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Nexus of Time

Page 20

by Mark Riverstone

  A dizziness swirls in his head as exhaustion takes over. Mr. Nix has got to get rest before he continues. He needs to find a room to rent and catch a few hours of sleep on a pillow and mattress.

  The Short Of It

  Chapter 24

  Operations, Colorado Mountain Facility.

  Burt walks down the corridor past the communication center. A lieutenant inside the center wearing a headset calls to Burt.

  "Professor Stone, a small craft that identifies itself as the Mantis is requesting permission to land in our vehicle pool entrance. The woman in command of the ship says she is a representative sent by a Captain Nemolalapolu..."

  "Nemolopolus." Burt thinks and says, "Contact Walter, I mean Professor Tomb, and request that he meet me in the vehicle pool. Give them permission to land. Seal the entrance as soon as they enter."

  "Should I send a security detail to the vehicle pool as well?"

  "Yes, though instruct them that these are diplomats, so they should display a friendly demeanor, not a cautionary one."

  "Yes, sir."

  The lieutenant turns to her console and types, then speaks into her headset. "Professor Tomb, your immediate presence is requested at the vehicle pool."

  Burt asks the whole room with concern in his voice, "Has anyone here gotten word from Mr. Nix or Colonel Kaliber yet?"

  "No, sir," responds one. The others look and shake their heads.

  "Can we do a satellite visual search of where they were last known to be?" asks Burt.

  "No, sir. As we feared, there are no satellites left in orbit. Power outages cover the continent. There are few transmitter towers still online. The only way Mr. Nix can communicate with us is by shortwave."

  "It may take them time to find a shortwave radio to contact us. Keep channels open for them."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Any more information from the other Committee facilities?" asks Burt.

  "Other than those few videos early on, and the audio updates recorded and filed for you, no, sir. Like us, they are in secure lockdown, and monitoring airwave to get practical and tactical assessments. Because we can only reach the other facilities by shortwave, and shortwave can be intercepted, Committee HQ ordered a forty-eight hour hold on communications, except under the direst of circumstances."

  "Makes sense. Can't have police stations or ham radio operators picking up our conversations, and Greys could trace the signal to our location. Send the filed communications to me."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Thank you, lieutenant."

  Burt exits the communication center. After a few steps, he turns around and goes back to the communication center. In the doorway, Burt calls to the lieutenant.

  "Lieutenant, could you also request an emergency meeting for the tier one staff in..." Burt looks at the time on his wrist communicator and thinks, "one hour from now?"

  "Of course, sir."

  An Unexpected Guest

  Chapter 25

  Vehicle pool, Colorado Mountain Facility.

  The vehicle pool is a massive space bigger than ten airplane hangars with every type of land, air and amphibious vehicle parked there. An entrance drive longer and wider than an airline runway spans from the hangar space to a massive megaton-proof steel entrance door. The height at the entrance tapers as the runway approaches the pool, designed for aircraft to land and takeoff. Red lights flash while landing lights illuminate the entrance strip. Announcements blast over speakers.

  "Incoming non-Committee craft. Security and pool personnel diplomatic formation."

  As the message repeats, the megaton-proof door opens. Outside, the door entrance is the top side of a Colorado mountain that connects to a paved access road winding and descending the mountainside. Before the door completes opening, a strange unlit aircraft appears in the night sky, gliding toward the door. It is the Barge's Mantis craft, resembling a short cigar tube, with four smaller cigar tubes attached to the lower front and back sides of the craft. The two in back are twice as large as the two in front.

  The ship flies through the opening and decelerates so quick it comes to a stop as soon as it enters. On the ship's sides, the four tubes unfold into legs: the two in back massive and strong, the two in front smaller and more agile. Hovering over the landing runway, the Mantis lowers tilted with the front higher than the back. The rear legs absorb the impact when they touch ground, then the front of the craft tilts forward until the front legs touch the landing strip. As the propulsion engines power off, the legs activate, moving the ship with the crawling motion of an insect. The craft walks itself along the runway toward the hangar space. The rear legs carry most the weight, while the front legs control direction and balance.

