Tangled Up Hearts

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Tangled Up Hearts Page 31

by Hughes, Deborah

  Her kinder voice of reason chimed in against that disturbing thought with the reminder that Trisha and Jack believed Cole loved her. Then again, what did the two of them really know about it? They didn’t know everything that had gone on between the two of them. They didn’t know the half of it. Their assumptions could very well be way off the mark. Perhaps he hadn’t been happy lately because things didn’t go right between him and that blond wench he seemed so fond of. Or, maybe he secretly did like that Cassie girl and was upset that she wasn't interested. Though how she couldn't be interested was beyond Alyssa's understanding.

  Fear set in that those last thoughts were probably a more apt assumption and her resolve to talk dissolved. She needed to let go of her most fervent wish and accept that she and Cole would never be together. Pain seared through her, making her sick at heart. Oh God, how was she going to live without him? She would never love anyone else. She couldn’t. Her heart was too tangled up with love for him and she couldn’t imagine it ever wanting to beat for anyone else. What a bleak future she faced. One filled with loneliness. It was something she hadn’t allowed herself to think about until now. Instead of facing her pain, she had run from it. And yet here she was, right back where she started.

  After indulging in some tears, Alyssa began to worry that Cole might come home and find her there, a situation she no longer desired. So she fought to calm her emotions and waited until she was back in emotional control before she pulled out of his driveway.

  If Cole wanted to talk to her then he could come to New York.

  * * *

  Cole had only gone a few miles down the road when a warning flashed on his dashboard screen telling him that he was losing air pressure. Seconds later his ride went rough and he pulled over to the side of the road. Once he came to a safe stop, he slammed his hands to the steering wheel in frustration. Why did everything always have to go wrong? He couldn’t even get out of town without there being problems.

  Zeus whimpered beside him and Cole reached over to pet his head. “We blew a tire, ole boy, nothing to worry about.” He got out of the SUV and walked around to the back. Yep, flat as a pancake. He kicked at it with frustration then popped open the back to retrieve the spare. Only it wasn't there. Disbelief shot through him and he looked again. What the hell?

  Could anything else possibly go wrong? He went in search of his cell phone then remembered that he’d left it next to the drafting table to charge. He’d been in such a hurry to leave he walked right out the door and left it. His On-Star wasn't working either because when he bought the vehicle, he wasn't in the mood to set up an account. Damn it all to hell.


  Although it was her intention to go home, Alyssa decided to go for a drive first and give her face a chance to clear up. The last thing she wanted to deal with were prying questions from her parents. As for Trisha, well, she was definitely not up to talking to her right now either.

  She'd only gone a few miles when she saw a vehicle pulled over alongside the road. A man was leaning against the back of it with his head down and a dejected stance projecting from his tall, lean frame. Alyssa slowed down and pulled in behind him. Though she knew it was not a good idea to stop for men on lonely highways, she didn’t have the heart to drive by when there was someone obviously in need of assistance. Just in case, though, Alyssa grabbed her cellphone and punched in 911, keeping her finger ready on the send button.

  She stepped out of her car just as the man lifted his head and straightened. What the...no way! She stopped dead in her tracks and stared in disbelief.

  Cole looked back at her with what she'd guess was the same expression on her own face.

  They stared at each other for several long, tense moments. Her eyes ate him up. It seemed ages since she saw him last and she'd missed him.

  “Alyssa? What are you doing here?” She was the absolute last person in the world Cole expected to have stop and help him. And really, what were the chances of that? She never came out here. Never. There was no reason for her to even be on this road.

  Alyssa could not believe what she was seeing either and blinked her eyes. Yup, still there. Finally she managed to speak. “What are you doing here?”

  “I was headed to my cabin. My tire blew out.” His eyes drank in her features. She’d lost weight. Her face was a little splotchy. She was absolutely beautiful.

  “Well…um…do you need me to take you anywhere?” Like into my arms forever? Her heart pounded a rapid staccato in her chest, making it difficult to breath. Oh God. What were the chances of this happening? Was this divine interference? Was fate working on her side for a change?

  “My spare tire must be at the house. If you could give me a lift?” He didn’t want to talk about tires. He wanted to kiss her and never stop.

  “Sure.” She saw Zeus panting excitedly in the window and Cole opened the door to let him out. The dog ran straight for her and jumped up with excited enthusiasm to lick her face. Alyssa staggered back, laughing. Once she had her footing, she gave the dog an affectionate hug. “Okay, Zeus. Down.”

  Cole envied his dog. Why couldn’t he just do that? He’d give anything to slobber all over her face. Christ. What was he supposed to say to her? He didn’t want to talk, he wanted to pull her into his arms, absorb her into his system and never let her go. It took all he had to keep his arms at his sides.

