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Primal: A Dark Sci-Fi Reverse Harem Romance (Alpha Unknown Book 1)

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by Penelope Woods

  “W-w-what are you?” I asked, shutting my eyes.

  “Your god.”

  He sank his tongue into my mouth, zipper inching down. His thick cock grew against my trembling body. And though I was frightened, I couldn’t deny how good he tasted. Big, deep breaths guided me up and down like an amphibian through water.

  His tongue sank deeper down my throat, controlling me. His large pinky slid into my tightened asshole, and I felt the deep and emotional pain wash over me. The darkness molded my moist and tender afflictions. The pleasure spread like the finest butter.

  Oh, fuck. What was happening to me?

  Was my mind really that diseased? Had I succumbed to wanting the worst for myself? In those terrifying moments, he made me dig into the recesses of my fucked up head, find those hidden layers of pain, and then he’d dig even deeper.

  He made me think of unspeakable things. He made me beg for more.

  He forced me against the side of the bed. I closed my eyes and imagined the beast, or whatever the hell he was, driving through me like a freight train. As he towered over me like a phantom, I bent in submission to his grace. I traced my fingers along the curves of my hips before circling back down to meet the soft and petite lips awaiting a man’s careless thrust.

  “I will open and expose you for what you are,” he roared. “A hole. A vast and empty black hole. At long last, another female cunt has arrived for me to seed.”

  “I just want to leave,” I cried.

  “Enough! You will be ours.”


  He forced me on all fours and bent my ass high in the air, observing me as an animal, a piece of meat, and a disgusting, sloppy prize. I felt sick to my stomach, but I had to keep still or he’d surely tear me apart.

  Breathing in deeply, he turned enraged. “Not up for discussion, buttercup,” he said. “You heard our call. You answered.”


  His hand drew my cheeks together. Inching my face closer, he fixated on me. I held back my tears, put on my best smile, though I was sure I looked more tragic than ever. Every portion of my body had been examined, and he looked pleased.

  “You knew who we were. Yet you came anyway.”

  I nodded, lips quivering and teeth clenched. It took everything inside me to hold back my terrified cries. The room, once so hot, now felt ice cold. He ran one long sharp fingernail across my skin, scratching until a prick of blood appeared. Humming low, he closed his eyes and tasted. “Mm...”

  As he opened his eyes again, I noticed his pupils dilate. And in that moment, I did what I had to do to survive. I agreed to be his.

  “I’ll do whatever you want. Just don’t hurt me,” I pleaded.

  “Shut your mouth and be a good pet.” He slithered back against the corner of the room and lowered the piece of cloth to reveal his cock growing inches into the air. Slowly, he ran his hand over the tight flesh and squeezed. “Show me your hole, earth-child.”

  My hand eased its way around my opening, teasing the hood of my clit back until I felt a tight pinch of pleasure spread throughout my core. Only, it wasn’t me doing this, per-say. He was moving my hands for me... with his mind.

  My fingers were drawn to the feeling of dark pleasure, moving deep inside, adding more until I was nearly full of myself. When it was too much to handle, I dropped forward and let out a shrill cry. As a scientist, I had already both succeeded and failed.

  Jaw locked open, I grunted as I forced my hips back again. My muscles shifted and flexed. Spasms rocked my core. I could feel it coming. He was digging deeper and unlocking my every hidden memory. My breath quickened as I fell deep into the mattress, bending to please myself as much as possible.

  “Yes,” I moaned, falling into a chaotic sexual trance. “Oh, God, yes!”

  “Do not stop,” he commanded.

  Small beads of sweat dripped down my face. Every single nerve twisted tighter and tighter. I looked back to see that sexy devil laughing, deep into the endless abyss of my mind. I couldn’t hold back telling him what I knew.

  He was the man of my dreams and one of three beasts I had seen when I was a little girl. “It’s... you.”

  He forced his hand around my neck and slowly choked me. I knew him, had relayed what had happened too many times to count. But now he was horrible, and absolutely dominant.

