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Tangled Up Hearts

Page 23

by Hughes, Deborah

  “Come on, Zeus. You hungry? Huh?”

  The dog followed her with sudden, understanding enthusiasm and when they entered the kitchen he headed straight for one of the closet doors. She opened it and found a huge bag of dried dog food taking up most of the floor space. As she located his bowl and filled it, Zeus sat and watched with eager anticipation. Doing this thing for him helped her heated body calm down and for that she was grateful. Determined to stay focused on her task, she refused to let her mind dwell on what had just happened.

  After setting the bowl in front of Zeus, she stood and watched him wolf it down for a few seconds then figured she ought to leave before he was finished. The last thing she wanted him to do was bolt out the door when she opened it. Since Cole was in no condition to let him back in, she didn't want to risk him having to stay outside all night.

  At the door, though, she paused and stared down the hall toward Cole's room. Though her brain was clanging with urgency that she return to him and finish what they started, she shook her head in denial of the demand and fled his house before she changed her mind.


  Saturday morning dawned bright and crisp. Though there was a chill in the air, all was serene calm, the clear sky promising to produce a beautiful day. Perfect for a wedding. Alyssa stretched, yawned and crawled reluctantly out of bed. She spent most of the night tossing and turning, unable to erase the sensual memories of Cole’s body entwined intimately with hers or the feel of his hot mouth driving her crazy. His smell surrounded her, a constant reminder of those moments in his arms and making her wish she had stayed right there. But then she'd congratulate herself for leaving. Just to regret that she didn't stay. And so it went. Around midnight she took a cold shower. It helped to dispel the heat of unfulfilled desire but did nothing to wash the erotic images from her mind.

  It mortified her to think Cole had the excuse of being drunk whereas she had nothing to blame but her own self. How to explain her actions? She scrubbed a hand over her face.

  Stop it, Alyssa. Get your mind on something else.

  She continued the self-talk as she headed for the bathroom and turned on the shower. It was a perfectly natural response she’d experienced last night. After all, Cole knew what he was doing. He was an experienced lover. She was a normal human being with normal needs just like everyone else. It didn’t mean anything.

  She didn’t believe it for a moment.

  The phone was ringing when she stepped out of the shower. Wrapping a towel hastily around herself, she ran into the bedroom to answer it. “Hello?”

  “This is it, Al. The big day.” Trisha’s bubbly voice was filled with so much excitement, Alyssa smiled and relaxed. This was her best friend's special day. She'd just focus on that.

  “It’s going to be perfect, Trisha.” She sat on the bed and pushed her wet hair back behind her. “I’ll be over in a few. Right after I get dressed and stop by the flower shop to pick up the bouquets.”

  “Oh, Al, I’m so happy. By the way, how was Cole last night? I called a few moments ago and his answering machine picked up.”

  Alyssa’s hand tightened on the phone. She spoke slowly, desperate to keep any hint of her confusion about yesterday from her voice. “He’s fine, Trisha. Cole is a big boy.”

  “I know. But I’ll feel better when I see him in his tux and our rings in his pocket.” She paused briefly then said, “He hasn’t been himself lately.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Oh I don’t know. He’s been brooding about something. It’s probably nothing, I just worry too much.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about it, Trisha. He’s concerned about you. That’s all it is.”

  “You’re probably right. Look, I gotta go, I’ve got a million things to do. Just think, Al, by six tonight, I’ll be married! See ya later.”

  Alyssa disconnected from the call and sat staring into space. If Trisha was right and something was bothering Cole, what possibly could it be? Maybe things weren’t going too well with Serena. Maybe that would explain his irrational behavior last night. Alyssa quickly dispelled the thought but only because she couldn’t believe Cole would get serious with someone like that girl. The man had his faults, plenty of them, but certainly he had enough sense to steer clear of serious involvement with vain, empty-headed, clinging-vine females? Besides, he seemed quite content with his single status and in no hurry to change it. For him, women were necessary only for the purpose of taking care of his needs and nothing more.