  Wondering why he was so quiet, Alyssa made a small gesture and turned back to the car. After a brief hesitation Cole followed her.

  They didn’t say anything during the short ride to his house.

  The moment her car came to a stop in his driveway, Cole turned in his seat to look at her. Alyssa found she couldn't face him and stared straight ahead, unable to even glance his way.

  Cole sighed. She was probably still disgusted with him. He didn’t blame her. He was quite disgusted with himself. “I’ll just go get that tire then.” He opened the door and Zeus jumped over the seat and flew out the door behind him, taking off at a run and disappearing around the house. "Zeus! Get back here!"

  Alyssa shut off her car and hopped out. “I’ll get him.”

  Cole went to the garage in search of his tire and his nerve.

  Alyssa went around the house in search of the dog and her courage.

  Zeus was nowhere in sight.

  Although she'd been initially glad for the distraction of fetching Cole's dog, she grew worried when repeated calls did nothing to bring him back.

  Cole soon joined her, his eyes giving the yard a quick sweep. "He hasn't come back yet?"

  Alyssa gestured toward the woods. “I hope he won't get lost."

  "No. He knows those woods better than I do." Although that was certainly true, it wasn't like his dog to go running off like that. And it certainly wasn’t like him not to come when called. Damn, now what? He couldn’t very well take off and leave him there. Wondering what Alyssa thought of the situation, Cole chanced a glance in her direction. She stood with a pensive expression in her eyes, staring off into the woods though he didn't think she was thinking about his recalcitrant mutt. Well at least she wasn't scowling at him in disgust. That had to be a good sign if nothing else. “Why don’t we go inside? I'm sure he’ll be back before long.”

  They fell into step beside each other but didn't say another word. In fact, they didn't even look at each other.

  Cole unlocked the door and stepped aside so she could enter first. Alyssa walked into his house then waited for him to give direction on what they were to do now.

  Cole shut the door then stood there facing it. When he stayed that way, Alyssa took a step toward him. “Cole?”

  “Alyssa, about Paul…” his voice broke off and he shook his head.

  “It’s okay, Cole. I know what you thought.” Tenderness welled in her chest and came out in her voice, making it crack with emotion. Why wouldn’t he turn around and look at her?

  “It was unforgivable what I did.” He pressed his palms to the door and hung his head. “You don’t kn
ow how sorry I am.”

  The rough tone of his remorse tugged at her heart and Alyssa took another step toward him. “I think I do, Cole. But you aren’t half as sorry as I am.”

  His shoulders sagged. “I imagine you must hate me.”

  Alyssa shook her head, denying the words but unable to speak and tell him so. Tears trickled from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. She swiped at them and fought for control. After a moment, she finally found her voice again. “I’ve never hated you, Cole. I think I’ve always loved you.” Her heart pounded at the admission but it had to be said. Even if he didn’t love her back. She was done with hiding her feelings and she was done with fighting. Their war was officially over.

  Cole's head came up and Alyssa held her breath as she waited for his response. He turned around and looked at her, his eyes filled with pain and hope. “I don’t deserve your love.”

  “Oh, Cole, you deserve mine and more.” She stepped closer. “I’ve been so hateful to you, Cole. Can you ever forgive me?”

  He closed his eyes and sucked in a breath. “There’s nothing to forgive.” He covered his face with his hands and groaned. “I can’t believe I hit a priest. What Paul must think of me I can just imagine.”

  Alyssa grabbed his hands and pulled them away from his face, keeping hold of them and squeezing gently. “Paul said you were hurting very much to have done what you did. He understood, Cole. It was me that had the problem.” She pulled his hands close against her. “I love you, Cole. With all my heart.”

  A tremor shook his body and his eyes bored into hers with such intensity it took her breath away. “Alyssa, I love you too. I think I always have.” He pulled her into his arms and held her close, nearly smothering her in the process. A tremor went through his body and he buried his face in her hair. “I must be dreaming.”

  Alyssa gave a shaky laugh, the elation running through her almost too much to handle. “Well I like this dream, Cole. Let’s never wake up.”

  He lifted his head to smile at her and she cupped his face with her hands, giving him a gentle tug. “Kiss me, Cole, kiss me quick.”

  He didn’t need any further urging. Cole’s mouth closed over hers then deepened instantly into hungering need. They went at each other with feverish passion, each of them trying to express how they felt in that all-consuming kiss. A beautiful warmth spread through Alyssa's entire being and she started to laugh deep in her throat.

