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Dragon Whelps: Earth Dragons Series: Book 3

Page 17

by Hartnady, Charlene

  “Yep,” she whispered, looking down at the sleeping infant in her arms. “I think we’re good.” She closed her robe, holding back a yawn. Georgia was beyond tired. She envied her twins right then. Fast asleep, bellies full, no need for small talk.

  Georgia watched Shale carefully lower the little one into one of the bassinets on the stroller. It was a really fancy pants stroller. It was made especially for twins and could be fitted with either bassinets or car seats.

  Shale came over and picked up One, placing him in the lower of the two bassinets. “You go and get dressed and we can—”

  Two gave a loud bellow. “Oh shoot,” she said, making a face. “I guess he wasn’t as sound asleep as you thought.”

  Shale frowned. He picked Two up. “Shit!” His frown grew. “I guess he must have had a burp inside him after all.” He made a face.

  Georgia got up and walked over. Two’s one-piece had a wet, congealed milk spot all the way down the front. One thing she’d come to realize was that babies spat up milk regularly. Her hair or her top frequently had some vomit in or on it.

  Two was squirming, his face was all scrunched up.

  “I’ll take care of it.” She took Two from Shale. “You go.”

  One let out an almighty cry from inside the bassinet.

  Shale groaned. “It’s as if they know we have to be somewhere.”

  “Exactly.” She laughed. What else was there to do in a situation like this. “They might sense our nerves…” Oh shit! She was nervous about being out with Shale. More so than she had realized. It had nothing to do with the babies, but she didn’t want him to know that. “It’ll be the first time we’re out with the boys,” she quickly added.

  Shale nodded and picked up One, who was fussing in earnest by now.

  “Let me go and change this little munchkin,” Georgia said as she walked.

  It was hard to believe, but she was already an expert after only a few days at this. His diaper was still fine, so she stripped him out of the one-piece, despite his protests. She’d read that babies, newborns in particular, didn’t enjoy being naked, and boy, was it true. Dragon, human, it didn’t matter, in this they were the same. She did up the last snap and picked Two up, giving him a cuddle. “It’s okay.” He calmed instantly. “I think you might need some more milk,” she said, as they walked back to where Shale was waiting.

  One was kicking his legs, making choked crying noises. Shale was doing his best to calm the little guy but failing dismally. The choked cries were growing louder by the second. He gave her a pained look. “Something tells me they didn’t drink enough.”

  Georgia sat back down on the sofa, positioned the cushions and opened her robe. Two instantly calmed as he latched, while One’s wails grew even louder and more demanding. Her boobs tingled. “Give him to me before there’s milk everywhere.”

  Shale walked over, he handed their son to her. Georgia positioned him, and he latched too, sucking greedily. Exhaustion settled in. Days of broken sleep were starting to seriously take their toll. She was also worried about her mom. About her feelings for Shale and the fact that she shouldn’t be feeling this way. She wasn’t allowed to. Not when it wasn’t reciprocated. It was a recipe for disaster. The boys were slowly getting into a routine, but it was taking time. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and all that.

  Shale sat back down. “Can I get you anything? Something to drink maybe?”

  He was so darned polite. Too polite. She hated it. They worked well together as parents to these two little boys, but that’s where it ended. She supposed it was enough. Georgia wanted more though. It would be better if they moved into separate apartments as soon as possible. It was driving her nuts.

  Using her eyes, she pointed at the bottle of water next to her. “I’m all set. Why don’t you head out?”

  Shale shook his head. “Nah! I’ll hang with you guys.”

  “Go!” she insisted. “It’s a family celebration. You should be there.”

  “I can’t just leave you here to—”

  “Of course you can. I’m quite capable. I’m feeling really tired. I thought I’d cope okay but maybe it was a bit premature to be heading out. I’m going to try to get them down and then head to bed.” She bit back another yawn.

  Georgia was shocked at how disappointed he looked. It made her feel like maybe…maybe there was a chance for them. It lasted all of a few seconds though. “If you’re sure?”

