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Sentimental Voice

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by Shūsuke Amagi

  Also by Shūsuke Amagi

  Chrome Shelled Regios series

  Chrome Shelled Regios

  Silent Talk

  Sentimental Voice

  Confidential Call

  Emotional Howl

  Red Nocturne

  White Opera

  Mixing Note

  Blue Mazurka

  Complex Days

  Impact Girls

  Black Arabesque

  Grey Concerto

  Scarlet Oratorio

  Next Bloom

  Spring Burst

  Summer Night Rave

  Crying Autumn

  Initiation Log

  Desire Report

  Winter Fall (Part 1)

  Winter Fall (Part 2)

  Legend of Regios series

  Riggzario Baptism

  Ignasis' Awakening

  The Appearance of the Regios

  Sentimental Voice

  Sentimental Voice

  Chrome Shelled Regios Book Three

  Shūsuke Amagi

  Tokyo, Japan



  Chapter 1: Proposal

  Chapter 2: After Day of Rest

  Chapter 3: The Time of a Destroyed City

  Chapter 4: The Darkness of Gushing Water

  Chapter 5: Dance in Midnight

  Chapter 6: Scarlet Pride




  Electronic Fairy

  Filth Monsters/Pollutant Beasts/Contaminiods



  Novel Illustrations


  Project Staff





  The voice that answered was a sharp reproof.

  "Have you forgotten Gahard Baren?"

  I took a deep breath and waited quietly for an answer. An icy pressure closed in.

  Was it fortunate or not? Chance created a sealed space between the two combatants. Under the tense and strained atmosphere, it was as if the two of them were fighting to the death.

  As an observer, I breathed in deeply. Just what were these two doing......When my life was about to end in only a few minutes, just what were these two men doing?

  One was wounded. Not wounded enough to die, but he had a few broken ribs and the bone in his right shoulder seemed cracked. Due to the Kei attacks, the armor-suit hung in tatters. It slid open at his stomach. Traces of pollution burns were visible on the skin. A black stain spread out gradually around his wound.

  The other person wasn't injured, but his armor-suit was torn from the chest to the left shoulder, and a very shallow wound could be seen through the rip. Pollutants were eating away that shallow wound, but the person himself paid no attention to it. Even so, the least injured person was the one who held the most serious expression.

  Layfon Alseif.

  "Don't tell me you've forgotten......"

  "How could I have forgotten?"

  I let out a breath and looked at Layfon.

  That name must have touched a past he didn't want to remember. It was a weapon to wound his spirit.

  What expression did Layfon hold......Finally understanding the situation, what changes would appear on that face......

  I swallowed my breath and waited silently. He......

  "I can't forget......And I don't want to, but, I don't force myself to remember."

  An extremely icy expression.

  "Damn you......"

  "Is......Gahard Baren dead?"


  From shock to anger to stiffness......Layfon recovered from the malignant effect of the words thrown at him to observe the changing expression of the other guy.

  "It's time to let go of him," Layfon said with a frosty tone......But his eyes weren't looking at the person before him. He was looking at someone far away. Someone who wasn't here. Gahard Baren.

  That was what I thought.

  Chapter 1



  Leerin sat on a stool, holding a juice packet she had bought from the vending machine. The lounge of this high-class, two-story school was comfortable and soothing. Many students came up to the second floor during the day. Only one floor was needed to accommodate those who decided to stay after school. Since this wasn't the only lounge available, the student athletes who came over to buy drinks from the vending machine tended to move to a place closer to the gymnasium.

  This place was quiet and close to the library. The senpais of the Language Club gathered regularly on the first floor, but by the time their voices drifted over to Leerin, they had become mere background noise.

  "Fu......" Leerin sighed again, gazing off in the distance under the dim light, the edge of the paper cup on her lips. Warm, sweet chocolate dispersed in her mouth. The warmth slid down her throat into her chest.

  "Ah......Geez, what's with me......" She watched the floorboards, her hands cupping the cup for warmth.

  "......Should I go back like this?"

  She didn't feel like bringing the books over from the library. Her space in the library was already filled with numerous books and report papers. If she went back to the library, she wouldn't be able to leave them alone. That was Leerin.

  "The importance of news updates between cities and their consequences on the economy."

  The professor had suddenly given Leerin this assignment, to be handed in a week later. Although there was still time to do it, the question was close to impossible for Leerin, who had only recently entered this school. All of the reference books were professional. If she wanted to understand them, she would have to have a large repertoire of professional vocabulary. She had been pulling books off to read just to understand the reference books, and in turn, had been pulling more books to understand the books that explained those reference books.

  "......Guh, my basic knowledge isn't good enough. Besides, these numbers mean nothing if I can't understand them. Really......what should I do?"

  And so she had spent two hours after class piling up books. This wasn't a problem with tepid enthusiasm. To escape the problem dogging her, she reached inside her breast pocket.

