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Sex and Candy

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by Nico Jaye

  Sex and Candy by Nico Jaye

  Sex and Candy © 2016 Nico Jaye – Second Edition

  First Edition Published by JMS Books LLC

  Candy Rain © 2016 Nico Jaye

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual places, events, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author.

  All rights reserved worldwide. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Help support authors by purchasing only authorized copies.

  Cover Design by Natasha Snow (


  This collection is dedicated to all of the non-believers who suddenly believed. May we all find our HEAs.


  Author’s Note: Candy Rain is a prequel. However, the recommended reading order is Sex and Candy, then Candy Rain. The stories have been presented in this collection accordingly.


  Sex and Candy

  Lee may be in a relationship with Tony, but that little fact doesn’t stop Lee when Tony agrees to allow him one wild night of no inhibitions. With excitement thrumming through his veins, Lee finds himself letting loose at Hard Candy, a popular cruise-worthy dance club known for its sweet Candymen and even sweeter one night stands. Under the club’s pulsing lights, he meets a mysterious man in leather, and things soon get hot and heavy as Lee rediscovers his submissive side under the Dom’s firm yet loving guidance.

  When Lee returns home to Tony, though, will he face repercussions for his night of passion? Or is their relationship not quite as it appears?

  Candy Rain

  With a stressful week on the job behind him, construction company owner Tony Morelli is ready for a night curled up on the couch with his dog, a couple of DVDs, and some takeout to keep him company. When a few guys from his crew convince him to join them at the steamy nightclub Hard Candy, Tony’s skeptical at best about his chances at having a good time. Bumping into gorgeous Lee, though, could change his mind, and they share a drink and conversation ripe with the potential to lead to so much more.

  However, Tony doesn’t really do casual, and he has to ask himself if all he’d be left with at the end of the evening are sweet memories of a night with Lee—and whether those memories would ever be enough.







  Sex and Candy

  Lee fidgeted with the braided leather cuff on his wrist as he stood in line just outside Hard Candy. He hadn’t been out dancing in ages—not since finding Tony at this very club. That April night last year had been very similar to this Saturday night, carrying a nip in the air that spring had not yet chased away from the Big Apple.

  Hunching his shoulders against the chill, Lee glanced around at the other hopeful club patrons and saw the tight T-shirts, tight tanks, and even tighter bodies that wore them. He felt a stirring in his groin at the very sight of them—these strangers who almost inevitably were on the hunt for something sweet tonight. In his baby blue T-shirt and ass-hugging jeans, and with his dirty blond hair styled to perfection, Lee figured that, like last time, he should fit right in with the single-sexy-and-free crowd that had shown up tonight to have some good ol’ raunchy fun.

  Lee hesitated and chewed on his lip.

  Except this time he wasn’t single—at least, not quite.

  An excited flutter shot through him as he handed his driver’s license to the muscle-laden security at the door. The bouncer barely glanced at the card before giving Lee a thorough up-down-up appraisal. With an appreciative smile, Mr. Broad-Chest-and-Brush-Cut waved him through.

  The drum and bass beats beneath Lee’s feet carried a low and insistent thump that grew louder once he entered the dimly-lit scarlet hallway. He paid the ten dollar cover at the cashier booth, and the candy striper with the mile-wide shoulders and the elaborate “Candy” nametag visually sized him up before reaching into a jar next to her. She handed him a green beribboned lollipop condom and smiled.

  “Green apple for that apple bottom,” she said with a cheeky wink. “Have fun, sweets.”

  Lee flushed pleasurably, and his quick smile in response was automatic. He turned to navigate his way down the narrow stairwell and hugged the wall to let two guys with unlit cigarettes dangling from their fingers pass by him.

  Lee paused just outside the heavy velvet curtains. The last time he’d been poised to enter the notoriously cruise-worthy Hard Candy, he hadn’t had Tony in his life. Ever since that night a year ago—a night that was meant to be just a quick fuck, but which turned into a weekend in bed and then quickly turned into…something more—Lee had found himself on the fast track to a responsible relationship. Tony, who had only been at the club after much goading from his friends, wasn’t into this scene, after all. A little older than the usual Candy crowd, Tony ran a reputable construction firm and also had considerably more fur on his chest than Lee had been used to seeing on his Candymen.

  Tony might have seemed different, but Lee had adjusted. Oh God, with talents like Tony’s and the fact that Tony treated him like a fucking prince, Lee had definitely adjusted.

  And even though Tony was possessive and dicking around wasn’t really something that Lee would normally want to do, Tony had even agreed to allow him this one night.

  This one night to indulge himself and relive the highs that came from the wild decisions of his youth.

  Lee’s lips curled up in a smile as he reached forward to part the velvet curtains. The once familiar wall of thumping music, strobe lights, and body heat hit him, and with a tingle of anticipation chasing down his spine, Lee strode into the crowd.



  Lee took his change and left a few dollars on the bar. With his head nodding to the music, he lifted his Sapphire and tonic to his lips.

  He paused with the drink halfway to his mouth.

  A hand had just brushed across his ass.

