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Their Independent Bride [The Men of Space Station One #6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Marla Monroe

Streams of cum coated her mouth and throat as he climaxed. She sucked and licked until she had managed to swallow every drop. He pulled from her mouth and collapsed against the headboard before he reached out and squeezed her nipple.

  With his attention now on her breasts, Janet concentrated on her clit. When the burn in her cunt had grown hot enough and the sparks at her clit sharp enough, she pinched the little nubbin at the same time that Greg twisted her nipple. She exploded, clamping down on Steven’s cock at the same time.

  “Yes!” He shouted out her name and filled her burning womb with his cum.

  They all fell back to the bed in a haphazard heap of panting bodies with Janet caught between the two men.

  “Move, you guys, I need up.” She shifted from beneath them and made a quick trip to the bathroom to clean up.

  When she returned, they were hugging their sides of the bed waiting for her to slide in between them.

  Greg spooned her from behind and kissed her shoulder while Steven backed up to her and pulled her arm across his waist. He kissed the back of her hand and squeezed it.

  Between the two of them, they had worn her out. She was going to need more rest if they planned to have sex two or three times a day. With an amused smile, she quickly fell asleep.

  Chapter Eight

  By ten the next morning, they were ready to plant. The deep red soil had been thoroughly plowed and was now rowed up and ready for the seed. This part was Janet’s job. She quickly set up her work area so that the seeds were lined up with the rows she planned to sow them in. Her only problem seemed to be the men. They insisted they wanted to help.

  “I really don’t need any help with this part. It’s just a matter of dropping the seeds and covering them up.”

  “At least let us cover them for you. We’ll go behind you and do that part.” Greg seemed to be the ring leader of everything.

  “But I can do it all myself. You’ve already done the hardest parts. Let me do my part now.”

  “Love, let us help. We won’t be around to help you later when you really need it,” Steven added his thoughts to the mix.

  “Fine. Just don’t put too much dirt and press it down lightly. Don’t press it hard.”

  “We’ll be careful,” Greg said.

  They followed her up and down the rows, covering the seeds and tamping down the soil over them. She stopped frequently to assess their work and pronounced it adequate, much to Greg’s annoyance. He insisted they were doing a perfect job of it.

  With a smile, she hurried toward the house just after noon to fix a quick lunch for them. She missed the steps and fell on the back porch, scraping her leg up the shin and twisting her ankle. The men were almost immediately there picking her up.

  “Fuck, baby. Are you okay?” Greg had her in his lap as Steven checked the scrape on her shin.

  “This is going to hurt for a while, love.”

  “Damn, it stings and my ankle hurts.”

  “I hope you haven’t broken anything. Let’s get you in the house so we can see about you.” Greg carried her inside while Steven held the door.

  They carted her to the living room where they laid her gently on the couch with her foot elevated on the arm. Then they checked every inch of her for other injuries.

  “I’m okay, guys. I just twisted my ankle and scraped my shin. I’ll be fine. It’s sore is all.”

  “Let us check you over first. Steven, get a wet cloth and let’s clean up this scrape. Oh, and get some salve out of the first-aid kit.”

  Greg kissed her gently on the mouth then gently manipulated her ankle to check it out. She bit her lip to keep from crying out, but he noticed and lifted an eyebrow in question.

  “It hurts some, but not a lot. Is it swollen any?”

  “A little bit. We probably need to put some ice on it. We’ll do that after we clean up your leg.”

  Steven returned with the cloth and salve. He cleaned the scrape and then added some of the medication to the wounded area on her leg. He leaned down and kissed her knee before smiling up at her.

  “Thanks, Steven.”

  Greg had disappeared into the kitchen but returned with a plastic bag with ice in it. He carefully applied it to her ankle and shook his head.


  “You need to be more careful and not run. You could have broken something. I don’t like seeing you hurt like this, Janet.”

