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Lost and Found Pieces

Page 9

by J. M. Madden

  Sam nodded. “It wasn’t what I planned to do with my life but it seems right now .”

  “What branch of the military were you in?” she asked curiously .


  Smiling, she nodded her head. “Should have known. How long were you in ?”

  “Six years, then I was injured.” He ran a hand through his scalp and over his right ear, on her side now. “We were sweeping a village and the Humvee beside me rolled over an IED. The blast threw us about forty feet away. My head was gushing blood and I didn’t even realize my ear was gone until two weeks later when they told me and started weaning me off the drugs. Had a severe concussion.” He pointed out a spot on his upper scalp. “That’s where they removed part of my skull to relieve pressure .”

  Sparrow reached out to touch the depression, intrigued in spite of herself. The softness of his thick red hair tickled her fingers. This kind of stuff had always fascinated her. It was why she’d become an EMT. If she’d had the money she would have gone further, but her parents had been strapped just with the EMT classes .

  “How long were you in the hospital ?”

  He heaved a ginormous breath. “Seven weeks and three days. I was in a coma for part of that time. I went to a rehab facility for another three months to learn how to walk and talk again. The hearing is completely gone in this ear and sometimes the words still don’t work .”

  Shrugging like he was embarrassed, Sam turned his head away from her gaze. But he’d spewed all the info out there like he wanted to get her reaction over with .

  Sparrow didn’t want him to feel embarrassed about anything, so she leaned into his shoulder. “If you hadn’t told me I wouldn’t have noticed .”

  Sam looked at her out of the corner of his eyes, as if wondering if she were telling the truth. He kind of hummed in his throat and she could tell that that was his noncommittal way of getting along. She didn’t want to argue, but she needed him to know she wasn’t he type to coddle him. “I’m serious .”

  Smiling at her a little, he bumped back into her. “Okay. Lets get some food .”

  Didn’t need to tell her twice. Sparrow led the way to the tables and collected her utensils first, then started at the first line .

  “What did you cook?” Sam asked .

  A heavily built man in front of Sparrow tossed him a dark look. “Get this through your head buddy. If you’re looking for a cook, she ain’t it. Don’t ever let this woman in your kitchen .”

  “Hey, Tony. That’s harsh,” Sparrow cried. But she gave Sam a chagrined nod. “He’s right though. If you need a nasty diarrheal excuse for work or something, I’m your girl!” She pointed down the table at the veggie tray. “That’s what I brought .”

  Sam chuckled and she shrugged. “Technically I’m female but I didn’t get that cooking gene. It floated down the river to my three sisters .”

  “Three,” Sam asked incredulously .

  Sparrow nodded as she grabbed a few of the wings he brought. “Yup. I’m one of six kids. I also have two brothers. One of which is down the line, there. The other is the cop you talked to at the crash .”

  Sam’s gaze followed the line of her finger, but there were too many men to pick just one out .

  “Cory is a pain in my ass,” she said loudly .

  Finally a dark-haired man in a tinsel-bedecked sweater waved his broad hand. “Whatever, sis .”

  They got their food and headed back to the spot at the table. Sparrow hadn’t eaten anything for hours, so she was legitimately hungry and it took her a few minutes to take the edge off .

  “This is really good,” Sam told her. “I don’t get food like this very often .”

  Sparrow nodded in agreement. “About half our guys are married and their wives rock. I mean, we cook here but a lot of times the women bring stuff in for us. Gets us out of it,” she laughed .

  “I’d rather eat someone else’s cooking rather than my own, too .”

  They finished their meal in silence, but Sparrow felt good about it. It was a comfortable, homey feeling sitting with him. When they were done, Sam carried their trash to the can, then returned with three kinds of desserts and set them in front of her. “Whatever you don’t eat I will .”

  Laughing, she pulled the pecan pie toward herself .

  “I thought you’d go for the nuts,” Sam murmured .

  Sparrow laughed, looking at him. “Why would you say that ?”