  With his nerves tingling, Lee resumed the motion and, after taking a healthy swallow of the cocktail, raised his gaze. He was deliberately casual in his visual sweep of the area, only to stop on the tall and dark-haired man watching him from halfway down the bar.

  Lee swallowed hard.

  Fuck, he’s hot.

  The man in the tight black tank and black leather pants stood out in the sea of cotton candy-colored pretty boys like a Hell’s Angel who had taken a comically wrong turn and somehow landed here. An intricate tattoo combining abstract swirls and intertwined rose vines wrapped around his shoulder and made its way down to just past his elbow. From the distance, Lee couldn’t see the color of his eyes, but those soot black lashes were thick, and when Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome’s mouth twisted in a smirky side smile, Lee ducked his head, blushing.

  A blush? Who knew he still had it in him?

  Lee pressed his lips together as he tamped down a smile. He hadn’t played this game in so long.

  His fingertip stroked the condensation that beaded on the side of the glass. With a decisive nod, Lee finished off his drink and set his glass on the countertop. He glanced up at his dark angel—still watching—and sent him a quick smile before slipping back onto the dance floor.

nbsp; The cavernous dance hall with its constant moving array of colored lights was packed wall-to-wall with bodies pulsing to the music. As he wove through the crowd, Lee’s heart was pounding and not from the exertion. He fought the urge to look back and instead focused on losing himself in the beat of the drum and bass.

  It might have been two minutes later or twenty when Lee felt a solid wall of heat press up against his back. He’d been dancing solo for most of the night, not particularly interested in any of the raised eyebrows or interested looks he’d received on the dance floor. He was about to turn away this newcomer, too, when an arm snaked around his middle and held him close. Lee looked down and saw a silver ring circling a thick forefinger, a strong, tanned forearm dusted with dark hair, and the tail end of a vine tattoo featuring beautiful tiny blood red roses that curled into the crook of an elbow.

  Lee stilled in recognition and bit his lip. The man in black.

  “I’ve been watching you.” The voice was low and raspy, and Lee felt the scratch of stubble against the back of his neck.

  Lee swallowed thickly, subtly pressing back into the other man’s body. “I saw,” Lee said softly, resting his hand on the strong forearm at his waist.

  “I like the way you move.” The hand at his waist slid under Lee’s shirt, gliding over his lower abs while the body pressed to him began moving in a slow, grinding rhythm.

  Lee’s breath hitched at the press of a thickening hardness against him, and his body automatically picked up the sensual motion. He and the dark-haired man moved as one to the bass-heavy beat. Lee’s nerves tingled, and he gasped when those fingers at his waist skimmed upwards and softly tweaked his nipple under his shirt.

  “You like that,” the voice by his ear rumbled. Lips began to explore the curve of his ear, and teeth gently tugged the lobe.

  Lee’s heart hammered, and when his voice failed him, he nodded instead.

  “Good boy.” A low chuckle, and a warm breath feathered across Lee’s neck. “You like being a good boy, don’t you?” The man’s other hand, which came down to lightly cover Lee’s denim-clad dick, served to punctuate the question.

  Lee was already half hard, which was entirely evident to the man holding his cock so confidently. Lee managed to nod again and choked out a hoarse answer past his arousal. “Y—yes, I do. I want to be a good boy for you, Mister.”

  Lee was rewarded with a firm grip on his rapidly filling cock. This time, he actually moaned out loud in the middle of the dance floor. Thankfully, the music was loud enough and everyone else was so caught up in their own actions that he didn’t seem to have an audience. Not that Lee would have noticed much, considering his attention was solely focused on him.

  The man in black.

  The one who was pressing open-mouthed kisses down the length of his throat and into whose hand Lee couldn’t help but push his hard, denim-covered dick.

  Against the skin on the nape of his neck, Lee felt those firm lips slowly spread into a smile before the other man spoke. “Good boys do what they’re told. Are you gonna be a good boy for me, baby?” His voice lowered into a carnal growl. “Are you gonna be really good?”

  Lee bit back another moan and nodded eagerly, pressing his ass into the stiff leather that ground against him. The music swirled around them, and holy shit—Lee had missed this feeling of complete freedom to do whatever the hell he wanted. He just felt so fucking good. And horny as fuck. “Yes, Mister,” he said, his voice slightly breathless. “I—I’ll be your good boy. I’ll do whatever you tell me to.”

  A murmur of approval.

  And a voice rough with arousal.

  “Turn the light on and wait for me in the last stall. Go now and be ready for me.” That teasing hand left his now-aching dick, and both roughened palms slid up underneath Lee’s shirt to cover his pecs. Those hands pinched Lee’s nipples, and Lee gasped, his cock jerking within the confines of his jeans. The other man chuckled darkly and whispered in Lee’s ear. “Because if you’re a good boy, I’ll even let you pick which one of your holes you want me to stuff my cock in first.”

  With those parting words, the man in black disappeared back into the crowd just as quickly as he’d arrived at Lee’s side. Lee stood stock still, his body practically shaking with adrenaline, before springing into action. He made his way to the washrooms, his pulse hammering and his dick leaking a wet spot through his jock and onto the front of his jeans. As he shouldered his way through the crowd, his mind raced at the promise that had just been made to set the stage for the rest of his evening.