  Perhaps she was being unfair in her assessment of Cole’s love life but it gave her some measure of satisfaction to be critical of it. Even so, the last thing she needed to be thinking about was Cole and his love life. Just because they shared some hot kisses and bone-melting make-out sessions didn't mean she was the next notch on his bed post. If he thought so, she'd just set him straight as soon as she had the opportunity to do so.

  Determined to maintain that attitude, she stood and headed for the bathroom. What she needed to do was concentrate on getting ready for Trisha’s wedding. Everything else could wait.

  A few hours later she pulled into the Delaney's driveway and ignored the little jolt of excitement that shot through her when she saw Cole's truck. Pretending it didn't matter, she loaded up with the boxes of flowers in one arm and her garment bag in the other then struggled carefully up the walkway to the front door. Since her hands were not free to ring the doorbell, she leaned against it with her shoulder and waited for someone to open the door. She wasn’t prepared for that someone to be Cole.

  Cleanly shaven, dressed in worn blue jeans and a black t-shirt, his hair combed as neat as his thick wavy locks would allow, he looked his usual gorgeous self. They stared at each other for an awkward moment then his eyes dropped to the load in her arms.

  “Here let me help you with that.” He took the boxes from her hands and stepped back out of her way.

  The air suddenly absent from her lungs, Alyssa managed to walk by him without her bones turning to mush and plopping her into a heap at his feet. For the life of her she didn’t know what to do or say. Did he remember last night? Did he regret it as much as she did? Did she really regret it?

  “Trisha is upstairs taking a long bubble bath.” Cole sat the boxes down on a table and peered inside one of them. “Those are nice.”

  Alyssa stood behind him feeling uncertain and awkward. If Trisha was taking a bath then she couldn’t very well make her escape up there. And she couldn't stand here with him either. “So, where’s your parents?”

  Cole turned to face her, a deep frown creasing the area between his brows. “Out. Alyssa, about last night.” He stopped, uncertain how to go on. The events of last night were foggy in his mind. He remembered Alyssa bandaging his hand and feeding him. He remembered her helping him to his room. The rest had to be a dream. Surely his fantasies of late had taken over at that point. No way in hell would she lay with him that way, respond to him as his dream Alyssa had responded. He had to be losing his mind. Though why on earth he was having vivid sexual fantasies about Al he couldn't say. So what did happen? He looked at her closely hoping to extract something from her expression that might give him a clue. Her features, however, were schooled into a blank mask. In fact, she was being her usual evasive self. Her eyes went everywhere but towards him. Apparently, as she took great pleasure in telling him once, she couldn’t stand the sight of him. “Thanks for your help.”

  Alyssa let out a slow breath and relaxed. He didn’t remember. He couldn’t possibly remember or he would have said something. “It was no problem, Cole. Trisha asked me to stop by. She was worried about you.”

  Though he couldn’t explain it, Cole experienced a plummeting feeling of disappointment at her response. Of course she didn't stop by for her own reasons. She didn't come near his place unless Trisha instigated it and only then with some emotional arm-twisting. One thing for sure, those images of Alyssa in his arms were nothing more than the result of alcohol induced delusions. R
eal or not, though, his body was responding to them anyway. He turned away from her, not wanting her to see the embarrassing evidence. “I need some coffee. Can I get you some?” He knew his voice was tight but could do nothing about it. Under the circumstances, he was lucky to speak at all.

  “No thank you.” Alyssa watched him disappear through the kitchen door and bit her lip to keep it from trembling. Of course nothing had changed. He could no more stand her company today than any other time. Except when he was drunk, of course. Or furiously angry.

  But what of those other times? Like up in the attic or the day they had that fight then went at it in her hallway? That small voice inside her head taunted with those questions and her heart stuttered at the possibilities they suggested. Was it really possible that he was attracted to her? Well if he was then it was pretty obvious he didn't want to be. She wasn't worth it to him to give it a try.

  “Al? I thought I heard your voice," Trisha leaned over the upstairs banister. "Come on up here.”

  Alyssa looked up to see her friend wrapped in a white robe, her short wet hair plastered to her head. Glad for the distraction, Alyssa took the stairs two at a time.