  “I’m sure. You go and celebrate with your family. Tell Breeze how sorry I am that I can’t make it.”

  “You’re truly sure? I’ll wait until they settle, and we can head there for half an hour. Everyone was looking forward to meeting the boys.”

  The real reason for his disappointment. “Go, Shale! No use both of us missing out.” Georgia really didn’t feel like attending the event. “I hope you don’t mind.” Now she was being too polite. It sucked.

  “If you’re sure,” he repeated.

  “Absolutely.” She nodded.

  “Okay then.” He stood up. “I won’t stay. I’ll show my face. Hang out for a bit and then head back. Call me if you need anything.” He patted his pocket. She assumed his cellphone was in there.

  “I will.” Georgia smiled. “We’ll be fine. You go and have fun.”

  Shale nodded once and left. It didn’t take long and the boys were sound asleep. Georgia put them in their beds and headed back into the living room. She couldn’t resist. She opened the royal-blue, velvet box and almost fell on the floor. Something small. This was something small?

  Georgia walked over to the wingback and sat down heavily, the box still clutched in her hand. She unfolded the note inside.

  Thank you for giving me the best gift imaginable.



  Inside the box was a pair of diamond earrings. They were heart-shaped and set in what had to be platinum, since shifters were allergic to silver. The box also held a necklace with two heart-shaped diamond pendants. She was sure that the hearts represented each of their sons. It was the word ‘always’ that gave her pause. Always? What did that mean?

  One thing was for sure, Shale had gone to a ton of effort, and she’d just ditched him because she couldn’t handle whatever was or wasn’t going on between them. She needed to put on the dress and the jewelry. She needed to grow a pair and go and find out what ‘always’ meant. She needed to, at least, be honest about how she felt, even if Shale didn’t feel the same.

  Once she’d made the decision, her heart began to pound, and her palms felt sweaty. At the same time, she felt giddy with excitement. She clutched the jewelry to her chest. Moreover, she clutched that note to her chest. That simple piece of paper. It meant so much to her.

  Chapter 21

  Where is Georgia?

  Where are the boys?

  A question he’d heard half a dozen times since arriving at the function. Shale felt bad for leaving her. He was going to finish this drink and head home. Someone clapped him on the back. Shale turned, seeing Granite. His brother smiled. “How are you holding up?”

  “Doing okay.”

  Granite cocked his head, scrutinizing him.

  “It’s tough, but I’m loving it.” Shale opened up. “Georgia is great.”

  Granite raised his brows. “Where is your lovely female?”

  “The boys were restless. She’s tired. I think she might have been a little apprehensive about meeting the family. She’s not my female, by the way. That might be part of the problem.”

  “Of course she’s your female.” Granite grinned, which was weird since his brother hardly ever smiled this broadly. The only time he ever saw softness in his expression or demeanor was when he was looking at his mate or his children. “I can see it by the way you look at one another.”

  “I’m not so sure.”

  “I am! You guys still need to figure it out. That’s all.” His brother gave him another clap on the back.

  “Okay. If you say so.” Shale wasn’t sure
what to say. “Listen,” he looked the male head on, “any news on Georgia’s mother? I’m sorry to have to push you for an answer but we’re out of time. I need to fetch her mom tomorrow, or we need to head there for a day. I’d rather not risk my family.”

  “Your family?’ Granite raised his brows.

  “You know what I mean.”

  “Blaze is still on the fence. I have a feeling he’s going to veto the whole thing.”

  Shale sucked in a breath, ready to argue. Blaze could piss him the fuck off.

  “Take it easy,” Granite said. “I’m going to make the decision for him. You can bring Georgia’s mother back to our lair and implement the necessary, as discussed in our meeting.”

  “Are you serious? Won’t you be in shit?”

  Granite shrugged, narrowing his eyes. “You plan to go over our heads and bring her regardless, don’t you?”

  “Yep, you know me so well.” Shale smiled. “There’s no way I’m putting my family in jeopardy. Hunters could be all over Dalton Springs by now. They’ll have Georgia’s name and details. I can’t send her back there.”

