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Dirty Boys: Bad Boy Rock Star Romance Box Set

Page 100

by Jade C. Jamison

  I wanted to flirt with him but it was too damn loud for subtlety. He couldn’t hear what I said, so I cupped my hands to his ear and repeated myself. “Are you trying to take advantage of me?” Up that close, I could smell his warm, woodsy cologne…and him. Jesus, what a heady mix. A shiver ran through my body as my imagination took off.

  He turned his head to look in my eyes, and I loved how he looked amused. “I would never take advantage of you.” He poured another shot for both of us, but I didn’t pick mine up this time. Shots paved an easy road to drunk, and I didn’t want to go there.

  Already I could feel the alcohol working on me, and I if I didn’t get up and move, I’d be likely to fall asleep, so I used my empty beer cup and nicotine addiction as an excuse to get up.

  When I made my way back to the kitchen, I thought it looked like a few people had already left, making it a little easier to move through their house, even though there were still wall-to-wall bodies. When I got to the kitchen, I saw David there, but he was standing on the other side talking to a small group of people, including one well-groomed tall gentleman standing next to my friend, looking rather enamored—was that the guy David had cooked for the other night? A better question…was he the tall guy David had met at the party when I’d first seen Scott playing with his band?

  Deciding to fill up my own drink at the keg, I bent over and a drunken feeling washed over me. Shit. Too much already? I was going to pass on the beer then. I maneuvered to the sink and rinsed out my cup before filling it with cool water. Then I went to the back porch and smoked a cigarette next to four people engaged in conversation about some show they were binge watching on Netflix. I sipped my water and focused on sobering up.

  I was not going to fucking blow it.

  After finishing my smoke, I stopped by the restroom to check myself. Even though I was a little floaty, I knew if I stopped drinking now, I’d be fine. My hair and makeup looked fine, and I was ready to flirt for real.

  Sans alcohol.

  When I got back to the living room, Wendy was sitting between Jim and Scott, and Julie was nowhere to be seen. I stood there for a second, trying to tamp down the green-eyed monster rearing its head inside my chest when I felt someone’s hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Lee. “Casey, right?”

  “Right. Hi, Lee.”

  “So good to see you again. Did you hear our CD earlier?”

  I cocked my head. “No…what CD?”

  “The band put together a CD and so we were playing it for everyone. You must have missed it. We’ll have to play it again.” With a grin, he added, “We can listen to Metallica any time, right?”

  “Exactly! Yeah, I’d love to listen to it.”

  I barely heard Scott’s voice over the roar in the room. “Casey!” I looked over, and he was motioning for me to sit in his spot where he’d been next to Wendy. I said goodbye to Lee and made my way back to Scott.

  “You sure you want me to take your seat?” He nodded. “So I missed hearing your CD earlier?”

  “Yeah. I’ll give you a copy and then you can listen to it whenever you feel like it.”

  “That would be fucking awesome.”

  Wendy looked at me—glared is more like it. But I smiled as sweetly as I could and greeted her as I sat down. Fortunately, Jim was talking to her and she had to turn her head or appear rude.

  Scott sat next to me on the arm of the couch. “You ready for another shot?”

  “No, thanks.” He didn’t seem affected by the alcohol at all, so he might not understand why I had to slow down, but he shrugged.

  “Right, Casey?” Jim was laughing his ass off, telling Wendy some story.


  He was laughing so hard, I couldn’t understand his words, but he resumed his story without my input. Then Scott squeezed my shoulders, causing me to suck in a deep breath, relishing the sensation of his hands on me.

  “You feel tense. Is anything wrong?”

  “No. I don’t feel tense.” Nervous, though? Probably a little.

  He kept massaging my shoulders, and it felt like my bones were melting out of my body. His hands felt so strong and firm even while exerting gentle pressure. “Wow—that feels incredible.” I let my head lull forward and closed my eyes for a second, enjoying the sensation.

  Wendy sat up dramatically and said loudly, “Excuse me.” That was when I noticed Jim wasn’t sitting there anymore. Wendy made her way through the crowd toward the kitchen. She wasn’t gone for sixty full seconds before I moved over and Scott slid off the arm of the couch next to me.

