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Wednesday (Timeless Series #3)

Page 4

by E. L. Todd


  “How was the honeymoon?”

  Axel sat across from me wearing his suit and tie. We were having lunch together at our favorite Chinese place. “Dude, I already told you when you picked me up from the airport.”

  “Well, Marie and Francesca were there.” And he wouldn’t be totally truthful if it were anyone besides just him and me.

  “It was amazing. I can’t describe it better than that.”

  “Your little confession didn’t mess anything up?” Axel refused to marry Marie until he told her what he did two years prior. I didn’t think it was necessary but he was adamant about it.

  “No. We haven’t talked about it. I really don’t think Marie cares.”

  I knew she wouldn’t.

  “I was super nervous on the wedding night though.” He wiped away the invisible sweat on his forehead. “So much goddamn pressure. I thought I was going to explode from the stress.”

  “Why? It wasn’t your first time.”

  “I know. But I wanted it to be perfect for her.” He held his chopsticks and picked at his white rice. “How much would it suck if we made love and I was a two-pump chump? Or I didn’t make her come? Or it wasn’t romantic enough? All the pressure is on the guy and not the girl.”

  “How’d it go?”

  “It went well—I think.”

  I didn’t make a joke because I knew Axel was sensitive about this.

  “I lasted long enough and then we cuddled together for the rest of the night. So, I don’t think I disappointed her. But sex on the honeymoon was much better. I could actually chill out.”

  “Did she bring any lingerie?”

  “Tons.” He grinned from ear to ear. “And she looked damn hot. But then again, that woman looks hot in anything.”

  I ate my stir-fry then checked the time. “Francesca invited me to spend Thanksgiving with you guys.”

  “Cool. Marie is coming too. It’ll be our first year as husband and wife. Pretty cool, huh?” He wiggled his eyebrows.

  I used to be jealous of what Axel had with Marie but now it didn’t matter at all. What I had with Francesca was out of this world. It was something no one else could understand but us. I finally felt complete, like I knew where I belonged. “Very.”

  “Yaya makes the best—” He stopped then pointed his chopstick at me. “Wait, you already know. You’ve eaten her cooking before.”

  “Yeah. And I miss it.”

  “It won’t be the same as it was in the cabin but it’s still pretty nice.”

  “I’m sure it will be.” I was just grateful I had somewhere to go this holiday. When I was alone, all I thought about was my broken family. It fell apart from substance abuse and a bad temper. My life had been robbed from me, and I could never get it back.

  “But I guess as long as you’re with Frankie, you don’t really care.” Axel didn’t want me to be with his sister in the beginning but he quickly came back around. Seeing us together obviously changed his mind about the whole thing.

  “True.” That woman was my rock.

  “I heard you guys went to the Bahamas.”

  “We did.”

  “Sounds like you’re trying to copy us.”

  I chuckled. “No. I had to travel for work, and I thought I would take her with me. She really loved it. She said she’s never seen a more beautiful place.”

  “She’s easy to please,” Axel said. “She doesn’t need much.”

  I raised an eyebrow at the comment. “Did you just give Frankie a compliment?”

  “Uh…no. I was just saying.” He quickly shoved food into his mouth and didn’t make eye contact with me.

  “I’m gonna tell her what you said.”

  “Ha. Like she’d ever believe you.”

  “She knows I would never lie to her.” I knew I had him there.

  His face paled slightly. “Goddammit.”


  I knocked on her door.

  “Come in.”

  I walked inside then set the grocery bag on the counter. “Hawke to the rescue.”

  “Thank you so much.” She opened the bag and pulled out the flour and almond extract. “You’re a life saver.” She turned back to her kitchen counter where a mixing bowl sat.

  “Whoa, hold on.” I grabbed her by the elbow and turned her back to me. “I think I deserve a little more than a thank you.”

  She glared at me with her eyes but her smile said otherwise. “Demanding, aren’t we?”

