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The Malevolent Witch: The Book of Khayin Volume 1

Page 21

by Matt Gross

  Chief Rantz grimaced and landed a haymaker punch to Khayin's smiling grill. Khayin's head rocked back and if the chair wasn't bolted to the floor he would have fallen over. Khayin started to laugh.

  “You're so pathetic,” he said through his laughter. “Is this what they have you do? Are you nothing but muscle for them?” He spat out more blood. He had almost bitten through his tongue. “You dress like you're important, but you're nothing but a thug.”

  As a result of Khayin’s taunts, the Chief resumed his beating with more fervor. Khayin's face wasn't spared, and he gritted his teeth through the pain. The Marine only paused to catch his breath and rest his now swelling hands. Khayin laughed all the more. The laughter only enraged his abuser.

  Chief Rantz charged Khayin with a fist pulled back ready to be thrown, but he stopped short. “Out!” he yelled. “Everyone out!” He stood with his head down and eyes closed. He was heaving. The guards in the room left without hesitation.

  Khayin spat out blood. “I can't go anywhere.”

  The Marine glared at him. “I am the Chief of Security here. And I am a retired General of the Black Tempest Mercenaries. You will address me as such.”

  “ Chief or as General?” Khayin was no longer laughing.

  “Chief. I am retired and no longer with the Black Tempest. I have twenty-eight successful missions. I've fought against raiders, bandits, and other looters. I have led successful raids on other cities. Detroit was my last, and it was glorious.” The Chief started to pace. “Chicago is the most advanced and the wealthiest city in the Americas and probably the world. Everyone wants to live here. You yourself have been here enjoying our hospitality.” He stopped pacing and turned his gaze on Khayin. “I am no thug,” he said plainly.

  “But yet you resort to thug tactics when asked, or is it told?” Khayin teased.

  The Chief ignored his remark. “The Boss is a powerful mage. She has brought great prosperity to this city. Chicago would not be where it is today if it were not for her. So I do what I'm asked.”

  “The loyal lap dog. Do you do tricks? Can you roll over on command?” Chief Rantz hit him again. “Do you even question her motives? Like, why are you kicking the shit out of a bounty hunter that never did anything to you or your precious city? I just do my job, just like you.” Khayin knew he wasn't going to be able to reason with him, but he thought if he could keep him talking long enough, his body would be able to heal some.

  “She's like a mother to us. Like a mother to me.” His eyes narrowed and pierced Khayin. “I will defend my mother. I would lay my life down for my mother. And if she says that you are to be beaten in preparation for her daughter...that is exactly what I will do.”

  “Her daughter? You mean Brianna?”

  “How do you know her name? What do you know?” He was suddenly panicked. It was definitely a different emotion then what he had displayed before.

  “So you do follow blindly.” Khayin said with a mocking smile. That got him a scowl.

  “You don't know me. Don't presume to know me,” he hissed.

  “I am a free man. A slave to no one. So I am a threat. Do what you are commanded, idjit.” Khayin spat. He had had enough of his bullshit.

  Chief Rantz's face turned a nice shade of red and stomped his way toward Khayin. He got in his face and Khayin spit in his eye. The Chief took a step back and cocked his arm for a swing.

  “Have you had your fun, Lawrence? He's mine now.” A woman of Kira's age and build walked into the room. She had long blond dreadlocks and she sported facial tattoos. She wore tight jeans and a spaghetti strapped blouse. She made a shooing gesture to the Chief. “Scat,” she said. When she saw Khayin's face, her eyes went big. “What did you do, Lawrence? You were specifically told not to hit him in the face.” Her accent was the same as Kira's. This must be Brianna.

  She spun around and glared at the now shaken Chief of Security. She marched up to him and stood toe-to-toe. She came only to his chest. She shoved an index finger in his ribs, and the big man looked awkward with her scolding him, like a child confronting an adult.

