by Scott Leslie
Lowe, Willoughby, 33, 34
lynx, Iberian, 17, 234–38
Mabuwaya Foundation, 136
blue-winged, 202–3
Spix’s, 21, 201–4
Madagascar, 30–33, 99–102, 119–23
Madagascar pochard, 18, 119–23
Madagascar scops owl, 100
Madonie mountains (Sicily), 179
Magdalena, Carlos, 219–20
magpie robin, Seychelles, 21, 257–59
Catalina, 15, 181–83
mountain, 181–83
mammals, 25–65. See also antelopes;
dolphins; marsupials; primates;
rhinoceros; whales; wildcats; wolves
black-footed ferret, 14, 228–31, 235
burrowing, 231–34
milu (Père David’s deer), 18, 196–99
minke whale, 56
Przewalski’s horse, 20, 224–26
rabbits, 235–36
Seychelles sheath-tailed bat, 21, 63–65
Vancouver Island marmot, 22, 226–28
wisent, 22, 222–24
Mandalay (Burma), 142, 143
mangrove finch, 18, 78–80
mangrove forests, 161
Mao Zedong, 37
Marggraf, Georg, 199
Mariana crow, 18, 71–73, 207, 209
Mariana fruit dove, 207
Marianas Islands, 71–73
Marine Mammal Protection Act (U.S.), 57
Marmot Recovery Foundation, 227–28
marmots, Vancouver Island, 22, 226–28
Gilbert’s potoroo, 17, 61–63
northern hairy-nosed wombat, 19, 231–34
Martin, Maria, 88
Matsu Archipelago (China), 98
Maui’s dolphin, 18, 57–59
Mauna Loa volcano, 204
Mauritian Wildlife Foundation, 5–9
Mauritius, 1–6
Mauritius kestrel, 3, 4–6, 18
McGraw, Scott, 36
Mead, Margaret, 9
medicine. See Asian medicine
Mediterranean region, 177–80
Meiji Renewal (Japan), 254
Merton, Don, 250
Mexican wolf, 16, 44–47
Midway Atoll, 245
milu (Père David’s deer), 18, 196–99
Minami Kojima (island), 244
mining, 143
minke whale, 56
Miss Waldron’s red colobus monkey, 18, 33–36
mockingbird, Floreana, 16, 75–77
Moheli (island), 101
Mojave Desert, 162
Moldova, 224
Molokai thrush, 19, 90–92
monarchs, Tahiti, 21, 73–75
Mongolia, 225–26
monitor lizard, 208
monkeys. See primates; red colobus
Mortenson Lake National Wildlife
Refuge (U.S.), 217–18
mosquitoes, 91
mountain bongo, 19, 47–50
mountain mahogany, 181–83
Mount Kenya Wildlife Conservancy, 49
Mowbray, Louis, 247–48
multiple clutching, 5, 206, 250–51
Murici forest reserve (Brazil), 105–7
Murphy, Robert Cushman, 247–48
museums, collection of animals by, 33–34
Myanmar. See Burma
Myers, Norman, 154
mynas, 101
Bali, 14, 84–87
common, 8, 74, 258
myxoma virus, 235–36
Nanyuang Royal Hunting Garden (China), 197, 198
National Museum of Natural History (Smithsonian), 33–34
National Research Council Board on
Biology (U.S.), 206
Natural History Museum (London), 33–34
Nature Conservancy of Hawaii, 93
nene (Hawaiian goose), 19, 259–62
New Caledonia, 129–31
New Zealand, 57–60, 107–9, 116–19, 149–52, 251–54
Niceforo Maria, Brother, 81, 82
Niceforo’s wren, 19, 80–82
Niceforo’s Wren Natural Bird Reserve, 82
Niger, 195
nightingale reed-warbler, 207
Noble, David, 176
Nonsuch Island (Bermuda), 248–49
Norfolk Island Phreatia orchid, 19, 188–89
Norfolk pine, 188, 190
northern giant petrel, 117
northern hairy-nosed wombat, 19, 231–34
northern river shark, 19, 161–62
Northern Sierra Madre National Park (Philippines), 136
northern sportive lemur, 19, 30–32
northern white rhinoceros, 19, 52, 192–94