  “Hey, I never do anything for free.” I glanced at her lips.

  “What do you want for your heroic act?”

  “A kiss from the most beautiful woman in the world.”

  Instead of softening like I expected, she put her hands on her hips. “Well, Scarlett Johansson does owe me a favor…”

  I pulled her into my chest and looked down at the face I constantly saw in my dreams. “That’s not the woman I had in mind.”

  “Well, I don’t know Blake Lively so you’ll have to figure that one out on your own.”

  “Troll compared to you.”

  “What?” she asked incredulously. “Have you seen her?”

  Actually, I had no idea who she was. “It doesn’t matter. I knew you were the woman of my dreams the first time I laid eyes on you.” I leaned in and kissed her lightly on the neck and shoulder. She was melting like butter at my touch, and I loved having that effect on her. She had the same effect on me, whether she realized it or not. My lips moved to hers, and I kissed her hard on the mouth, loving the jolt in my heart every time our mouths moved together.

  She pulled away first but there were stars in her eyes. “Is that a sufficient thank you?”

  “For now.” I gently squeezed her ass then walked to the mixing bowl. “What creation are you making today?”

  “Almond muffins.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “I wanted to make something new for Thanksgiving, so I thought a mix of almonds and cranberries would be the right touch.”

  “Good thinking.”

  She stirred everything in the bowl by hand then used her mixer to get it perfectly smooth.

  I stood by and watched her the entire time, loving the way her tits shook under her shirt as she moved. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail and it showed off all her perfect features.

  She poured the batter into the cups then licked the bowl, like always. “Yum.”

  I fingered the batter then held it up to her, wanting to watch her suck it off my skin.

  She grabbed my wrist and pulled it to her mouth. With the sexiest look I’d ever seen, she wrapped her lips around my finger then sucked the batter off.

  My cock stirred.

  She licked it clean before she placed the pan in the oven and set the timer.

  “How long until they are done?”

  “Thirty minutes.”


  “Perfect for what?”

  I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the bedroom. “You’ll see.”


  Axel and I ended our basketball game then walked to the taco shop.

  “I’m so out of shape.” Axel sat down with his tray of food. “That wedding really took it out of me.”

  “You don’t look any different.”

  “Of course,” he said. “But I can’t run as fast as I used to. I need to start hitting the gym again.”

  I went every morning and every afternoon after work. It was time-consuming and a little obsessive, but I loved the way Francesca looked at me. She stared at me like I was the hottest guy she’d ever seen. When we made love, she dug her nails into my chest in a possessive way, like every inch of my body was hers exclusively.

  Which it was.

  “Start it up again.”

  “But Thanksgiving is next week…”

  “If you want to let yourself go now that you’re married, that’s your decision.”

  “Shut the hell up.” He ate one of his tacos in just a few bites. “I’m not letting myself go. Are y
ou kidding me? I have a smoking hot wife. If I don’t stay in shape, someone might snatch her away.”

  “Give Marie a little more credit than that.”

  “But it’s true. Some pretty boy might woo her right off her feet. I have to stay in great shape so her eyes will stay on me.” He pointed his index finger at his chest. “Why do you work out like a beast every day?”

  A lot of reasons.

  “We both know it’s to get laid.”

  “Not completely.” I packed on a lot of muscle once I became an adult. I wanted to be an opponent my father was afraid of, and I succeeded. But I didn’t expect Axel to understand that. “Why don’t you start boxing with me? It’s good exercise and it’s not boring.”

  “I don’t know… I don’t want to mess up my hands.”

  I gave him a look that told him he was pathetic.

  “What? I don’t want to have arthritis when I’m forty.”

  I shook my head in disappointment. “You’re right. Marie is going to leave you for a real man.”

  He kicked me under the table. “Knock it off.”

  It was something that actually bothered him so I let it go.

