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Wednesday (Timeless Series #3)

Page 9

by E. L. Todd

  It was awesome.

  She massaged my balls with her fingers and continued to move my dick in and out of her mouth. She made slow strokes, somehow heightening the experience through her restraint. The ice cube continued to melt but her mouth was as cold as a freezer.

  I dug one hand into her hair then thrust from underneath, feeling my balls ache with the urge to release. She looked so beautiful when my dick was in her mouth. The view made me want to come just as much as the feeling. I wanted to last longer but I couldn’t. Her mouth felt too incredible.

  I gripped the back of her neck then released with a groan, filling her throat with my seed. It was a long orgasm, the kind that made me high for a few minutes.

  Francesca sucked everything off before she pulled her mouth away. Then she licked her lips.

  Fuck, she was sexy.

  She took another drink of the water before she stood up.

  I was satisfied but I wanted to keep going. With her, foreplay was just as good as the sex. I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her to the bed. “Now it’s my turn.” I took a drink and got an ice cube in my mouth. Then I went down on her, giving her the same pleasure she just gave me.


  Francesca went out with Marie that night so I stayed home. There was a fashion show for the magazine Marie worked at, and Axel wasn’t interested in sitting through that—not that I blamed him.

  The apartment was unusually quiet. It hadn’t been like this in a long time. Francesca was usually there, filling the air with the smell of her baked goods. Sometimes, she was singing in the shower. And other times, she was doing a load of laundry. She pretty much lived there without her stuff.

  I loved this apartment but knew we needed an upgrade. It was perfect for the two of us, but there would be additions to our family eventually. We needed a backyard, something with scenery. I’d probably have to commute to work from the suburbs.

  Never thought I’d live in the suburbs.

  I sat on the couch and drank a beer while I watched the game. Knowing Marie and Francesca, they would be out until three in the morning. Those two hit the town hard. When I saw them together at Marie’s bachelorette party, things were pretty crazy.

  My phone rang with a number I didn’t recognize, but the area code was from South Carolina. It was ten o’ clock at night so I had no idea who would need to get ahold of me at this hour. I answered anyway. “Hawke Taylor.”

  The voice on the line spoke professionally. “Mr. Taylor? Mr. Theodore Taylor?”

  I hated my first name. Absolutely loathed it. My cheerful nature deflated like a popped balloon. If anything could set me on edge, it was that. “Speaking.”

  “This is Dr. Tiberius, from South Carolina Medical Center.”

  The TV faded into the background, and I couldn’t hear a word of it. The images blurred together, and I wasn’t even sure what I was looking at. All sense of time and gravity left me. I started to drift. “Please tell me she’s okay.” I’ve gotten this phone call before. I knew the drill.

  “I’m sorry, sir. We did everything we could, but we lost her.”


  Lost her?

  I released the bottle in my hand and felt it roll across the couch. The beer spilled everywhere, forming a puddle on the floor. The smell of beer came into my nose and burned my nostrils. “I don’t understand…”

  “She lost a lot of blood and went into cardiac arrest. We tried to stabilize her, but there was nothing we could do. I’m sorry for your loss, Mr. Taylor.”

  I slowly rose to my feet, feeling weak. “She’s dead?”

  My mom is dead?

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Taylor.” Dr. Tiberius repeated himself because he didn’t know what else to say. “I know this is hard.”

  I gripped the phone and felt my hands shake. Anger washed over me like it never had before. Bloodlust blurred my vision. All I could think about was snapping his neck then stripping his limbs for sport. I wanted to roll his body into a ditch and feed the crows.

  “The EMTs said she fell down the stairs and collided with a cabinet. It toppled on top of her and—”

  “No. Her husband beat her to death.”

  Dr. Tiberius fell silent.

  “She was murdered.”

  “I’m sorry, sir. That’s what the EMTs told me.”

  I gripped the phone so tightly it almost shattered. “I’ll be right there.”


  I burst through the door and searched for her room. “I’m looking for Carol Taylor. What room is she in?”

  A doctor standing behind the counter with his chart looked up at me. He gave me a sad look before he set his chart down. “Mr. Taylor?”

  I knew who he was. “Where is she?”

  “The coroner is about to take her to the morgue.”

  “I want to see her.” There was nothing I could do for her. I was too late. I left her all alone and didn’t protect her like I should have. I should be in her place right now, lying on a metal table with a sheet draped over my body.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “She’s my mother.” I wanted to hurt this man even though he hadn’t done anything wrong. I wanted to hurt everyone.

  “I’m sorry. You can see her after they process her in the morgue. It’s the protocol.”

  I stepped back so I wouldn’t grab him by the neck. “I need to speak to the police.”

  “They were here a few minutes ago. You might be able to catch them. Room 113.”

  Without saying thank you, I headed to her room, the place where she died. Blood pounded in my ears and my body screamed in mortal agony. This was a day I feared would come to pass. It was here and I couldn’t turn back time. I couldn’t change what happened. I couldn’t bring her back to life.

  Two police officers were still there, finishing their report.