  “I’m fine, Greg. I’ll be more careful. I wasn’t thinking when I picked my foot up. I just missed the step.”

  “What if that had been the cellar steps? You would have fallen a lot farther down and we wouldn’t have been here. Please be more careful.” Steven kissed her forehead and wiped off her hands where she’d caught herself.

  “Okay, okay. I’ll be more careful. I need to get up and fix our lunch. We still have a few rows left to plant.”

  “Nope, you’re not getting up from this couch the rest of the day. We’ll fix lunch and finish planting. You’ve got everything all lined up where it goes. We can do it.”

  “But I want to. It’s my garden, guys.”

  “Janet, your ankle is already swollen. You don’t need to be on it at all until it’s better. The garden is still yours. You’ll have all the fun of weeding it and taking care of it while we’re at work, love. Listen to Greg.” Steven squeezed her hand and walked off to see about lunch.

  Janet pouted and crossed her arms. She couldn’t believe she’d done something so stupid. She tried to think back at what had happened and couldn’t come up with anything other than her own carelessness of running up the steps. She had been so excited about the garden. It would teach her not to let things go to her head like that in the future.

  Twenty minutes later, the man returned to the living room with plates of sandwiches. She reached to take one, but Greg held it out of her reach and sat on the floor next to her.

  “I’ll feed you, baby.” He lifted the sandwich to her mouth so that she could take a bite.

  “This is really a little over the top, Greg. I can feed myself. It’s my ankle that’s hurt, not my hands.”

  “I want to feed you. It scared me to see you falling like you did.” He waited for her to finish chewing before he held the sandwich back to her mouth.

  She started to say something else, but one look from Steven and she swallowed it along with the bite of sandwich she had been chewing. She guessed she could let Greg feed her. It was sort of cute in a crazy sort of way.

  Once she had finished eating and had emptied her glass of tea, Greg ate his sandwich and then took the plates back to the kitchen. Steven sat on the edge of the couch and bent close to her ear to whisper to her.

  “Greg has always liked to coddle his submissives, Janet. Let him every once in a while to satisfy that need in him. It will go a long way in easing things between us. We all have needs and like it or not, we’re married now. We’ve got to find a common ground to work on.”

  “You’re right, Steven. I’ll try. I know he’s used to someone who follows all his orders. I’m not like that, but I can try to be what he needs in other ways. I’ll be more careful, too.”

  “Good girl. It won’t always be easy, but we’ll make it.” Steven stood up and winked at her when Greg returned with a fresh bag of ice.

  “More ice! My ankle is already getting frostbite.”

  “You need it on for another thirty minutes. The ice has been melted on the other one for at least the last fifteen minutes.” He replaced the bag of water with the ice.

  “Stay on the couch no matter what until we get back. We’re going to quickly finish the garden and then be back to help you if you need anything.” Greg stared down at her as if waiting for her to argue.

  “Okay. I’ll be fine. It shouldn’t take you that long with two of you.”

  He nodded and followed Steven back into the kitchen. A few seconds later she heard the back door close. The tears she’d been fighting finally fell. She hadn’t wanted to cry in front of the men. It would have made her
appear weaker to them. She didn’t want to be weak.

  Her leg stung and her ankle throbbed. She sat up some and looked at her raw-looking shin and purplish-colored ankle. How was she going to take care of the house like this? They would be going out to work soon and she would be stuck at the house. She hoped it would be much better by the next morning. She still had the dinner with the other family to take care of.

  Finally, the tears stopped and she wiped her eyes with her shirt. She hoped her eyes weren’t all red and puffy when the men returned. She didn’t want them to know she had been crying. They would fuss over her even more.

  Janet wasn’t used to being fussed over. She’d always taken care of herself and didn’t know how to handle the men coddling her like they tended to do. The entire thing with Greg feeding her had almost overwhelmed her. Seeing someone as big and tall as he was sitting on the floor feeding her out of his hand had been unsettling. Thank goodness Steven had intervened before she had said or done something to cause trouble.

