Sensual Stranger
Page 11
Her fingertip traced the outline of his thickening cock. He’d been out of her for only a few minutes and already he was ready for more, a record he hadn’t experienced in years.
“You are a huge guy,” she murmured.
Like an idiot teen, he grinned.
Toni’s eyes met his. Her expression grew serious. “You’re tired, right?” She hesitated a moment, seeming to struggle for her next comment. At last, she flicked her gaze at his knees, just as quickly averting it as though embarrassed. “Shouldn’t you at least sit down?”
Zach’s smile hung on for a second longer before it felt foolish. She’d noticed again how he favored his good leg, no doubt curious what had caused it.
He steeled himself for her expected questions. They didn’t come. Gratitude washed over him. Tonight, he didn’t want to face anything bad, preferring to let desire take the edge off his incessant pain. In a surprisingly steady voice, he said, “I’m fine.”
Braced against any discomfort, Zach sank to his knees beside the tub. He selected a sponge from the small cabinet to the side and dipped it into the fragrant water. “Drape your arm over your head.”
Toni did as he asked, her eyes never leaving his, her actions fluid with no hint of embarrassment. As though having a man bathe her was normal in her world. Maybe it had been.
He squeezed the sponge tighter than he’d planned, wondering about the men in her life, surprised at the surge of jealousy pumping through him.
Ignoring it, he ran the sponge down her arm, pausing at her elbow. There, he saw a faint scar he hadn’t noticed earlier, the skin a shade paler than the rest and puckered slightly. “How’d you get this?” With his fingertips, he traced the contours, noting the difference between it and the surrounding flesh, wondering if a man had caused it. Some bum she’d known. Some prick who’d hurt her.
Toni’s lids fluttered. She spoke on a sigh. “Overshot a jump during one of my performances.”
Zach’s eyes moved to her face, then returned to the scar, his fingers stroking it. “You crashed?”
She rolled the back of her head against the tub. Her arm moved with it. “Not even close. Cycle came out with just a few dings, though I hit the gravel pretty hard and tore the sleeve of my jacket. Cost me big bucks to get the leather fixed.”
Surprised at her indifference, Zach glanced at the rest of her, looking for other injuries, not certain if the water masked them. He spoke without thinking or pause. “You’ve been hurt?”
A throaty chuckle bubbled from her. As he withdrew his hand, she lowered her arm and clawed damp hair from her neck. “Only when I screw up. And I don’t do it all that often. Can’t afford to keep getting my leather pants and jacket fixed, you know?”
He didn’t. She worried more about hurting her clothes than injuring her body. “What exactly do you do in your performances?”
“Just the usual stuff.” She ticked off the acts, each new one sounding worse to him than the others.
At last, he interrupted, “T-bone? Roll-over? Suicide twist?”
Composed, her lids heavy, she regarded him. “There has to be a little danger involved or no one would come.”
And then she wouldn’t make a living. She wouldn’t have a place to stay at night or anything to eat. What in the fuck had brought her to this rather than a normal life with a permanent home, friends, a family to worry about her, to be there if she needed help? She wasn’t uneducated. Her diction and world-view—that she’d unknowingly shared with him at dinner last night—were solidly middle-class.
He recalled what Em had said this morning.
You’re actually going to let her go back to that daredevil stuff?
“You like doing that kind of work?” he asked.
Her eyes closed. She took a deep breath. Zach’s gaze fell to her breasts, her nipples rosy and puckered. His cock stirred. Toni mewed. He lifted his eyes.
With what seemed great effort, she parted her lids and spoke without artifice, her voice soft. “It’s what I know.”
Why? Who had taught her? Who had brought her into that world?
She cleared her throat, then continued quickly, her tone suddenly neutral, controlled, as though she wanted to hide her feelings from him or didn’t want him asking anything too personal. “If you can get the better gigs, it pays very well on the circuit, more than a nine-to-five job that might not be there tomorrow, at least in this economy. And it’s not that hard. Hell, even Ann-Margret did some of the stuff I do.”