  Hard Candy was notorious not just for its sweet Candymen, but also for its luxurious—and private—washrooms.

  Each individual stall was a small room, and, in addition to the usual fixtures, the private space boasted its own set of wall sconces, a full door with wooden slats, a small side table, and easily enough room for three. The décor of the public areas was a candy apple red from the glossy tiles to the red-and-white striped wallpaper, and red bulbs alternated with white to cast the stainless steel sinks and basket of toiletries and breath mints on the counter in a soft red hue.

  Lee passed six stalls as he walked down the washroom corridor. The first and third had lights and soft moans filtering through the slats, and the others were dark and silent. He reached the last stall—lucky number seven—and smiled when he saw the light was off.

  Not for long, he thought.

  He slipped into the stall and shut the door, leaving it unlocked. In the pitch black, his eyes picked out the dimly-lit switch by the door, which he flipped up, bathing the small room in a warm white glow. The red-and-white striped wallpaper continued into the room, meeting the lower wooden paneling halfway on three of the four walls. On the wall to the left, instead of the striped paper, a stretch of mirror reflected the surprisingly spacious interior.

  Lee turned to his left and slid open the drawer of the small table by the door. There was an unspoken understanding that certain necessities were often left behind in the decorative cupboards by altruistic patrons, and this instance was no exception. Lee’s fingers trembled as he selected an individual packet of lube and a foil square from the drawer. He pinched them softly, confirming that they were still airtight, before setting them on the table top to share real estate with the single box of tissues on the surface.

  When Lee glanced up at the mirror, he caught the look of excitement reflected in his golden brown eyes. He was actually going to do it. He was actually going to fuck someone in the bathroom of Hard Candy. Lee bit his lip in anticipation and glanced at the door, willing the light from outside to be cast in shadow.

  And oh my fucking God, I can’t wait.

  Finally, after a few minutes—a few hours…a few days—passed, Lee saw the light filtering through the slats darken as he heard footsteps stop outside the door. His pulse pounding in his ears, he backed away from it when the knob turned.

  It’s happening.

  Lee’s heart stuttered.

  Amber eyes met thickly-lashed brown, and the dark-haired newcomer’s lips quirked upon eye contact. Lee swallowed hard and, without a word, sank to his knees.

  A low chuckle filled the space. The lock clicked, and strong fingers gripped Lee’s chin. Lee’s eyes fluttered shut as the dark head bent closer. Firm lips pressed against his own, a tongue sliding out to sweep along the seam. Lee’s lips parted to give entrance, but the other man had already pulled away. His voice was raspy when he spoke. “Good boy,” he murmured. “I see you’ve made a decision.”

  Lee glanced up and caught a wicked gleam in those dark brown eyes. Even though he was a foot away, he was at eye level with a leather-covered bulge, and his tongue sat heavy in his mouth, desperate for a taste. Lee felt his heart race as he replied. “Yes, Sir. My—My mouth, please. Please put your cock in my mouth.”

  Lee watched wide-eyed as that dark gaze flashed at the polite yet scandalous request. Sir’s full lips curled up as he stepped closer, bringing with him a hint of cologne and th
e heady scent of pure man. “First,” he corrected, those thick fingers carding through Lee’s hair before gripping his head firmly. “Please put my cock in your mouth first.”

  His neck stretched back, Lee gasped, “First, Sir. Please put it in my mouth first.” His own cock twitched at the authority that rang in that deep voice, Sir’s answering smile filling Lee with an inexplicable pride.

  “That cock’s not gonna get there on its own, boy.”

  Lee’s eyes widened, and he flushed.

  It’s definitely happening. Right now.

  Lifting his hands to the heavy silver buckle before him, Lee glanced up and saw his own excitement mirrored in the dark brown depths of the taller man’s gaze. He hurried to unzip the fly, and, with his thumbs pressed against tanned skin and hooked into the waistband of black briefs, Lee eased the leather and briefs down Sir’s muscled thighs till they pooled around his knees.

  A ruddy cock sprang free from the confines, and Lee heard a soft groan when he curled his fingers around the thick base. At least seven thick inches, the cut cock boasted a blunt head that glistened tellingly with precum. Lee rested his other hand against a thigh that prickled with rough hair under his palm. With anticipation causing his breath to go shallow, Lee leaned forward.

  The grip on Lee’s hair tightened once he took the dark pink tip in his mouth. Lee wrapped his lips around the thick, mushroom head, savoring its taste. As his tongue teased around the ridge, the musky scent of Sir’s skin and the full-bodied flavor of his cock filled Lee’s senses.

  A low groan came from above. “Fuuuuck. Yeah…suck it, baby…”

  Lee closed his eyes and pushed his mouth down until the head pressed against the back of his throat. He pulled off slowly, sucking firmly along the way until he returned to the tip. Sir’s grunt of appreciation only spurred him on to please him more. Extending his tongue, Lee polished the crown, wetting it thoroughly before taking it back into his mouth. He bobbed his head enthusiastically, his eyes opening to glance up at Sir, tacitly seeking his approval.


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