  Why did Greg seem to need to take care of her? It had to be a form of control for him. He could control what and how much she ate that way. Yeah, that was what it was all about—control. She could understand that about him.

  With nothing to do, Janet quickly dozed off thinking about submissives and masters and her husbands.

  * * * *

  “She was trying not to cry,” Steven pointed out once they were outside.

  “Yeah, I caught that. Why wouldn’t she cry in front of us? We’re her husbands for heaven sakes.”

  “It would have shown weakness and she doesn’t want to appear weak in front of us.”

  “Why not? She is weak compared to us. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with her crying or being weak.”

  “To her there is. She’s been strong and taken care of herself all her life. She doesn’t understand that she doesn’t have to anymore. Give her time, Greg.”

  Greg nodded his head, but he still didn’t quite understand her need to be in control of herself at all times. That was what they were for, to be in control and take care of her so she didn’t have to worry about anything. He had always taken care of everything for his women. His submissives were all treated like the treasures they were. He expected them to follow his directions and obey him, but in return, he made sure they wanted for nothing while they were with him.

  He’d had no control over his life as a child. His parents moved constantly when he was growing up. Whichever way the wind blew had them on the road again. His father wandered from job to job and his mother made ends meet the best she could. Sometimes they had plenty to eat and sometimes they scrounged for a meal. They moved so much that he could never keep a friend and struggled with school.

  After so many years of having no control over where he lived or when he went to school, Greg required strict control in his life now. He found what he needed in a D/s relationship. Only now, he was without a submissive. He had an independent bride with a mouth on her. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do. This was for life. He couldn’t uncollar her and look for another one.

  “She’s trying to accommodate us, Greg. Remember this is all new to her, too.”

  “I know. How in the hell did they screw up so badly?”

  “I don’t know, but we can’t let her feel like we don’t want her. She’s a good woman.”

  “I’m not saying she isn’t, but she’s not the type of woman we are used to. You have always been more flexible than I am. I’m sure you’re having trouble, too, but…”

  “But I can handle a little compromise where you have to work at it. I know, Greg. Just try.”

  They worked in companionable silence until all the seeds had been sown and the garden tools cleaned and put away. Then they watered the garden and rolled the hose back up.

  “That’s it. We need to get inside and check on Janet. Knowing her, she’s gotten up and gotten something when she was supposed to stay on the couch.” Greg brushed the dirt off his hands and walked toward the house.

  After washing up, he walked into the living room to find Janet sound asleep on the couch. Her ankle was still propped up with a bag of water lying on the floor. He guessed he was lucky it hadn’t opened up and spilled.

  Steven walked up next to him. The other man shook his head and pointed at her swollen ankle. It had turned a purplish color. She was going to be in pain for a while. The next couple of days would be tough on her. He didn’t want her up on her foot at all. He was sure she would balk over that directive.

  As they stared down at her, she opened her eyes and jumped.

  “Easy, love. It’s just us.” Steven sat on the edge of the couch and patted her hand.

  “What are you two doing standing there staring at me while I’m asleep?”

  “We had just walked up when you woke up,” Greg told her.

  “Did you finish the garden? What about watering it?”

  “Everything is done,” he assured her.

  “I’m going to go start something for supper.” Steven stood up and headed toward the kitchen, leaving them alone.

  “Your ankle is in bad shape, baby. You’re not going to be able to walk on it for a couple of days.”

  “I have to take care of the house, Greg. It will be okay in the morning. You’ll see.”

  He sighed and chose his words carefully. “If it’s still swollen, you’re not getting on it tomorrow.”

  “We have Carmen and her husbands coming tomorrow night. I have to be able to get up and see to them.”

  “We’ll see how you are tomorrow afternoon. If you behave and stay off your ankle from now on, maybe you can get up while they are here.”

  She started to say something then closed her mouth and nodded.

