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Dragon Whelps: Earth Dragons Series: Book 3

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by Hartnady, Charlene

  Georgia’s cheek felt hot. It was probably red. Her skin stung. It didn’t feel bad enough to form a bruise. She hoped not. Georgia had garnered more than her share of stares at work. Her boss had pulled her aside once to ask if everything was okay at home. She’d told him about her mother. That was the last time he had asked. It wasn’t the end of the stares, however. Stares because she was bruised and battered at times. Stares because she was single and pregnant. She didn’t relish the thought of the stares and the whispers after she gave this baby up. She grit her teeth for a few moments. It didn’t matter. She’d get through it.

  “It’s okay, mom.”

  “Don’t call me that. You aren’t my Georgie. You aren’t my…” Her eyes narrowed in confusion. “Who are you?” She was getting agitated. “Who…” Her brow was knitted together in confusion. Her eyes held fear.

  “It’s okay. You watch the penguins. I’m going to—”

  “No pills!” her mom yelled. “Don’t you dare try to make me take them.” Her face was turning beet red.

  “I’m leaving now.” Love you, mom, she whispered in her mind. Her mother was in there somewhere. The woman who had tucked her in at night when she was a little girl. The woman who had read her bedtime stories. That’s what made this so hard. It was like someone else was inhabiting her mother’s body. She could be confused and frightened like a child one minute and downright dangerous the next, but she was still her mom.

  Georgia closed the door to the room and put her hand to the wood.

  “I know—”

  Georgia jumped when she heard a voice behind her. “Oh, it’s you, Jennifer.”

  “I didn’t mean to give you a fright,” the other woman said. She cradled a file in her arms.

  “I know. I guess I’m a bit jumpy today.” She forced her lips to form a smile.

  “How are you feeling?” She glanced down at Georgia’s belly.

  “I’m fine. A bit tired, but good.”

  “Your mom knows you come every day,” Jennifer said. “She knows. She might not be able to acknowledge it, but deep down inside she knows it.” The other woman patted her arm.

  Georgia nodded. “I know, she told me the other day, when she was having one of her clear days. She cried about it. It’s almost worse sometimes on her good days because she realizes how bad she is on all the other days.”

  “Hang in there.” Jennifer touched the side of her arm. “You’re doing all you can do ‒ and then some.”

  Georgia nodded.

  “Also,” it looked bad, Jennifer’s face turned grave, “they’ve upped your mom’s meds. The tranquilizers that are helping keep her calm.”

  “One of the medications that aren’t covered by her insurance?” Georgia groaned.

  Jennifer nodded. “Yes, I’m afraid so.”

  Shit!! She was barely keeping up with the extras as it was. “Thanks for letting me know.”

  “So you don’t get a fright when you see the bill at the end of the month. Also, she needs more shampoo, we’re almost out.”

  Georgia nodded, feeling exhausted. She didn’t have time to feel tired. There were those covers that needed designing. She also needed to rustle up some dinner. She put a hand to her belly. She needed to eat for the baby. “Thanks, Jen. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “It’s my day off tomorrow. You should try it, you know.”

  “What, taking a day off?”

  Jennifer smiled. “Yes, you’re going to burn out.”

  “Okay, I’ll try it.”

  “Liar.” Jennifer widened her eyes.

  They both laughed, even though it wasn’t really funny. Georgia said her goodbyes and headed home. It was already getting dark. She wished there were more hours in the day.

  Chapter 3

  Shale shifted, feeling his scales retract. Feeling his teeth turn blunt and his muscles tighten and shorten. The change felt good. It—

  Next thing he was almost falling on his face when someone shoulder-knocked him, hard. He heard his brother’s chuckle as he staggered to right himself.

  “Sand. You dick!” Shale yelled, smiling all the while. “Then again,” Shale snickered, “the only time you would stand even half a chance of taking me out is by blind-siding me.”

  “I wasn’t trying to take you out, you little whelp! If I had been, you’d be down right now. I could take you any time. Anywhere!”

  “Let’s go, then.” Shale opened his arms and broadened his stance. “Right here and right now, motherfucker.”