North Korea, 37, 98
Nusa Penida (Bali), 86–87
Oahu creeper, 19, 92–93
Oaxacan fringe-limbed tree frog, 215–16
Obo National Park (São Tomé and Principe), 69, 70
oil and gas exploration, 57
Old Blue (Chatham Island black robin), 250–51
Oloma’o. See Molokai thrush
Ol Pejeta Conservancy, 192–93
O’o bird, 90–91
Madagascar star, 267
Norfolk Island Phreatia, 19, 188–89
The Origin of Species (Darwin), 75
Ortelier, Abraham, 210
oryx, scimitar-horned, 21, 194–96
overgrazing, 40, 82
of deer, 38, 45
of elk, 45
of wisents, 223
owlet-nightjars, enigmatic, 16, 129–31
Anjouan scops, 13, 99–102
barn, 258
Madagascar scops, 100
paddlefish, Chinese giant, 15, 168–70
Palermo, University of, 179
Panama, 216
Panama, Bishop of, 211
Pangaea (continent), 165, 214
“paper parks,” 106–7
parrots and parakeets
blue-winged macaw, 202–3
Carolina parakeet, 127, 128
echo parakeet, 3, 7–9, 16
kakapo, 18, 118, 251–54
Puerto Rican amazon, 20, 126–29
ring-necked parakeet, 8
Spix’s macaw, 21, 201–4
pearly-eyed thrasher, 129
Peattie, Donald Culross, 176
Père David’s deer, 18, 196–99
Peregrine Fund, 121
Permian extinction, 214
pesticides, 59, 218
Bermuda, 15
northern giant, 117
storm, 117, 118
Philippines, 102–5, 133–36
Philippines crocodile, 20, 133–36
Phillip Island wheatgrass, 20, 189–90
photosynthesis, 175–76
dodo, 1–2
Mariana fruit dove, 207
pink, 3, 6–7, 20
white-throated ground dove, 207
Pimm, Stuart, 234
Norfolk, 188, 190
Wollemi, 22, 176–77
pink-headed duck, 20, 114–16
pink pigeon, 3, 6–7, 20
Pinta Island Galapagos giant tortoise, 20, 209–13
Plains Indians, 125
plants, 175–90. See also flowers; trees
flowering, 165, 266–68
invasive, 74–75
Phillip Island wheatgrass, 20, 189–90
Pliny the Elder, 194, 195–96
plovers, golden, 110
poaching, 28
Poamoho Trail (Hawaii), 93
Madagascar, 18, 119–23
red-crested, 115
Poland, 222–24
pollination, 267–69
Portugal, 237
potoroo, Gilbert’s, 17, 61–63
prairie chickens
�s, 14, 123–26
greater, 124
prairie dogs, 228–31
Cat Ba langur, 15, 28–30
genetic similarity to humans, 25–26
greater bamboo lemur, 17, 32–33
Hainan gibbon, 17, 25–28
Miss Waldron’s red colobus monkey, 18, 33–36
northern sportive lemur, 19, 30–32
western red colobus monkeys, 33–36
Primorye region (Russia), 38–39
Przewalski, Nicholai, 225
Przewalski’s horse, 20, 224–26
Puerto Rican amazon, 20, 126–29
Puerto Rico, 126–29
Pukaha Mount Bruce National
Wildlife Centre, 118
pupfish, Devils Hole, 16, 162–64
Qatar, 203
rabbits, 235–36, 238
Rabb’s fringe-limbed tree frog, 20, 214–17
rail, Guam (ko’ko’), 17
rainforests, 34–35, 152–54
Rakhine Yoma Elephant Sanctuary (Burma), 144, 145
rat kangaroos. See Gilbert’s potoroo
black, 69, 70, 74, 76, 79, 116–19, 229–30, 244, 247
Polynesian, 151–52
Ratsiraka, Didier, 120
razor-billed curassow, 200
red colobus monkeys
Miss Waldron’s, 18, 33–36
western, 33–36
red-crested pochard, 115
Red List of Threatened Species, 11–12
red-vented bulbul, 74
reforestation, 190
Rene de Roland, Lily-Arison, 122
reptiles, 133–47. See also lizards;
brown tree snake, 71–73, 207
Chinese alligator, 134
Philippines crocodile, 20, 133–36