  “Because just in the little while I’ve been with you I can tell you’re an exceptionally strong woman, and strong women,” he paused dramatically, “love pecans .”

  Sparrow looked at him for a moment before laughing, shaking her head. “Okay, you’re a funny guy, Sam Willet. You never go for the easy path, do you ?”

  His gaze was focused on her with laser precision. “I think you deserve more than that. I’ll stay on my toes for you, Sparrow .”

  She was a little taken aback at the vehemence in his voice, but it also connected with her. Men had hit on her before and she’d had her share of affairs, but no one had interested her the way this one did. Did she dare hope they could be more than just a fleeting flirtation ?

  Chapter Six

  S am wanted to lick Sparrow up one side and down the other. The woman was active, and vital. Vibrant. She seemed to love life, and maybe that was what drew him to her. He hadn’t loved his life for a long time. He’d been existing rather than participating .

  She reached out to touch his hand, tracing her fingers over the white scar lines. “They say I put my hand up to block part of the blast,” he murmured softly. He turned his hand to show her his middle finger, which had basically been sliced in half, then brought it up to his head. After looking in the mirror for so many years he knew exactly where he needed to place it for the damaged pieces to match up .

  “Wow. It’s pretty obvious isn’t it ?”

  “I’m glad I had my gloves on. They disbursed part of the blast too .”

  Those gloves were in his lockbox at home, a bloody memory of how close he’d come to having a piece of metal in his brain .

  “I can’t imagine fighting over there,” she said softly. “I mean, I know we’ve had people deployed for years and several of the noobs we’ve hired recently have overseas combat experience. They’ve talked about it a little. But I think we as a people kind of forget about the war. Things are so volatile over here already without adding the conflict over there on top of it .”

  “Yeah, I know. And I understand that. People like to put their heads in the sand and avoid thinking about sad or dangerous things .”

  “So,” she murmured, “who did you come back to? Do you have family ?”

  Sam blinked and turned to look at the Christmas tree. “Yeah, I have family, back in Virginia. They don’t understand me well, though. My mom was my best friend for years, but she died from a heart attack while I was deployed. My dad is kind of lost in his own grief. Actually, he’s getting Alzheimer’s now we think. My sister watches over him .”

  Her heat radiated through him as she leaned close, arm to arm. “I’m sorry. That’s really hard. My great-grandmother had that and it’s a terrible disease. And I’m really sorry about your mom .”

  Sam felt his eyes burn, but he breathed through the loss. It had been a terrible time in his life, getting that message from his sister. There hadn’t been anything he could do at the time. He’d been at a remote Forward Operating Base, and by the time he’d gotten the message, the funeral and everything had been over with .

  How had he not known that his mother, the woman he’d shared and talked everything over with, good and bad, had been gone? Shouldn’t he have felt something? He’d been down for days, and the fifth day after he’d been told about his mother he’d been blown up. If he hadn’t been so absorbed in his own loss would he have been more cognizant of what was going on around him? If he had decided to go home like he could have done, he may not have even been there .

  All the what-ifs were enough
to drive a man mad .

  He didn’t want Sparrow to be a what-if. Just sitting with her and experiencing a part of her life was more absorbing than anything he’d done in years. He wanted more. “What about your family ?”

  She sighed, glancing down the table at her brother. “Like I said, there are six of us kids. Lived in Colorado Springs all our lives until some of us started going away to school. Mom and Dad are working class, my mom a teacher and my dad a cop, both nearing retirement. Money was always tight but we were, and still are, a tight-knit bunch. I put myself through school and got a job here almost immediately. I love it. Can’t imagine doing anything else .”

  Sam could see that solid family base in her, in the way she lived. “You’re lucky your family lives so close .”

  “Yes, I am,” she smiled, one side of her mouth kicking up. “Even though I want to disown them sometimes .”

  Sam was beginning to realize that being with Sparrow was as hard as it was exhilarating, because he wanted more from her. He hated that he would eventually have to go home, leaving her behind .