  Except he left an arm draped over my shoulders—and I took the hint to lean into him a little. It felt so natural.

  Jim was playing a prank on someone across the room, laughing so loudly I could hear him over the Parkway Drive song blasting through the living room. Scott’s breath on my ear pulled my attention away from Jim’s shenanigans. “Come with me. I want to show you something.” Turning around, I smiled at him, glad for the possible opportunity to talk where it was quieter. I wanted to spend quality time with him and, while snuggling was awesome, I wasn’t getting to know him better that way. He had already stood and offered me a hand. “I got a new stereo for my room. This one’s good, but you can’t appreciate any nuances from it.”

  “Ya think?” I asked sarcastically, considering I was beginning to wonder if I’d be able to hear again for a week.

  When I stood, he took me by the hand and led me through the crowd to the stairs. At the top, he said, “You like music, so I know you’ll appreciate it.”

  I could actually hear him speaking.

  He opened a door upstairs and held it for me, flipping on the light switch with his other hand. As soon as he closed the door, I was able to appreciate how much quieter it was. We could still hear the party, especially the music, but my soul seemed to relax. And then my eyes were drawn to his baby—the stereo across the room. Right beside it was a condensed drumkit in front of the closet doors.

  But the stereo? I could see why he wanted to show it off. In the day of iPods and decent computer speakers, this stereo was a thing of beauty. I almost gasped. “It’s gorgeous.”

  “I knew you, out of everybody I know, would appreciate it.”

  It was a relief to not have to strain to hear his sexy voice. While it had been nice looking at his kissable lips and white teeth downstairs, I enjoyed the calmer atmosphere here. But I was also taking the opportunity to get to know Scott through his personal space. That damn stereo? It wasn’t just a nice piece of equipment—the speakers took up half of the wall. “I do,” I said absentmindedly as I took mental stock of everything while I walked across the space. The double bed was covered with a navy checkered spread—and the bed was made. Hmm. Barry hadn’t been much for making the bed and he always swore he’d someday be able to afford a maid to do it for him. Tucked in the corner nearest the door were a chair and desk, and on a small shelving unit were a few books and trophies and lots of CDs.

  The space was tidy. I was officially impressed.

  He joined me in front of the stereo and started talking about decibels and explaining all the buttons, knobs, and ports and the screen itself. I asked, “How much did you pay for this thing?”

  “Way more than I should have. But I’ll never have to buy a stereo again.”

  “Is it better than the one downstairs?”

  He started laughing. “That’s just a cheap ass music system we bought at Walmart. Dave and I split the cost. Needed it for the party.”

  “If this one’s so great, you should have used it.”

  The look on his face was priceless, like I’d lost my mind. “If someone spills a beer on the one downstairs, I don’t give a shit. I’m out twenty bucks. I’d probably kill somebody if they trashed this baby.”

  “Is it that much better than that one?”

  Still grinning, he said, “What am I gonna do with you?” He pushed a button on the stereo and more lights came on. “Pick a CD.” On the shelf be
side the stereo, my eyes began scouring the spines of the jewel cases, but even though I’d heard of a lot of the bands he’d collected—like Converge and Poison the Well—I wasn’t familiar with their music. How could I tell how good the stereo was if I didn’t know what one of the songs normally sounded like? As I kept looking, though, I saw a Lamb of God CD, Wrath, a personal favorite. I touched the top with my index finger and pulled it out.

  When I handed him the case, he said, “Oh, so you like these guys?” I nodded. “Yeah, there’s definitely hope for you, Casey Williams.”

  He slid the CD in the stereo and turned it up—not too loud but with enough volume to drown out the noise below. I was mesmerized by the display on the screen creating a visualization of the music that started with the delayed guitar riff to the first song on the disc, “The Passing.” The sound coming from the gigantic speakers was crisp and clear and I wondered if the music was played as loud as the CDs downstairs if I’d be able to feel it.

  “Nice, huh?”