She’d lost him. “Who?”
Toni laughed, the sound unexpected, vibrant, filled with life.
Zach’s body responded instantly, a flush of warmth engulfing him.
With her laugh mellowing to a soft chuckle, she explained, “Ann-Margret’s an old Hollywood star, one of Lucky’s favorites.” Her smile widened, lighting up her face. Gaze turned inward, her voice grew distracted as though she recalled a particularly pleasant memory. “I bet he’s watched Viva Las Vegas a hundred times. Ann-Margret starred in it with Elvis Presley. You do know him, right?” she asked.
Zach rolled his eyes.
Looking pleased with her teasing, Toni continued, “There were some outtakes at the end of the video. In between takes, Ann-Margret was horsing around on her cycle, standing on the seat while it was tooling down the road.”
Confused, Zach shook his head. “You mean, the damn thing was moving and she wasn’t even driving it?”
“How could she? She was standing on the seat.”
“And that’s what you do?”
Toni nodded. “Better than her, I might add. But I’d never say that to Lucky. To him, she’s a freaking goddess.” She smiled gently. “Belle often jokes that the only reason she started dyeing her hair red was because of his obsession with Ann-Margret. It’s not true, of course. They’re very committed.”
“They’re motorcycle performance artists too?”
The corners of Toni’s mouth trembled slightly, erasing her smile. Vigilance returned—a look of wariness at what else he might ask. Turning her head from him, she glanced at the water. “Do you want me to finish washing up?”
“No. I’m going to do it.”
Her eyes slid to him. “You’ve done this before?”
Never. “You’re the first.”
Pleasure shone in her eyes, their color so amazing, Zach’s heart turned over. “Drape your arms over your head.”
She did as he wanted. The look on her face, the water sparkling on her skin, brought him back to an X-rated film he and his high school buddies had watched one dateless Friday night. The actress who’d starred in it was frequently wet from the hot tub, shower or pool where she and the plumber went at it like there was no tomorrow. Smiling at the memory, Zach ran the dampened sponge over Toni’s skin.
As he finished washing her arms and smooth pits, concentrating next on the swell of her breasts, Toni lowered her arms and studied him. In a smoky voice, she asked, “Enjoying yourself?”
More than he had in years. “Lift your leg.”
Water sluiced down her firm flesh as she met his request. Her mouth hung open on a surprised gasp at his fingers wrapped around her calf, holding it up while he ran the sponge down her inner thigh to her dark bush.
Lids fluttering, breath halting, she murmured a particularly salty oath.
Zach’s shoulders shook with suppressed laughter. “Bad girl.”
“The worst,” she agreed. “Punish me,” she murmured.
Releasing the sponge, he ran his hand over her cleft, separating her lips, plump with desire, locating the hard rise of her clit.
Water splashed against the sides of the tub with her attempt to move her body closer to his hand. Chastising her, as she wanted, Zach eased his fingers away, just out of her reach. On the heels of her protest, he lowered his head, latching his mouth onto the inside of her thigh, just below her knee.
Toni inhaled sharply, following it with a faint moan at his suckling.
With her attention on pleasure, h
e moved his hand closer to her nub, stroking it.
A new oath escaped her. She released all of her breath in a noisy sigh and slid down until the water touched her chin.
“You’re not about to fall asleep on me, are you?” Zach asked, a smile in his voice.
Her eyes remained closed. She worked her mouth a bit and grunted, “Uh-uh.” Inhaling deeply at his renewed stroking, she sighed out her next words. “I could stay like this forever.”
Zach ran his fingers over her sensitive nub, then withdrew his hand. “And miss what I have in store for you in the bedroom?”
With loving care that surprised Toni, he washed her, leaving no part of her body untouched. His meticulousness proving there wouldn’t be an inch of her he’d fail to claim this night.
Scented with lavender, weakened with need, she grew increasingly lightheaded as Zach patted her dry, paying particular attention to her breasts and cunt while suckling her neck.
