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Nexus of Time

Page 43

by Mark Riverstone

  Captain Nemolopolus looks around at their faces, "Everyone is present. For those here who do not know, this is Master Sergeant Smyte. She leads security, personnel control, infantry assaults and tactical recon operations here on the Barge. If you are wondering why you have not seen her until now, Walter or Dr. Black, she prefers to work unseen during normal operation. Do not worry, she has been watching over you. She will command the boarding party assaulting the Grey craft. Neither you, Walter, nor Dr. Black, will be part of the boarding operation. Any instructions or information you have for Sandy, Evascott or Ying, who will be part of the boarding party, should run through Smyte, as she has final say on matters regarding the boarding, other than myself. Before I continue, are we clear on the hierarchy?"

  As Captain Nemolopolus looks around at the faces, he either gets a nod or no response from those around the table.

  The captain continues, "Good. Before we get into mission details, I need everyone to see this footage that we took with a few of our drones. We lost two drones on this recon. The Greys ignore our drones because drones have no weapons and pose no threat, unless they get too close or in the way, which we did, twice. This recording compilation is the first time we have observed the interaction of a Deconstructor and one of the Fabricator ships taking place."

  On an entire sidewall screen, a video plays showing the viewpoint of a small fast-moving hovering craft. It shows the top of the Deconstructor open. Little supply crafts from the Fabricator ship fly into the open top of the Deconstructor, lift out massive transparent containers of raw materials: metals, gemstones, liquids, and even gasses, and tow them to the Fabricator ship.

  "What you see here explains itself. We had spectroscopy scanners on the drone, which determined the contents of these containers to be raw materials. The ones that look empty contain compressed gasses such as nitrogen, helium and hydrogen. We were trying to figure out how the Deconstructor's presence has multiplied exponentially. Greys weren't using raw materials stored at their colonies. It was not possible for them to stockpile in advance enough resources to build the growing worldwide fleet of Deconstructors."

  Nemolopolus points, "Here is the answer. A Fabricator ship builds one terra-extractor we now call a Deconstructor. The Deconstructor demolishes human constructions and sorts the raw materials, then those materials transfer from the Deconstructor, as you see here, to the Fabricator ship and then used to create more Deconstructors. The logic fits with the intellectual approach of the Greys. They destroy the undesired human habitations and recycle the resources into more Deconstructors, speeding up their terraforming efforts without expending Grey colony resources. Just as they are using us to kill ourselves, they use our cities to build machines that destroy our cities.

  "Our scientists estimate the quantities and types of resources the Fabricator ship use to build a Deconstructor, and they determined more raw materials are being extracted than used to build these machines. This means that even at the alarming rate of Deconstructor fleet expansion, plenty of raw materials are left over for the Greys to use in building more Fabricator ships, or store for building Grey colonies. What we don't know is where they are taking and storing the surplus resources."

  At the video continues, it shows the drone flying into the open back of the Deconstructor, getting a view inside.

  "Oh, this moment here is most interesting. It shows the completeness of their intent."

  As a small supply craft removes the last of the resource containers, a front fifty-foot section of the Deconstructor bottom beneath the grinders slides back exposing the ground beneath the machine, tilts downward, then shoves itself into the ground at an angle until the whole thing shovels into the soil. Then another plate behind it opens in the base, almost the width of the Deconstructor. A side panel to a chamber opens and a mound of rock, marble, granite, concrete, and other disposables pile up over the opening behind the shovel.

  Walter looks at it with confusion, "What is going on there?"

  "We were wondering the same thing until I sent out a two-man crew to get a deep core sample from a section of terraformed land after a Deconstructor passed through. What we have seen is how these Deconstructors are destroying everything on the surface. What we haven't seen until this, is that front shovel scooping up any underground construction up to forty feet deep. They are excavating the pipes, underground wires and basements. Scooping in gasoline tanks under gas stations. Underground garages. These things get it all. Unless someone is hiding in a bunker deeper than forty feet. And if they are deeper than forty feet, they will need to dig themselves out."