  He made sure to subdue every appendage. And when I knew my fight was over, I let out a shrill cry of desperation. Pleasure. Pain. It didn’t matter anymore. This was all from my head. That’s what this place did to people. It toyed on the obsessive hungers of a useless schoolgirl. It broke you down until you were lost.

  I repeated my mantra to keep my sanity in check. “It’s approximately 11:35 a.m. GMT. I am in the zone...”

  Slithering like a snake, he glided underneath my pussy, breathing in deeply, sucking the scent off me. “Come for your new master,” he growled.

  My deep and resonant moans turned into sharp howls as my body palpitated with abrupt and deconstructed rhythms. I was so... was confused even the right word to use? It actually felt incredible. I didn’t want him to stop. This occurrence was my entire fault. The beasts that roamed the zone fed off one thing only: my darkest wishes. Mine.

  Deep down, that hulk of monster knew I wished to be seen for what I really was, an obedient submissive, and so he opened me as he must. And though I tried fighting it throughout the whole ordeal, his survival was dependent upon it. He wouldn’t let go until he poured through every single memory.

  “Oh God,” I moaned. The pressure was mounting between my legs. Burning, so pure a sensation, it felt heavenly.

  “Selfish cunt.”

  “No,” I managed to say. It was the one thing I could stand on. I was a good person with decent intentions. “I have done everything for the people in my life.”

  “You came here to find the stone tablet,” he growled and slapped my face.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  He cackled and nodded. “Do not try to fool us.”

  “Just… take me,” I said.

  His cock was massive and about a thousand times harder than a hollow drill. My words eluded even me. It was like he had complete control over me. It was as if my body said it for me.

  “You dare copulate with a god? I’ll tear through those walls, sweetness.”


  He lurched his head forward and slid his tongue inside me He felt so warm and devastatingly good it worried me. He twisted around my core until he hit my spot. He massaged tenderly, knowing exactly how to treat me. “Mm...”

  “Yes,” I grunted and forced my hips back against his sinful heat. “I’m coming... it’s so good... fucking coming.”

  He gave me what I had been looking for.

  Wave upon wave of absolute pleasure shot through me like fire against the wet pull of gasoline. It came so fast it actually hurt, and I quickly tried to force his head back. But my body turned rigid and tense, and I took to quick laughter as more pleasure enveloped me like a heavy, coiling reptile. I fell into darkness and wild satisfaction. I knew what bad was, now, and in the flash of ultimate decadence, I wondered if I even wanted to return home.

  The pleasure sifted with each pounding breath outward. One thin tear slid against the arch of my cheekbone. Shining beautifully against the light, it rolled until it seeped into the mattress below. There was so much I wanted out of life, but it had all been such a letdown.

  As the orgasm declined, my reality shifted. Suddenly, the feeling of the beast’s tongue disappeared completely. Finally able to move again, I kicked back to escape but felt nothing. The phantom was gone. The only thing remaining was a single key with a note:



  The red line where he scratched my hip was burning. The cut closed into a scar, nice and quick. Even if I knew how to escape, I couldn’t back out now. He had claimed a portion of me, and the worst part was I somehow had allowed him to do it. He’d tricked me, but the guilt sti
ll felt the same.

  I knew the beast who had taken and consumed my memories, guzzling me down like thick and delicious syrup. Still quite shaken up, I took the note and key, and wiped my moist head against one of the scattered pillows. Swallowing, I inhaled and tried to focus on what was real around me. I glanced down at my panties near the bathroom and felt a level of shame and disgust. Slowly, I put them on, trying my hardest not to think about what had just happened.

  The door was still wide open, and the hallway felt emptier than ever. How many people had stayed in this room? Hundreds, probably. Thousands would have been too high a guess. The natives respected the legends too much to pry like my scientific team. We were the only ones stupid enough to come this close.

  “I never should have come here,” I muttered before pocketing the key.

  I realized this was just the beginning of my interaction with those monsters. And as much as I dreaded leaving the room, I had to face my fears. As I made my way toward the door, a heavy smell meandered through my nose.