  Deep below the vehicle pool hangar in the main Committee facility, Burt hurries toward the elevator, seeing Walter waiting by it. As Burt reaches Walter, the elevator door opens. They step in, and the elevator takes them up to the vehicle pool.

  "What do we got going on?" asks Walter.

  "Nemolopolus sent in a ship. I'm not sure why. We'll find out soon enough."

  "I have an idea."

  "What is it?" asks Burt.

  "I think Nemolopolus found something I left for him."

  "That is not enough information, Walter, to explain anything."

  The elevator opens to an isolated corridor, and the two men exit. When the elevator door closes, the seal is so perfect you can't see where the elevator is, making the corridor resemble a dead end. Out of the corridor and into the hangar space, Walter and Burt walk over to where the security and service personnel converge, by the stationary Mantis craft propped up on its legs.

  A hatch on the underside of the Mantis is open. A ladder extends to the ground. At the base of the ladder are two crewmen from the Mantis, and a mature Indian woman. Her jet-black hair has long stripes of white on each side. Though her left hand is normal, her right hand is a dull purple metallic alloy. Held by her metallic hand is a large thin silver briefcase.

  Walter and Burt recognize the woman, Sandy, and extend their hands in greetings to her.

  "Sandy, long time no see. You look fantastic," says Walter with a smile.

  "Same to you, Walter. Burt. Hard to believe it's been twenty years. Thank you for opening to us," greets Sandy.

  "Our pleasure. Your hand is striking. Is that a special purple alloy?" asks Burt.

  "No. Nemo knows my favorite color is purple, so every hand he has fabricated for me, he adds a purple coloring agent to the material."

  "Your crew can stay with your craft. Our service people will provide them with any supplies or materials needed to prep your ship for departure. So, what is the purpose of your arrival, other than the pleasure of your visit?" asks Burt.

  "Captain Nemolopolus wanted me to supply you with recent reconnaissance information, and to pick up two things while I'm here."

  "Which are?"

  "We should discuss this in a more private and secure room."

  "Of course. I called an emergency meeting with our top-tier staff. Is the information suitable to share with them?"

  "That is for you to decide. But much of the information covers what is happening out there with the populations, so I assume if I don't present my information to them, you will."

  "Very well. Why don't you attend our meeting and present it to everyone at once? I have information I need to share with the staff as well. What items do you need to pick up? Can that be discussed in group?"

  "The request for pickup came from your side, not ours."

  Burt looks puzzled. "I am unaware of a pickup, but my appointment as temporary command was only a couple days ago. Bring it up at the meeting. Someone on staff must know about it," says Burt looking at Walter who doesn't react.

  Burt puts his hand on Sandy's shoulder and escorts her toward the back corridor where the elevator hides. As they walk, Sandy looks at Walter, smiles and says, "You were right, Walter. It was there."

  Walter smiles but says nothing. Burt looks at both curiou
sly. The dead end in the corridor opens exposing the elevator.

  Exigent Circumstances

  Chapter 26

  Conference Room, Colorado Mountain Facility.

  The wall is covered with large monitors, showing various locations throughout the facility and hidden exterior entrances, has one displaying the Mantis craft sitting in the vehicle pool with personnel milling around it.

  Dr. Diamond and Dr. Lost softly discuss something among themselves at the table end. Walter sits next to Major Reese, a buff man in a security uniform. The facility supervisor, Mr. Axus, is busy with his digital tablet and stroking his beard. Dr. Black sits silent, lost in her own thoughts. At the head of the table stands Burt and the guest diplomat Sandy.

  "Everyone, let us get this started. First," Burt gestures to Major Reese, "Until Colonel Kaliber returns, Major Reese will oversee security and security personnel. Also, until the safe return of Mr. Nix, I will manage overall operations per Mr. Nix's request. Any questions or issues, see one of us. Is that understood?"

