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Page 10

by Lynn, Sandi

  “It sounds to me that you’re going to be using some Eastern medicine practices on him, yet you’re a physical therapist who graduated being taught Western medicine.”

  “And?” She grinned.

  “Doesn’t that go against some type of ethics?”

  “No. It doesn’t. I am privately employed by Mr. Jackson and he is fully aware of what treatments I’m using on him. I am concerned, however, why you seemed bother by this?”

  “I’m not bothered. It’s just a bunch of bullshit and I feel you’re providing false hope.”

  Brooke stepped aside and to the front of the podium, holding her arms out.

  “Am I a bunch of bullshit? Modern medicine failed me when I was fourteen years old. Modern medicine gave up on me. Yet here I stand today, in front of all of you, when I was never supposed to get out of a wheelchair. So you can take your false hope and shove it up your ass.”

  The crowd clapped and a grin crossed my lips. I couldn’t believe she just told him that.

  “Excuse me, Miss Alexander?” Barney held up his hand. “I was at the first competition you were in following your accident. You did very well. Why didn’t you continue skating? The Olympic games could have been yours.”

  “Thank you. Skating was once a passion of mine, but after the accident, my goals veered more towards helping people. I was given a second chance and if I could help people get back what they once lost, to me, that’s better than winning any gold medal in the world.”

  She raised her hand and gave the crowd a small wave. “Thank you for your questions, but I have to get back to work.”

  She walked away and went behind the curtain. Following behind, I stood in front of her, staring into her beautiful blue eyes, not knowing what to say. This fierce woman had more faith and positivity than anyone I’d ever known.

  “I can’t believe you told that guy to shove his false hope up his ass.”

  She shrugged. “He deserved it. I’m starving. You said you were taking me to dinner.” She smiled.

  I chuckled. “I am. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”

  Chapter 19


  Cutting into my medium-rare-cooked steak, I looked at Logan.

  “I’m taking you back to California the day after Christmas.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I believe you can heal faster there. Plus, Woo is going to help since we’re on such a short time frame now.”

  “Gene told you?”

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “You’ll stay at my house and we’ll start intense rehabilitation when we get there.”

  “Your father won’t mind?” he asked as he took a bite of his steak.

  “No. He’d love to meet you. Plus, he’s not home much anyway. He’s always traveling.”

  “Leaving this cold and snow behind sounds good to me.” He grinned.

  “I love it. I’ll be sad to say goodbye.”

  “You’re weird.” Logan chuckled.

  “That may be, but at least I’m not boring.” I winked.

  After finishing dinner, we headed back to Logan’s apartment.

  “I’m going to go book the flight,” I spoke as I set down my purse.

  “Wait. Don’t do that yet. I’ll call Brandon and ask if we can use his private jet.”

  “Oh. Do you think he’ll let us?”

  “I’ll call him and find out.” He smiled as he pulled his phone from his pocket. “He didn’t answer, so I left him a message. I’m going to change and get on the treadmill.”

  As Logan went to change, I went into the kitchen and cleaned up the dishes from breakfast. My phone, which was sitting on the counter, began to ring. Drying my hands, I noticed it was from a private number. Curiosity got the best of me, so I pushed the accept button and put it on speaker.


  There was silence. Logan hobbled into the kitchen.

  “Hello,” I spoke again.


  “I can hear that you’re there. You called for a reason, so spit it out.”

  “Are you the woman that slept with my husband?” a soft but shaken voice spoke from the other end.

  My stomach tied tightly into a knot. I was stunned and speechless. I looked up at Logan as he stood there staring at me with a shocked expression.

  “Who is this?” I asked, knowing damn well who it was.

  “Laynie, Mark’s wife. I found your number in his phone and a bunch of text messages from him to you.”

  Placing my hands on the counter, I pushed myself back and took in a deep breath.

  “Listen, I didn’t know he was married. He failed to mention that part of his life and I’m sorry.”

  Suddenly, she started to cry. “You’re nothing but a dirty whore and I swear to God if you come near my husband again, I will kill you.”

  My heart broke for her. It really did because he was a lying, cheating bastard and even though I didn’t know her, she deserved better than him.

  “I know you’re upset but please believe me when I tell you that I didn’t know he was married.”

  “You’re a liar! Have you no shame?” Click.

  Taking in a deep breath, my teary eyes looked at Logan. He hobbled over on his crutches, set them against the counter, and wrapped his arms around me.

  “You’re not a whore. Don’t listen to her. She’s just really upset right now. So that’s why Mark was such a mistake.”

  “I didn’t know, Logan. I swear I didn’t. He never wore a ring and he told me that he and his girlfriend had been broken up for almost a year and that he never wanted to date anyone until he met me. We only went out a few times and had sex once. It was after that I found out he had a wife. I was so stupid for believing him.”

  He stroked my hair as I felt his lips press against the top of my head. “The guy is a total dick. It’s not your fault and you’re not stupid.” He broke our embrace as he leaned against the counter with his hands lightly taking hold of my arms. “How did you find out he was married?”

