by Scott Leslie
Argentine ant, 172
Aride Island (Seychelles), 258
Arizona Game and Fish Department, 47
Armand-Delille, Paul Felix, 235–36
armoured mistfrog, 14, 152–54
Asian medicine, 27, 52–53, 138–39
Asian snakehead, 120–21
Asiatic cheetah, 14, 39–42
Asses Ears (Saint Helena), 186
Atlanta Botanical Garden, 216
Attwater Prairie Chicken National
Wildlife Refuge, 125
Attwater’s prairie chicken, 14, 123–26
Audubon, John James, 88
Australia, 61–63, 152–54, 161–62, 172–74, 176–77, 231–34
Australian National University, 153
avian malaria, 91
avian pox, 79
Bachman, John, 88
Bachman’s warbler, 14, 87–90
Back to Africa, 192
Baiji dolphin, 14, 60–61
Bali (Indonesia), 84–87
Bali Barat National Park, 84, 86
Bali myna, 14, 84–87
Bali tiger, 84
Ball’s Pyramid (Australia), 173–74
bamboo, spiny, 83
barn owl, 258
bastard gumwood, 184–85
bat, Seychelles sheath-tailed, 21, 63–65
Bawangling National Nature Reserve, 27–28
Beck, Bob, 207
bees, Africanized, 203
Begawan Foundation, 86
Beijing Zoo, 198
Bering Sea, 55–56, 57
Bermejo, Juan Rodrigo, 109
Bermuda, 246–49
Bermuda petrel, 15, 246–49
Berry, Fr. Thomas, 269
Bialowieza Forest (Poland), 222–24
biodiversity hotspots, 154
birch, Virginia round-leaf, 22, 180–81
BirdLife International, 5, 131, 258
birds, 67–131. See also birds of prey;
gallinaceous birds; mynas; parrots and parakeets; seabirds; shorebirds; songbirds; waterfowl California condor, 15, 206, 238–40 chestnut-bellied hummingbird, 82 enigmatic owlet-nightjar, 16, 129–31
flightless, 1–2, 15, 17, 18, 72, 116– 19, 207–9, 251–54
Guam rail ko’ko,’ 17, 72, 207–9
Hawaiian coot, 259
overhunting, 110–11
Birds of America (Audubon), 88
birds of prey
Anjouan scops owl, 13, 99–102
barn owl, 258
golden eagle, 239
grey-headed kite, 105–6
Madagascar scops owl, 100
Mauritius kestrel, 4–6, 18
Spanish imperial eagle, 236
bison, European. See wisent
black drongo, 73
black-footed ferret, 14, 228–31, 235
black rats, 69, 70, 74, 76, 79, 116–19, 229–30, 244, 247
black rhinoceros, 48
Black River Gorges (Mauritius), 5
Black River Gorges National Park (Mauritius), 8–9
black stilt, 14, 107–9
blue iguana, 14, 262–64
Blue Iguana Recovery Program (BIRP), 264
Blue Range Wolf Recovery Area (U.S.), 46
blue-winged macaw, 202–3
Bodsworth, Fred, 111–12
Bonaparte, Prince Charles Lucien, 202
bongo, mountain, 19, 47–50
Bonin Islands (Japan), 245
Bonn botanic gardens (Germany), 219
“Booming Ben” (heath hen), 124
bowhead whales, 54
Boxer Rebellion, 198
Brazil, 105–7, 199–204
British Columbia, 226–28
British Petroleum (BP), 241
brown skua, 117
brown tree snake, 71–73, 207
bulbul, red-vented, 74
bull shark, 160
bumblebees, 267
Franklin’s, 16, 265–66, 268
bunyip, 231
Burma, 114–16, 141–45, 160–61
Burmese roofed turtle, 14, 141–43
Burton, Frederic, 262–64
butcherbird. See São Tomé fiscal
Cahaba River (U.S.), 167
cahow (Bermuda petrel), 15, 246–49
California condor, 15, 206, 238–40
Campbell Island teal, 15, 116–19
Canada, 109–12, 226–30, 241
Canada goose, 259–60
Canary Islands, 136–38
Cape Tribulation National Park (Australia), 153
captive breeding programs, 5, 72, 80, 86, 108–9, 126, 128, 205–6, 207–8
cardinal honeyeater, 207
Carolina parakeet, 127, 128
