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Save Me (The Lucky Family Book 1)

Page 10

by Eden Rose

  "I appreciate his gesture, however I'm allergic to sterling silver. Tomorrow I'm busy, and tonight, Miss Thomas and I are going to Deluca's if you want to meet for dinner. Will your wife be attending?" Vincent came up to my ear and whispered in my ear.

  "Can I come too?" I nodded and leaned my neck back so he could kiss my neck. His hands brushed up my sides next. Vincent stopped his hand journey as he gripped my hips. I had to stifle a moan. That is the one spot that made me lose control. Damn it.

  "I will make a reservation for six at Deluca's if that works for you. A few friends of ours want to come too. Eight work for you?" Vincent nodded and mouthed what I referred to him as. Shit.

  "Okay, we will send a car to come collect you. What is your address?"

  "No, they don't need a car to come get them, we will take them." Vincent is such a riot.

  There is shuffling on the other line and papers sounded as if they were being moved. "Moretti? Is Rossi there too? Oh, and we would only give you the best. Its not sterling." The last bit is said like a threat and I shivered due to his intensity.

  "Yes sir. We will see you at eight." With that he hung up my cell phone and put his arm around my waist tighter. "Friend? That is what I'm to you?"

  In the background, I heard my phone clatter on the counter.

  "Are you wanting a different title or something? I told you yesterday that I didn't want to be called your comare because it made me feel like a two dollar hooker. We never discussed what you are to me." His grasp got tighter and he got closer to my face.

  His breath washed across my face and I smelled his freshly brushed teeth. Even that makes me turned on. "As far as those Dices know, you are my wife. I won't discuss it anymore. I don't trust him and he doesn't need to know where you live!"

  "You want these people to think that we are married? Vincent, I didn't sign up for this." This is insane. Married? Yeah, right. I already am in one failed marriage and I don't need to start collecting the institutions of marriage like they are beanie babies.

  Ronnie is the one that spoke up since Vincent is giving me the mafia stare down. "Millstone slept with his ex wife. Vincent doesn't want that to happen again."

  "Hey, Vincent, Savannah isn't going to do anything like to you," Anne said as she rubbed her hand up and down my arm. She must have moved fast because I didn't know she is standing next to me.

  "Come on ladies, let's get you out of here and to Vinny's," Ronnie stated.

  Vincent got closer to me whispered in my ear; "You better not wear that dinner. I'm having a hard enough time trying not to throw you over my shoulder and have a repeat of an hour ago." He then kissed me.

  "Maybe that is what I wanted. Maybe I need more." With that we walked out of our apartment and into Adamo's waiting car. "Vincent, do you remember the last time we rode in here together?" He smiled and nodded.

  "You guys are sick. That's it! I'm calling the other associate. Anne, do you want to ride with me or them?" Ronnie had the look of pure disgust and I couldn't contain the giggle that bubbled out of my throat.

  She looked back and forth at us and I gave her a "go" look. "I will meet you at Vinny's place, Vans!"

  I got into the Bentley and they left with the other associate. In the spacious back seat, I leaned back on the seat to show that I'm willing to fool around again and stuck out my chest.

  "Baby doll, you will mess up your hair and makeup." I shrugged and moved my hand to his belt. "Don't start something you won't finish."

  "Who says I won't finish." I undid his pants and brought my mouth down to his hardening dick. With in a second of moving my mouth, he is so hard that my cheeks hurt. He started to moan and put his hands in my hair.

  "Savannah, I love your dirty mouth. Fuck, yeah." His moaning got louder and worked his shaft with my hand and the tip of his dick with my mouth. I brought him into the back of my throat and gagged on it. "Jesus Christ! Get up here!" He pulled on my shoulders.

  "Now, don't ignore me in the morning anymore! I hope you learned your lesson." I scolded as I sat up and pushed my skirt up and moved my thong off to the side. Once there isn't anything in the way of our parts, I climbed on to his lap and lifted my sex perfectly so that when I drop down his hard dick would be inside. "Oh my! Baby! You feel so good!" I screamed as I moved slowly up and down on his dick.

  "You should know by now that I'm a man who likes control!" Vincent ordered as he picked me up by my thighs and laid me on the seat. "I want to watch that pretty face when I make you come." In a matter of milliseconds his speed picked up and my muscles got tight. My sex started to tighten around his dick as he moved so fast grunting along with his thrusts. "Now, when you are around all of those people, picture me inside you like this."

  "Vin... Cent... I'm going to come!" I screamed as my muscles tightened and unclenched as a violent orgasm pushed through my body. My head rolled back onto the seat and I dropped my thighs as he climaxed after me. "Are you going to ignore me in the mornings now?"

  "No, baby. You are amazing." I straightened out my skirt and moved my thong back to where it is supposed to be. Thank goodness I'm on birth control. "I reorganized some stuff and I will be going with you to Vinny's."

  *Chapter 12*

  Vinny greeted Vincent and I at the door, he hugged me and I giggled because Vincent growled. He shook Vincent's hand.