  Cole lifted his head. “What’s so funny?” He rained kisses over her face, her eyes, her neck.

  “I’m just so happy, Cole, so very, very happy.” She did her best to return kiss for kiss.

  His mouth pressed close to her ear. “We’ve wasted so much time, Alyssa.”

  “Then we have a lot of making up to do don’t we?”

  His mouth returned to devour her yet again, his tongue tangling sensually with hers. Groaning with increasing urgency, Cole slipped his hands under her sweater and across her hot, silky skin. She shivered beneath his touch and he lifted his head to gulp in air. “I’m drowning fast here, my love.”

  “Then by all means, let me drown with you.” While he sucked in air, she pressed hot kisses on his neck.

  With a muttered expletive, Cole bent and lifted her into his arms.

  Alyssa tightened her hold around his neck. “Where are we going?”

  “Off to finish this.” He growled when she nibbled his ear making her laugh with delight. Unable to wait one more second and needing to ensure she was his forever, Cole stopped and pressed his forehead to hers, his warm breath fanning her face. “Marry me, Alyssa.”

  “Oh my God, Cole!” She kissed his mouth then rained more all over his face. “I would love to marry you and please, let's have a short engagement.”

  "The shortest on record," He agreed. Grinning like an alley cat discovering the mother lode, Cole set her on the bed then followed her down, stretching his body above her and holding himself up by his forearms. He looked deeply into her eyes. “I love you. With all my heart and soul, I love you.”

  “Then show me, Cole. Show me.”

  “It will take forever.”

  “That’s all right. I have forever.” His mouth closed over hers and he was determined that this time he wasn't stopping until they were both thoroughly satisfied.

  Off in the distance a dog barked and they drew apart to look at each other and laugh. Cole tugged off his shirt and Alyssa ran her hands over his exposed skin, his muscles rippling beneath her touch. "I think you are a bit overdressed for what I have in mind." He bent to kiss her mouth then helped her into a sitting position so he could assist with removing her shirt. "Remind me to reward that mutt would you?"

  "We owe him big time." But he was going to have to wait because there were more pressing things to take care of at the moment. Hot, pleasurable, passionate things.

  Zeus flopped down on the front porch and let out a long, low groan. After giving the door one more look, he laid his big head on his paws and closed his eyes. It was a long time he had to wait for his dinner.


  About the author

  Deborah Hughes started writing stories as soon as she learned how to put letters together and make words. If she wasn't writing them, she was thinking about them. And when she wasn't writing or thinking about stories, she was reading them. Since her book selection came from her mother's personal library and her mother loved romances, Deborah came to love them too.

  When Deborah was seven, she moved into a haunted old farmhouse and the seven years she lived there helped to shape her beliefs and develop her interests. Although most of her books center around a paranormal element, she thought she'd keep that out of this particular story. The next book, however...Cassie's story (yes, the same Cassie that popped up in this book!) as told in "Moments in the Moonlight" ... does contain some paranormal flavor! For Tangled Up Hearts, though, Deborah wanted to keep the entire focus on the feuding couple. What fun to see how Alyssa and Cole would come to love each other and discover in the end that there is nothing to fight about!

  Now that the publishing world has become more accessible to her (thanks to Amazon's advent of Self-Publishing), Deborah plans to keep writing until her imagination gives out on her. She doesn't expect that to happen until she herself crosses over...and who knows, maybe from there she'll dictate her stories to whoever will listen! Sometimes, she thinks that's what's happening with the stories she writes now!

  Deborah loves hearing from her readers! She encourages all who may feel moved to do so to connect with her on Facebook under Deborah J. Hughes Author Page or to join her on Twitter @DeborahJHughes. Or you can email her at [email protected]. Her blog focuses on her paranormal interests but it's a great way to connect and though she thinks she needs to post more often, she always goes back to it when she has something important to share! Check it out at www.DeborahJHughes.com.

  Finally, in the world of publishing, the written review is all too important! Deborah would love, love, love it if you were to leave one...either on the Amazon book page or on Goodreads! Good or bad, she reads them all and strives continually to put out a story worth reading. After all, she's the first to read them and she has to read every one over and over and over again. It has to be good and it has to hold her interest to keep her going back again and again and again to get it right!

  Books by Deborah J. Hughes

  Contemporary Romances

  Tangled Up Hearts

  Moments in the Moonlight

  Tess Schafer-Medium Series

  Be Still, My Love

  Hidden Voices

  Vanquishing Ghosts

  Rosemary's Ghosts

  Ghost Trouble

  Haunting Ground

  Paranormal Thriller

  No Matter What

  Don't forget to leave a review! Pretty please and THANK YOU!

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