  MSgt. Smyte asks in a matter-of-fact tone, "Does this affect any of your Committee compounds and bunkers?"

  Walter replies, "Most of the large facilities are in mountains. Some of our storage bunkers and DC Headquarters are underground deeper than forty feet, but they are prepared for nuclear attacks that could level entire skyscrapers on top of them. They built vertical shafts that run parallel. That way while one shaft is used to dig back to the surface, the other shaft can be filled with the dirt and stone they remove working their way to the surface. Nemo, if the shovel is scooping, then is the stone fill?"

  "Correct, Walter. The stone and other inert materials, even wood, that they have no recyclable use for, they use to fill the hole left behind the scoop. We assume it's being inserted as a ballast to stabilize the ground and reduce soil sinking. It's amazing how thorough these machines are at obliterating buildings above and below ground, and how well thought-out the discharge of these machines. Recycling everything useful, leaving stable land that won't shift or erode, topped with plant ready soil. By spring, we will see the spouts of an open field where only months earlier a city stood."

  Dr. Black interrupts, "You mentioned this...scoop shovel deep enough to remove a gas storage tank from under a gas station. They must pick up barrels of oil from furnaces, cars and repair shops. We discovered they are allergic to those items, so what are they doing with them, and why aren't the Greys on the Deconstructor machines getting sick?"

  "Good question, Dr. Black. First, the Deconstructors are not manned. They are automated. As long as toxic materials are destroyed, they have no problems. We believe they are incinerating the petroleum and plastic products...let me rewind this first."

  Right before the captain stops the video, the image becomes shaky then goes black.

  "That was our drone being destroyed. To fly in and get those images, the Grey supply shuttle decided the drone was a nuisance and destroyed it. Give me a second...," says Captain Nemolopolus, rewinding the recording.

  The image runs backwards, stopping when the drone first entered the Deconstructor, showing an encased corner at the back left of the machine.

  "There, you see that...unit, compartment, we believe is a super-heated zero discharge incinerator. They are burning toxins at incredibly high heats. We also believe it contains a particle bombarder that neutralizes radioactive material. The remaining ash has metals and heavy metals extracted and then is mixed into the discharge soil posing no danger. Give me one more second, I want to play another short video."

  He finds another file, and plays it, "This last video is from the other drone we lost. This vent here at the top back of the Deconstructor discharges only clean heat from the incineration process. We lost this drone filming this." As the drone flies closer to the vent, the recording blurs then goes black, "The intense heat release melted the drone when it flew too close."

  Captain Nemolopolus shuts off the wall monitor, "This is, as far as we have been able to assess, what the Deconstructors do. These things give the Greys everything they desire to re-inhabit the Earths' surface. If we can figure out how to deactivate, control or destroy them, we may be able to keep part of humanity's civilization still standing. This is why we need to take one of their Fabricator ships. It helps that Fabricator ships are immobile for periods, giving us a stationary target."

  "Can't we take one of the Deconstructors instead? The fact tha
t they are automated means there shouldn't be any resistance," asks Evascott.

  "The sidewalls of those machines are so thick, even if we rammed it with a rift, we won't penetrate it half way. And it doesn't contain any tech beyond what is necessary to do what it does: break things into raw materials and discard the rest. A Fabricator ship contains a Zeus box. If we do nothing but steal the Zeus box, our mission will be a tremendous success."

  Ying chimes in, "Captain, let's assume we successfully board and take control of a Grey Fabricator ship. Then what?"