Caroni River Basin (Venezuela), 83–84
Carrizal seedeater, 15, 82–84
Catalina mahogany, 15, 181–83
Cat Ba Island (Vietnam), 28–30
Cat Ba langur, 15, 28–30
Cat Ba Langur Conservation Project, 29–30
cats. See also wildcats
feral, 44, 96, 208, 209, 253, 258
house, 258
Cat Tien National Park (Vietnam), 51–52
cattle, feral, 96
Chad, 195
Changsha Zoo, 146–47
charcoal production, 31
Charles Darwin Research Station, 212
Chatham Island black robin, 15, 206, 249–51
cheetahs, Asiatic, 14, 39–42
Chesapeake Bay (U.S.), 157
chestnut-bellied hummingbird, 82
Amur leopard, 37–39
crested ibis, 254–57
demand for rhinoceros horn, 52–53
Great Leap Forward, 37, 60–61
Hainan gibbon, 25–28
milu (Père David’s deer), 196–99
South China tiger, 36–37
Yangtze giant softshell turtle, 145–47
Yunnan box turtle, 139–41
Chinese alligator, 134
Chinese crested tern, 15, 97–99
Chinese giant paddlefish, 15, 168–70
chlorophyll, 175
chytrid fungus, 44, 151–54, 214–16, 218
climate change, 32–33, 79, 179–80, 215, 227
Cocos Island (Costa Rica), 209
Codfish Island (New Zealand), 118–19, 253
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 94
Colombia, 80–82
Columbus, Christopher, 109
common myna, 8, 74, 258
condor, California, 15, 206, 238–40
Congo, Democratic Republic of the, 192
Conservation Biology, 35
Conservation of the Asiatic Cheetah and Its Associated Biota program, 41
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, 52, 85, 139, 201
convergent evolution, 102
Cook, Capt. James, 260–61
coral reefs, 157
Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 90
Cousine Island (Seychelles), 258–59
Cousin Island (Seychelles), 258–59
cranes, whooping, 22, 240–42
creepers, Oahu, 19, 92–93
crested ibis, 15, 99, 254–57
Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event, 133–34
Crocodile Rehabilitation Observance and Conservation (CROC), 135–36
crocodiles, Philippines, 20, 133–36
cross-fostering, 250–51
Hawaiian, 17, 204–7
Mariana, 18, 71–73, 207, 209
cryptozoology, 115
Cuba, 90
Cuban iguana, 262–63
cultural evolution, 137–38
Alagoas, 13, 107, 199–201
razor-billed, 200
Eskimo, 16, 109–12
Eurasian, 113
slender-billed, 21, 112–14
cypress swamp, 88, 89
Dafeng Milu National Natural
Reserve (China), 198–99
National Park (Australia), 153
Dal’nii Vostok, 56
Darwin, Charles, 75–77, 78, 209–11, 266–67
Darwin, Erasmus, 75
David, Père Armand, 197
Death Valley National Park (U.S.), 162
overhunting of, 38, 45
Père David’s (milu), 18, 196–99
deforestation, 29, 31, 38–39, 120, 161, 178–79, 200
Denis Island (Seychelles), 259
Dent Island (New Zealand), 118, 119
desertification, 40, 179–80
Devils Hole pupfish, 16, 162–64
Dghoumes National Park (Tunisia), 196
Diana’s Peak National Park (Saint Helena), 186
diet, adaptability of, 32
digestive system, of Miss Waldron’s red colobus monkeys, 34–35
DNA analysis, 100
dodo, 1–2
Baiji, 14, 60–61
Hector’s, 58
Maui’s, 18, 57–59
Doñana National Park (Spain), 234, 238
dorcas gazelle, 196
double clutching, 5, 206, 250–51
doughbirds. See Eskimo curlew
doves. See pigeons
drongos, black, 73
Campbell Island teal, 15, 116–19
Laysan, 259
Madagascar pochard, 18, 119–23
pink-headed, 20, 114–16
spot-billed, 115
Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, 5, 8
Dvur Kralove Zoo (Czech Republic), 192–93
golden, 239
Spanish imperial, 236
Eastern North Pacific right whale, 16, 53–57
ebony, Saint Helena, 20, 186–87
Eburu Forest (Kenya), 49
echo parakeet, 3, 7–9, 16
Edelca (electric utility), 82
egg collecting, 98, 99
Ehy Forest (Ivory Coast), 36
Ekstrom, Jonathan, 131
elk, 45
el lobo. See Mexican wolf
El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake, 162, 164
El Valle Amphibian Conservation Center (Panama), 216
El Yunque National Forest (Puerto Rico), 129
Endangered Species Act (U.S.), 45, 46, 57, 126, 163, 164, 166, 180
enigmatic owlet-nightjar, 16, 129–31
Epping Forest National Park (Australia), 232–33, 233–34
Eskimo curlew, 16, 109–12
ethanol, 200
Eurasian curlew, 113
European bison. See wisent
evolution, 21, 75–77, 78, 92–93
convergent, 102
cultural, 137–38
exotic plants, damage to ecosystems, 8
ex situ species preservation, 191–220
extermination, 127, 128, 228, 241
extinction, as a concept, 269
fabulous green sphinx of Kauai, 16, 171–72
fantail, rufous, 207
Fauna and Flora International, 192
collection for mattresses and pillows, 243–44
use of to decorate hats, 127, 254
fenthion, 218
Fernandina Island (Ecuador), 78
ferret, black-footed, 14, 228–31, 235
Galapagos, 204
mangrove, 18, 78–80
São Tomé grosbeak, 20, 69–71
woodpecker, 78, 80
finning industry, 157–58
firs, Sicilian, 21, 177–80
fiscals, São Tomé, 20, 67–69
Fischer, Eberhard, 219
fish, 157–70
Alabama sturgeon, 13, 164–68
Asian snakehead, 120–21
bull shark, 160
Chinese giant paddlefish, 15, 168–70
Devils Hole pupfish, 16, 162–64
Ganges river shark, 16, 158, 159–60
Irrawaddy river shark, 17, 160–61
northern river shark, 19, 161–62
gillnet, 59, 161
longline, 95, 244–45
Floreana mockingbird, 16, 75–77
Madagascar star, 267
Norfolk Island Phreatia orchid, 19, 188–89
thermal water lily, 22, 219–20
Apical, 82
Guam, 207
Tahiti monarch, 21, 73–75
Franklin’s bumblebee, 16, 265–66, 268
Frégate Island (seychelles), 258
Friends of the National Parks
Foundation, 86
“ancient,” 149–52
Archey’s, 13, 149–52
armoured mistfrog, 14, 152–54
Oaxacan fringe-limbed tree, 215–16
Rabb’s fringe-limbed tree, 20, 214–17
torrent, 152–54
fruit flies, 79
Fundación ProAves, 82
Galapagos finches, 204
Galapagos Islands (Ecuador), 75–80, 209–13
Galapagos National Park, 79
Galbraith, Charles, 89
gallinaceous birds
Alagoas curassow, 13, 107, 199–201
Attwater’s prairie chicken, 14, 123–26
greater prairie chicken, 124
heath hen, 124
razor-billed curassow, 200
Ganges river shark, 16, 158, 159–60
Garama National Park (Democratic Republic of the Congo), 192
Canada, 259–60
Hawaiian (nene), 19, 259–62
“genetic bottlenecks,” 41, 177
genetic mutation, 182
Ghana, 34, 35
gibbons, Hainan, 17, 25–28
Gila National Forest, 46
Gilbert, John, 62
Gilbert’s potoroo, 17, 61–63
gillnet fishing, 59, 161
Gobi Desert (Mongolia), 225
golden eagle, 239
golden plover, 110
Gondwana (continent), 199
Grand Cayman Island, 262–64
Grasslands National Park (Canada), 230
greater bamboo lemur, 17, 32–33
greater prairie chicken, 124
Great Leap Forward (China), 37, 60–61
Great Rift Valley (Kenya), 47