Pinta Island Galapagos giant tortoise, 20, 209–13
Réunion, 6
Rhino Ark, 48
black, 48
Javan, 18, 50–53
northern white, 19, 52, 192–94
southern white, 53, 194
Sumatran, 144
rhinoceros horn, 52–53
Richard Underwood Nature Refuge (Australia), 233–34
right whales, 53–57
“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (Coleridge), 94
ring-necked parakeet, 8
Rio Abajo State Forest (Puerto Rico), 129
river sharks, 157–62
Riviere Ni Valley (New Caledonia), 131
robins, Chatham Island black, 15, 206, 249–51
Rota (island), 71–73, 208–9
Rouhaire, Antoine (Brother Niceforo Maria), 81, 82
Royal Society for the Protection of
Birds, 258
rufous fantail, 207
Russia, 37, 38–39, 55–56, 112–14
rusty grebe, 121
Rwanda, 219
Sado Japanese Crested Ibis
Conservation Center, 254, 255–56
Saint Helena, 183–87
Saint Helena ebony, 20, 186–87
Saint Helena giant earwig, 184
salamanders, Iranian Gorgan
mountain, 17, 154–56
Saliega (Iberian lynx), 237
San Diego Zoo, 193
Santa Cruz Island, 212
São Tomé and Principe, 67–71
São Tomé fiscal, 20, 67–69
São Tomé grosbeak, 20, 69–71
Saskatchewan, 229, 230
Schweitzer, Albert, 268
scimitar-horned oryx, 21, 194–96
Scott, Sir Peter, 261
Amsterdam albatross, 13, 94–97
Bermuda petrel (cahow), 15, 246–49
brown skua, 117
Chinese crested tern, 15, 97–99
northern giant petrel, 117
shearwaters, 242
short-tailed albatross, 21, 242–45
storm petrel, 117, 118
seed banks, 179, 187, 219
seedeater, Carrizal, 15, 82–84
Senkaku Islands, 244
Serra da Capivara National Park (Brazil), 203
Seychelles Islands, 63–65
Seychelles magpie robin, 21, 257–59
Seychelles sheath-tailed bat, 21, 63–65
shark fin soup, 157–58
bull, 160
Ganges river, 16, 158, 159–60
Irrawaddy river, 17, 160–61
northern river, 19, 161–62
river, 157–62
shearwaters, 242
she-cabbage tree, 21, 185–86
Shir-Abad Cave (Iran), 155
black stilt, 14, 107–9
Eskimo curlew, 16, 109–12
Eurasian curlew, 113
Hawaiian stilt, 259
kelp gull, 117
slender-billed curlew, 21, 112–14
whimbrel, 109–10
short-tailed albatross, 21, 242–45
shrikes. See São Tomé fiscal
Siberia, 112–14
Sicilian fir, 21, 177–80
Sicily, 177–80
Sierra Morena mountains (Spain), 234
Sigismund I (king of Poland), 222
Silbo Gomero (language), 137–38
skua, brown, 117
slender-billed curlew, 21, 112–14
Slender-billed Curlew Working
Group, 113–14
Smithsonian Institution, 33–34
snail kite, 235
snakehead, Asian, 120–21
snakes, brown tree, 71–73, 207
soil erosion, 120
Alagoas antwren, 106
Alagoas foliage-gleaner, 106
Apical flycatcher, 82
Bachman’s warbler, 14, 87–90
Bali myna, 14, 84–87
black drongo, 73
cardinal honeyeater, 207
Carrizal seedeater, 15, 82–84
Chatham Island black robin, 15, 206, 249–51
common myna, 8, 74, 258
Floreana mockingbird, 16, 75–77
Galapagos finches, 204
Guam flycatcher, 207
Hawaiian crow (‘alala), 17, 204–7
mangrove finch, 18, 78–80
Mariana crow, 18, 71–73
Molokai thrush, 19, 90–92
Niceforo’s wren, 19, 80–82
nightingale reed-warbler, 207
Oahu creeper, 19
O’o, 90–91
pearly-eyed thrasher, 129
red-vented bulbul, 74
São Tomé grosbeak, 20, 69–71
Tahiti monarch, 21, 73–75