  “Nah!” Sand winked at him. “I’ll let you off the hook today since you only just got back from the mines. You’ve had a busy day and it was a long flight here. It wouldn’t be a fair fight.”

  “Who’s the whelp now?” Shale snorted. “You’re a scaredy-cat pussy.”

  “Talking about pussy,” Sand changed the subject so quickly Shale almost got whiplash, “why have you been ignoring Topaz? I thought you and the female were tight. In fact, I thought you and she might—”

  “What bullshit are you on about? I’m nowhere near ready to settle down and if I was…Topaz…” He shook his head. “We had some fun times together but…nope. Not happening!”

  “No need to be so damned testy. I noticed your name down for this weekend.”

  Shale didn’t feel quite as excited as he normally would at the prospect of the Stag Run. Although, if a certain fiery redhead were to pitch up, he might just— What the fuck was he saying? He didn’t bed human females twice. It made them far too clingy. “Yep.” He grinned. “I’m looking forward to it.” Big fucking time!

  “I was hoping you would give me your spot.” His brother made a face. He knew he was trying his luck.

  Shale snorted. “Not a chance! They’re the best two weekends of the year. You can wait for your own turn.”

  “Four months is a long damn time to wait.”

  “If you like Topaz so much…”

  Sand shook his head. “What, and take your sloppy seconds…?”

  Shale had to laugh. “It wouldn’t be the first time.”

  “I’ve matured since then.”

  “Like hell!” Shale laughed some more. “Life is too short for that kind of thinking. We need to get out there and have fun.”

  “Exactly! That’s why I want you to give me your weekend.”

  “Not going to happen. There is a female in Dalton Springs who needs me this weekend. I don’t know what she looks like. I don’t know her name. All I know is that she desperately, desperately needs…this.” He ran his hands down his body. “I’m not about to disappoint.”

  “Big-headed much?” Sand mock-frowned, his lips twitched with the start of a smile.

  “Yes, actually.” He palmed his cock. “Seems like I’m the twin who got lucky in every department.”

  “Like hell, asshole!” his brother choked out while laughing.

  Chapter 4

  Two days later…

  Oh my god!

  This wasn’t happening. It wasn’t! This couldn’t be happening. Georgia spotted Macy pacing back and forth on the pavement. Her friend walked up and then she walked back down. Macy looked to be in deep thought.

  Making her realize that it was indeed happening. Macy’s eyes widened as she spotted Georgia walking up. She stopped dead and then turned and walked towards her.

  Okay! Calm down! Calm! She forced herself to suck in a deep breath. Maybe this was a sign. Maybe things would work out. Maybe— No! What the hell was she thinking? Nothing had changed. She needed to do the right thing and then she needed to follow through with her plan. Everything was decided. The Joyces were going to adopt this baby. She was going to the gynecologist on Tuesday for a scan. They were going to find out the sex of the baby. Make sure…big gulp…that everything was progressing normally. Which it was!! This was one of those run-of-the-mill pregnancies. Nothing to report. Nothing to see. It had to be. Why hadn’t she just gone to the gynecologist before this? Her credit card was already shot to hell.


  The preliminary adoption paperwork was being drawn up. The final paperwork would be signed once her baby was born…once the Joyces’ baby was born. It was all figured out.

  Yeah, but— But nothing! She willed her stupid brain to shut up already.

  “I’m so glad you picked up the phone. That you came so quickly. That you weren’t—”

  Despite the situation, she felt her lip twitch. “It’s nine-thirty on a Saturday night. I was trying not to fall asleep in front of the television, trying to talk myself into going to bed. I have work in the morning. Several cover orders came in…” Georgia forced herself to stop talking and to stop fiddling with the edge of her shirt. “Have you been waiting long?”

  Macy shook her head. “I literally just came outside. I kept my eyes on him to make sure he didn’t leave.”

  “Are you sure it’s him? Maybe you—”

  “I’m very sure. Completely sure. Those guys were gorgeous…they…um… I wouldn’t forget.” She shook her head. “Their convention must be back in town, because they’re all here. I recognize quite a few of them.”