  She touched something hard and took out a small box for letters. She cautiously took out a letter and spread it out.

  "His handwriting's still ugly......"

  Leerin's face relaxed automatically. She started to read the letter that she had already read numerous times.

  How have you been lately? I'm still the same.

  Ah, not entirely the same as usual. What you were worrying about has happened over here. A filth monster came close to Zuellni again. Zuellni wasn't aware of it, as the filth monster was in its molting phase. Fortunately, the city's drones discovered it and we managed to avoid the worst-case scenario. But......just like what you were afraid of, I chose to fight alone.

  The fight was intense, just like the battles I had tired of in Grendan. As a Heaven's Blade Receiver, I had no time for anything besides fighting filth monsters outside the city. I was being extremely careful to avoid getting wounded, because if I did, I might have fallen to pollutants.

  I knew about that danger, but I've never chosen to fight with anyone before.

  No, even from the beginning I never considered it.

  I forgot I no longer had the Heaven's Blade, and I did something foolish. In truth, it was dangerous. No, extremely dangerous.

  I even knew my weapon wasn't reliable. Although I know what a Heaven's Blade is, when I was holding my weapon, I fought like before......Am I too arrogant? I couldn't help but be immersed in it, so your words cut straight to my core.

  But, about that fight, it won't
happen again.

  I'll try not to fight alone again.

  I no longer believe I cannot give up Military Arts. It's tiring, but I'll try to overcome it.

  I haven't given up on finding a path besides Military Arts, except, right now, I can't lose Zuellni. This place is a new place, a fresh start for me, so I can't lose it. Perhaps this feeling can relieve some of my tiredness.

  Leerin, it's because of you that I can accept Military Arts like this. I think I haven't entirely given up Military Arts because you're part of my past in Grendan. Perhaps this is a very fortunate thing.

  You said that, in truth, I like Military Arts. I haven't yet had that feeling, but since you said so, it might be true. At least, the me now came from the me who spent ten years immersed in Military Arts, so that must be an important part of me. It's a blessing that I haven't lost it, and the Leerin who prevented me from losing it is also someone irreplaceable and important to me.

  I also feel that it'll be very hard to communicate for six years through letters.

  Why can't we break through this wall of distance?

  I believe we can.

  Hope everything works out for you!

  Layfon Alseif.

  She finished reading......Although she had read it many times, she still read it closely. Reading it and losing herself in thought. Reading it in joy...And anger.

  She was happy that he said she was important to him, but he was so slow that he didn't understand her real feelings. She was lost in thought because of his slowness and clumsiness, and then she became angry. Just how many more pieces of paper did she have to sacrifice until he would understand......

  "Aah, really......"

  She knew that by reading the letter, she'd forget about the report she needed to write...But it still made her feel tired.

  (I'll just sleep here on the stool.)



  Someone was laughing.

  "Hm?" Leerin turned around and saw a young man sitting on a chair against the wall behind her.

  "Ah, excuse me."

  Seeing how he had watched her while she was reading the letter, Leerin's face grew hot. She studied the young man.

  A long mane of silver hair hung neatly down his back. His sleeves were short despite the cold weather. A harmless laugh, and his laugh wasn't tasteless.

  But if he was laughing at her, then she wouldn't feel well disposed towards him.

  "......Excuse me, who are you? You don't look like a student here."

  His arms were muscular. Not like a student at all. A Military Artist. It wasn't strange to see Military Artists walking around. Some of the students were Military Artists, but this young man didn't look like a student here.

  "Yes, you're right. I'm not a student here."

  "Do you need something? There's the office......"

  "No, I'm not here for the school."


  "I'm looking for you, Leerin Marfes."


  "Ah, let me make this clear. I'm not chatting you up."

  "......Why are you pointing that out?"

  "Well, for some reason, the girls always try to chat me up, so I'm just making sure. Just in case."

  "You're too self-conscious."

  True. Perhaps it was a girl's dream to be chatted up by this guy in this way. But not in this situation......To be mocked after she had read Layfon's letter. She would have seriously refused this man.

  But he had made it clear, and that made his face more displeasing to her. Especially the point that he didn't mean it at all.

  "I really didn't mean it. I really didn't mean it!"

  "I don't want to listen to this."

  For some reason, she felt nothing evil and malicious from him. On the contrary, he felt like a kid.

  "Well, what do you want me for? I'm busy."

  The report became her excuse. In principle, Military Artists were noble in character, but there were some who were criminals. Even if this young man wasn't a Military Artist, Leerin didn't feel like talking to a stranger who suddenly started talking to her.

  "Oh, is it Professor Randeon keeping you busy? If so, you don't have to do it."


  "The Professor said anything's fine if you'll stay in this school. 'Leerin Marfes is a bright student. She can solve simple problems very quickly. Let's give her a harder assignment to do.' That was what the Professor said. If you're busy because of that, then it's okay not to attempt it."