  A man dressed in a Santa outfit came into the truck bay and sat at a huge, lit chair, a giant red bag of wrapped packages beside him. There were a few kids in the group and their parents encouraged them to move forward. Each child received a gift, and it was nice to see their faces light up .

  Sparrow watched them with a smile on her face as well, giggling when one boy tossed his present down at the ground because he didn’t like the character. Another little girl cried when she opened her longed-for gift and Sparrow’s face softened with empathy. Her eyes even seemed a little glassy .

  “I love Christmas,” she admitted, a little shamefaced, when she caught him watching her. “I love the lights and the emotion and food. And the hope .”

  “I can see that .”

  When an alarm came in mid-present-giving, everyone stilled, then bolted into action. Santa didn’t have to leave but a lot of the guys did, including Sparrow’s brother. She smacked him on the ass as he bolted past her. “Stay safe,” she called .

  The trucks had been parked in the lot outside while the party was going on, and hearing the sirens wind up as they pulled out was a little heart-pounding for Sam .

  The party began to break up after that. Sam didn’t want to leave, appreciating the camaraderie he could feel in the firehouse. It reminded him of being at work, with his friends and adopted family .

  Glancing at his watch, he frowned. It was only a little after seven-thirty. Yes, he was tired and achy, but he would power through it if she would spend more time with him. And her comment about loving Christmas had given him an idea .

  “Would you consider going somewhere with me?” Sam asked her, before he lost his nerve .

  She looked at him for a long moment, then nodded her head. “Yes .”

  Just that easily they were leaving the firehouse behind and climbing into Parker’s four wheel drive truck. It had bucket seats, and Sparrow seemed very far away, curled into her heavy coat on the passenger side. Sam rested his hand on the center console for a while in the hopes that she would reach out, but she didn’t. Not until she realized where they were going. She looked at him in the glow from the dash, her eyes shining, and grabbed his hand. “Are you serious ?”

  Sam grinned, loving her excitement as he pulled up to the kiosk to pay to park .

  The Denver Zoo put on an annual light display that spanned sixty acres. He’d never been to it himself, but for some reason he thought Sparrow would enjoy it. And by the light shining in her eyes, he thought he’d made a good bet .

  The crowds were a little worrisome, but he could deal with them .

  Walking in through the gates they were met with a light vendor selling rings and headbands and swords, all lit. Sam picked Sparrow out a lit headband with reindeer antlers. He couldn’t see the color, but her hair looked cute caught in the band. He bought himself a pair too, just for the hell of it .

  As they followed the path on the map they were given, she took his hand in hers and his night was made. As they walked from display to display and looked at the animals playing in the show, Sam let his worries about the night go. His body was aching like hell and his head throbbed with a migraine, but he couldn’t imagine a more perfect night. Watching Sparrow’s lilac eyes shine as she moved enthusiastically from display to display, tugging on his hand, was pure pleasure .

  At one point she stopped and turned to him, resting her hands on his chest. “Thank you, Sam Willet. This is the best date I’ve ever gone on, hands down .”

  Then she kissed him, her warm lips soft on his own. Sam thought his heart was going to explode with fear and joy and need. Reaching up to cup her face in his hands, he kissed her back, soft little brushes back and forth. That didn’t seem to be enough for her though, because she opened her mouth and he felt her tongue against the seam of his lips. He took her in greedily, hard need bolting through him .

  This wasn’t a place where anything could get out of hand, but he suddenly felt very exposed. He held Sparrow to him and he wanted to be one with her, in every way possible. As he drew back and looked down into her eyes, she seemed to sense his intensity. She blinked and took a shuddering breath. “I didn’t expect that .”

  Sparrow pulled away with a broad smile and turned toward the next exhibit, but Sam’s attention was snagged by a young woman a few feet away. She fluttered her hand at him, wiping tears from her eyes. There was a digital camera around her neck and she wore an elf vest and hat, obviously a zoo employee .

  “I hope you don’t mind,” she said breathlessly, “but I couldn’t help myself. I saw the two of you kissing and with the backdrop and all, it just seemed so perfect.” She turned her camera to him .