  Georgia nodded. Okay! She had this. It wasn’t a big deal!

  Her friend’s gaze softened. “Are you sure you want to do this? You don’t have to, you know. That guy’s a prick. He’s clearly here for one thing. Same as last time.”

  “I know exactly why he’s here, he’s trying to pick up a woman.” Trying…huh! Like hell. Shale didn’t have to try. He had women throwing themselves at him left right and center. No trying required. “And to answer your question, yes, I have to do this. I wish I didn’t, but I have a conscience. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t inform him of the situation.”

  “I almost wish I hadn’t spotted him,” Macy grumbled. “I almost didn’t call you.”

  Georgia smiled and squeezed her friend’s arm. “But you couldn’t not.”

  Macy rolled her eyes. “Something like that. Do you want me to go in with you?”

  “Nope! This is something I have to tackle myself.”

  “Good luck! I’ll be out here if you need me.”

  Georgia nodded. She took a deep breath and headed into the busy establishment. It took her all of five-seconds to spot him. Just like before, their eyes locked instantly.

  She was reminded of when they had met six months before and the cocky half-smile he threw her way as their eyes met.

  Georgia smiled back. How could she not? She felt her cheeks heat and quickly looked away. She was there for a drink ‒ maybe two ‒ and then she was heading home. Besides, she didn’t want to mooch off of Macy too much. Tomorrow was fast approaching. Day of rest…huh! Sunday was her busiest day of the week ‒ at least it was for her sideline business. Her clients knew that. Orders would stream in on a Friday, all the way through Saturday. She had to be up early tomorrow morning. Not just that, she needed to be clear-eyed and clear-headed. She needed to deliver the goods. There were ten more designers like her online, all eager to fill the orders.

  Since she didn’t drink very often, more than two glasses of wine and she’d be hungover, and if she wasn’t in bed by twelve, she’d turn into a pumpkin. Her body clock was well honed. There would be no sleep for her after six, it didn’t matter what time of the morning she crawled into bed. Boom! Her eyes would open at six like clockwork. It had been like that for years.

  There was no reason to stay longer anyway, since most guys were assholes. She’d learned that the hard way with Tate. No one would accept her situation. No one in their right mind anyway.

  “Can I buy you a drink?”

  She knew it was him without even turning his way. His voice was rich and deep. It had this smoky, sexy edge that suited him hands down.

  Georgia turned her head, locking eyes with the most beautiful golden-colored irises. She’d never seen a shade quite like that before. Gorgeous eyes, framed by long, thick lashes. They were so unusual. Really gorgeous, like the rest of him. His hair was a sandy blond, it looked recently cut and was styled. His face was clean-shaven. He wore a lime green, button-down shirt that worked against the dark denim of his jeans. He filled his clothing out, that was for sure. Holy heck but he was gorgeous. Her danger alarm went off. This was a guy out for a good time. He needed to move right on.

  Dimples appeared when he smiled again. Shit balls, despite the alarm bells, she was drooling and needed to stop right away. “Thanks, but I’m good.” She held up her glass, trying to get rid of him. She wasn’t there for that.

  He leaned in, so close she could feel his heat. “You’re really beautiful.”

  She looked at him skeptically. Her skin was too pale. Her hair too wild. Her freckles had freckles, for goodness sake. Not that there was anything wrong with her, but beautiful? Especially by this guy’s standards. Please! She glanced around them, noticing how many beautiful women were in attendance. There were women with long lean limbs, many with high, perky boobs. Those with sleek blonde hair dos and beautifully tamed brunette heads.

  “I can tell that you don’t believe me.” He took a sip of his beer, looking amused.

  “I’m a ginger.” She tugged on one of her spirals. Her hair was very long, at least, it was when it was wet. Her curls were so tightly spiraled that her hair only came to above her bra strap when it was dry. If she sneezed too hard it frizzed out, becoming big and uncontrollable.

  “You have fiery, red hair. Very sexy.” He gave her the once-over in a way that had her blood heating.