  An hour later Alyssa was getting all the distraction she needed keeping her friend on track.

  “Al, this is so exciting.” Trisha whirled in her seat and stared at her with a wide, happy grin splitting her cute face and her hand resting on her thickening tummy. “I got morning sickness this morning.”

  “And that pleases you? You are a lug head.”

  Trisha laughed gaily. “It just makes it seem more real somehow. I can’t believe that a tiny little life is forming inside me.” She gently caressed her stomach, giving it a gentle pat. “It’s a miracle going on right inside me." She looked up at Alyssa, her eyes bright with tears. "We are going to be a great family.”

  “Yes you are. You and Jack are very fortunate.” Alyssa grabbed Trisha’s shoulders and forced her to turn back around. She was trying to style her hair. A task that was proving to be quite the challenge. “I wish you would sit still for a moment. You are making this impossible.”

  “Just think, Al, someday you will be in this position. And when you are, you won’t want to sit still either.”

  Alyssa smiled wistfully. “Perhaps.”

  Something in her tone must have bothered Trisha because she again swung around to look at her. “You will get married someday, Al. You are far too beautiful a person for that not to happen.” She gave her a confident smile and turned back to the mirror. “If I were psychic, I would even say that it will be sooner than you think.”

  Alyssa paused and met her eyes in the mirror. “Why do you say that?”

  “Since I’m not psychic, I guess it doesn’t really matter.”

  She wasn’t making any sense but Alyssa figured it was because she was far too preoccupied with her wedding to be talking sensibly. Setting down the brush, she stepped back and admired her handiwork. “Trisha, you are a beautiful bride.”

  Laughing with delight, Trisha stood up, twirled into a low bow of thanks then pointed to the chair. “Okay, now it's your turn.”

  It didn't take Alyssa quite as long to get ready. One, because she was far more patient than her friend, and two, Trisha gave her a quick loose chignon that didn't require a lot of work on her part. She couldn't have handled anything more complicated or time-consuming and Alyssa liked keeping it simple. She applied just a minimal amount of makeup then slid on her pale blue dress, the color accentuating the darker blue of her eyes. She loved the way the silky material molded to her body until it reached her hips. From there it flared in a loose skirt, the length ending just above her knees. She thought it showed off her legs and slender curves without being too flashy. The spaghetti straps left her shoulders bare and though the bodice was cut lower than she normally preferred, she didn't think the small amount of cleavage showing was enough to raise eye-brows. She felt beautiful and feminine and most importantly, comfortable.

  "Al, your tanned skin makes me envious. You are gorgeous. You know that?" Trisha gave her a tight hug. "I love you. You are the best friend ever." When she pulled away, she was holding out a small box for her. "My gift to you."

  Gasping in surprise, Alyssa took the box and opened it. A diamond tear necklace lay sparkling at her from a bed of cotton. "Trisha! It's lovely!"

  "Turn around, let me put it on you. I'm so glad you are wearing a dress that will go very well with it." Once the necklace was clasped, she stood back and sighed with admiration. "You look fabulous."

  Seeing that Trisha's eyes were tearing up, Alyssa wagged a finger at her, blinking her own eyes to keep them clear. "Don't make us cry. It will ruin our make-up!"

  Laughing, Trisha slid an arm around her shoulders and turned them both so they could look in the mirror. "Seriously, aren't we looking wonderful today?"

  "You are very beautiful, Trisha. That dress is perfect on you."

  Trisha laid her head against Alyssa's. "The reception might be small but the few guys who are going to be there will be all over themselves trying to get your attention."

  Alyssa laughed. "All four of them? Say it isn't so!"

  Trisha gave her a friendly punch in the arm. "There will be more than four. Jack has friends and family you haven't met yet." She stepped away and headed for the window. "I wonder if the limo has arrived yet?"

  While Trisha peered out the window, Alyssa stared at her reflection. She did look nice. Would Cole think so as well? The question no sooner took form and she was telling herself it didn't matter. Seriously, what the heck did she care what Cole thought? She turned to watch Trisha and loved how the light from the window put a glow around her. Hoping her friend didn't move, Alyssa searched for her cellphone then snatched it up and quickly took a picture. “Trisha you are going to bowl that poor man of yours right over.”