  “I don't have time to deal with your insolence. When I am done here we will have words.” She grabbed the Chief's wrist and pushed up his sleeve. Khayin could barely see a row of tally mark scars on Chief Rantz's inner forearm. The small woman added another mark with a sharpened fingernail, as blood pooled and dripped to the floor. “One more, Lawrence, and you'll wish you never took this job. Now go.” The Chief left quickly and the woman watched him leave.

  The door shut and she turned and walked toward Khayin. She was smiling. She's got a very pretty smile. That’s probably how she lures them in.

  “I'm sorry he hurt you,” she said in a very convincing sympathetic tone. “My name is Brianna and we are going to have a wonderful chat.”

  Chapter 33 The Locker

  The door opened to a long hallway, another pair of doors visible at the end. Kira and her companion took the door on the right, which opened to a set of stairs. They descended three floors. On the wall she saw some writing that signified what floor they were on but she couldn't read it. I'll have to get Khayin to teach me to read. Sam opened the door and held it for her. She nodded and passed through.

  They walked down another hallway and took their first left. A short way down that hall they entered a room that had a wall with metal doors. Kira tried to pay close attention to their twists and turns; the building seemed mazelike. There was nothing remarkable about the rooms they had seen thus far and this room was no exception. The metal doors were of a blue color and the walls were white.

  “The lockers.” He gestured to the wall of blue doors. “Take an empty one and you can put your stuff in there, or you can hold on to your stuff until you get a lock.” He looked down at her. “Did they tell you where to go, or who to meet?”

  “No,” she replied.

  “Figures.” He rolled his eyes. After a moment he continued, “OK, follow me. I'll take you to my supervisor; he should know where you're supposed to be.” He headed out the door and back into the hall. “I guess I'm not getting a break today,” he mumbled.

  Kira's palms began to sweat and she suddenly felt like she had to pee. They wandered the corridors to the point that Kira lost complete track of where she was and gave up trying. They finally came upon their destination. She didn't know what to expect or what to say. Her disguise was only physical and there was no proof of employment. She didn't feel good.

  The small room was big enough for a single desk. There were piles of papers and other assorted junk that Kira couldn’t identify. The old man behind the desk had his head down and was writing in a book or journal.

  “Yes, what is it?” He had an accent Kira was unfamiliar with.

  “New employee, Mr. Benjamin,” Sam answered.

  “Right, right. They’re early. Take ‘em up stairs to the Boss's office. We're short-staffed so you have to do it, Sam. The Boss ain't in yet, so you may have to stay with her until she comes in,” Benjamin said never looking up. “Are you still here? Go. Get. You’re dismissed.”

  Sam left the small office and Kira followed. They wound their way back through the halls and ended back where they started. The two of them entered the stairway and ascended the stairs five floors. Kira walked out onto the building's second story. They stood in a large open space. There were no chairs or any other kind of furniture and the far wall was all glass. The majority of the glass was frosted. The only part that was transparent were the doors.

  There was some writing on the glass. Kira thought they might be a couple of letters that formed another letter or just some kind of symbol. Sam proceeded forward, opened the glass doors and held the door for her. Those doors opened into another room with a desk at the far end. The same symbol that had been on the glass was also on a wall behind the desk. On either side of the desk were openings to a larger room.

  A young woman stood behind the desk. She hadn't put any make-up on and her eyes were puffy with sleep. She w
ore a white blouse and a pencil skirt that stopped just above the knee. She had natural black hair and her skin was brown with a slight reddish hue. She was sipping something when Kira and Sam entered the room.

  She pulled the cup away from her lips before she spoke. “Sa...Sam. I...I didn't expect to see you this early.” She was trying to hide her face with her hair and by turning away. Kira could see a hint of rose blossoming on her cheeks.

  “Good morning, Lucy,” Sam said in the sweetest voice Kira had ever heard.

  Aww...ain't this cute.

  “Umm...why...why are you up here? And who is the girl with you?” she asked with her back facing them.