  “Not everyone would find this wild mop sexy but,” she laughed softly, “thank you…I guess.” She took a sip of her own drink. “I need to find my friend.” She looked around them.

  “Why the rush?” He raised his brows.

  She shrugged.

  “You’re all dressed up. Out for the night.” He narrowed his eyes into hers. “You’re single and yet…you don’t want to talk to me.” More raising of the brows. He cocked his head as well. Managing to look hot while doing it.

  “Who says I’m single?” She folded her arms.

  “Call it a hunch. I think you are. Very single ‒ that is what makes me wonder… Either you’re not attracted to me or,” he licked his lips and of course, that too was sexy as hell, “you’re scared.” By his tone she knew which one he had in mind.

  “I’m not scared,” she mumbled, feeling her cheeks heat. Of course, by default, she’d just given away that she was, indeed, attracted to him. Why lie though? She might be attracted to the guy, but it didn’t mean that she was going to do anything about it.

  “I’m Shale.” He held out his hand.

  “And I need to find my friend.” She glanced around them, ignoring his hand, which he took back.

  “Who, the blonde with the long hair?”

  She frowned. How did he know…?

  Shale pointed to a couple locked in a hot and heavy kiss. “Is that her, by any chance?”

  Oh wow! “Um…yes.” It looked like Macy was getting all kissy-face with one of the guys from his group.

  “Like I said before, I’m Shale. We’re here on a martial arts convention.”

  “Martial arts?” Georgia was still watching Macy and Mr. Muscles going at it. “I always thought martial arts fighters were leaner than you guys.” They were all so big and built. Every last one of them.

  Shale grinned. “That’s very observant of you. We’re actually cage-fighters. Martial arts is a big part of the sport and…here we are.”

  “Where are you from then?”

  “What does it matter?”

  Oh! So, it was like that? Of course it was. She nodded, glancing at Macy. No! Hell no! The guy had his hand on her ass…he was squeezing. Go Macy! Georgia had to bite back a grin.

  Her friend carried a few extra pounds and because of it, she lacked confidence, which was nuts since Macy was one of the most beautiful women she knew. Hands down. Yet, she’d been single for the longest time. Now look at her go. She noticed that both Macy’s hands were on the guy’s ass too.

ou look shocked,” Shale said, right into her ear. Goosebumps rose up on her arms and down her back.

  “It’s just that Macy…” She shrugged. “She…” Wasn’t normally forward like that. “My friend isn’t normally into this sort of thing.”

  Now the couple was whispering to one another. There was plenty of giggling. Macy looked like a teenager. Her smile was wide. Her eyes glinted with mischief.

  “What sort of thing would that be?” Shale asked, smiling. Those dimples did things to her.


  Macy turned towards them, holding Mr. Muscles’ hand, the big guy followed behind her. Macy widened her eyes at Georgia as they drew closer. She smiled and then made a face of disbelief. “Hi,” Macy said as they arrived, “this is Rock.”

  “Rock?” What kind of name was that?

  “It’s my cage name.” The big guy winked at her. He was cute, in a rough-around-the-edges kind of way.

  Macy giggled and Rock threw an arm around her shoulders, drawing her into his side.

  “My real name is Shaun, but my friends call me Rock.” He held out his hand. Georgia took it. “I’m Georgia. It’s good to meet you.”

  “Um…” Macy chewed on her lip, a smile toying with the edges of her mouth. “We’re going to get out of here…if you don’t mind, that is.”


  Macy didn’t do things like this.

  “Can I have a quick word?” she whispered, leaning in towards Macy.

  “Will you excuse me for a second?” she asked Rock or Shaun or whatever the hell the guy’s name was.

  “Of course.” Mr. Muscles bent down and kissed her. He gripped her jaw softly in his huge hand, deepening the kiss for a second or two. Georgia glanced at Shale who, based on the grin he was sporting, clearly found the whole thing hilarious.

  They moved to the side. “Who are you and what have you done with my friend?” Georgia asked as soon as they were far enough away.

  Macy rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to be so dramatic.” She giggled. “I like him. I mean look at the guy, what’s not to like?”


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