  Heads nod and bob in agreement.

  "Good. May I introduce Sandy. She is with the Barge, and one of the greatest molecular physicists of our time. Sandy, that is Major Reese, Walter, you know, Dr. Black, our biological and surgical expert."

  Sandy smiles to Dr. Black, "Yes, Dr. Black. Captain Nemolopolus has spoken of you and your work."

  Dr. Black snaps out of her thoughts and looks up, "What?"

  Sandy adds, "In a good way, Dr. Black."

  Burt continues, "Moving on, that is Dr. Diamond, he is our aural and optic specialist, and an excellent surgeon in his own right. Next to him is Dr. Lost..."

  Dr. Lost interrupts, "What happened to your hand?"

  There is an awkward silent moment from Dr. Lost's directness.

  Sandy stumbles to answer, "Well, I ah..."

  Burt jumps in, "I am sorry, Sandy, Dr. Lost is..."

  "No, it's fine. Dr. Lost, I..."

  Walter cuts off Sandy in an authoritative tone, "Dr. Lost, Sandy was conducting an experiment with Burt, when the Department of Defense caused a critical situation with the experiment that endangered our lives. Sandy stepped in and saved us and curtailed the danger, but her actions caused her hand to become contaminated. Without hesitation, she cut off her own hand to prevent the spread of the contaminant. Does that answer your question, Dr. Lost?"

  Dr. Lost meekly withdraws, "Yes, Professor Tomb. I'm sorry, I meant no disrespect."

  "You may not mean it, but you certainly show it," scolds Walter.

  "Again, my apologies," repeats Dr. Lost.

  "Don't apologize to me, apologize to Sandy."

  Sandy inject, "Apologies are not necessary."

  "I'm sorry, Ms. Sandy."

  Walter continues, "Sandy, excuse Dr. Lost. She is a brilliant mind and head of psychology here, but her directness is more appropriate in clinical settings, not social ones. I didn't mean to interrupt you or Professor Stone. Please continue."

  Burt tries to quell tensions, "Ok, that broke the ice. Now that we are through introductions, let's get to the crucial matters at hand. As of now, we received no communications from Mr. Nix, Colonel Kaliber or Agent Eighteen. Unfortunately, there are so many influential factors at work, we cannot pinpoint the exact reason or cause. Everyone here knows by now that there are no more working satellites in orbit. That has crippled our ability to communicate. Without satellites, Nix's and Kaliber's personal communicators won't work. It also makes it impossible for us to use satellites to search their last location."

  Major Reese asks, "Do we have any mode of communication at our disposal? What about old cables or telephone lines?"

  "Those rely on power for transmissions and relays. As far as we can assess, and we will review this in more detail in a minute, every power plant with a one-megawatt capacity or more was destroyed."

  Sandy interrupts, "Professor stone, if you will allow me..." She opens the case she was carrying, resting it on the table. Inside is an embedded computer and keyboard. As she types, the computer interfaces with the monitors on the wall, showing the same recording on each. "On the way here, we did a flyover along the shores of Russia and the Western US, getting visuals on what took place so we could build an accurate assessment of the problem."

  "You flew over Russia? And you didn't get shot at?" asks the major.

  "We flew low. The Russians also lost satellites and electricity, like the US. Our ship doesn't show up on radar. And to be honest, both countries were busy trying to handle the air traffic they had. For example, I have a few videos here of airport situations..."

  Sandy spins through a bunch of files on the monitors, selecting a couple to run in sequence.

  "This first one here is of a collision on the runway of Russia's Vladivostok Airport."

  The video shows two smoldering planes on the runway. Foam sprays from emergency vehicles attempting to stop the blaze.

  "And this one is from Denver's airport."

  The visual shows two dozen aircraft circling the airport too close for comfort.