  “I’m Hawke Taylor, Carol’s son.” I didn’t want to bother with the introductions but it wouldn’t get me anywhere if I didn’t.

  “We’re so sorry for your loss, son.” Officer Bradley shook my hand. “We’re just finishing up.”

  “She didn’t fall. Her husband beat her to death.” There was no way two police officers didn’t see the signs. They should have taken one look at her and knew what happened.

  The other officer stared at me blankly. “That’s a strong accusation.”

  “My father is a violent drunk. He used to beat the shit out of me when I was young. He’s done the same thing to my mother. I’m telling you, it wasn’t an accident. You need to arrest him.”

  Officer Cunningham flipped through his chart. “According to our records, she’s had a lot of falls in the past.”


  “We can certainly look into it,” Officer Bradley said. “But we were on the scene when the EMTs arrived. It was pretty clear it was an accident. Your father was in tears.”

  Because he was a fucking psychopath. “I’m telling you, that’s what happened.”

  “Were you there?” Officer Bradley asked.

  “No…but I know that’s what happened.”

  “If this happened in the past, why wasn’t it ever reported?” Officer Cunningham asked.

  I knew right then I would never get any help from the police. All they cared about was sticking to the protocol, not listening to the actual facts. It made their lives easier just to file their reports and move on, not opening up the case again. “Because my mom was scared. I tried convincing her to leave but she never would. Now she’s dead.” I felt my heart drop as I said the words out loud. “Dead.”


  I stood in front of the counter then pointed to a pistol in the case. “That one.”

  The guy pulled it out and handed it over. “She’s a beauty. Not ideal for hunting, but it’s always good to have a backup.”

  I would be hunting—but not for animals. “I’ll take it.”

  “Great. I’ll put it on hold for you.” He returned the gun to the case then opened a drawer.r />
  Put it on hold for me?

  He placed a piece of paper in front of me. “Complete this background check and it’s all yours.”

  Background check? “How long will this take?”

  “Five business days.”

  I didn’t have that kind of time. “Come on, guy. I’m a normal dude.”

  “I’m sorry, son. It’s the law.”

  I forked out extra money. “This is yours if you just look the other way.”

  He stared at it like he was intrigued. But then he grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a name down. “Private sellers don’t have to do background checks. Give this guy a call.” He shoved the paper toward me and left the cash on the table.


  I paid for the pistol and shoved it into the back of my jeans. I was going to blow my father’s brains out, and I had absolutely no reservations about doing it. He deserved to die a painful death. Actually, a quick blow to the head was too good for him.

  I headed to the house and noticed his truck wasn’t outside. The house was dark and quiet. No lights were on. I stopped at the house to investigate anyway, wondering if he was hiding out.

  I used the loose window from the back to get inside. Once I was there, I saw the house looked exactly the same as it always had. Except, there were pieces of furniture missing. The coffee table was gone and one of the dining chairs was missing.

  I knew what happened to them.

  I explored the house and found the dresser that supposedly fell on my mother. When I got to it, I stopped, knowing this was the location where her life began to ebb away. I stared at the hardwood floor and felt my jaw clench in rage.

  I explored the house further and searched for the piece of shit that was my father. Every room was empty, and the guest room had all the broken pieces of furniture my dad tried to hide from the police. It was safe to say he wasn’t there.

  But when he came back, I would deal with him.


  My phone had been off for a while. I didn’t want to talk to anybody. Right now, all I cared about was killing the fiend that took my mother’s life away. If I spoke to anyone, they might try to stop me.

  I didn’t even want to speak to Francesca.

  I stayed in a hotel a few miles from the house. This place was my hometown, but it didn’t feel like home. Now it was a ghost town, a place I never really knew. I’d spent so much time trying to get out of this place that I didn’t realize I should have stayed behind.

  I didn’t try hard enough to save my mother. All I had to do was drag her out of the house when my father was at work and throw her in the back of my truck. I could have taken her somewhere safe. We could have started over. And when he came after her, I could have protected her.

  But I didn’t do that.

  I let her die.


  I turned on my phone to make a call. The second it was powered on, it rang with Francesca’s name on the screen. She must have been calling nonstop in the hope I would turn on my phone at the right moment.

  I sighed in irritation, not wanting to listen to her at the moment. I just wanted her to go away. “Yeah?”

  “Hawke?” The panic in her voice rattled my ears. “Where did you go? I came to your apartment and you were gone. I’ve been so worried about you. I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  “Okay?” I released a maniacal laugh. “I’m not okay. I’ll never be okay.”

  She paused, the fear transferring over the line. “What’s wrong?”

  “What’s wrong?” I laughed again, not sounding at all like myself. “I’ll tell you what’s wrong. My mom is dead. She was beaten to death. That’s what’s wrong.”

  Another stretch of silence. “Oh my god…”

  “That pathetic excuse for a man killed her. And I let it happen.”


  “Now that I’ve gotten you up to speed, I have to go.” My thumb moved for the END button.

  “Wait, wait. Are you in South Carolina?”

  “Where else would I be?” She did nothing to deserve my hatred, but I couldn’t control it. My entire world was upside down, and I couldn’t distinguish friend from foe. All I felt was numb. I knew this day would come, and despite that foresight, I still hadn’t prevented it.