Sounds poured from her. She barely recognized them as human. They seemed more feline than anything else.
Finished, he lifted his head and dropped the thick white towel at the base of the tub.
Toni’s heart banged against her ribs as she recalled his earlier question about what he had in store for her in the bedroom. Unable to stand the suspense any longer, she asked, “What have you planned?”
Hunger shimmered in his eyes. Indecency quieted his voice. “Exactly what I want…what you’re going to allow.”
Toni moved into him, the tips of her breasts brushing his naked pecs, her mound to his luscious bulge. “Do whatever you want.” She snuggled her face into his throat.
Hand on her ass, he squeezed her tattooed cheek. “I fully intend to.” With a playful swat, he ordered, “In your bedroom. Now.”
The few steps down the hall seemed endless, her body so wired from anticipation it felt heavy, her limbs weak. Swinging open the door, she caught the scent of fabric softener on the freshly washed sheets…no doubt another of Zach’s tasks while he’d been gone from the garage.
She teased, “You played hooky from work to do the laundry?”
From behind, his voice hushed close to her ear. “I own the place. I can do whatever the fuck I want.”
And he would too.
Bursts of heat radiated from her ass to her pussy as Zach ran his fingers down the furrow between her cheeks, pausing, lingering on her anus.
“The sheets smell good,” she managed, her voice breathless.
“They will,” he corrected, “when they smell of you and me.” His finger stroked her tight, pink ring.
At the sensations raging through her, Toni went to her toes.
Removing his hand, Zach kissed her shoulder and ordered, “On the bed.”
With her gaze darting to it and her thoughts whirling at what would soon transpire, Toni padded inside.
Beyond the filmy curtains, the last rays of sun streamed over the hills, bathing the room in frail, golden light, deepening the shadows, glinting dully off the brass headboard. She noted the comforter turned down at the baseboard, the pillows removed, a single red scarf in their place.
What have you planned?
Exactly what I want.
Her heart skipped several beats as she imagined Zach’s purpose in buying the scarf, knowing instinctively it hadn’t been in his possession this morning.
In her peripheral vision, she caught something new on the dressing table. Turning her head, she saw numerous candles of varying heights, each a deep violet shade. In front of the largest stood a tiny bottle of liquid, a shimmering saffron color in the waning light. Curious, she bypassed the bed and Zach’s command to see what it was.
Her brows rose when she read the label. Heat burned her cheeks as Zach reached her side. In a voice rasped with desire, she murmured, “Bad boy.”
He took the bottle of oil, manufactured for the enjoyment of anal sex, and put it next to the packets of condoms she now noticed. No doubt for his use as he penetrated her tightest opening.
“On the bed,” he repeated, his tone impatient.
Toni backed up to it, her legs bumping the mattress, her pulse racing as she watched him light the candles. The bobbing flames provided a romantic and magical touch, turning the bedroom into a place of refuge, comfort and unrestrained passion for them, no one else…no other woman.
For tonight and the few to follow, Toni had no doubt she belonged here with him.
You’ve done this before, she’d asked.
Pleasure and appreciation welled up in her, emotions so strong, her throat constricted. Tears burned the corners of her eyes. For the first time in too long, she wasn’t alone.
She would be again, in a few short weeks, though not now.
Concentrating on that, she watched Zach.
With the last candles lit and the lavender fragrance filling the room, he grabbed the oil and several foil packets, then turned to her. Toni’s breath caught at his alluring masculinity, enhanced by the shadows playing across his handsome face and naked chest. He was nothing but hard angles—firm, muscled flesh that could easily subdue and conquer her, using her as he willed and she desired.
Crossing the room, he stopped so close their toes just about touched.
Toni lifted her face and stared, fascinated by his beautiful eyes, long lashes, the dark bristles of his coming beard, his scent and obvious strength. Cupping his face, loving the way his roughened cheeks bit her palms, she lowered his head, mewling loudly as their lips touched.
With a need so fierce it alarmed her, Toni kissed him in a way she had no other man. Not able to get enough, she angled her head for deeper penetration, sweeping her tongue around his hot, wet mouth.