grebes, Alaotra (rusty), 121
grey-headed kite, 105–6
grosbeak, São Tomé, 20, 69–71
Guam, 71–73, 207–9
Guam flycatcher, 207
Guam rail (ko’ko’), 17, 72, 207–9
Gulf of Alaska, 55, 57
Gulf Stream, 249
gull, kelp, 117
Hainan gibbon, 17, 25–28
Halong Bay (Vietnam), 29
Hawaii, 90–93, 171–72, 204–7, 245, 259–62
Hawaiian coot, 259
Hawaiian crow (‘alala), 17, 204–7
Hawaiian goose, 19
Hawaiian stilt, 259
Hayman, R.W., 34
heath hen, 124
he-cabbage tree, 17, 186
Hector’s dolphin, 58
High Peak (Saint Helena), 186
honeyeaters, cardinal, 207
hornbills, Sulu, 21, 102–5
horses, Przewalski’s, 20, 224–26
Houston (Texas), 123
hummingbird, chestnut-bellied, 82
Hurricane Hugo, 128–29
hybridization, 140, 181–83, 200–201, 213
hydroelectric dams, 82–83, 108, 143
Iberian lynx, 17, 234–38
Iberian wolf, 237
ibis, crested, 15, 99, 254–57
blue, 14, 262–64
Cuban, 262–63
inbreeding, 49, 187, 223–24, 256, 261
India, 41–42, 114–15, 159–60
Indian myna. See common myna
Indonesia, 50–53, 84–87, 98
Africanized bees, 203
Argentine ant, 172
bumblebees, 267
fabulous green sphinx of Kauai, 16
Franklin’s bumblebee, 16, 265–66, 268
fruit flies, 79
Lord Howe Island giant stick, 18, 172–74
mosquitoes, 91
Saint Helena giant earwig, 184
International Council for Bird
Preservation. See BirdLife
International Union for Conservation
of Nature (IUCN), 5, 7, 11–12, 36, 41, 149, 215
International Whaling Commission, 56
Iran, 39–40, 154–56
Iranian Cheetah Society, 41
Iranian Gorgan Mountain
salamander, 17, 154–56
Iriomote cat, 17, 42–44
Iriomote-jima (Japan), 42–44
Iriomote Wildlife Conservation
Center, 44
Irrawaddy Delta, 144
Irrawaddy river shark, 17, 160–61
Isabela (Philippines crocodile), 135
Isabela Island (Ecuador), 78–79, 211, 213
Isla Carrizal (Venezuela), 82–84
Italy, 177–80
Ivory Coast, 35–36
Izu Islands (Japan), 243
Japan, 42–44, 56, 243–45, 254
Javan rhinoceros, 18, 50–53
Jiushan Islands (China), 98–99
Jones, Carl, 5–9
Kakadu National Park (Australia), 161
kakapo, 18, 118, 251–54
Kamehameha the Great (Hawaiian king), 90–91
kangaroos, Gilbert’s potoroo, 17, 61–63
kelp gull, 117
Kenya, 47–50, 192–94
Kenya Wildlife Service, 192
kestrel, Mauritius, 3, 4–6, 18
Kew Gardens (U.K.), 187, 219–20
grey-headed, 105–6
snail, 235
white-collared, 22, 105–7
Koke’e State Park (U.S.), 172
ko’ko’ (Guam rail), 17, 72, 207–9
Ko’olau Mountains (Hawaii), 93
Krakatau (Indonesia), 50–51
Kunming (China), 140–41
Kunming Institute of Zoology, 141
Kure Atoll, 245
Lack, David, 78
La Gomera giant lizard, 18, 136–38
Lake Alaotra (Madagascar), 120, 121, 123
langur, Cat Ba, 15, 28–30
Laramie Basin (U.S.), 217
Last of the Curlews (Bodsworth), 111–12
Laysan duck, 259
greater bamboo, 17, 32–33
northern sportive, 19, 30–32
leopard, Amur, 13, 37–39
Leopold, Aldo, 266
Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, 192
lions, culling of, 48–49
Little Mangere Island (New Zealand), 250, 251
blue iguana, 14, 262–64
Cuban iguana, 262–63
La Gomera giant, 18, 136–38
monitor, 208
lobo, el. See Mexican wolf
Lonesome George (Pinta Island giant tortoise), 212–13
longline fishing, 95, 244–45
Lord Howe Island (Australia), 18, 172–74, 190
Lord Howe Island giant stick insect, 18, 172–74