  “I’ll take the fallout over this. Blaze will get over himself.”

  “Thank you!” He took his brother in a quick hug.

  “Hopefully it gets you some brownie points and you can figure this thing out with Georgia.”

  “I sure hope so.” Did she really feel that way about him? Was Granite right?

  Shale needed to get back to his chamber. He needed to ask her straight out.

  He downed the rest of his whiskey, the ice chinked against the side of his glass as he put it down on a nearby table. Shale turned, spotting Breeze on the far side of the room. She was dancing with Volcano; the two of them only had eyes for one another. He couldn’t help but smile as he watched them for a moment or two. He decided to forgo saying goodbye, he was sure his brother’s mate would understand him leaving. As he turned back, he collided with— “Topaz,” he said, reaching out to grab her by the upper arms so that she didn’t fall.

  Shale held on to her for a second or two while she regained her footing, then let her go. The female didn’t step back as he expected. He watched a sensual smile form on her lips. At least, up until a couple of months ago ‒ six months and a handful of days, if he was going to be exact ‒ he would have found her smile intoxicating.

  Not anymore.

  Her lips didn’t have the pink color he’d come to fantasize about. He let his eyes drift over her face. Her skin was flawless…but he’d come to love a certain smattering of freckles. Topaz’s smile grew. She obviously thought he was checking her out. She was a beautiful dragon. Males fell over their feet for her. She was wrong about him checking her out though. Very wrong. Topaz flicked her long, inky hair over her shoulder. She narrowed her beautiful blue eyes on him. Blue. Green had become a firm favorite. The green had to be a certain hue and definitely highlighted by a mane of fiery red hair. Otherwise, it just wouldn’t do.

  “So, you’re a dad now?” Her voice was a soft purr. Her dress was short. An inch or two above mid-thigh. Her legs were long and toned. Still nothing! Not a damn thing. Not when he preferred soft and lush. Curves that went on for days. Fuck! He needed to get out of there. He hoped Georgia had opened the gift he had left her. He wondered what she thought of it. His heart beat a little faster at the thought.

  “Um…Shale…did you hear what I said? I asked about your whelps.” Topaz was frowning, aware of his distraction, even though he was looking directly at her.

  “Yes,” he muttered. “I’m a dad. They’re…” He got what felt like a goofy smile. “I need to get back home to them.”

  “Oh, come on, Shale.” She graced him with one of her sultry smiles. “You can’t go quite so soon. I’m sure mom has everything under control. Did I hear right when you said that the two of you aren’t together? You’re raising the whelps together, but that’s where it ends?”

  Before he could answer, she moved closer, her chest brushing against his, making him feel seriously uncomfortable. “Does that mean we still get to fool around?” she purred. “It’s been a long time, my prince. Too long.” She wrapped a hand around his bicep.

  Shale took a step back, breaking the contact. “You heard the ass-end of a conversation that was taken out of context.” He tried not to snap at the female but failed. This felt like a slight to Georgia. Shale didn’t like it one bit.

  “Sounded pretty cut and dried to me.” Topaz folded her arms.

  “Well, it wasn’t. It isn’t! Georgia and I are very much together. Not just as parents to our whelps but as a couple.” He hoped and prayed it would soon be true.

  “A couple?” She raised her brows, her nostrils flaring. He could tell she didn’t buy it. Not for a second.

  “It’s not any of your business, Topaz.” He knew she could scent that they hadn’t rutted. “My female recently gave birth.”

  “I see.” She smiled. “You know where to find me if you change your mind.”

  “I won’t.”

  “She’s not your type at all, you know,” Topaz snapped. She made a face like Georgia was somehow beneath him.

  “You’re right, Topaz.” He smiled. “You’re so damned right. I don’t normally go for sweet, kind or funny. I don’t normally go for a female who always puts others before herself…” He shook his head. “I never had a female like that in my life before. Someone selfless and…did I mention kind? I think I did, but it’s worth mentioning again. Then there’s fucking gorgeous as well. Gorgeous with just the right amount of sass to round it all off. Now that I’ve been lucky enough to find a female of Georgia’s caliber, I’m afraid there is no going back.”