Zach allowed it for only a moment before jerking free. With a slightly dazed look, he ordered, “On the fucking bed now. I’m not telling you again.”
Outwardly obedient, but smiling inwardly, Toni sank to the mattress and drew up her legs. Eyes on him, she scooted to the center of the bed and laid down on it, draping the silk scarf over her breasts, hiding them from him.
Although Zach’s eyes narrowed, he couldn’t quite stop his smile. “Take it off.”
He cocked one brow at her sass.
She offered her own demand. “You do it.”
Something flickered across his face. Pleasure at her challenge? Determination to tame her?
Grabbing the scarf in his free hand, placing the oil and condoms on the comforter, he raked his gaze over her full length, settling on the springy dark curls between her thighs. “Roll over, on your hands and knees, legs spread, ass lifted.”
At the image his words created—the thought of him taking her anally—warmth flooded Toni’s chest and throat. She glanced at his jeans, wondering if he’d take them off when she had her back to him.
Wanting him nude, desperate to have him in every part of her, she rolled over, assuming the position…her body supplicant and exposed, ready for his use.
Seconds ticked by. Shadows trailed over the mattress, bobbling slightly with the candles’ flames. The air conditioner’s fan clicked off. Chilled air whispered around the room, magnifying her nudity and wanton pose.
Zach made no move to mount her, nor did he speak. Keeping her tongue, Toni waited, willing to have him control the act, to observe every part of her.
Her breathing hitched and her cunt tightened as she imagined his eyes trailing over her buttocks. The tattoo she’d gotten to prove to herself she’d always be a part of Belle and Lucky’s life. That she was like a daughter to them, not just a desperate teen they’d taken in and given a home, then taught her their trade.
She expected Zach to trace the design with his fingertips as he’d done so many times in the last day.
He did not. He simply observed while she remained vulnerable, her skin tingling with expectation, picturing him staring at both of her openings, desirous of each.
At last, he got on the bed, the mattress dipping beneath his weight
. The bottle of oil rolled into Toni’s knee. In the corner of her eye, she saw the shiny packets of condoms.
Blood pulsed in her ears.
His command cut through the sound. “Lift your hands.”
Her eyes jerked to them. With her elbows supporting her weight, Toni followed his order, lacing her fingers, watching as he looped and knotted the scarf around her wrists, tying the ends to one of the headboard’s brass slats, imprisoning her.
Instinctively, Toni tugged on the binding to test it.
“Yank all you want.” Zach’s rich voice bristled with domination and excitement. “You’re not getting free.” He placed his hand on her ass, boldly stroking her furrow and anus.
Toni’s breath caught.
“Not for a very long time,” he added.
Offering her no chance to respond, he moved between her legs. She flinched at his fingers touching her knee. Turning her head, she saw him picking up the bottle of oil. The cap made a small cracking sound when he broke the seal.
Toni moaned loudly, she whimpered as he stroked the warm, satiny fluid on her tight ring. He worked his finger past it to lubricate her opening for his hard, fleshy cock. Desire pulsed through her, wobbling her arms and legs. Her pussy clenched at the sound of him lowering his zipper, shoving down his jeans and underwear.
His cock, silky and hot, skimmed the back of her thigh. She grunted, unable to form words, even to demand that he enter her.
He combed her dark curls with his fingers, reaching her clit. With his free hand, he lifted his shaft to her cunt and plunged inside.
Not expecting him to take her vaginally, Toni gasped at his intimate assault. A cacophony of sounds followed, all wanton and lewd as he thrust into her—quick, hard, tirelessly while rubbing her nub, forcing her to immediate completion.
The climax took her by surprise, happening too soon, draining her of energy.
Within her, Zach remained rock-hard, not having come. Above her, he breathed shallowly, obviously trying to restrain himself.
Determined to prove her power over his body as he’d done with hers, Toni worked the strong muscles in her sheath, squeezing his cock as hard as she could.