  "As you can see, both countries are too busy trying to manage their assets. Both countries air control towers are still heavily reliant on radar, but the massive power outages caused these places to run on backup generators. Some of these generators are out of fuel by now. Once radar goes down, any plane in the air will be on its own. I'm assuming at this hour, the only aircraft in flight are military, government or public services. Now I will show you videos portraying the extent of the land damage."

  Sandy begins pulling up a bunch of videos and running them.

  "Here is one of a natural gas plant."

  "That looks like nothing but a massive hole in the ground," states Dr. Lost.

  Sandy concurs, "A half-mile crater. The implosion devices they used contained the igniting gas, but the gas itself pulverized and incinerated everything inside the blast zone. This next one is an oil and gasoline refinery in California..."

  This video shows a section of industrial shoreline on fire, including flaming water.

  "The implosion burst the reserve tanks, but when the implosion was complete, the liquid oil and gas coated the shoreline and even ran into the water, setting the beach and ocean on fire. You can see here the fire trucks are not even trying to fight it, focusing only on containment. This next one was up the coast a bit."

  This video just shows a huge black oil puddle in the ocean.

  "Is that a sunken tanker?"

  "No, it was a sea drilling platform, but an attack sunk the platform. The oil is just flowing from the untapped well. These next two are less dramatic, but just as devastating."

  One video shows a bunch of massive white poles and blades strewn across a grassy landscape, the other is a pile of metal and glass.

  "The first one is a wind farm where the turbines were flattened. The second it a field of solar panels from a solar power plant."

  "Why do the Greys used implosion devices at all these locations? Isn't that rather crude for such an advances species. I expected energy-based weapons," ponders Dr. Diamond.

  Burt responds, "They certainly possess that technology. However, their preferred attack against humans for large damage seems to be these implosion devices. We believe it's because the devices contain the damage, are inert until activated, and the Greys are very careful what technology they expose to us. The Greys know humans are great at reverse engineering and creating from observation, so they choose not to show or expose us to any weaponry we could use against them."

  "It just seems like making all those bombs and transporting them on ships is burdensome," adds Major Reese.

  Burt asserts, "I estimated eight thousand targets struck in the United States alone, sixty-two thousand worldwide. A hundred Grey ships dropping ten bombs a minute could achieve this task in an hour. These implosion devices are small. You can fit eighty-four of them in a cubic foot. Using twelve cubic feet per ship, they could store enough munition to strike every target. That's the size of a
car trunk per ship."

  "That's quite a specific assessment," says Dr. Diamond.

  Burt nods, "One of my many responsibilities at the Grey Valley Bunker was analysis, cataloging and classifying Grey weaponry."

  "I'm not sold on your reasoning for their choice to not use energy weapons. A laser or plasma shot from space doesn't give us much to reverse engineer," states Major Reese.

  Walter butts in, "There are more reasons than just exposure to us. For example, a hundred thousand laser or plasma bursts into our atmosphere to destroy massive targets, fired in a short period, would create tremendous heat in our atmosphere, change air and surface temperatures, burn gasses like oxygen, and destroy Earth's ecosystem. Those types of attacks might have also reacted with the uranium when striking nuclear plants, causing nuclear explosions. Instead, what they did released radiation, but much less radiation and damage than an explosion. They destroyed targets while leaving the Earth and its ecosystem intact, and habitable for them."

  "Releasing deadly radiation doesn't seem intact to me," points out Major Reese.

  Burt addresses, "Greys evolved as a subterranean species here on Earth, so they stumbled on uranium early in their development. They travel through space and handle exotic materials we have yet to identify. I'm certain they have plenty of experience with radiation, and likely possess a process to neutralize radiation." Burt looks around the table, "If there are no other questions, Sandy, please continue."

  "Sure. One more video taken not far southwest from here. It is the most devastating, resulting in the loss of what I'm guessing to be hundreds of thousands of lives."

  The video is of the Hoover Dam. The center has crumbled away, with only sections lining the rocky canyon walls still intact. Lake Mead and the adjoining bays are drained, while a small quantity of water continues to rush through the dam gap like water pouring out of a bucket.


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