  Topaz’s mouth had dropped open. Her eyes were wide. He didn’t stay to see what her reaction would be. Quite frankly, he didn’t care.

  Shale walked out into the hallway…and her scent hit his nostrils. Coconut with a fruity edge. “Georgia.” He caught the faint scent of his whelps as well. What? Shale looked up and down the hallway. He went back inside to where the function was taking place, scanning the area. There was no sign of Georgia. Her scent disappeared as he walked further inside. He stepped back into the hallway.

  “Are you looking for your female?” One of Granite’s guards stood outside.

  “Yes, have you seen her?”

  “Yes,” he nodded, “she left with your brother, Sand, a couple of minutes ago. I don’t want to get in the middle of this, but…you should know…” He shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. They headed that way.” Probably on their way to Sand’s chamber. What the fuck!

  “What were you going to say?” He narrowed his eyes on the male.

  The male shook his head. “I don’t want to make trouble.”

  “Spit it out,” Shale growled.

  “Your brother had his arm around your female. He was pushing the stroller. I thought it a little strange.” The male shook his head. “It was probably nothing.”

  Chapter 22

  The babies were sound asleep in the stroller. They hadn’t been fed that long ago, so she probably had at least two, if not three hours before they stirred again. She touched the pendants at the base of her neck, then smoothed her dress. It was a tight fit over her boobs. She was afraid to breathe in too deeply, in case the zipper gave in and burst.

  Her hair was a thick mess of curls. She’d briefly considered trying to put it up but quickly shoved that idea aside. It would’ve taken too long. Her heart raced, beating like mad in her chest. Her mouth felt dry. She had all the classic signs of nerves, including butterflies in her stomach. They were big and flapped like mad. There was a part of her that wanted to turn and walk away but there was a bigger part that needed to know.


  Georgia needed to know what that meant. Was it the boys? Was that all, or was there more? God, she hoped it meant more. Please!

  Georgia swallowed thickly as she approached a door where light music was coming from. She could hear people talking. She licked her
lips, then admonished herself for taking off her lip gloss. She smoothed her dress, taking in a deep breath ‒ not too big in case her boobs broke loose.

  “Hi.” She smiled at a guy standing outside the open double doors.

  He nodded once at her, retaining his serious expression.

  Then she wheeled the stroller into the doorway. There were quite a number of people at the party. Thankfully it wasn’t too noisy. The twins should—

  Then she spotted him. He was facing sideways. His eyes were locked with that beautiful dragon lady. The one with the long, dark hair and beautiful blue eyes. The one he most definitely had a history with. No doubt about it.

  Shale was holding onto her upper arms and he was staring into her eyes with such intensity, she was sure he was going to kiss her. Right there and right then. He didn’t though. She found herself pushing out a sigh of relief. Her reprieve didn’t last long. The lady smiled at Shale. They seemed to be having a whole conversation with their eyes. One that only people who had been intimate before could have.

  His gaze roamed her face, like he was taking her in. The dragon lady brushed her long, hair over her shoulder. It was beautiful and glossy and oh so very straight. She could most likely get that hair into any kind of up-do she wanted. It was the kind of hair that actually listened and did what was expected of it.

  She said something to Shale. From the way she said it, it was probably a question. The two of them were so absorbed with one another that Shale hadn’t even noticed her standing there.

  In fact, he was so busy checking the dragon lady out, that he hadn’t even noticed that she’d asked him something. Georgia couldn’t blame him. Good god, but that dress she was wearing was amazing. It was really short. Showcasing an amazing pair of legs. No hairs on those babies. No way! The dress was tight. So was her body. Her breasts were neat and tidy. Perky as anything. No bra in sight. She didn’t need a bra. In fact, she probably didn’t even own a bra.

  Perky-Tits leaned in a little closer and spoke to Shale again.


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