  “We were having dinner one night at a restaurant and he got up to use the bathroom. He left his phone sitting on the table. It started to ring, and I glanced over and saw a woman’s name appear on the screen. I declined the call and opened up his text messages. There were several from that woman, his wife, who said that she had just booked their five-year wedding anniversary trip to Hawaii. Needless to say, I was sick to my stomach after reading that, so I erased the call and set the phone back on the table before he came back. When he came back, I told him that I wasn’t feeling well all of a sudden and he took me home.”

  “First mistake was that he didn’t lock his phone. You didn’t tell him that you found out?”

  “No. I needed to clear my head first. It was the fact that he was married and that I slept with another woman’s husband. I wasn’t in love with him or anything.” A tear fell from my eye.

  He brought his hand to my face and wiped the tear from my cheek. “Don’t cry. He’s not worth it.” A small smile crossed his lips. “You’re a lot stronger than that. Like you said, you made a mistake. We all make mistakes. You need to forget about it and move on.”

  “I did, and then he kept calling, and now his wife knows.”

  “Maybe it’s best she found out so she can kick his ass out.”

  “You heard what she said. If I come near her husband again, she’ll kill me.”

  “She’s upset and hasn’t fully processed it yet. Once she does, she’ll realize what a scum he is and kick him out. If she doesn’t, that’s her own fault.”

  Staring into Logan’s eyes made me melt inside. I caught him glancing at my lips as his hand was still placed on my cheek. His head began to dip as he made his move. His lips were mere inches from mine until the doorbell rang. I gulped.

  “I’ll go see who it is,” I spoke as I walked away, my heart still pounding and my palms a sweaty mess.

  Opening the door, I saw Brandon standing there. “Hey, Brandon, come on in.”

“I’m not interrupting any rehabilitating time, am I?”

  “No. In fact, Logan was just about to get on the treadmill.”

  “Hey, bro.” Logan emerged from the kitchen.

  “Hey. I got your message and I was only a few blocks away, so I thought I’d drop by. What’s up?” he asked as he took a seat on the couch.

  “Can we use your private jet to fly out to California the day after Christmas?”

  “Why are you going to California?” he asked.

  Logan looked at me, so I started to explain.

  “I’ve called on the help of a friend of mine. The coach would like Logan to play in the last few games of the season.”

  “Is that even possible?” he asked in confusion.

  “To be honest, I don’t know. But between me and my friend, Woo, it could be a probability, maybe.” I bit down on my bottom lip as my brow arched.

  “I’m flying out to Atlanta the day after Christmas, but why don’t you just fly out on Christmas after dinner at Dad’s?” he asked Logan.

  “Can we?” he asked as he glanced at me.


  “Great. I’ll call my pilot and get it set up.”

  “Why are you going to Atlanta?” Logan asked.

  “To visit someone.” The corners of his mouth curved up into a smile.

  “Do I know this someone?” Logan smirked.

  “No. She’s just a friend. Anyway, I better let you get on the treadmill.” Brandon got up from the couch and headed towards the door. “I’ll see you both in a couple of days.”

  After shutting the door and locking it, I turned around, and Logan was standing within inches from me.

  “I thought you were getting on the treadmill?”

  “I am in a minute.” He hobbled towards me until my back was pressed against the door.

  “What are you doing?” I nervously asked.

  “What I started to do in the kitchen.” His hot breath swept across my face.

  I couldn’t escape him, as I was trapped by his crutches.

  “And what was that?” I tilted my head as my tongue glided across my lips.

  “I think you know.” He brought his lips closer to mine.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea,” I whispered as the ache between my legs grew strong.

  “I’m not so sure it is either, but I can’t help it, and I know you want me to kiss you,” he softly spoke as his warm lips pressed against mine.

  Letting out a light moan, my lips parted, and Logan’s tongue met mine. God, he felt so good and so warm. Our lips moved in sync as if they were made for each other. He set his crutches against the wall and placed his hands on the door as he pressed his strong body against mine, his erection pressing against my belly. This was wrong, but I welcomed it. When I wrapped my arms around his neck, he broke our kiss and stared into my eyes.

  “I’ve been wanting to do that since I first saw you in my bedroom.”

  “You hated me.” I smiled.

  “No. I didn’t.”

  “You called me a bitch.”

  “I didn’t mean it.”

  “Are you sure?” I smirked.

  “I didn’t want someone as beautiful as you to see me like that. I was angry, but you took all that away.” His lips gently brushed against mine.

  “So now what?” I spoke breathlessly.

  “I don’t know.” His lips grazed my neck. “Why don’t we just keep doing this and see what happens.”

  The desire running through me was strong. There was no doubt that I wanted him, all of him. Logan was a good man. Underneath all his hurt and anger, he was a man with a purpose.

  He brought his lips to mine once again. It didn’t take long for our soft and subtle kiss to turn into a passionate one. As his tongue met mine, the heat that coursed through my body intensified, leaving me breathless and turned on. It had seemed like forever since I’d had sex and I was more than ready to let him have me. I broke our kiss and gazed into his eyes. Silence was our friend because, at that moment, we didn’t need to say anything. I hooked my arm around his neck, helping him to his bedroom. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he stared at me as I lifted my shirt over my head and took down my pants, standing in front of him in my bra and panties.