  I gave a small nod of my head. He pressed a button that skipped the song to the next track. “In Your Words” was heavier, showing off the capabilities of this sound monster. Soon, I could feel the demanding music in my abdomen, in my heart, all the way down to my toes. It was a visceral sensation that grabbed me deep inside and incited the animal inside me, and I closed my eyes to concentrate on the music itself. “It sounds amazing. Definitely worth the money.”

  As the music continued playing, I felt his hands slide around my waist from behind. My abdomen, thighs, and neck tensed in response. Oh, shit…I eased out a deep breath as my thoughts drifted away, the untamed animal inside taking over. Scott whispered in my ear, “You like it?”

  Like what? The stereo or his hands on my body?

  A shiver charged up my spine as my nipples hardened. I swallowed and forced my voice to sound calm—but my insides weren’t even close to serene. “Yeah. Great stereo.” My voice was coming from my throat, hoarse and gravelly. I took a deep breath and found my composure before turning around. Scott left his arms around my waist but leaned back a little to give me a little room. God…the heat coming off him was all I could bear. Trying not to shiver, I looked him in his intense green eyes and did my best to find my inner flirt, giving him a coy smile. “Are you coming on to me, Scott Wardell?”

  He smiled back but it felt cautious somehow. “Maybe.” As if it were an afterthought, he said, “Casey Williams.” His eyes searched mine. “Why?”

  “Because if you aren’t, I’m going to turn back around and listen to the rest of this song. But if you are, I think I’ll kiss you.” Holy shit. Had I actually said that? My heart thudded rapidly in my chest.

  The smile on his face faded as his pupils grew darker, and I sucked in a deep breath. “Then kiss me,” he said.

  Oh, hell. This man had just given me complete control over what happened here, starting with an invitation to press my lips into his. More than that, though, he’d just silently confessed that he was as attracted to me as I was to him. I took a tentative breath between my open lips and moved my face forward slowly, closing what little gap there was between us, sliding my arms around his neck. Why was I so damn nervous? We both wanted this, didn’t we? So I leaned the rest of the way and let my lips touch his gently. I could smell his cologne, feel his breath against my skin, sensed something electric between us as he responded. Soon, his tongue brushed against my lower lip, causing my heart to pump harder in anticipation of what was to come. I let my lips part more as his tongue made its way inside and began exploring my mouth. Oh, God…I couldn’t help the small moan that formed in my throat. His tongue was smooth but firm and insistent, and even though I could taste schnapps on his breath, I could taste him, too, a salty but sweet flavor. My fingers danced on his neck before running them through his hair. Just being in his close embrace, feeling the warmth of his body against mine was like heaven. We kissed like that for longer than I could compute as the world faded away to nothing.

  Pulling me closer, he lay me on the top of his bed in one quick motion. We continued kissing but I moved my hands to his back where I could feel his sinewy musculature through the soft cotton t-shirt he wore.

  And then I felt him…really felt him. His swollen, steely cock pressed into my leg, and then there was no doubt left. This man needed me, wanted me—me and only me. Imagining the way it was throbbing underneath the denim made my desire grow, and my panties grew wet in anticipation as I yearned for his touch. I could hardly wait for us to join in the ultimate union, and yet I wanted this time together to last forever.

  So we kept kissing, each of us relishing the moment. The way our bodies seemed to mold together made it seem as though we’d been made for each other. I was ready to completely surrender myself to him, but Scott kept a hand on my hip in relative safety, gentle, still, and strong.

  But then, suddenly, he stood up. Grabbing my hands, he pulled me up and off the bed, too. Confusion settled in and I searched his eyes for an answer. “Look, Casey, you’ve had too much to drink. I don’t want to—”

  “What?” Goddammit. I’d cut myself off for that very reason. “Yeah, I’m feeling good, but—”

  “We shouldn’t do this. I’m not going to take advantage of you.”

  “Are you crazy?”

  “No. Believe me, Casey.” He brushed a tendril of hair off my cheek with a finger. “There is nothing I would like better than to make love to you—but I don’t want you to hate me tomorrow for taking advantage of the situation.”