  He finished his food then tossed his dirty napkins onto the tray. “So…do you think you’re going to propose soon?”

  I was surprised by the question but I hid my reaction. “Would you be cool with it if I did?”

  He shrugged. “Like you care.”

  “Actually, I do.” This was a little different than just going out with his sister.

  “As long as you treat her right, it doesn’t matter to me.”

  I knew he cared more than that, but he was trying to play it cool.

  “So, are you?”

  “I’ve thought about it.”

  “What’s holding you back?”

  “Nothing.” Marriage didn’t scare me at all. I would love it if Francesca had my last name and was by my side all the time. If we hadn’t broken up years ago, that probably would have happened already. “I just don’t want to rush into anything unless she’s ready. I know I really hurt her, and I’m still trying to make up for that.”

  “It seems like she’s over it.”

  “Yeah, I think so too. But I want to make sure. The last thing I want is for her to think I’m only asking because I’m trying to make up for what I did.”

  “I doubt that would cross her mind.”

  “I’d still rather wait a little while. When I’m ready to ask, I’ll let you know.”

  “Cool.” He rested his elbows on the table. “It’s crazy to think you might be my brother-in-law someday.”

  “I will be your brother-in-law. I just don’t know when.”



  When I woke up that morning, a beautiful woman was beside me.

  Her dark hair was sprawled across the pillow like stalks of grass. Her eyes were closed but they still emitted their natural light. The curve of her upper lip was strikingly similar to a bow, and when her lips were slightly parted, they looked absolutely kissable.

  She was wrapped around me like I was another pillow on the bed. My chest was her favorite place to sleep, and she always rested her head there and listened to my heartbeat.

  She was the love of my life.

  That morning, we didn’t wake up to an alarm clock. The sun filtered through the windows and awoke us naturally, bringing light into the apartment and chasing away the cold.

  She released a quiet sigh, which she did every morning just before she opened her eyes.

  I stared down at her and waited for the moment I’d been anxious to experience.

  Her lids opened, and the vibrant beauty of her eyes immediately went straight to my heart. She was an absolute vision in the morning, well rested and satisfied from the previous night.

  The morning was my favorite time of the day. Now that I woke up with Francesca, everything was different. No longer did I wake up next to someone I couldn’t remember. There weren’t any empty glasses of booze on my nightstand. And there weren’t used condoms on the floor. All that sadness was replaced with the light Francesca brought with her.

  She took me in slowly, distinguishing dreams from reality. Her eyes lingered on my face and mouth, recognizing it from the night before. Her hand slowly moved up my chest before she kissed me where my pectoral muscles met. “Grizzly.”

  “Muffin.” My hand slid through her tangled strands.

  “Happy Thanksgiving.” Her voice was raspy like it usually was in the morning.

  “Happy Thanksgiving.”

  She cuddled back into my chest and closed her eyes. “What time is it?”

  I glanced at the clock on the nightstand. “Eight.”

  “Good.” She released a happy sigh. “We have eight hours until we have to be there.”

  I chuckled quietly before I kissed her hairline. “Then let’s go back to sleep.”


  She removed the pecan pie from the oven and set it on the counter to cool. “Wow, that smells good.”

  I leaned over the pie and took a whiff. “It does.”

  She grabbed a fork then eyed the pie, desperately wanting to try a piece.

  I watched and waited, knowing her desire would never outweigh her need for perfection.

  She sighed then dropped the fork. “I’ll wait until dinner.”

  I smiled to myself. “Anything else we should bring?”

  “No. We have everything covered. And Yaya will take care of everything else. She lives for this sort of thing.”

  I was already dressed and ready to go, but Francesca was a little behind because she spent the afternoon making her pies.

  “Just let me finish my make up and hair.”

  She usually didn’t wear make up, and I liked that. She could be beautiful without pounding on eyeliner and mascara. She was a natural beauty, having porcelain skin that was flawless even though her face was always caked with sweat and flour at work. And everything else on her face was already perfect. She didn’t need to make any changes. “Why make up?”

