who unlocked the heavy door, granting them access to Sins.

  “Mr. Kade.” The bodyguard bowed slightly.

  “Where’s your coin?” Ivy blurted.

  William smirked and stared down at her upturned face. “I am Caesar down here. I’m Sins’s owner and dictator.”

  Ivy looked ahead, and he could tell she
rolled her eyes before she stepped over the threshold into a whole other world. Her jaw dropped as she browsed around the enormous room.

  They were bombarded with the smells of incense, the moans of people exploring passion, and the sights of exposed skin, bare breasts, and cocks everywhere.

  Sins was a maroon carpeted room, decorated with beds, St. Andrew’s Crosses, spank benches, and other contraptions. Luxurious mahogany high-framed beds with dark blue curtains gathered at the corners with silver cords were spaced along the rounded wall. Maroon velvet sheets were rumpled on all the beds where different couples were in various stages of undress. Dozens of glittering chandeliers hung suspended from the ceiling, their lights dancing off the crowd. Soft music filled this place of decadent splendor. And the same dark blue curtains hung down the walls. Comfortable cushions covered in silk and satin were strewn around the floor in the middle of the room. And a bar with a black counter and silver-colored bar stools was set up behind the centered cushions.

  William steered Ivy forward, and they passed a hostess who was standing in front of a fountain made of tall glasses on their left. Champagne, instead of water, flowed down the glasses, filling each.

  “Mr. Kade. Miss.” She handed them each a glass of champagne.

  William declined, but Ivy drank it eagerly. Then she studied the nearest bed where another employee with a purple dress bunched up to her waist was being taken from behind by a man while she licked and lapped at a girl’s pussy who lay before her. Ivy tried to step back but couldn’t put much distance between her and William because of their tied wrists. William waved his hand to order the hostess away, and Ivy then noticed the similar dress.

  “I have the same dress on,” Ivy whispered, perplexed.

  Did she think she was going to have to work?

  He threaded his fingers through hers and said, “It was the only thing I had for you. Don’t look so distressed.”

  She shot him an incredulous look but was distracted by the crack of a whip to her right. A naked woman bent over a spanking bench screamed for a masked man who whipped her until he drew blood. The skin on the swell of her behind was fiery red and broken. The man traced his fingers over her wounds, coating his hand in her blood. Then he leaned over her to show her his fingers, and she sucked them greedily as he glided the head of his cock against her pussy. Then he shifted higher and drove into her ass.


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