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Tangled Up Hearts

Page 18

by Hughes, Deborah

  Cole put the key in the ignition then turned to look at her, noticing as he did so that her black eye was more visible than it had been earlier. A stab of guilt speared through his conscience. She’d been through enough.

  With his arms resting over the steering wheel, he stared blindly out at the parking lot. How to calm the irritated atmosphere that always sprung up between them? He didn’t want to fight with her, especially as he was still recovering from the scare of losing her only a few days ago. Wishing he knew what to do, he gave her a sidelong glance. She sat stiff as a board, her jaw tight and her slender, expressive hands twisting in her lap. A feeling suspiciously close to tenderness welled up from nowhere, filling his chest and giving him the oddest urge to pull her close and comfort her. But she'd only fight him if he did that so he stayed put.

  They sat for a few quiet moments, each refusing to speak though on Cole’s part it was because he didn’t know what to say. He was pretty sure anything he might try would only incite her further so he let out a sigh and ran an agitated hand through his hair. How did they get to this point? It hadn’t always been this way.

  Figuring there was no other course of action to take, Cole started the truck and pulled out onto the highway.

  Not a word passed between them the whole way to her house.

  Alyssa was out of the truck as soon as he brought it to a complete stop and slammed the door with as much force as she could muster. Eager to be away from him, she marched rapidly to her house, refuge within her grasp and not a moment too soon. She was a mass of nerves, on the verge of tears and she was spitting mad to boot.

  It took only a moment to unlock her door and she went through it quickly, relief surging through her that soon she would be out of his stifling presence. But, of course, that was too much to expect for Cole reached from behind and prevented her from slamming the door in his face. Gasping with outrage, she whirled around and pressed her hand against his solid chest. “Hold it right there, buster. You are not welcome in my home.”

  “Tough.” He easily brushed passed her, propelling her along with him by placing a firm hand against the middle of her back. He kicked the door closed with his foot, then folded his arms to look at her, his stance unyielding, his face pulled tight with impatience.

  “I have had quite enough of your manhandling, Cole.” Determined to stand her ground, Alyssa snapped her hand up and pointed to the door. “Get out.”

  “Will you stop acting like a childish brat? We need to talk.”

  “I have nothing further to say to you.” Was he obtuse? Couldn’t he see that talking was impossible between them?

  “Do I have to remind you that we both agreed to a truce? You are violating the agreement. Don’t think for a moment that Trisha won’t notice.”

  Alyssa’s jaw dropped in disbelief. She splayed a hand across her chest. “I am violating the truce? Who’s man-handling who?” She pushed her long hair behind her, wishing now that she had pinned it back, and once again motioned towards the door. “Out.”

  “No," he snapped. "Not until we talk.”

  “You want to talk, Cole? Fine. Talk.” Arms folded, she cocked her head with an air of feigned interest, her brows lifted with impatient inquiry. When he didn’t speak right away, she threw her hands up in exasperation. “Well? I’m waiting.”

  “You know what? Forget it. It is obvious you lack any sort of maturity to handle an adult conversation.” He turned and reached for the doorknob but this time it was Alyssa who did the arm grabbing.

  “Damn it, Cole. I’ve had enough of your insults.”

  “Have you now? Well let me tell you a little secret. That little shocker of a statement works both ways.” He pried her hand loose and pushed it away from him in disgust, taking care though, not to hurt her. “You get what you give, Al. Store that in your noggin and put it to better use some day.”

  “What do you want from me, Cole? Tell me that.”

  Her impassioned plea halted him. For a long moment he didn’t respond, then, with a sigh, he turned back to her. “Peace. Nothing more.”

  She considered him intently. So, he wanted some peace did he? And what of her? Would he in turn stay out of her life? “I tell you what, you keep out of my life, my business, you leave my dates alone and I’ll give you all the peace you want.”

  His lip curled. “Are you warning me off Paul?” Something in him snapped. “Maybe someone should straighten him out. Maybe he has a right to know what a spoiled little brat you are.”

