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The Malevolent Witch: The Book of Khayin Volume 1

Page 7

by Matt Gross

  “Oh, cut the shit, Honey, I'm too much woman for you. You wouldn't know what to do with yourself, let alone what to do with me.” She waved her hand in a half shooing and half pointing manner. “The Mistress is in her office. I'm sure you know where it is so I don't have to take you back there.”

  “One of these days, Helen.” Khayin said as he walked past her desk and into the hall beyond. Helen just shook her head.

  The hallway was short with only two doors. Khayin took the first door on his left. It stood ajar and he could clearly see the large office within. The room was decorated in a Japanese fashion, complete with paper walls segregating a large room into smaller rooms. Just inside stood a full suit of Samurai armor. Khayin saw a pair of expensive shoes sitting outside the door.

  Khayin bent down and pulled off his boots. Kira just watched him.

  “Mistress Tao is Japanese and she is traditional.” Khayin motioned toward Kira's feet with a pointed finger. “It's customary to remove one's shoes before entering.” Kira just shrugged and took off her boots. “Don't worry, this is about as traditional as she gets,” he said with a smile.

  The Mistress's desk sat in the far left of the room, taking it out of the view of the door, though Khayin knew she didn't need to see the door to know all that was happening in her building, let alone her office. Standing beside her desk was Mistress Tao. She was a short woman with a full figure. She wore a black pin-striped skirt suit. She also had her black hair pulled into a ponytail. Khayin saw that she was about as old as Kira and they both looked to be in their mid-twenties.

  “Khayin,” she purred in a lovely accent. “I've heard so much about you, but never had the pleasure of a proper introduction.”

  Khayin bowed. “Mistress Tao. It's an honor.” Kira just looked at both of them, head shifting between the two. Khayin straightened. “Congratulations on the business and I'm sorry for your loss.”

  “Nonsense.” Tao scowled, then quickly smiled showing a row of perfect white teeth. “Good riddance to that old cretin I say. He got what he deserved.”

  “I hope you and Codex have a good relationship?” he asked.

  “Oh, we...have an understanding.” A devilish grin escaped before she could hide it. Khayin only nodded.

  I bet you two do.

  “So, how can I help you? Where do you need to go?” She asked, straight to business.

  “As far south into Mexico as I can get. I need to get to Panama, but I've come down with a case of Lackoffundsitis.”

  “Panama does not have an established port-link and would be expensive, which you already knew. How much are you willing to spend?” She made her way behind her desk and turned to face the wall. She pulled down several large maps and flipped through them until she found the one she desired. She released the others and displayed a map of Mexico and Central America.

  “I've got five thousand chips I can spend on a port, maybe more, but that would cut into chips I have set aside for other expenses.” Khayin reached for his money purse. Mistress Tao only nodded.

  “Mexico City is the cheapest and I'd only charge you half that, since you are a friend of Codex's.” She examined the map. The large map displayed cities and roads. What Khayin really noticed, though, were that some cities were marked with different colors, and that those cities were connected by blue lines that could easily be mistaken for roads, but Khayin knew they were porting connections. “Now, Tuxtla Gutierrez is closer to Panama and in your price range, again with a Codex discount,” she said with a white smile as she turned to face him.

  “That's not necessary.” Khayin shook his head.

  “Your honor requires you to turn it down, but mine requires me to insist. I'm sure I'll be using your services sometime in the future and you will remember this.” She countered.

  “OK. Tuxtla it is. Do they have an established port?”

  “Sort of. I know a wizard down there and he has a circle that I use from time to time.”

  “And he's OK with that?” he asked concerned.

  Mistress Tao smiled that pearly smile. It was almost enough to make him melt. “No, and yes. He visits the Mayan ruins that are relatively close and we trade from time to time. That is all you need to know. He is not aggressive and when you show up on his property armed like you are he will not protest. Plus, he is a smart man. He will know that the only way you could port to his home is by me. You can probably purchase some horses from him as well. He has a nice little setup down there.”

  “Five thousand chips then.” He fished out some chips and counted out the desired amount and held it to her hand outstretched.