  Totally just noticed two things while I'm watching the man hug take place. Vincent almost growled at Vinny when he hugged me, which I find funny. I literally still feel him inside me. And two, Vinny and Vincent... that will get confusing.

  "Do you mind if I look around until my partner gets here? I want to check some things out." They both nodded and I heard Vincent talking about Millstone and Stilarno.

  His penthouse is immaculate. Beautifully lit and decorated. I never imagined a penthouse could be this beautiful. I heard the door open and introductions being given for Anne.

  "Savannah? Where are you?" I yelled back to her and we looked around and oohed and awed over the place. His bedroom is so big that it could my bedroom and my bathroom in it.

  "Why would he want to leave this place to live in Brooklyn? Psycho! Its gorgeous." We turned a corner and there is a sauna in the bathroom with a steamer connected to it. "I want to live here! Let's see if he will trade with us!"

  "Oh my word! This place is huge!" I looked at Anne and noticed how flushed her cheeks were. She looked at me and said: "Yes! We had sex in the car! It is amazing! I think this guy could be the one!"

  I wanted to tell her to slow down because I could already see the wedding bells in her eyes. " I'm glad you like him."

  "Its kind of more than like." I let the conversation drop because I didn't want to upset her. "What's going on with Vincent?"

  "I don't know now. Lets get this place sold and find him a new one." I don't know what is happening and I didn't want to talk about it because it will make me a little crazy with over thinking.

  All you could hear in the living room is "Dice" this and that. Fuck. As soon as our heels started to clack on the hallway, they stopped talking. Ronnie and Vincent were at the table drinking coffee and Vinny approached us with kisses on our cheeks.

  "Your home is amazing! You are crazy for wanting to leave here for Brooklyn!" Anne and I both said pretty close to in unison."Jinx!" We both screamed at each other.

  "A new person will be moving in here. So I need a new home." Yeah, that is typically what happens... pretty standard.

  "All right, due to what I have seen in here, a reasonable price would be 1.5 million for this location. Are you planning to leave appliances as well?" I ask and Vincent looked at me and blew me a kiss. My cheeks burned. Damn it, he is not allowed to come to these things with me.

  "Yes, I want to leave everything in here. I want all new in Brooklyn."

  I have noticed several things about these men. They are straight to the point and typically are very monotone.

  We hammer out some details and he asks to take us to lunch. I'm trying so
hard to leave all of the thoughts out of my head. Its strange to think that I'm hanging out with the mafia. Hell, I have slept with a member and I don't even know everything!

  Part of me is siding with the whole ignorance is bliss ideas. I need to experience new things and I have decided to stop beating myself up about Vincent.

  Vincent came up and grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek. "Yes, that sounds good." Anne says as Ronnie grabs her hand and we walk out. Anne looks at me and says: "Mexico!"

  "Anne, you want to go to Mexico?" Ronnie asks and she nods.

  "Mr. Stilarno is talking to us about a resort in Real Playa Del Carmen. It sounds absolutely beautiful!" Anne is such a good optimist.

  Ronnie twirls Anne in a circle and the dramatically kisses her in a dip. "For you, I would take you anywhere."

  "I guess Ronnie didn't tell Anne about Mark's placement." Vincent said whispering in my ear. I shrugged. There is a time and a place for a dick measuring contest and this isn't it.

  *Chapter 13*

  Vincent's with me the whole day. I'm surprised he could be away from his group that long. Normally I would be bothered by the fact that he is tagging along, however this is his contact and I needed to show appreciation.

  Vincent came into my room while I got ready for dinner and sat on my bed. I changed out of my skirt and my top, and then put on a pair of black trouser pants with a frilly top. My high heels were exchanged for some black pumps.

  "You look beautiful, baby doll! Not that you didn't look delicious before but I had to stop myself from dragging you off to the bathroom."

  "Why did you stop? I'm down." I said as I put my ass out in his face. He cupped my ass cheek.

  "Are you happy?"

  I turned and looked at his somber face and fell a little deeper... "What do you mean?"

  "With me. Do you think this is something you can do? I'm really beginning to like you." His accent is so hot I would have said anything to keep him talking.

  " I'm happy."

  His hands cupped my hips and he pressed his forehead to my stomach. "And? What about me?"

  "I don't agree with people thinking we are married. However, it is nice to be around you and seeing that you care about me. I have never felt that way or experienced it from a friend." I knew he is going to get temperamental about my referring to him as that which is why I said it.

  Vincent took a seat on the edge of my bed and looked at his watch. "There you go calling me your friend again."

  "Then what do you want me to call you?" I asked as I stood right in front of him with my hands on my hips and stuck my chest out.

  I suppose my stance required him to give me the full panty melting gaze. "Your boyfriend. You are my comare as far as anyone knows but to me, you are more that. You are my girlfriend."

  "May I ask you a couple of questions?" He nodded. "How old are you? Do you still talk to your parents? Do you have siblings? Do you have kids? How long were you married for? Why did you kill those people?" All of those questions fell out of my mouth before I could stop.