  That was it. The final straw. With a screech of outrage, she flew at him. “You bastard. You stay away from Paul. Do you hear me, Cole? You stay away from him.” Her fists pummeled his chest, accentuating each word.

  Caught completely by surprise and shocked by her violent reaction, Cole grasped hold of her wrists and held them away from his body. “For Christ sake, Al, stop it.”

  Tears stung her eyes, blurring her vision. Having her hands out of commission only made her madder and she commenced to kicking his shins, wanting in that moment to rip him to shreds.

  “Damn it.” Cole managed to maneuver her against the wall, his body pressing close to inhibit her movements. Not knowing what else to do with her hands, he pressed them to the wall above her head "What in hell is wrong with you?”

  Alyssa squirmed in a useless attempt to wrench free. The anger surging through her was spiraling out of control and it made her voice hoarse when she finally managed to speak. “If you don’t let me go right now, I shall scream. And when Tilly hears me, she’ll call the police.” If there was one thing she could count on, it was her nosy neighbor Tilly Jones. She was always on the alert to what went on around her and she particularly seemed interested in Alyssa’s life. Her chin lifted, eyes narrowed to slits. “And when the police arrive, I will have you thrown in jail so quick your head will spin.”

  “Is that so?” Cole was not in the least concerned. “If anyone’s head is going to spin it will be yours. Next you’ll be spitting pea soup for Christ sake.” Seeing the scream she was gearing up for, Cole quickly placed both her hands in one of his and used the other to cover her mouth. “Let me give you a bit of advice. You so much as utter a peep and it is you who will be sorry.”

  Breathing rapidly, Alyssa jerked her head back, bumping it hard against the wall. The pain pissed her off as much as his manhandling did and she made a guttural sound deep in her throat, wishing she could tell him off. When he simply stared back at her, all calm and collected, she renewed her efforts to break free. His threats meant nothing for she knew he wouldn't hurt her. Even now, with her pinned against him like this, she wasn’t scared. But she was furiously angry with him and disgusted with herself for the weakness of her body. No matter how hard she squirmed, Cole didn't seem to have a problem maintaining his hold. It was so unfair.

  And it was sinfully exciting. Wishing that thought hadn't popped into her head, Alyssa renewed her struggle to be free of him. Only now she was becoming aware of other things going on besides their little battle of wills. A growing sensual excitement was skittering beneath the surface of her skin. The movements of her body against his muscular frame were sparking a need in her that was fast overpowering her anger. Heated awareness began to filter through her, melting her bones to putty. The intimacy of their situation soon became too much to ignore and Alyssa’s struggles stopped. If only he didn't feel so damn good. But he did and she was in a spot of trouble because of it. Why oh why did he make her feel this way, especially considering how much she hated him? And then a little voice in the back of her mind charged forward to proclaim a truth she was loath to admit. Fact was, she didn’t really hate him and therein was the problem.

  Cole’s gaze narrowed with distrust the moment the fight went out of her. “Are you going to keep your mouth shut?”

  She managed to nod and he relaxed his hold, pulling his hand away and placing it alongside her head. Instead of backing off, however, he remained closely pressed to her.

  Alarm shot through Alyssa
that he was figuring it out what was going on with her. “Let me go.” Was that really her voice, all husky and breathless? Panic set in as desire filtered through her, heating her insides, sparking a need for more. More of him, his touch, his kisses. With her head resting against the wall, Alyssa looked up and found him watching her, his eyes sharpening with consideration.

  Knowing she couldn't keep her sensual excitement from showing, Alyssa bent her head down just enough that her hair fell forward, further hiding her face from his view.

  Cole looked at Alyssa's bent head and noted that her breathing was coming in quick spurts. Although the fight had gone out of her, she was tense, trembling. He wasn’t sure if she was just building up for another struggle or if she was really done. “Are you going to behave yourself?”

  “Go to hell, Cole.” She couldn’t do it. She wouldn’t be able to hide her arousal from him. Getting out of this situation as quickly as possible was her only option. And so with that, Alyssa drew in a breath, preparing to scream bloody murder, and that's when Cole’s head dipped.