  Captain Nemolopolus explains, "While engaging the Grey craft, the Barge may take significant damage. The hull might contain breaches that prevent submerging into the ocean. It may be necessary to seek refuge or hide after the assault in case Grey reinforcements are on their way. The only location we can escape to that has an entrance and landing hangar large enough to house the Barge and the Grey ship, has dampeners to keep us from being tracking, capable personnel ready, and generates electricity is the Committee's Colorado Mountain Facility. That will be our escape destination. Which means we need to take a Fabricator that is constructing a Deconstructor in Colorado, Northern Nevada or Southern Wyoming. Fortunately, this morning we located a Fabricator ship on the outskirts of Denver that has just begun fabricating a Deconstructor a few hours ago. It takes a day to finish fabrication, so as soon at this meeting is over, we will man stations, inform the crew, and then fly to Denver to begin the assault."

  "Have we contacted the Colorado Committee facility to let them know of our intentions?" ask MSgt. Smyte.

  "No," responds the captain.

  "Then how can we expect them to help us?" asks Evascott.

  "We don't want to send any detailed messages because we can't take a chance of the Greys intercepting any communication that might warn them of the assault. Any extended communication could reveal the hidden Colorado facility, not to mention our current location. Both we and the facility are running dark with communications, and I don't want any messages between us to be more than a request to land and their approval. Walter's research partner is in command there at the moment, so we can be sure they will let us land."

  "Enough on the escape. What is the actual plan?" asks MSgt. Smyte.

  Captain Nemolopolus takes a deep breath and answers, "Denver is the perfect location to hit. The mountains, ravines and valleys give us lots of ways to approach undetected if we stay close to the ground. We'll approach slow and steady, activate the rift clamps at the last second, then ram them and shut off the rift. At that point, our ship and their ship will be physically connected. Their hull will integrate with the ice held by the barge clamps, which will allow us to cut into their ship fast using plasma torches, and then we will board.

  "Assignments will be as follows; Dr. Black and Walter will monitor the entire operation from inside the cockpit of the Mantis craft. The moment the operation goes awry, they will be launched to return to the North Pole transmitter. Evascott, you will be in the docking bay with your engineering squad who will cut a hole in the ice compromised section of the Grey craft hull. Once through, you will monitor the clamp section inside the Barge from the docking bay. Make sure the clamp integrity remains intact while we are connected to the ship. But I want you to line the mounting sleeves of the clamp where it connects inside the ship with micro charges."

  "As a failsafe, Captain?" ask Evascott.

  "Right. We will need to be capable of quick detachment from the Grey craft in case something goes wrong, or we need to ditch the ship. The external section of the clamps will be integrated with the Grey craft hull, so we won't be able to unlatch by retracting them, so our only recourse is to break the clamps off inside our ship. If we can safely tow the Grey craft to the Committee facility and land, we can take our time and cut the clamps on the exterior of the ship. Now, once Evascott and his people successfully cut into the Grey craft, the boarding party will cross over onto their ship.

  "Sandy, Master Sergeant Smyte, and Ying will be part of the assault force that boards the Grey craft. Smyte, I want you to stay near the opening on the Grey craft side with one of your team members, while Ying, Sandy and the rest continue onward.

  "Captain, I'm leading the assault team. I should go in as far as my team goes," insists MSgt. Smyte.

  "I understand, but holding the entrance is the most important part of the assault. If the Greys take the opening, they will cut off the team's exit, trapping everyone on their ship. The Greys might attempt to board the Barge. The only person I trust to not give it up at any cost is you, Smyte. You will be the last line of defense keeping the Barge safe, and the only hope the rest of the team has of getting off the Grey craft. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, Captain," confirms MSgt. Smyte.

  "Good. Ying, you are the only one who can understand Grey language and the craft layout, so you will lead the assault team into the craft's control center. Ying will use what knowledge he has learned to take control of the Fabricator ship and place it in hover mode so the Barge can tow it. Sandy, you will act as Ying's science support, escorting him to find and remove the Zeus Box, then return to the Barge with it."

  "What do you plan to do with the Grey craft we are towing?" asks Evascott.