  "......What do you mean?"

  Unable to express her astonishment, Leerin felt tired. She didn't know why the Professor wanted her to stay, but knowing the reason behind the difficult report......Somehow, it didn't feel like it reflected well on her.

  "Even so, you should have talked to the office and let them contact me......" she said weakly.

  "If possible, I wanted to meet you in secret......It's about Layfon."


  Time seemed to stop.

  "Yes. How should I put it? Actually, it's not that bad, but when it comes to Layfon, some people may get sensitive. So I wanted to keep this meeting between us."

  " are?"

  "It may not be a happy topic for you, but, uh, well......Fate? It probably is that. It'd be great if you can think that way."


  She understood the situation even if he didn't repeat himself. She had no idea what motive he had to get close to her, but now she knew who he was.

  The Professor probably listened to this man's request.

  If it was this man's request......Then only the Queen could have that much power.

  Under this light of understanding, the name of the young man surfaced.

  "Then what do you want me......"

  That was all she managed to say.


  And was suddenly pulled away. Her vision blurred. She couldn't make sense of what was happening. The scene of the dim lounge became a series of lines.

  Leerin was pulled over in a very exaggerated way.


  She could only make out the young man's shadow in her blurred vision. She was flying through the air. Being pulled out of the lounge and moving upwards. She was being pulled forcefully, but she wasn't hurt at all. It felt as if some unknown power had lifted her into the air.


  Finally she was let down on the ground.

  A guest had already arrived on the rooftop. A man with wild hair, a stubble of hair trying to be a beard, and wearing a dirty-looking coat. He was surveying the world around him from his high vantage point, his gaze sharp and clear.

  "What did you do that for?" Leerin said crossly.

  The young man walked leisurely along the roof, looking at the man in the coat reprovingly. But the man in the coat ignored him and continued to study the scenery.

  "You took too long. It was irritating me. Just how long did I have to wait? Until I married this girl?"

  "If you want it, it can be as long as you want. Since it's you, you can complete Her Majesty's orders anywhere and anytime."

  "Stop joking. From the day I was born, I had never heard Her Majesty give me an order."

  "That's what you think, right, Lintence-san?"

  "Isn't it the Queen's order to kill billions of filth monsters?"

  "Aren't the Queen's orders for us to protect this city?"

  "It never ends when it comes to talking with you."

  "That's true." The man in the coat looked disappointed. The young man shrugged.


  Leerin studied them closely, unable to determine whether the two people before her had a strained relationship or not.

  (Just how did it turn out like this?)

  "So, you're Lintence-sama and Savaris-sama? What do you want with me?" she asked the two Heaven's Blade Receivers – the pride of Grendan.

  Fervent cheering dominated the battle arena.

  Layfon felt those eyes looked similar to someone else'
s, someone he knew.

  "There's another one behind you."

  "I know."

  Although Felli was slower than him, he wasn't frustrated about it......If it was Felli, she could have found the enemy even earlier, but that couldn't be helped. She hated her own ability.

  The cheering from the audience drowned out Felli's voice.

  Layfon could see a strong-looking man wearing the badge of the 5th platoon captain on his battle uniform. Meanwhile, the emcee's voice commented.

  "Oh, oh! The audience is cheering Layfon on. He has already participated in a few matches; he's one of Zuellni's strongest attackers. In a match against the captain of the 5th platoon, Gorneo, how will he match up!?"

  The opponent wore armor around his arms and legs. Judging by the color, the armor was made with red Dite alloy.

  (For melee combat......No, not just that.)

  With that thought, Layfon changed his green Dite into a sword.

  "And now what, Gorneo? He can't protect the flag if he doesn't stop Layfon."

  Layfon had charged straight in from the beginning of the match, ignoring the psychokinesist of the 5th platoon. His target was the flag in the other team's base. Sitting on the defensive side, the 5th platoon would have lost the match if they failed to protect their flag. On the contrary, if the captain, Nina, of the offensive team fell, the 17th platoon would lose.

  "(Melee combat......Maybe......)

  What Layfon was concerned about was the red Dite. He stopped and studied the strong-looking man, Gorneo. Gorneo had short silvery hair. His face and body were hard and solid. There was nothing cute at all about his serious and harsh looking face, eyes and nose. Eyes that might look like the eyes of a good man if he smiled, that sharp gaze was staring at Layfon. A huge fist pounded towards him.

  Kei was gathered in that fist, surrounding it with red light. The armor on his arm had become something totally different.

  "Karen Kei......?"

  Layfon jumped back.

  The huge fist hit the ground. The dancing rubble from that strike didn't just disperse into the air. Mixed with Kei, sand and soil particles attacked Layfon. At the same time as he leaped back, Layfon released the Kei from his blade through Whirl Kei. Blasts of wind struck down Gorneo's pieces of earth, causing them to explode.


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