  Before I could react, the lights dimmed to black. I reached out and patted my palm against the wall for guidance, but I was stunned. Within the passing of a second, alarms blared sharp and rusty as if the sound was slightly off or detuned. The oscillations pierced and forced me to cover my ears as I swept forward like a blind woman against a hurricane. The smell of smoke grew, and I had no idea just how much had already filled my room.

  “Help!” I screamed.

  The sprinklers above popped and sprayed over my body, cold as ice and completely paralyzing. Lunging forward, I grabbed the doorknob, but the door forced itself shut from the other side. Smoke was everywhere. I pulled back, but I couldn’t escape it and fell into a fit of coughing on the rough carpet. Still, I crawled and pounded against the door to make some noise. I would not die here. I would not—

  The door sprung open, and a man’s hand tucked into the back of my shirt and lifted me effortlessly into the air. I tried to see, but the flashing lights had done terrible things to my vision. I had never seen an alarm so bright before. Before I could think or act, I found myself cradled in the arms of someone less threatening than the monster that invaded my room. He hoisted my ass into his chest and pulled me into the hallway.

  “You’re okay,” he whispered maybe five times or more.

  Dim emergency lighting strips lined the hallway to show the path toward the exits. But, here, there were no exits. At least, none of the exits were real. I blinked rapidly as pieces of my vision returned. Gradually, I found my sight, but found no sign of any fire whatsoever. In fact, no smoke was present. I clenched my arms around the man, noticing muscular forearms, and the tattoos littering the tanned skin.


  It didn’t make any sense. I kicked out and away from him, sliding against the wall. The alarms turned off, leaving my hearing ringing and muffled, but I knew who I was looking at. ”How is this possible?” I panted, turning my head rapidly to see any damage caused by a fire. Still nothing. I was soaking wet, but that didn’t matter. The last love of my life, the dirt-bag who left me without a phone call after months was standing in front of me. What the hell could he want?

  “Look, there’s a lot I need to tell you,” he said, hands out in a calming gesture.

  “You’re... you’re not real,” I said, sliding back farther.

  He leaned down and showed me his left forearm. In the center, was the same scar. “If I’m not real, how the fuck do you explain this?”

  With extreme caution and pause, I found myself reaching out to touch the scar. “A bug bite? You’re lying, Zane.”

  As soon as I touched him with my finger, the hairs around his arm stood up. I pulled back and suddenly could smell his cologne, and then the memories came back. The happiness we felt. The joy of starting something new with someone important. But those memories, as beautiful as they were, didn’t sit well. He tried taking my hand to squeeze three times as he used to in the beginning of our relationship. It was our code, but not anymore.

  “You didn’t miss me?” he asked.

  I could hardly believe his level of gall. Did I miss him? Hell. No. I pulled away, and started down the hall. “I left because of you.”

  He jogged behind me and, suddenly, it was three years back in time. We were walking down a rainy city street. Our first long-distance trip together, and we were fighting like the co-dependents we were.

  “You left because you care more about your job than this relationship,” he said.

  I felt my pulse quicken. This wasn’t real, right? Closing my eyes, I stabilized myself before I started to cry. “You were cheating on me for two years.”

  He stood there as silent as a dog that just got caught peeing on a rug.

  “It was with my best friend,” I reminded him.

  Again, my reality flashed, but I remained on my feet and moving toward the golden elevator doors. He took hold of my shoulder, but I managed to edge away from him again. “You’re just a memory,” I said. “Leave me alone!”

  I ran, but he kept up with me. “I’m not going anywhere. I followed you this far. I’m taking you back home.”

  Upon reaching a small hallway with a few buzzing vending machines, I let his words sink in. Back home. Of course. It all made sense. “My mother sent you after me,” I said.

  It was a crazy thought. Sending my ex-boyfriend halfway around the world to bring me back to my senses was an elaborate and expensive plan. However, my mother was retired and wealthy. And she loved Zane.

