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Save Me (The Lucky Family Book 1)

Page 15

by Eden Rose

  Vincent lifted his head from in between my thighs and smiled. "Come for me, baby. I want to feel you come apart in my mouth." That did it. After a hard lick, that is it. I came violently and tried to bite my lip to keep from shouting.

  He hasn't even got up from my thighs when I'm grabbing his hair. I became desperate and am ripping at his hair. "I need you inside. Right now. Please!" I bucked out of the chair and he slipped through my legs and pulled his zipper down. "If you don't get in me right now, you are fired!"

  "Anything for you, Ms." Within a matter of seconds I'm bent over the desk in front with my ass in the air. Vincent took his hand and stroked me a few times before shoving his whole length in me. "Shit," he growled while gripping my hips to bang me off of his. He is moving so fast that it is hard to breathe. "Do you feel how much you mean to me now, or do you need more?" Vincent pulled himself all the way out and rubbed my clit with his tip. After he slammed himself into me. This pattern last five times and I'm about to come all over again. "Baby, I want us to both come together." He kissed my neck and gripped my hips tighter.

  "Vin... Please!" I cried as my stomach muscles tightened and I felt my body tremble.

  "Baby, come for me. I want to feel you all around. I want to feel you on my dick all day," he whispered into my ear and I did come. Shortly after, he followed me and slid out.

  I straightened my back and smoothed my skirt down. "Okay, you are not fired but you are definitely on probation!" I opened the door and went over to get the files to leave. Before I left, I sat my underwear on the table and walked out.

  Your fiance: You are a goddess.

  Me: You weren't so bad yourself.


  The fourth week isn't anything special. Also that week my divorce will be finalized. Paperwork, division of marital property... the whole enchilada! Anne came with me so I wouldn't be alone. The morning of the proceedings, I'm sent a dozen yellow roses that morning with a note that said: To new beginnings.

  I decided to go for a walk the morning of my divorce. This will help ease my mind before I go to court. Who knows how messy Joel will play? During my walk, this is one of the first times that I noticed I'm being followed.

  The block that Anne and I live in is rather diverse so there are all kinds of people around. There is about ten different restaurants on this block alone and from my understanding, a majority of these places were owned or had an affiliation with the mafia. The trek that I decided on for my walk is a normal one. I typically go this way to get a breather from life.

  I turned the corner, and secured my sunglasses on my face while adjusting my headphones that were connected to my phone. Normally, I would bring a water but I decided against it this time. There is a car that is behind me the whole time which has peaked my interest. When I bent over to tie my shoe, I felt someone tap my shoulder.

  I looked up with a questioning smile on my face and pushed my headphones down. "Yes?" I ask while standing up.

  "You are a beautiful woman, what are you doing walking around here by yourself?" A man asked. He had an Italian accent that made me smile and is wearing that suit.

  Before I could answer, my phone buzzed and there is a car that stopped right by the sidewalk section that I'm standing.

  A man rolled the window down and I noticed it is Vinny. "Savannah, do you need a ride?"

  I shook my head and turned back to the man in front of me. I smiled at him, and he turned around and left. He practically ran. "Um, thanks, Vinny. Is this part of your duties now? Following me around on the morning of my divorce?"

  Vinny looked like I punched him in the face. "Savannah, I'm doing my job. You don't know who that man is. I do. I will see you later." He rolled up his window and drove off.

  I took out my phone from my sports bra and noticed that there is a text from Vincent.

  Your fiance: What are you up to?

  Me: Um, you should know. That is embarrassing.

  I text back and flipped off my phone while shoving it back in my bra. Luckily I'm only a few buildings away from my apartment, so it is fast to get home.

  I made sure to wear my power colors to court to make myself seem confident. After deciding on a skirt suit that is green and a pair of kitten heels, I wore minimum makeup and did my hair as natural as possible, Anne dressed in a pant suit and held my hand as I walked in to the court room.

  Joel is already there and looked mad. Its amazing the amount of emotions that can flood your mind when going through the divorce process. I really didn't even hate him anymore. I really didn't feel anything for him.

  My divorce that is dissolved earlier, actually is that judge pushing my paperwork through the system faster.

  "We will now commence in the divorce hearing of Savannah Castile and Joel Castile. Please everyone take your seats," the judge said as she walked in and sat at her bench. "Since you two didn't have any children, we won't need to discuss a different hearing for custodial responsibilities. Now, have you two come to an agreement as to what each settlement will be to each individual?"

  Joel spoke up first, "Yes, we have, your honor. I'm residing in our marital penthouse, and she received our marital vehicle."

  "Mrs. Castile, have you agreed to these terms?"

  "Yes, I have."

  "Well, did you two want to discuss alimony?"

  We both answered at the same time. "No."

  I concluded by saying, "Please just finalize our divorce."

  The judge looked from Joel to me. "Are you sure that you want to liquidate your marriage?"

  Joel looked at me and mouthed that he is sorry. "Yes, I'm ready." I say and close my folder.