  “Damn you.” He muttered the words with infuriated exasperation just before closing his mouth over hers and effectively muffling her scream.

  She tried to turn her head away but Cole’s hand cupped her chin firmly, holding her still while his mouth continued its merciless onslaught. The tears which had been threatening to spill earlier now fell in earnest. She squeezed her eyes shut in an effort to staunch their flow and slumped within his hold. The effort it took to rein back the scalding tears made her throat ache. Trembling started deep within her, gaining momentum until her body began to shake. He was kissing her with so much anger and she just couldn’t deal with it anymore. She didn’t want his anger.

  Cole tasted the salt of her tears, felt her uncontrollable shaking and finally comprehended the sounds coming from her throat. He lifted his head and looked at her, his gut twisting as he did so. She looked so woebegone that it made his breath hitch. Her beautiful eyes were awash with tears and her lips, plump from his kisses, were trembling. Tenderness swelled in his chest and he wanted to kiss her again, caress her mouth with his own and give her comfort. The bruise on her forehead looked especially nasty against her pale skin and that made his chest tighten. Unable to look at her anymore, not when she looked so tragic, he closed his eyes and gave himself hell. What was he doing? Had he gone mad?

  “Alyssa.” Cole’s grip on her chin eased up and he gently caressed her cheek with his thumb. “I’m so sorry.” His voice rough with emotion, Cole opened his eyes and looked at her, remorse darkening them to a deep blue hue. He eased his body from hers and gentled his hold.

  Alyssa’s eyes widened, their shimmering surfaces projecting her inner misery. But he also saw alarm there and offered her a smile, wanting her to see that he was no longer angry. “I’m so very sorry.” His words were met with a strangled sob as she slumped against him. Dealing with some inner pain of his own, Cole bent his head and kissed her cheek, then brushed his lips into her hair and across her temple. “Don’t cry, Alyssa. Shhh.” All he wanted to do in that moment was comfort her, love her.

  Though it was Cole causing her torment, he was also offering her the comfort she so desperately needed. She decided to take it. Her head tilted back, bringing her mouth closer to his. Cole’s eyes were so very, very intense and shimmering with an emotion she couldn’t identify. She tugged at her hands and he immediately let go. Without giving her actions any thought, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close against her. He was strong and could offer her the strength she lacked. He was warm and could offer her the heat she sought. In that moment they connected and she needed a connection. “Please, Cole.” Her voice was a husky plea for something she couldn’t name. Though she suspected her soul knew exactly what it was she wanted.

  Cole’s eyes closed momentarily, his breathing rapid. Then his body tightened and he opened his eyes. There were questions in their soulful depths. And pain. With a shudder of remorse, he bent his head low, pausing within a hair’s breadth from her trembling lips. “I’m so very, very sorry.”

  Alyssa let out a whimper of sound and closed the small gap, her mouth parting as her lips brushed his ever so lightly. But then, just like that, the contact was not enough. Not even close. Her arms tightened and she felt a tremor go through Cole’s body. He resisted her effort to deepen the kiss for only a second or two and then his mouth plundered hers with passionate abandon.

  Need surged with aching intensity right down to the most intimate parts of her body. Feeling like a wanton and not giving a crap anymore, Alyssa moved with restless urgency against him.

  Cole responded by encircling her with his arms and holding her tightly against him. His tongue twisted with hers and Alyssa was treated to the most erotic kiss she'd ever experienced. Although they'd shared other passionate kisses, this one seemed to be happening with a complete loss of control on his part. It was raw and full of hunger and he tasted divine, decadent. Man chocolate. That’s what he was. She could get addicted to this so easily. Desire curled through her entire body, igniting an internal heat that threatened to sear her with its intensity. Her head buzzed with passion, nearly making her dizzy with it. She clung to him and silently begged for more.