  She pointed a black lacquered fingernail to a bowl on her desk. “It feels, accepting chips hand to hand. I do not know why. Anyway, now that business is over.” Mistress Tao walked over to Kira and looked her up and down. She circled her as if to take in every inch. Tao stopped when she completed her revolution and they were face to face.

  “What is your name, dear?” the Mistress asked.

  “Kira'Tal,” Kira spoke directly and confidently, and Khayin thought she was either a very good actor or braver than Khayin had thought.

  “Of course. Codex told me about you.” Tao clicked her teeth with a black nail. “So, you are the witch Hag, one of the mythical Schadovitch?”

  “That's what they say. We've never called ourselves by that. What makes a witch different than a wizard?” Kira asked.

  “Ooh, good question.” Tao was obviously amused. “I really don't know. There are so many different kinds of magic and all its users get blanketed under the same label. What makes the Hags any different?” It was a rhetorical question.

  Khayin could see Kira purse her lips and shrug.

  “Well, if anyone can get you home, this man can. If only half of what Codex says about him is true, you will be home in no time.” She touched Kira's cheek. Kira flinched. Then suddenly Tao turned to Khayin. “Codex told me a little of what is going on. She is worried. Especially after what happened since you left her place earlier today. Do you need...”

  “No.” Khayin cut her off. “I don't want to bring anyone else into this. Even though technically you are, but no more. I think we'll be safe from those Chicago men when we get into Mexico, hopefully.” Khayin tensed. “She heard about the attack?”

  Mistress Tao flashed her smile. “Darling, you know there is not much that goes on in this city that she does not know about.” She slid between Khayin and Kira and headed to the door. Khayin followed.

  Once in the hall they donned their shoes and followed Mistress Tao to another room a little further down. They stepped into a large open room with a circle drawn on the floor. Within the circle were intricate designs of runes and other magic symbols. None of it made any sense to Khayin, but he could see Kira was very interested. The circle and designs within were a permanent part of the floor.

  “Go ahead and step into the circle,” Tao instructed.

  They did what they were told. Khayin saw the Mistress pull some components out of a small bag she had in a pocket. “This is a ritual? I didn't have to step into a circle to teleport to Codex.”

  She looked a little perturbed. “Codex is...Codex is on a level that most wizards aspire to be and she views spell and ritual magic beneath her. Do not get me wrong. She knows more spells and rituals than any wizard and is probably on even footing with Merlin--the real one--but she will not use it except for her own gains. But don't take offense, it is just how she is. She is like a savant, autistic maybe, maybe not. All I know is that her mind works differently and if she does not like something or if it does not hold her attention, she packs it away.” She stopped, obviously in thought. “She is strange, different, beautiful, and powerful. My old mentor found out the hard way.” She visibly shuddered. “Ready?”

  “Yes,” Khayin and Kira said in unison.

  “Next stop, Tuxtla Gutierrez. Say hi to Luis Barragan for me,” she said as she crushed a red pepper in her left hand.

  Chapter 10 The

  “The Asset has made contact, Chief,” said Dorne. He was a wiry man who had never seen a day of combat in the field. His uniform hung loosely on his skinny frame. He wore glasses and sported a thin mustache.

  “And?” The Chief's voice was low, gruff, and demanded attention. The two men were standing in a dark room. Chief Lawrence Rantz stared out through a window that didn't allow any light to come in. Outside sprawled Chicago, a Tech Wizard mecca. The city was alive with lights, vehicles, and other various old world tech.

  Joshua Dorne swallowed a lump in his throat. He hated bringing bad news. “The Asset was neutralized, sir.” He waited a moment for Chief Rantz to respond, but he said nothing. Dorne continued, “The Asset did confirm the witch's presence and the one she is traveling with.” He paused again for any response and still all he got was silence. “She is not with Juan Rodriguez.”

  Dorne stood in front of the Chief's desk. Chief Rantz had his back to him and the room. He was a tall man, broad shouldered, and had a military style crew cut. Dorne stood nervously. The Chief was not a nice man and did not take bad news easily. Dorne didn't want to be on the receiving end of his rage.