  Trisha laughed and turned her head to see that Alyssa was looking about the room. “What are you looking for?”

  “Smelling salts. We’ll have to revive Jack or there won’t be a wedding.”

  Trisha laughed with delight, her face lit with an inner joy Alyssa envied. A knock at the door was quickly followed by Jenna's appearance. Her eyes sought out her daughter and when she saw her, Jenna drew in a quick breath and halted in her steps. “Oh my dear, you are so lovely." She turned to Alyssa and included her in the smile. "Both of you.” Giving a decisive nod and blinking rapidly to keep her tears at bay, Jenna clasped her hands. “Well then...I guess you’re both ready." She looked at Trisha, her expression solemn and meaningful. "The limo just arrived. It's time to go.”

  Trisha drew in a deep breath. “Well, this is it.”

  Alyssa opened the door and curtsied. “Your chariot awaits, Mademoiselle.”

  Trisha floated past her with a flourish, giving a regal nod of her head as she did so.

  Smiling at her daughter's playfulness, Jenna linked arms with Alyssa. "We'll let our princess have her moment without sharing the spotlight. Her father and Cole are waiting impatiently to see her."

  Cole and Thomas Delaney stood at the foot of the stairs, their eyes on Trisha and lit with the appreciation her friend deserved. Free to look without being noticed, Alyssa sucked in her breath when her eyes took in Cole’s handsome figure. Could he look any more gorgeous? Did he have to possess so much sex appeal? She couldn’t pull her eyes off him and was glad his gaze remained pinned on his sister. In fact, he didn't even so much as glance in her direction. Which was fine. Should he notice her ogling him, she'd have been mortified.

  When Trisha made it to the last step, Cole gave a low whistle and bent to kiss her cheek. “Trisha, you are so lovely it hurts the eyes to look upon you.”

  Trisha giggled. “And you are looking extremely handsome yourself, dear brother.”

  Thomas stepped forward and offered her his arm. “Shall we, princess?”

  With a slight dip of her head, she took his arm. "We shall, my father!"

  Smiling with amusement, Jenna watched the
ir greeting then turned to Alyssa once they reached the floor. “We thought you and Cole could ride together. We are going to ride with Trisha. Is that okay?” She glanced from her son to Alyssa and clearly did not expect them to disagree with the plan. It really wasn't a question.

  Cole was focusing so hard on his mother and taking great pains to not look at Alyssa that he missed what she said. "What?" Was it too much to hope that they did not realize part of his brain was not functioning properly? It was too busy conjuring up images of him whisking Alyssa up the stairs to a bedroom, where he could then bring to life the fantasies playing in his head since he woke up this morning. Did she have any idea the affect she had on men? On him?

  "I said, can you and Al ride together?"

  Cole looked at his mother. She met his gaze with a lift of one brow. He nodded wordlessly, knowing that the longer he took to answer, the more she would question the reason for the delay. "Of course."

  Jenna smiled and patted his cheek in a loving gesture before heading out the door. "You look so handsome, Cole. I'll see you both at the church."

  Cole's hands tightened into fists as he watched his mother walk out the door, leaving him alone with Al. He wasn't expecting this to happen. He thought for sure Al would ride to the church with Trisha. How in the world was he supposed to handle being in the confined space of his truck with her? He’d be a wreck by the time they reached the church. Those images of her in his arms would not go away and now she was standing right beside him looking so beautiful, they were sure to make him go mad. The memories seemed so real. If it happened, he wanted it to happen again. If it didn’t happen then he wanted to see if the reality was as good as the fantasy.

  Without turning to look at her, Cole strode to the door and waited for Al to join him. “After you.” When she didn't move, he glanced at her briefly, his eyes raking over her like a starved dog before returning to stare blindly out the door. Damned if he didn’t feel like a teenage boy whose hormones had gone into overdrive. He was thirty-one years old for Christ sakes, surely he’d learned how to control his body by now?


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