  "Tow it back to the Colorado facility where we can take it apart and study the tech. But if Grey reinforcements are in pursuit, we'll ditch the Fabricator ship minus the Zeus Box in a valley in the Rockies, and land the Barge in the Colorado Mountain facility. The main point of this mission is boarding the Grey ship and steal the Zeus Box. If we successfully do that, we can build up our forces while finding vulnerability in theirs."

  Walter summarized to Captain Nemolopolus, "Let me make sure I got this right. While Smyte, Sandy and Ying are boarding with an assault team on the Grey craft, Dr. Black and I will be in the Mantis waiting to be ejected, and I assume you will be on the Barge bridge overseeing and controlling the operation."

  "And commanding the Barge."

  Sandy, breaking her silence, asks, "Captain, one question. When we remove the Zeus Box from the Grey craft, essentially disconnecting the power, won't the Grey craft lose propulsion and crash?"

  "Not if done properly. Ying has found that those ships can operate on a minimal level before they connect the box with their power systems. So as long as you bypass the power circulation before removing the box, there should be enough power from basic fuel cells to maintain hovering capability and lift support for a short time. Long enough for us to tow it. If the power is not bypassed before the Zeus Box disconnects, then the ship could lose propulsion. Ying will be with you so that won't be a problem. Any other questions before we break and prepare for the assault?"

  There are no questions.

  "Very good. The entire crew was notified prior to this meeting on what each of their assignments are during the assault. You each have one hour to meet with your teams to review plans and protocols. Dr. Black and Walter, take that time to collect your latest research and load it on the Mantis for transmission. That will be all. Good luck and dismissed."

  The Welcome

  Chapter 49

  Secret Service Headquarters Basement, Washington DC.

  In pain, Nix steps out of a long narrow pitch-dark passage into a small utility room lit by a dim emergency light hanging over a heavy steel door. The space is half filled with drain pipes and water pipes. On the left cinderblock wall is a large first aid cabinet, and next to that a small panel box with a large red button. Mr. Nix hits the red button, then searches through the first aid cabinet. Agent Strong, alert and ready with her shotgun, exits the passage into the room.

  Mr. Nix glances at Agent Strong, "Relax, Agent Strong. We are inside. Close the passage door."

  Still not lowering her shotgun, Agent Strong uses one hand to close a narrow steel door, sealing the passage behind her.

  "Relax," repeats Mr. Nix.

  "I won't get jumped by anyone armed again," replies Agent Strong.

  "Lower the gun, Agent. This is th
e one place where trying to protect yourself can turn out for the worst, not the better."

  The reluctant Agent Strong lowers her shotgun. Wincing, Mr. Nix removes his vest. His flinching prompts Agent Strong to assist. He then takes off his shirt, exposing the bullet wound in his skin, entering his shoulder back and exiting through the front. As he douses gauze in alcohol to clean the front wound, she grabs gauze and does the same to his back wound.

  "Pack dry gauze over the wound and then let's wrap it," says Mr. Nix.

  "Does it hurt?"

  "Not much. It's always better when you don't have a bullet in you."

  "You've been shot before?"

  "See any other scars back there?"

  Agent Strong can't see much in the darkness, so she gently turns his shoulders until the dim emergency light shines on his whole back. Covering his back are puncture scars on the ribs, long slashes across the lower back, several burn welts on the side, and small scars from being stitched.

  "Oh my God..."

  "Don't react like that. You'll make an old man self-conscious. I think of them as beauty marks. Help me with this bandaging."

  She helps him wrap the gauze around his shoulder and chest, covering the front and back shoulder wounds. Blood seeps through the wrapping, but stops.

  "Your bleeding is under control."

  Bursting through the door, four heavily armed men and women flood into the confined space and surround them. As Mr. Nix turns, they get a good look at his face.

  "Director," says one man with surprise in his tone.

  The armed personnel relax, seeing a familiar face. Mr. Nix addresses each of them.

  "Radley, Redd, Barns, Whistle. Glad to see you here holding down the fort. I'm assuming everyone receded into the lower bunker?"


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