  “And who might she be with, Dorne?” he asked in a calm tone.

  Dorne hesitated. He was a little surprised of the Chief's tone. He didn't sound upset. He sounded neutral. “The Asset claims she is traveling with...” He paused again even though he knew the Chief was getting impatient.

  “Spit it out, Dorne,” Chief Rantz said with frustration.

  “Khayin, sir. The Asset said she was traveling with Khayin.” It was out. He said it. Dorne tensed waiting for the coming storm.

  There was a long silence. Dorne began to sweat. He dared not move, but all he wanted to do was get out. He knew he was just the messenger, but that didn't stop the Chief in the past. Dorne himself had never been an eyewitness to his rage, but this was also the first time he personally had ever delivered bad news to the Chief of Security.

  After what seemed an eternity the Chief spoke. “You are dismissed, Dorne,” the Security Chief said in a smooth calm voice.

  Dorne spun on his heel and left. Behind him through the closed door Dorne could hear a yell that was almost inhuman, then the sound of shattering glass. The yelling continued with strings of expletives and one word he could actually make out...Khayin.

  Dorne smiled. He looked at Elizabeth, Chief Rantz's secretary and shrugged. The secretary was the Chief's niece. She was a nice girl. She was a ginger. Too many freckles. He preferred a woman's skin to be unblemished. She smiled at him.

  “Everything OK?” she asked.

  “Yes, everything is fine.” He winked at her and watched her cheeks blossom into a rosy shade.

  He loved getting under people's skin and it thrilled him to do so to the Chief, despite his fear of him. He wasn't sure why the Chief didn't lash out at him, but he was thankful.

  One of these days Chief Lawrence Rantz, you will let that rage out on the wrong person and I'll be there to swoop in and stake my claim.

  Dorne had only heard tales about this Khayin and he knew how much the Chief hated him. That was part of the reason he wanted to tell him himself. He never understood the hatred. Khayin frequented Chicago often and liked to visit the theater. He had also dropped off a number of bounties in the city.

  Dorne left the first floor office and proceeded down to sub-floor thirteen. He didn't like to use the elevators; they were unnatural. He didn't trust them. He didn't trust a lot of magic. He exited the stairwell and walked down the long white hall to his office. The desk in the foyer was empty; he had given his secretary the day off. He sat behind her desk.

  A young man wearing a security uniform entered the office. He had blonde hair that he wore short. His face appeared shocked when he saw Dorne sitting at the desk.

  “Uh...uh...sir?” he stuttered.

  “What is it?” Dorne snapped.

  “There was an incident in Mexico City.”

  “So what? What does that have to do with us?” Dorne was annoyed.

  “Juan, sir.”

  “What about Juan?”

  “He was found dead outside a bar called El Diablo's.”

  Dorne smiled. “Really...”

  Chapter 11 The Sleepover

  Tuxtla Gutierrez. Once a thriving city in the southeast of Mexico, now it was more of a ghost town. Most buildings were left abandoned. The government fell apart like most cities and looters ran wild. Chaos left Tuxtla a lifeless husk. Scavengers still frequent the ruins, but 200 years has stripped it of anything of usefulness.

  Kira had never visited any settlement outside her own community. The few traders she had met in the past had relayed stories and she'd listened with earnest attention. She had always been fascinated with the outside world, but fear had kept her from exploring it. Fear of the unknown and fear of her mother, The Crone, who forbade it. Only a select few could venture beyond their borders and some of those never returned.

  She found the contrast of settlements enthralling, from the small villages, to the large cities like Vegas, to the near desolation of Tuxtla. She could only imagine what they were like before the Cataclysm Khayin had mentioned.

  The teleport placed them just at the edge of the city. They stood in another circle that looked very similar to the one on Mistress Tao's floor. She checked her companion and noticed his queasy visage. She chuckled inwardly. It's nice to see a crack in his armor. Before them were trees and homes. The trees were too thick to see any great distance, but she had a feeling they were very close to this Luis guy's place, on account of Tao saying they would port in his yard.