  “Where are you, exactly?”

  “Don’t come down here. I just want to be alone.”

  “Hawke, please.”

  “Are you deaf?”

  Francesca didn’t flinch at my hostile behavior. Normally, she would scream back but this time she let me get away with it. “Save me some time and tell me. Otherwise, I’m going to waste time and resources looking for you.”

  “Good luck with that.” I hung up then made the call I wanted to make in the first place.

  On The Line


  I banged my fists on the door as hard as I could. “Axel! Open up!” I tried calling them but both of their phones were on silent while they slept. “Come on.” I threw my fists harder, bruising them in the process.

  Axel opened the door in just his sweatpants. “Shit, what the hell?” His hair was messy and his eyes still contained the distant memory of sleep. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”

  “Emergency.” I was slightly out of breath from throwing my body against their front door. “Hawke.”

  “What?” His attitude completely changed when he heard what I said. “What happened?”

  “His mother died.” I breathed through the stitch in my side until the cramp went away. “His father killed her.” I still couldn’t believe it happened. Hawke feared this day would come, and unfortunately, he was right. “He took off yesterday, and I haven’t been able to find him. But I finally got ahold of him and he’s in South Carolina.”

  “Oh shit.” He crossed his arms over his chest, disbelief on his face.

  “He’s out of his mind. When I talked to him on the phone, it was like I was talking to a completely different person. He’s…I don’t even know.”

  “Poor guy.”

  “I’m worried about him. We all need to see him, talk him off the ledge.”

  “The ledge of what?”

  “From murdering his father.” I shouldn’t say it out loud but it was the truth. I wouldn’t put it past Hawke to do something like that. When his temper flared up, he was more hostile than a nuclear bomb. He lacked self-control.

  “Let us get dressed and we’ll go.” He stepped back inside his apartment.

  “Please hurry.”


  “Do you know where he is?” Marie asked from the front seat.

  “He wouldn’t tell me.” He’d completely shut me out. Now I was just an annoying stranger to him.

  “Let’s think,” Axel said. “Where would he be?”

  “He might be at the hospital,” Marie said. “That’s where his mother passed away.”

  “But that was twenty-four hours ago,” I argued. “They’ve moved her body since then.”

  “Do you know where his dad lives?” Axel asked.

  “No…” He never told me.

  “Well, he has to sleep somewhere, right?” Marie asked. “He’s probably staying at a hotel somewhere.”

  “And it’s probably near the hospital.” Axel slammed his hand on the wheel, thinking back to when we all lived in the area. “And there’s only one hotel in that location. He must be at the Marriott.”

  “God, I hope you’re right.” I had a feeling it wouldn’t be that easy.

  “Let’s get his room number from the front desk,” Axel said. “We’ll go from there.”


  To our luck, he had checked into the hotel. Once we knew what room he was in, we ran down the hallway until we found it. My heart was pounding so hard I could barely contain it. It was about to explode and pop out of my chest at any moment.

  I knocked on the door lightly, hoping he would assume it was room service or something.

  No response.

  “Knock again,”
Axel whispered.

  I rapped my knuckles against the door but didn’t hear a sound from inside.

  “He must not be here.” I wanted to grip my skull and scream.

  “What’s he doing at five in the morning?” Marie asked.

  I didn’t want to think about it.


  We waited outside his room for him to return.

  “Try calling him again.” Axel sat on the ground with Marie across his lap. She was sleeping.

  “I did. His phone is off.” I paced in front of the door. I hadn’t slept in forty-eight hours but the need for rest left my body. Hawke was in serious pain and my body couldn’t relax for even a second.

  “Come on, Hawke…” Axel stroked Marie’s hair.

  I was absolutely terrified Hawke would go to jail for murder. It was gonna happen. I could feel it.

  The elevator at the end of the hall beeped before the doors opened. I immediately turned and hoped I’d see Hawke step out.

  And he did.

  He was wearing the same clothes I saw him in the day he left. He carried himself differently, like an invisible weight sat on top of his shoulders. His eyes were downcast to the floor. He didn’t look up until he was closer to the door.

  When he saw me, he didn’t look pleased. Somehow, he looked even angrier than he sounded on the phone a few hours earlier. The sight of my face didn’t soothe him like I hoped. In fact, he looked murderous. “What did I say?” His aggression came out like a blunt axe.

  He was suffering more than I could imagine, and I kept that into consideration. When I lost both of my parents around the same time, I wasn’t myself either. I was pissed at my father for voluntarily leaving, and I was angry at the world. No one understood his reaction more than I did. “We love you and want to be here for you.”

  “Well, I don’t want you here. You wasted your time.” He pulled the key out of his wallet and headed to the door.

  “Hawke.” I placed myself between him and the door. “I understand what you’re feeling—”

  “Shut your goddamn mouth. You have no idea what I’m going through. Your father may have killed himself, but he didn’t murder your mom. It’s not the same thing.” His eyes were wide like a serial killer. He wasn’t himself at all.


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