  "Savannah, please. Let's talk about this," Joel said out loud and I looked past him towards the judge and gave a confirmation nod.

  I didn't mean to be so cold to him. I felt as if all he did is take from me. My love, sanity, emotions... there isn't anything left in me. I had nothing for him to take anymore.

  "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you two divorced. Ms. Castile, were you wanting to keep your married name or change back to," she looks at the file I'm assuming to find my maiden name, "Cavanough?"

  "My maiden name please. Thank you for your time, your honor," I say and close my folder and shut the door in my heart from Joel and snap a dead bolt on it.

  Walking out of the court room, Anne asked me all sorts of questions. "How do you feel? Do you feel better now that you two are finished?"

  "Yes, we should never have gotten married in the first place. We got married because I'm pregnant. Joel and I have been divorced, in my mind at least, for five years." We get to the court house stairs and I take a deep breath of fresh air. What a beautiful Friday! "Today is beautiful! Let's go home and change. I want to do something fun!"

  We walk to her car and get in. "Ronnie is on his way over. We were supposed to go to dinner. You can come if you want."

  "I just had my divorce granted and you think I want to play third wheel to newlyweds? You are so funny," I put on my seat belt and unbuttoned my coat. "Thanks though. I will probably go to the bar or something and let lose."

  When we pulled into the parking lot, I noticed that there is a Bentley parked next to my car. I look into it expecting to see Vincent or someone, but no one is in there.

  "So, where are you going to dinner?" I ask as we walked into the building and to the elevator. Before we walked in, I looked over my shoulder and seen a black car that is idling outside the building. I nudged Anne and looked over to where the car is but it drove off very fast.

  "Um, what is that about?" I shrugged and she did too. " I'm not sure really. I wonder when he is coming over. How are you feeling now?"

  "To be honest, I wonder what I'm doing now. Vincent hasn't been around in a while and I don't know what to think about it. I'm walking around with a canary diamond on my finger and I'm apparently engaged." When I finished my sentence, we approached our door and there is a box of flowers right before the door. "Who is it from?" I ask as I point at

  " I'm not sure, let's go inside and see," Anne pulls out her key and let's us inside. Our lights were off, so I went to turn them on.

  "Oh! Wow!" She screams and drops the box on the floor and squeals. "What are you doing here?"

  Who is here? I threw my purse on the floor and then is am bushed by an enormous hug. I immediately knew who it is by the smell and the feel I get. Giddy. "Savannah! I'm so happy to see you!" Vincent says as he cups my face and kisses me.

  My lips tingle after our kiss. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a long time," I wrapped my arms around his neck and squeezed. There has never been something as comforting as this hug he is giving me. I actually feel love. Have I ever felt love? Have I ever felt period?

  His hands dropped my face and grabbed my hands. "I wanted to make sure that you wanted to go through with the divorce. I would hate to think that I pushed you into something you weren't ready for. Baby doll, I can't wait for us to spend more time together." He leans in and kisses me while fingering my ring.

  "So what are you two doing here?" I ask as I try to break away from the hug which is unsuccessful not that I minded too much. The hug is just enough to have me fall from a distressed cloud into a happy oblivion.

  "Um, who are those from?" Ronnie is pointing at the box of flowers.

  "To be honest, I thought they were from you, Vincent. I'm going to check," Vincent stayed where he is standing and Anne and Ronnie sat at the kitchen table talking about my divorce hearing. Once I had the box in my hands, I dropped it on the counter and lifted the lid. "What the hell? He won't ever stop!" Inside the box is a dozen roses and a ring. "Really? We just got divorced." I couldn't read the note. That note felt like a poisonous snake who is going to end me. Whatever he had to say is going to be hurtful. But, I won't let him hurt me. This is my life now and I have decided that I don't want him in it.

  Moving and changing my home phone number is admitting my defeat and I'm tired of him winning.

  Anne comes up to the counter and pulls the note out from the box which is connected to the ring. "'My dearest Savannah, I love you. Will you marry me again?'" She drops the note in the box and turns to face me. "I wish we weren't in a lease. I would definitely suggest we move. Come on, let's get out of here." She wraps her arms around my shoulders and brushes my hair with her fingers. A long time ago, I told her how my mother would do that simple gesture to soothe me from something that upset me.

  Vincent comes up to the box and looks inside. "This is the ring he got for you?" He picked up the one carat diamond ring and examines it. "What do you want to do about this?"

  I left the room and stalked off to my own. Once inside, I walked over to my closet to punch in the code for my safe. There isn't much in there, however there is one thing I wanted. I finally found it in its envelope and slam the safe door shut and then I walked out of the closet. On my way back to the kitchen, I stopped at the hall closet to grab a lighter. Then I turned and walked into the kitchen with a sly grin on my face.

  "Vans, what do you have there?" Anne asks as she tries to see what is in my hand. That suspicious tone isn't fooling me.