  He and Sparrow were kissing, lost in each other. The elephant display was behind them, glittering, but they were oblivious to it. He hadn’t even realized it but her hand had crept up over his ear to fondle his hair. On his right side. Their eyes were closed and he could tell they were both lost in the moment .

  The woman handed him a ticket. “I’ll drop this memory card off in a few minutes and you’ll be able to pick up a copy of the picture at the photo desk at the front entrance. You made my night. It’s one of the best pictures I’ve ever taken here .”

  Sam grinned at her. “Thank you .”

  He caught up with Sparrow a moment later as she looked at the zebras. Her violet eyes lifted to his, then drifted away, as if looking at him was too hard. “You know, I’ve been here before, but when I was a kid, this was a huge treat for us. Getting eight people into the zoo and feeding them was an expense, but my parents always tried to do it every year. We were out of the house by the time Denver started the lights program, so I’ve never seen this before. Thank you. I couldn’t think of a nicer Christmas treat. Well,” she murmured, hand going to her throat, “other than my necklace .”

  Sam grinned, glad he’d stuck with the non-traditional for her. “You are very welcome. Thank you for being here with me. I know we’ve only known each other a few hours, but I truly believe my life has changed for the better for meeting you .”

  Her eyes filled with tears and she nodded. “I know. I feel the same way .”

  The finished the zoo holding hands and leaning in to each other. Sam tugged her to the line at the photo booth. “But we didn’t get our picture taken anywhere,” she protested .

  Sam winked at her and waited through the line, handing the young woman his ticket and the twenty bucks for the photo. When he got it he pulled Sparrow to the side to open the envelope. She gasped as the picture was revealed .

  Her fingers drifted over their image and she looked up at him. “I’m not one of those romantic saps— far from it— but that is a romance novel worthy clinch. I wasn’t even aware she took the picture .”

  Sam nodded. Even on this flat piece of paper, her purple hair shone like a beacon. The world moved in strange ways and he had no idea why he could see her, but he would always consider this ni
ght and this woman his purple Christmas miracle .

  The Lost and Found Series

  If you would like to read about the ‘combat modified’ veterans of the Lost and Found Investigative Service , check out these books :

  The Embattled Road ( FREE prequel )

  Duncan, John and Chad

  Embattled Hearts-Book 1 (FREE )

  John and Shannon

  Embattled Minds-Book 2

  Zeke and Ember

  Embattled Home-Book 3

  Chad and Lora

  Embattled SEAL-Book 4

  Harper and Cat

  Embattled Ever After-Book 5

  Duncan and Alex

  Her Forever Hero-Grif

  Grif and Kendall

  SEAL’s Lost Dream-Flynn

  Flynn and Willow

  Unbreakable SEAL-Max

  Max and Lacey

  Embattled Christmas

  Reclaiming The Seal

  Gabe and Julie

  Loving Lilly

  Diego and Lilly

  Her Secret Wish

  Rachel and Dean

  Watch for Parker Quinn’s book Flat Line, out in February! You can preorder it here !

  Other books by J.M. Madden

  A Touch of Fae

  Second Time Around

  A Needful Heart

  Wet Dream

  Love on the Line

  The Billionaire’s Secret Obsession

  The Awakening Society-FREE

  Tempt Me

  If you’d like to connect with me on social media and keep updated on my releases, try these links :





  And of course you can always email me at

  About the Author ~

  NY Times and USA Today Bestselling author J.M. Madden writes compelling romances between ‘combat modified’ military men and the women who love them. J.M. Madden loves any and all good love stories, most particularly her own. She has two beautiful children and a husband who always keeps her on her toes .

  J.M. was a Deputy Sheriff in Ohio for nine years, until hubby moved the clan to Kentucky. When not chasing the family around, she’s at the computer, reading and writing, perfecting her craft. She occasionally takes breaks to feed her animal horde and is trying to control her office-supply addiction, but both tasks are uphill battles. Happily, she is writing full-time and always has several projects in the works. She also dearly loves to hear from readers! So, drop her a line. She’ll respond .


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