  “That's kinda why I'm here. Her name is Kim and she is new. I was told to bring her up here.” He scratched his head. “Do you know anything about it?”

  “I...” She turned back around, while being sure to keep her hair covering her face. “Give me a second. I think I heard the Boss say something about having one of the security detail posted up here. I knew they weren't gonna send you so I didn't pay it much mind.” She rummaged through some papers on her desk.

  Sam looked at Kira and smiled. “It would be a boring gig up here, but Lucy is fun and I'm sure the two of you will hit it off.” He looked up and away, then to the floor. “It sure beats working downstairs. You won't get bugged too much by Mr. Benjamin. He's an asshole.” He said the last part in a barely audible whisper.

  “Ah yes,” Lucy said. “I don't have a name, just that a female was requested.” She looked at Kira, still trying to keep her face partially hidden. “That must be you then.” She smiled at Kira. “Welcome aboard.” Lucy shifted her attention back to Sam. “You’d better go before the Boss comes in.” She dared to make eye contact and they briefly met each other’s gaze.

  “OK, see you later, Lucy.” He turned to Kira. “Good luck.” Sam left through the glass doors and into the stairwell. Lucy watched him until the door blocked her view.

  “So, you're Kim. I'm Lucy.” She extended her hand for a shake and Kira obliged. “Did they tell you anything about what your assignment will entail?” Kira shook her head. “Figures, and your first day is on a Saturday. I can't even believe I'm here on a Saturday. Alright, let me go freshen up and we'll try to figure it out together. I'm sure the Boss herself is going to want to talk to you since I didn't get any other information. This secrecy shit gets annoying sometimes.” Lucy walked around the desk and behind the wall. “You can put your bag on the floor behind my desk if you’d like. I'll be back in a minute,” she half-shouted from the other room.

  Kira was unsure what to do. Should I stick around to see the Boss, or should I go find Khayin? What if my sister comes in? I wonder if she'll recognize me even with this disguise. She checked her reflection in the glass wall. Her sweaty palms didn't go away and she was thankful that her hands were the only part of her that were sweating.

  She nearly jumped when she heard the small ding of an artificial bell. She heard a couple pairs of footsteps approach the glass doors. She stood up more straight and brushed her uniform with her sweaty palms. Her heart raced and she tried to center herself with a little meditation. She took a deep breath and exhaled, and when she opened her eyes she saw Mistress Tao standing in the open door. Following close behind her was the same hairy-faced man she had seen outside. He was carrying the limp form of Codex.

  Chapter 34 The Sister

  Khayin felt the tingling sensation of magic. It mostly gathered in his face as it mended the broken blood vessels and cuts. He didn't know how he felt about this. He knew it wasn't a kind gesture and that Brianna was setting him up for something more awful.

  “I thought you couldn't heal.” Khayin voiced his confusion aloud.

  “Naturally? No, this is a spell.” She was all smiles. “It is a simple incantation. I can't regenerate limbs and such, but broken bones, scrapes and bruises? Sure.”

  He dared to study her face. Brianna and Kira were twins. They weren't identical, but they shared many characteristics. They both had blue eyes, high cheek bones and full lips, but despite Brianna's current toothy smile, Khayin could see her perpetual frown.

  “Trying to find my sister in my face?” she asked.

  “You two do look remarkably alike.” His face felt much better and her touch was much more soothing than painful. She smelled like Kira. A shiver of pleasure ran up his spine. I'm doing this for Kira. Keep your head in the game.

  “We're sisters; of course we look alike.” Her grin widened.

  “What're you hoping to get out of me, Brie?” Khayin snarled.

  She snapped her hand back from his cheek and she let slip a minute grimace, but she quickly recovered her smile. Brianna bent low to reveal that she wasn't wearing a bra. Khayin struggled to keep his eyes on hers.