  Before he could stop me, I grabbed him around his torso and pulled him close again. In response, he laced his fingers through my hair. “I’m a big girl, Scott. I get how it works…or have you forgotten I’m divorced?”

  Making an attempt at humor, he said, “Gasp. What will my friends think?”

  I shook my head, unable to stop the small smile on my face. “Seriously, though. I’m not drunk, Scott—and I wanted you when I was stone cold sober.” And it had been fucking forever since I’d been with anyone. “I need a man’s touch—and I want you. Being sober won’t change that.” I could see in his eyes that he was considering my words. “And you can call me what you want, but I don’t want to wait.” I licked my bottom lip. “That’s something you need to know about me—I’m impatient as hell.”

  A slight smile crossed over his face before his eyes grew dark. His fingers in my hair drew my face to his, and we were kissing again, harder, more passionately, more urgently, and a wave of relief rushed through my veins. I grabbed the bottom of his shirt, and we broke apart to pull it over his head. Then I ran my hands slowly up his torso—rock-hard, each muscle defined; another soft groan escaped my lips as I enjoyed touching his perfect body inch by inch. The man’s flesh was a tactile dream. Running my hands up his pecs to his shoulders, I then moved down his arms, relishing the feel of his warm flesh and rock-hard sinew.

  After being with Barry as long as I had, I couldn’t help but compare Scott with him, the last lover I’d known. For instance, Barry was tall and wiry, with muscles like any man, but he didn’t have definition like Scott’s. I appreciated feeling the rise and curve of each muscle and could have felt satisfied simply from that act. Scott was all man, testosterone-fueled and driven to definition from punishing his own body into perfection, something I hadn’t noticed hiding underneath the t-shirts he wore. And, while I enjoyed touching the flesh of his chest and abdomen, I had other plans.

  But then Scott grabbed the bottom of my shirt and pulled it up and over my head before crushing my lips again. As soon as I could, my fingers began tracing all the hard ripples his sinew made in his flesh. It had been far too long since I’d been with a man.

  Once more, Scott gently laid me back on the bed, soon joining me. He lay on his side next to me and began caressing my breast through the lacy sheer white bra. When I kissed him again, he pulled me close, moving his hand to my back and unclasping my bra. When it loosened, I straightened my arm to help him remove the strap. He le
t go, and it fell between us. Then he caressed my breast again, kissing me harder, making my head swim. As I let my mind be consumed by the sensation of anticipation, I kicked the shoes off with my feet, and Scott followed suit. Then he traced a pattern around my exposed nipple with his index finger. Already, I felt like I was teetering on the edge of what would be an explosive orgasm.

  I sucked down a quick breath of cool air when his lips moved to my neck. My fingers stiffened in response, and my nails dug into his upper arm as he kissed his way down farther toward my breast. His tongue traced around the areola just like his finger had moments earlier, and my breath became jagged. My nerves stood at attention, begging for him to touch me more, but to touch me harder, fuck me deeply. But I didn’t say a word. I might have told Scott I was impatient, but, in reality, I knew I could wait, especially when I understood the best was coming.

  I forced my fingers to relax and moved my hand back over his stomach until I reached the top of his jeans. Then I unbuttoned them but teased my fingers back upward, swirling just one through the tiny hairs around his bellybutton. I wanted him begging and eager, too, almost as out of control as I was feeling. I brushed my fingertips along his waistband to his back, tickling gently with my fingernails before tracing the flesh on my way back to the front again. We kept kissing, but I could tell when I was driving him crazy by how hard his lips pressed into mine. I didn’t stop moving my hands, and I worked one under the elastic of his boxers, locating his cock. As soon as I touched it, I could feel it pulsing. As I ran my cupped hand along its length, I felt the wet tip. The way he let out a deep breath against my lips told me this felt amazing to him, so I twirled my thumb around the head of his cock before sliding back down the shaft, caressing and squeezing, but ready to feel him inside me.

  My legs had been dangling off the edge of the bed, but he put his hands under my arms and pulled me the rest of the way up. His dark eyes consumed me, seeming to see clear into my core. Sucking in a shaky breath, I no longer wanted to wait.


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