  Kira scanned their surroundings and quickly found who they were looking for. An older man wearing coveralls and a curved brim hat approached. He held a bow with a notched arrow in his left hand. Flanking him were two more men, much younger, also carrying bows, but they had them drawn and pointed at them. Khayin put his hands up, so Kira nervously did the same. So much for not being aggressive.

  “We come in peace,” Khayin said in a voice other than his own. She looked at him quizzically, he only smiled.

  There are weapons pointed at us and he is smiling. No fear? Or is he crazy? Both?

  The three men stopped about thirty paces from them. The older man just watched them for a long moment. Kira summoned some of her magic. Her fingers started to tingle. She wasn't afraid and she knew she could handle the situation before them, but she wanted to see what Khayin was going to do. With her magic back she didn't need Khayin as a protector. She wouldn't have admitted she had ever needed him for that.

  The old man lit a cigarette and motioned for his companions to lower their bows. “Only one soul uses that porting circle. Is it right for me to assume she sent you?”

  Khayin never lowered his arms. “You're welcome to assume that. Mistress Tao says hi.”

  If the old man reacted to the name he didn't show it. “Why are you here?”

  “We're on our way to Panama and I was hoping you might put us up for the night and sell us a couple horses, if you have any. Or tell us where we might find some,” Khayin said plainly.

  “Tell your girlfriend to holster that magic,” the old man said with a scowl.

  Khayin gave Kira a glance and lowered his hands. She relaxed. She let the magic dissipate and flow back into the elements. The old man waved off the other two men before fixing his gaze onto Kira. She could guess what he was thinking. My tattoos must be rare. Why else would I stand out? Then he looked back to Khayin with the same scrutinizing eye he had on Kira.

  “Alright, young man. I think I can help ya.” He walked toward them and outstretched his hand to Khayin. “The name's Luis Barragan.” Khayin took his hand and they shook.

  “THE Luis Barragan?” Khayin asked.

  “Whattya mean?” He gave him a questioning look.

  “The architect and engineer from the twentieth century?”

  He chuckled. “No. A many great grandfather. I's named after him. How'd he s
till be alive? It's been over two-hundred years. No one is immortal, son. Everything and everyone dies. Magic hasn't been able to stop that and lord did they try. How'd you know my many great grandfather?”

  Khayin shrugged slightly. “I read a lot.”

  Luis seemed to be satisfied with his response because he just smiled. “Good. Come. Follow me. I've some rooms you can use for the evening.” He looked back to Kira then to Khayin. “Unless you prefer one room?” Kira grimaced. Luis smiled.

  The walk was short. There was a small farm, enough to feed a small village. By the looks of it Kira could tell they only grew what they needed, not to trade. Luis led them to a house a couple hundred yards from the teleportation circle. She noticed the home was well kept but rarely lived in. It was simple, with just four rooms: two rooms with beds, a bathroom with a tub and toilet, and a larger room with a table and stove.

  “Dinner will be served in a couple of hours. I'll have one of my boys fetch you,” Luis said as he walked away.

  “That's OK, we really don't...”

  “The missus would really appreciate it,” Luis said, cutting Khayin off as he turned to face him. Khayin just nodded.

  They watched the old man walk across the field to a much larger house. Kira looked at Khayin, who continued to stare after the old man.

  “We going to sleep here and leave in the morning?” she asked.

  “Yeah.” He turned and entered one of the bedrooms. “We'll have to stop somewhere for some clothes and food. If we keep wearing these,” he picked at his shirt, “we'll get a little ripe.”

  Kira stood in the hall that separated the two bedrooms. She looked into one of the bedrooms and noticed it was exactly the same as the other one. She walked down the hall and entered the bathroom. Kira immediately began to strip off her clothing.

  “I'm going to bathe,” she said.

  Naked, she turned the knobs and water began to fill the tub. She reached down and put the rubber stopper in the drain. She heard footsteps in the hall, but when she turned all she saw was the door to the bathroom closing. She smiled and sat in the slowly filling tub. She took care to keep her hair from getting wet by tying it up as best she could with a shirt. Kira then sat back and relaxed, trying to forget where she was and what had happened.


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