  “You have a very old soul,” Brianna said. She looked down at her loose blouse then back to Khayin. “It's OK, you can look.” Khayin kept his gaze to her eyes. She stuck out her lower lip. “Don't you find me attractive?” Khayin didn't react.

  “Huh,” she sighed as she straightened up and turned her back to him. “What do I hope to get out of you?” She turned to look at him. “Not one for small talk, are you? I was hoping to get to know you better. After all, you are spending an awful lot of time with my sister.” Her eyes bored holes into him, but Khayin didn't sense any malice. “Tell me, Khayin, who are you really?”

  “I'm a bounty hunter who's just trying to get by in this messed up world,” he said in a pleasant tone.

  “Oh, you're just being modest.” She smiled and waved like she was batting something out of the air. “That is your cover, er, your escape. Who is the 'real' Khayin?”

  “If you know so much about me, why ask?”

  “All second-hand information, honey.” She clasped her hands in front of her and swayed her shoulders. “Enlighten me, please, I will be so grateful.” She batted her eyes.

  “Your act won't work on me, sweetheart.” Khayin was conflicted. He wasn't sure what she truly wanted and he didn't want to give her anything that would help in any way.

  “Listen, can we be honest with each other? If I give you some answers will you give me some as well?” She stood with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

  “As long as I reserve the right to not answer.”

  “You're hardly in a position to negotiate, honey, but since torture won't yield anything at all this will probably be the only way I'll get something out of you.” She pressed her index finger to her lips. “OK, let's have a conversation. Though let me apologize first that we can't share any wine together. I don't trust you enough to free one of your hands. You understand?” Khayin nodded. “What do you find so attractive about my sister?”

  “Really? This is what you want to talk about?” Khayin replied. He knew he shouldn't be confused by her intent, but he was having a really hard time trying to read her.

  “Sure, why not? I can't stand her, so maybe if you can give me something that may be redeeming...”

  He decided to play her game. “She is smart, independent, and she has great survival instincts.”

  “And she's hot. It's OK, you can admit it.”

  “You speak English well, where did you learn it?”

  “The Boss helped me refine it, but I spent years learning your language from traders that visited the island.” She twisted one of her dreads between her thumb and forefinger. “Do you know or use any magic?”

  “Personally? Yes and no. I'm not a mage, but I use some magical items,” he replied. He didn't know how to take her. He knew some of what she was showing was an act, but some was actually her. Could she be a decent person if circumstances were different? What happened to her to make her so..?

  “I like your earring,” she stated. “It translates for you. Pretty handy.”

  She walked over closer to Khayin and sat cross legged on the floor in front of him. She continued to play with her hair, looking up occasionally and slowly batting her long lashes.

here are you from...originally?” She was examining a bead that was woven into her hair.

  Khayin just watched her. The witch before him and her sister Kira were the last of their people and from what he had witnessed so far they couldn't be more different. Sure, she was playing nice, but he knew she was only stalling until Kira showed.

  How is Kira? I wonder if she got in yet. Maybe I should have done this by myself. How long am I going to have to entertain this girl?

  “What's wrong, honey?” She was looking at him. “Trying to come up with a convincing lie?” She winked at him.

  “It's really a shame, you know.” They locked gazes. He could get lost in those eyes. “You and your sister are the last of your people and you both want each other dead.” She radiated sexuality and was not nearly as shy as Kira to use it. It didn't help that Khayin liked blondes.

  “My sisters, our people, had outlived their usefulness. They were behind the times. They lived in the past and showed absolutely no intention to grow, progress, and evolve. And I didn't see that changing even if my sister took on the mantle of the Crone.” She paused and squinted, then a smile spread across her face. “So, I did what I had to do, but Kira proved to be more resourceful than I had anticipated. She found herself an ally that no one expected.” Brianna toyed with Khayin's pant leg, every so often lightly touching his calf. “You haven't answered my question.”

  “The honest answer is, I don't know,” he said plainly.


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