  “Good girl. Steven and I will take care of everything. You just have to get well. They aren’t coming for dinner, so all there will be a need to worry about is coffee and maybe something sweet to eat.”

  “If I promise to stay off my foot, will you promise to let me get up while they are here?”

  Greg drew in a deep breath and counted to ten. She was struggling like he was. He needed to remember that.

  “If it is not as swollen and you can walk on it with only a slight limp. If you can’t put pressure on it without a lot of pain, then no, I won’t let you up.”

  “Fine. I’ll go with that. I’ll be fine by then, anyway.”

  Greg grinned. She was so feisty. He liked that about her where he had never really enjoyed a woman with fire before. He’d always liked them subdued and biddable. This was something new for him.

  Steven walked back into the living room. “I’ve got supper started. It should be ready in an hour. I’m going to run upstairs and take a shower.”

  “I’ll take one when you finish.”

  “There are two showers, guys. You don’t have to wait.”

  “I want someone down here with you in case you need something, baby.” Greg ruffled her hair and gave her a quick kiss.

  Steven kissed her before going upstairs. She sighed and watched Greg as he looked over her shins and ankle again.

  “I’m going to pick you up and let you sit with me while we wait on Steven to finish. Let me know if I hurt you.”

  Greg picked her up off the couch and walked with her to his recliner. He sat down and arranged her so that her leg was propped over the arm of the chair. She leaned back against his chest and settled her head on his shoulder. He smiled. He liked this. Holding her this way was so intimate. He enjoyed the intimacy of just holding a woman.

  “How is your ankle like this?”

  “It’s fine. It throbs some, but no more than it did earlier.”

  “I’ll get you a painkiller before I take a shower when we get up again. We’ll soak your ankle in the bathtub when you bathe later. That should help it.”

  “I’m going to be fine, Greg. You don’t need to worry about me.”

  “I don’t like for you to hurt, Janet.”

  “Well, I’m going to hur
t sometimes. That’s just how life is.”

  “But if you’re careful, you don’t have to get hurt. You’ve already said you would be careful from now on. That’s good enough for me, but something tells me that you’re prone to accidents.”

  “Now why would you say something like that?”

  “Because you fly off the handle like you just did, baby.”

  “Only because you said something dumb like that.”

  “Relax, Janet. Steven will be down here soon. I don’t want him glaring at me because I’ve riled you up again.”

  “Then don’t say things like that. I’m not accident prone.”

  “Yes, dear.”

  Chapter Nine

  Janet stretched out in the tub. It was a big tub, large enough for three. She enjoyed the hot water as it encased her like a warm cocoon. Her ankle wasn’t even throbbing much now. The painkiller Steven had given her was slowly working to mellow out the pain and maybe her mood, as well. Steven’s supper had been fairly good and now she was relaxed and about ready for bed.

  Greg walked in and smiled down at her. He knelt by the tub and ran a hand over her knee in the water.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “I feel much better, thanks. The painkiller is working, and my ankle is great. The warm water is wonderful. Thanks for running my bath for me.”

  “You’re welcome, baby. I want you to rest well tonight. If you feel better, you’ll sleep better.”

  “I know something else that would help me sleep better.”

  “Oh, no you don’t, you little minx.” Greg shook his head. “You are in no shape for sex.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with my mouth or my pussy, Greg. Don’t punish me like that.”

  “Baby, I’m not punishing you. You’ll end up hurting your ankle if we screw around. I don’t want to take the chance.”

  Janet huffed out a breath and closed her eyes. She would ignore him until he left and then she would show him later. She’d seduce Steven. He was much easier to deal with than Greg.

  Since it was Steven who came to get her out of the tub, she started right away. He ignored all her attempts at manipulating him into a position where she could rub her body against his. Instead, he wrapped her up in the towel and carried her to the bed where he gently lay her down. Then he unwrapped her so that she ended up in the middle of the bed far away from him and his obviously interested cock.


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