  “It’s a special occasion.”

  “You look great without it.”

  “I just want to dress up a little bit.”

  I didn’t make any more objections.

  She removed her apron then glanced at the pie. “Can I trust you two alone?”

  I eyed the pie and looked at her again. Then I shrugged.

  “Be strong.”

  I’d never been a sweet tooth. That changed after Francesca walked into my life with her muffins and delicious cookies. Now treats lingered everywhere, and there was nowhere to escape. “I’ll try.”

  She turned around and headed to the bathroom, her ass shaking the entire time she walked.

  I leaned against the counter and watched her go, loving the sway of her hips and the arch in her back. She was a diamond in the rough and she didn’t even realize it. Maybe that was why I was so obsessed with her.

  Why everyone was obsessed with her.


  “Happy Thanksgiving!” Axel opened the door.

  Francesca stood in front of me with the two pies in her hands.

  I was behind her, my hips in perfect alignment with her perky ass.

  “Happy Thanksgiving.” Francesca shifted the pies to one hand so she could hug him.

  Axel walked around her and embraced me instead. “You’re right on time.”

  I patted his back and tried not to laugh at the cold way he ignored his sister.

  “Hey.” She gave him a look of death. “It’s Thanksgiving. You have to be nice to me.”

  Axel made a talking gesture with his hand and rolled his eyes.

  Francesca kicked him in the shin. “Asshole.”

  He cringed then rubbed the injured area, groaning under his breath. “I’m definitely not hugging you now.”

  “Good.” She marched into the house with her nose in the air. “I don’t want one anyway.”

  “Whatever,” Axel said. “My
hugs are awesome. Right, Hawke?”

  I shrugged. “I’ve had better.”

  “Oh whatever.” He hopped on one foot into the house.

  Marie emerged from the kitchen and saw Axel limping. “What happened?”

  “Your best friend kicked me.” He gave Francesca the stink-eye.

  “Why?” Marie immediately turned on her.

  “He’s being a dick.” She handed the pies off to Marie.

  Marie accepted that explanation without further question. “Let’s get these in the kitchen. Did you just make them?”

  “Yeah.” Francesca walked with Marie down the hallway.

  Axel stood up straight and shook off the pain. “My lady should defend me.”

  “Why? You were being an ass.”

  “Dammit. Not you too.”

  We walked into the kitchen where Yaya was working endless pots on the stove and in the two ovens. “Everyone is here. Happy Thanksgiving!”

  “Happy Thanksgiving, Yaya.” Francesca hugged her then looked down at her apron. “That’s cute.”

  “Thanks,” she said. “Marie got it for me.”

  “Where’s mine?” Francesca turned on her.

  “You aren’t my grandma,” Marie said. “Why would you get one?”

  “Because I work in a bakery.”

  “That’s like saying I should give Axel money because he works with money,” Marie countered.

  Axel put his arm around her waist. “What’s mine is yours, so keep it.”

  Yaya turned to me, and instead of being disappointed I was there or having mistrust in her eyes, she gave me the warmest smile I’ve ever seen. “So nice to see you, Hawke.” She gave me a hug that contained more love than I got from either of my parents.

  “It’s nice to see you too, Yaya. Thank you for having me.”

  “Nonsense. You belong here.”

  Those words hit me in a strange way. I never felt like I belonged anywhere, not until I met Francesca. The truth of her statement rang loud in my ear and pierced my heart. “Thank you.”

  “I hope you’re hungry. I made way too much food.”

  “I’ll eat it all. Don’t you worry.”

  She laughed then patted my stomach. “Everything should be ready in a few minutes.”

  “Do you need any help?”

  “I got it. But thank you, dear.”


  Axel lay on the ground of the living room, his hands on his stomach. “Dude, I’ll never eat again. I’m so full.”


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