  “You have me so turned on. You’re so fucking beautiful, Brooke. Are you sure?” he asked with a whisper as he stared at me.

  “I’m positive.”

  He pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it to the side, then unbuttoned his pants, pushing them down to his knees. Reaching down, I grabbed the bottom of his pants and pulled them off. As I straddled him, our lips tangled in vehemence while his hands unhooked my bra. Sliding the straps off my shoulders, he tossed it to the side and broke our kiss.

  “Fuck, Brooke.” A low groan escaped him as his mouth explored my breasts. “How do you feel about foreplay?”

  “I love foreplay and lots of it.” I grinned.

  “Good.” His mouth continued to devour my breasts as his hand traveled down my torso. I slightly lifted myself up as his fingers pushed down my panties and circled around me.

  “You’re so wet. Fuck,” he panted as he dipped his finger inside.

  My body roared with pleasure as the vibrations below intensified. We lay on our sides while his fingers worked their magic inside me, and my hand grazed over his bulge through the fabric of his underwear. He moaned as his tongue circled my aroused nipple.

  “Fuck, I want to be inside you so bad,” he moaned. “After I make you come, I want you on top of me so I can watch you fuck me.”

  His words turned me on, and I let out a light moan as his fingers inside me began to rapidly pick up the pace, moving in and out and heightening the wave of the orgasm that was brewing inside.

  “Oh God. Oh God,” I panted.

  “Come for me, baby. Show me how much your body loves what I’m doing to you.”

  His lips traveled to each breast and then up to my neck as my hands roamed through his hair.

  “OH GOD!” I yelped as I gasped for air while my body tightened, and elation had me in its grip.

  Coming down from my orgasm, I placed my hands on his face and kissed his lips before hooking my fingers around his waistband and pulling down his underwear.

  “Sit up,” I spoke as I stood up in front of him.

  My hand firmly gripped his beautiful manhood and he threw his head back as a low moan escaped him. As I stroked him up and down, his hands groped my breasts and his fingers tugged at my hardened peaks. Getting down on my knees and bringing my mouth down to him, my lips softly wrapped around his bulging tip, sending him into a frenzy. His fingers tangled through my hair as my mouth explored every inch of him.

  “That is so fucking sexy, Brooke. Fuck. Oh fuck.” His moan grew in intensity as I continued exploring his cock. “You better stop. I’m going to come too fast.”

  Pushing him back on the bed, I climbed on top of him, kissing all the way from his rock-hard abs to his chest before my lips met his.

  “We need a condom,” he spoke, out of breath.

  Placing my finger on his lips, I shushed him. “I’m on the pill.”

  I carefully lowered myself onto him and gently pushed down until he was fully inside me. He felt incredible. His hands firmly rested on my hips as I slowly moved up and down and then around in circles. Our eyes locked with each other’s as I circled around him. His cock was throbbing inside me, hitting all the right spots. He watched me with such intensity as he placed his finger on my clit, softly rubbing me, which sent me into euphoria with another mind-blowing orgasm.

  “Brooke,” he strained as I yelped, throwing my head back and feeling his come fill my insides.

  We were both out of breath but didn’t care as I brought my mouth to his and our lips wouldn’t leave each other. Our kiss lasted well beyond our orgasms, which left us both breathless and fulfilled. He broke our kiss and pulled me tightly into him and my face buried itself into his neck. I could feel his racing heart be
at against my chest as we lay there holding each other securely.

  After a few moments, I broke our embrace and stared into Logan’s eyes as he ran his thumb across my lips.

  “You were incredible,” he spoke in a soft tone.

  “So were you.” I smiled.

  Things had just become complicated.

  Chapter 20


  Being a hockey player, I’d had sex with a lot of women over the years. All I had to do was look their way and we’d end up having sex. Most of it—okay, just about all of it—was meaningless one-night stands while the rest were a sort of friends-with-benefits sex with girls I liked. It was never anything special. I’d never felt a connection with anyone until now, this very moment, as my arms held on to this beautiful woman beside me in my bed. Her head lay on my chest as I stroked her long soft hair. A mix of feelings and emotions resided inside me, all of which were things I’d never felt before.

  “You’re coming with me to the Christmas party tomorrow, right?”

  She lifted her head. “I don’t know. I wasn’t asked.”

  The corners of my mouth curved into a small smile. “Brooke, would you like to be my date for the Christmas party tomorrow night?”

  “I’d be honored to be your date.” She smiled back.

  Lifting my head, I kissed her lips. “Thank you.”

  “How’s your leg feeling?” she asked as she reached her hand down and placed it on my thigh.

  “It hurts, but I can handle it.”

  “Good. Because if it didn’t hurt, I’d be worried.” She lay her head back down.

  “Stay with me in my bed tonight.” I kissed the top of her head.

  “I was planning on it,” she spoke as her lips pressed against my chest.

  “What happened between us was inevitable. You know that, right?”

  “Yeah. I know.”

  “I just don’t want you thinking you made a mistake.”

  “I know I didn’t make a mistake, Logan.”


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