  In the kitchen, I put the envelope in the box of flowers with the note and took it outside to the fire escape. Vincent still held the ring with a look of disgust. All three of them came up to the escape to see what I'm going to do. I flicked the lighter and lit the envelope. The contents in the envelope is my marriage certificate. After dropping it into the box, I walked back inside and to where Vincent is.

  I take the few steps to where he is standing and throw my arms over his shoulder. "Baby, I want to be with you." He kissed me and nods.

  "Come on, I'm going to take you all out to dinner!" Ronnie jumps up and takes Anne's hand. "I know a great piano bar a few blocks away. Will you?" He asked Anne and offered his elbow.

  "Yea! I would love to. I love you, Ronnie." She leans in and kissed him.

  Once at the piano bar, Vincent and I sit next to each other on the bench of the bar. "Baby doll, I'm so happy to be with you right now." I love when he talks so close to me and I can feel his lips rub on my cheek.

  " I'm too. Hey, I..." Again, nothing came out.

  The waiter came and took our drink orders. I ordered a martini, but Ronnie interrupted and ordered a bottle of champagne.

  "Let's celebrate! To my friends, some old and new!" I toast as we got our glasses. "We should order light foods and go to the bar after!"

  "Okay!" Anne exclaims as she drinks some out of her glass.

  "Baby doll, I wonder why you want to go to go to the bar again." Mischief is in his eyes and he tried to seem suspicious of me. I'm not buying this act.

  I joke back and wink at Vincent. "Yes, I'm hoping to meet a hot Italian man and seduce him in the back of the car."

  He pinches my side and laughs. "You wouldn't! You know you are into me as much as I'm in to you!" Why won't he just say it? Damn.

  "Maybe, maybe not! I guess you will have to wait and find out!" I say back to him with a sly grin on my face and then he fingers my ring.

  Or his ring?


  Thank goodness we brought a change of clothes and left them in the car. Going to a bar in a suit isn't ideal. Once we got to the bar, Vincent left and Anne and Ronnie stayed with me to dance. A few times, Ronnie actually danced with me. It is weird.

  "How do you feel about all of this?" He screams over the music while I danced to the music and tried to let loose.

  The shot lady kept coming by with shots and I kept taking them. "How am I supposed to feel? I got proposed to by a man who doesn't love me and I don't even know if this real." I scream back at him.

  He comes so close to me that I can smell Anne's perfume on him. "It is real." With that he and Anne left me in the middle of the dance floor. Some friends! That is very cryptic.

  The deejay is playing all of my favorite songs and all I wanted to do is dance. The shot lady came to me and physically handed me a shot. I chugged it and handed it back to her. Within moments after taking the shot, my body got intensely warmth and flooded through me.

  The music started to blare and I didn't want to dance anymore. I needed to lay down.

  I closed my eyes hoping that the spinning of my head would stop. Didn't work. When I opened my eyes, I felt someone behind me, who kicked me behind my knees which made me fall into someone and then I'm picked up. Once that happened, I blacked out. I could still hear a little but my sight and vocals were not working.

  *Chapter 22*

  "Don't scream," the voice said in my ear. "You won't be hurt as long as you don't scream."

  This person started to walk up the stairs with me still attached to whom ever. The walk up the stairs felt like forever and I really wanted to open my eyes to know who this is. There is a sharp pain in the back of my head as I'm dropped onto something.

  I don't remember bumping my head on any cabinets or the door to the car... where did this pain come from? It feels as if I hit my head on a cabinet but I can't put my finger on it. I want to reach up and touch it but all of my muscles feel as if they weigh a ton.

  Two voices were heard as I'm trying to fight to get my sight. "So this her!" One voice screamed and touched my stomach. The other voice confirmed that I'm who they thought.

  Another new voice sounded like he is running. He is so out of breath. "That's Moretti's girl! What the fuck is she doing here? Joel! Have you gone completely insane? We can be marked for this!"


  That is the last of the conversation that I could hear. My head hurt and I stopped straining against the pain. There is something wet that trickled down my body.

  "What the hell is she doing here?" Someone screamed as I came to again. How long was I out for?

  "Joel is a fucking psycho who is trying to get us all killed!" Someone touched my hand and took my ring off along with my bracelet. I wish I could wake up so I can get those back. Vincent will be so mad that I lost them.

  I heard two people arguing
back and forth and then there is a third voice who interrupted. "You better hope that Moretti doesn't find out that we were involved in this!" Are people really that afraid of him?

  Something wet saturated my hair. Where am I? I must have fallen asleep because I didn't hear anymore until a door is kicked in, at least that is what it sounded like.

  A gun fired and an "oomph" sounded through the room. "Where is she, you rat bastard? Fuck!" Someone touched my arm and is trying to talk to me. I couldn't see who it is. "What did you do to her? She is covered in blood! Where is fucking Rossi?"

  Was it Vincent who is touching me? Whoever it is shook my arm to wake me up.

  "Hey, yo, man! This isn't your scene! This is my business not yours!" Someone yelled back.


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