  The force of feeling flowing between them was so powerful, so overwhelming that she'd never experienced anything like it. Hands down, it was the single most thrilling experience of her life. She was on fire, every one of her senses sharpened in awareness, bathing her in pleasure. He felt so incredibly good in her arms, so right. So very, very right. God help her, if they didn't get to the bedroom soon she was going to combust with need right there in her hallway.

  Cole pulled away, drew in a deep breath and fought to regain some control. Good God, he was going to burst into flame and expire on the spot if he didn’t get some air. Looking at Alyssa didn't help the situation. Her face was slumberous with passion and it shot an answering desire straight to his loins. He wanted her so badly that he literally had to quench the urge to tear at her clothes and plunge into her. His animal instinct was raging for completion. He felt wild and tender at the same time. How was this happening? Alyssa’s response was beyond any of his wildest dreams. She was so delightfully passionate, a little wildcat and she was driving him out of his mind with wanting her.

  His eyes roamed over her face and hers did the same in return. They both were panting for air, their bodies straining to touch however they could manage it. He couldn’t believe Alyssa was reacting to him this way. After all, she claimed to hate him. As for his feelings concerning her, well she irritated him beyond belief. Even so, his heart pounded in his ears and his throbbing loins jerked with need, pressing close to her heat.

  Alyssa’s head dropped to his chest as a shudder went through her.

  Cole closed his eyes. Every part of him was screaming to take this to its logical conclusion. They were both turned on and ready to have at it. But she was still recovering from her injuries of only a few days ago and he didn’t trust himself to be gentle. He was wild with a need that was nearly out of control. Jesus, he wanted to rip her clothes off and slam into her. Although she was responding to him with the same wild abandon, he didn’t believe she really wanted this. Their angry exchange had morphed into sexual excitement and he knew she’d hate him even more if they were to finish this. He didn’t want her hatred. Besides, she probably hadn’t yet recovered from her accident. She nearly got herself killed just a couple days ago. So what was he doing manhandling her like a savage beast?

  Although he'd never felt like this before, he knew that if he stayed a moment longer he would ravish her right there on the hallway floor. He just didn't feel capable of controlling his baser instincts, his raging urge to mate. She would hate him afterwards, he just knew it. He would also hate himself for taking advantage of her.

  So, though his body was screaming to stay right where it was, he forced himself to push away. It took every ounce of strength he had to do it. Determined t
o do the right thing, he set her firmly from him and without another word, turned and walked out the door.

  Alyssa sagged against the wall, her mind reeling with shock. He was leaving her like this? Her legs gave out and she sank to the floor.

  For the longest time she stared blankly at the wall opposite her, unable to assimilate what just happened. After what seemed like hours, the heat of passion gone, she uttered a soft groan of despair and dropped her head into her hands. How could she have acted so irrationally? Why did it have to be Cole that aroused her body to such feverish proportions? Even now, she could feel the ache of unfulfilled need pulsing inside her.

  Pushing herself from the floor, she fled for the bathroom. What she needed was a shower. A cold one.


  “Paul, thank God you're here.” With relief flooding through her, Alyssa pulled her friend and confident inside and gave him a hug, sure that if anyone could help her make sense of the craziness going on in her life, it was him.

  “Alyssa?” Paul pulled slightly away and studied her with concern. “What is it? When you called yesterday, it sounded serious. I wanted to come over right then.”

  Alyssa grasped hold of his hand and led him into the living room, sitting on the sofa and pulling him down alongside her. “I wasn’t in any frame of mind to see you yesterday, Paul. I’m sorry I worried you.”

  “What’s happened?” His perceptive gaze studied her closely. “Is that a bruise on your forehead?”

  Alyssa waved away his question. She did not want to get sidetracked talking about the accident when she had more pressing issues to discuss. “It’s nothing. A dumb, little bump due to my own careless stupidity.” She drew her legs up yoga style, propped her elbows on her knees, then rested her chin on her cupped hands. “I want to talk to you about Cole.”

  Though Paul was curious about the origins of her bruised forehead, he allowed her to change the subject. “Okay. What about him?”


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