  He took a deep breath and signaled for me to go sit next to him. I did and Vincent took my hand. " I'm thirty, my dad is murdered and my mom won't talk to me anymore because of my career. I was married for three years and her name is Mary. We got divorced because she cheated on me. Those people that died were people that asked for it." The way he ramble off those answers reminded of someone reciting their grocery list.

  "How did they ask to die?" My voice is small and I began to regret asking him.

  "They did something that is wrong and warranted a contract on their life. Once a contract is made, it needs to be acted out. Those people that I killed were those that killed my brothers in my family or disrespected us."

  This is something that I'm never going to understand. This living in the moment thing... is harder than I thought.

  I let the rest of my questions go. "Okay. Are you ready to go to dinner?" I ask as I reached my hand out. He grabbed it and got off my bed and walked out.

  Ronnie is playing with Anne's keys. I have no idea why. Then I noticed he added a key. Ronnie then took a key and added it to his keys.

  "What are you doing over there, Ronnie?" I asked as I approached him.

  "Anne and I traded keys. I hope you don't mind. I really care about her and want to be around her as much as possible. While we were talking, I told her that I love her and she said it back."

  My mouth dropped. What the hell?

  "Um, Savannah, you might want to check your keys too." I grabbed my keys out of my pocket.

  "Vincent? You gave me your key?" What is wrong with me? Most girls love when guys are committed but me. This feels more like suffocating.

  He nodded and came to where I'm standing and smiled. "This way if you need me for anything you can come over. I want you to feel like you have some place to go if you need it." After he finished speaking, he rubbed his hands up and down my arms.

  "I guess." That is all I said and when Anne came out I glared at her. "Shouldn't we have talked about this before you gave your key away? This is my house too!" I screamed. "I would never give our key out to some guy just because we were banging! How do we know that Ronnie isn't friends with Joel? He could give Joel a copy!" I'm hysterical and completely insane as I'm yelling. I picked up the box that had my flowers and threw them across the room.

  Vincent came up to me and grabbed my waist and then carried me to my bedroom while I'm still screaming. Anne looked as if I ran over her cat. Ronnie's face looked like I punched him and I'm now screaming at Vincent to let me go. He threw me onto my bed and held me down.

  "Savannah! You have got to calm down! I know Joel is an ass hole but we have no connection to him! Please stop taking out your pain on me! I want to be with you, just let me be with you. Ronnie is a good guy, Anne is lucky! You have to stop!" He got into my face and smoothed my hair out of my eyes. "Please, baby doll, let it go!"

  I stopped struggling against his hold and went limp. I wasn't crying because I'm too mad to do it. Why am I so mad? "Fine! I swear, you better be the way you are with me now though." I looked at his dark chocolate eyes and my heart rate sped up.

  He gave me a kiss and said: "Yes, I won't change how I treat you. I promise." With that he got off of me on the bed and handed me a little bag. This is the same bag that he had at the store on Sunday. I opened the bag seen a little black box. Not a ring box, but a bracelet box. I picked the box up and opened it. I screamed!

  "Vincent! You are insane!" The bracelet is white gold and had diamonds all over it. There is a charm that hung off the lock with a "V." I never received something this beautiful. "Is this really for me?" I asked as I moved the box around to get the light to catch on it.

  "I seen this at the store and thought it is almost as beautiful as you. Yes, baby doll, this is for you. Every time you wear it I want you to think of me." He pulled the box out of my hand and took the bracelet out. I examined it more. When it went on my wrist, I'm amazed by the feeling that I got from it. Completion.

  "This is so beautiful, baby. Thank you. I love it. I will wear all the time." I kissed him and opened my arms out for him to hug me. " I'm sorry I have been so horrible. I will let you in, I promise." He pulled me off the bed by my arms and walked me to the door.

  "Let's get you and Anne some money."

  "Anne, Ronnie, I'm sorry that I'm a psycho. Congratulations on your key exchange. Ronnie, you are very lucky, you better not hurt her or I will straight up slash your breaks on your car!"

  "Damn. Looks like you can be in this life after all!" Vincent said to me and kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and jingled my bracelet so Anne could see it.

  Anne looked at my bracelet and screamed. "Oh my word! This is beautiful!" She tugged on my hand and wiggled it. "Ronnie, isn't it pretty?"

  Ronnie walked over and clapped Vincent on his back and winked. "Yeah, honey, its preeeeetttyyy."

  "We need to go. I need to head to the bank to pull out money for
our dinner," I said and grabbed my purse and keys.

  "Savannah, are we going to have a problem here? You really don't think we can pick up a dinner tab?" Ronnie is getting feisty ever since he and Anne exchanged keys all of about two minutes ago.

  "We can argue about it on our way to the bank," is what Anne retorted and pushed us out the door. "I like to arrive first and have a drink before business is discussed."

  *Chapter 14*

  Deluca's is always beautiful. We were escorted to our table and the host pulled my and Anne's chairs out. We sat down and looked around the table. Anne sat next to me on my right side with Vincent on my left. There were two seats that were between Vincent and Ronnie. The waiter came and asked us our drink order. Anne ordered a martini and I ordered a cosmopolitan, the guys ordered wine.


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