wirebird, 184
woodpecker finch, 78, 80
songs, importance to gibbons, 27
South China tiger, 21, 36–37
South East Island (New Zealand), 251
southern royal albatross, 117–18
southern white rhinoceros, 53, 194
South Korea, 98
Soviet Union. See Russia; Siberia
Spain, 234–38
Spanish imperial eagle, 236
spiny bamboo, 83
Spix, Johann von, 202
Spix’s macaw, 21, 201–4
spot-billed duck, 115
Steindachner, Franz, 160
Stewart Island (New Zealand), 253
black, 14, 107–9
Hawaiian, 259
storm petrel, 117, 118
Strachey, William, 246
sturgeon, Alabama, 13, 164–68
Sudan, 192
Sulu Archipelago (Philippines), 102–5
Sulu hornbill, 21, 102–5
Sumatran rhinoceros, 144
Surguja, Maharaja of, 40
Suzhou Zoo, 147
Swinhoe’s softshell. See Yangtze giant
softshell turtle
sylvatic plague, 229–30
sze pu shia
ng. See milu (Père David’s deer)
Tahiti monarch, 21, 73–75
Taino (indigenous people), 128
Taiwan, 98, 139
tarpan, 224
Tawitawi (Philippines), 102–5
taxonomy, 100
teal, Campbell Island, 15, 116–19
teratorns, 238–39
Arctic, 97
Chinese crested, 15, 97–99
Texas City Prairie Preserve, 125
thermal water lily, 22, 219–20
Thé Seing Sam, 122
Thoreau, Henry David, 87
Thorns, Richard, 115
thrasher, pearly-eyed, 129
thrush, Molokai, 19, 90–92
Amur, 38
Bali, 84
South China, 21, 36–37
Kihansi spray, 149
Wyoming, 22, 217–18
Tobias, Joe, 131
Torishima (Japanese island), 243, 245
Torotorofotsy region (Madagascar), 33
torrent frogs, 152–54
tortoise, Pinta Island Galapagos giant, 20, 209–13
toucans, 102
tourism, 43–44
African tulip tree, 74–75
bastard gumwood, 184–85
Catalina mahogany, 15, 181–83
he-cabbage tree, 17, 186
mountain mahogany, 181–83
Norfolk pine, 188, 190
Saint Helena ebony, 20, 186–87
she-cabbage tree, 21, 185–86
Sicilian fir, 21, 177–80
Virginia round-leaf birch, 22, 180–81
Wollemi pine, 22
truffles, 62
Tunisia, 196
turkey vulture, 239
turtle jelly, 138
turtles, 138–47
Arakan forest, 13, 141–42, 144–45
Burmese roofed, 14, 141–43
hybridization, 140
Yangtze giant softshell, 22, 145–47
Yunnan box, 22, 139–41
Turtle Survival Alliance, 141
Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve (Australia), 63
Ujung Kulon National Park, 51
Ujung Kulon Peninsula (Java), 50
UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, 28–29
UNESCO World Heritage Sites, 50
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
See Russia
United Nations Development
Programme, 41, 101–2
United States. See also Guam; Hawaii;
Puerto Rico
Endangered Species Act, 45, 46, 57, 126, 163, 164, 166, 180
Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), 46, 88, 126, 128, 129, 166–67, 206–7
Marine Mammal Protection Act, 57
Upper Chindwin River (Burma), 143
urbanization, 140
Vagvolgi, Joseph, 212
Vancouver Island marmot, 22, 226–28
vandalism, 181
Venezuela, 82–84
Vietnam, 28–30, 51–52, 145–47
Virginia round-leaf birch, 22, 180–81
Vladivostok, 56
Waldron, Miss F., 33–36
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 75, 210
warblers, Bachman’s, 14, 87–90
Alaotra (rusty) grebe, 121
Campbell Island teal, 15, 116–19
Canada geese, 259–60
Laysan duck, 259