  When he hooked up with Madison, they told me to forgive him. A man needed an escape every now and then. To my parents, and especially my father, adultery was a hidden clause in every relationship. To me, it was a definite end marker and sign the person had moved on a long time ago.

  Zane frowned and sighed. “Can you blame them? She just wants what’s best for you.”

  “Oh, Zane. My mother doesn’t care about my feelings. All they care about is whether or not I will keep the line of kin going. I was lost to them a long time ago,” I said.

  “Can you stop focusing on them and start focusing on us? Madison meant nothing,” he stammered.

  Rage. Betrayal. Boredom. I would never get back together with Zane, but I wasn’t a complete bitch. If he followed me in here, the least I could do was help him get out. My mission in the zone was to find the mythical stone tablet, but if the beasts found us first, Zane would most likely fuck up my plans by trying to fight. “Look, I’ll help you get out of here, but I’m not going back home. Not with you or anyone else.”


  “I’m not here for you anymore, Zane. I’m just not.”

  It was a firm, but much needed statement. And when he replied, he didn’t seem too bummed on my decision either. “I knew I shouldn’t have come here.” He scowled.

  “I’m sure my parents provided you with a laudable sum. Go use it to your advantage. You always wanted to buy that stretch Hummer, right?” I asked, trying not to laugh.

  Zane shrugged. “What am I going to do with a Hummer?”

  I ignored the joke because it was exactly that—a joke. Zane yearned for the explosively abundant lifestyle I was specifically against with my studies. I felt the key heat against the inside my pocket and remembered the task at hand. “The scar burned in your arm. Did he visit you? Did he—” I stopped myself and groaned when I thought of all of the vulnerable sexual positions I was put in by that darkened force. For his sake, I hoped he wasn’t put in the same spot.

  “Did who what?”

  “Nothing,” I said.

  “I didn’t see anyone. What are you talking about?” he asked.

  It was odd he didn’t see anyone or experience the hallucinations. Maybe he just wasn’t trained to see them. That answer didn’t please me. I decided the beasts had directives. They were there to guard the tablet, but maybe there was something more to this trip. ”Let me get this straight. You didn’t see anything or anyone besides me? N
o beast-like creatures? No hallucinations?” I asked.

  Zane itched the side of his head, confused. “Addie, are you sure you’re okay? You’ve been talking about a lot of weird shit lately.”

  Adeline, repeat after me. I’m not crazy. I’m not crazy. I’m not crazy...

  “What do you call that mark on your arm?” I asked him.

  Another dumb shrug. “This place is crawling with insects. So what? I’ll probably need to see a doctor, but I’m fine.”

  “You think that’s a bug bite? Seriously?” With a circumference of about three inches, the scar was thick, fully healed, and large.

  “I don’t know, Adeline. You tell me, Ms. Scientist,” he teased.

  “If I told you it was the scratch of an alien, would you believe me?” I asked.

  He laughed, but when he noticed I wasn’t laughing with him, he stopped. “Wait. You’re serious, aren’t you? You really believe in that crap?”

  Through my studies I was led to believe everyone experienced the same thing, but I should have paid attention to who told the stories. Mothers and grandmothers. The women of the tribes. They were the ones who spoke of the beasts to me, but the men paid no attention to me. Some laughed and told inside jokes to spin the conversation away. Whenever that happened, my team would hit a brick wall. We’d eat dinner and try to find out more, but the women closed off at the behest of the men.

  “I’m connected to this place,” I said, thinking out loud. “They’re using me. They brought me here for a reason.”

  “Jesus,” he sighed and chuckled again. “I can’t believe I have to tell this to a renowned scientist, but there is no such thing as aliens, ghosts, or magic. You’re not going to fall in love with any beasts.”

  But I’d already felt it. The dark pull of desire burned through my scar. He showed me things. Unspeakable things. They had waited an eternity for their corporeal bride. I had felt them for a long time, had listened to their calls with confusing satisfaction, though I never knew it. This whole time, they had been with me. Even when I was with Zane. A strange rush of excitement overtook me. I could only imagine what the others were like.


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