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The Rise of the Resistance

Page 17

by Jackie D

  The general squeezed his hat together. “Sir, no one will take orders from a female.”

  Adon slammed his hands on the desk. “You’ll take orders from whomever I tell you to take fucking orders from! Is that clear?”

  “Sir, if I can just—”

  “Is that clear?”

  “Yes, sir.” The general bowed his head, his jaw clenching.

  Nora put out her cigarette and placed a hand on his back. “Turn on the emergency notification system inside all the villages. Tell them their weather bubbles are being turned off in twenty-four hours. For those that want to come to Eden, we will welcome them with open arms. Everyone else will be considered an imminent threat against President MacLeod.”

  The general still had his head down, but his tone was acerbic. “Wouldn’t it be more efficient to just turn them off without warning?”

  Nora shook her head and smiled. “We’re playing the long game here, General. We still need these people to want to come here. They need to feel as if we’re being lenient and accepting. If we just kill them all, where would that leave us? That’s the problem with men; you think everything is obtained with brute force. But you catch more flies with honey. Plus, if there are people that start to turn within the ranks of these traitors, it will send a shockwave through their little organization. And it will put them on our timeline. Do you really think they can survive without the weather bubbles? No, they’ll have to make their move, and we have them beat based on sheer numbers. They’ll come to us or they’ll starve or die from dehydration. Simple.”

  The general straightened and saluted the president, never making eye contact with Nora. “I’ll take care of it, sir.”

  Adon wrapped his arm around Nora’s waist, just to get under the general’s skin. “And for the last time, bring me Kaelyn Trapp.”

  He dropped his salute and went out the door.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Arrow’s internal clock started to sound in her head. She checked her watch to confirm that she was correct. Three hours of sleep was all she was allowing herself, and that time had come to an end. She tried to slide her arm out from underneath Kaelyn. At some point in the middle of the night, she’d managed to pull her close.

  Kaelyn noticed her movements and pulled her arm back down on top of her. “Ten more minutes.”

  Arrow was going to protest, but really, what would ten more minutes hurt? Plus, she didn’t want to leave this place. The way Kaelyn’s hair fell over her face, the way she smelled of springtime and happiness, was enough to make her stay here like this for as long as Kaelyn would allow.

  Kaelyn rolled over, tucking her head in Arrow’s neck. She wrapped her arms around her and started to rub her back. Kaelyn shifted her leg so that it rested between Arrow’s. “Where is everyone?”

  “They’re in the next room over. Someone has to stay with you at all times.” Arrow tried to keep her voice as quiet as possible. She was worried that any disturbance to this moment would make it go away.

  Kaelyn’s hand moved up Arrow’s back and into her hair. “Can this ten minutes just be us? I don’t want to think about anything else right now.”

  The breath against her neck sent shivers throughout Arrow’s body. She wanted to be closer to Kaelyn, but she didn’t think that was physically possible. “Yes, whatever you want.”

  “And if I want you?” Kaelyn’s lips traced the words along Arrow’s ear.

  Arrow spoke before she allowed herself the opportunity to think about it. “Would you still want me if it could only ever be these ten minutes?”

  Kaelyn ran her fingers along Arrow’s stomach and to her belt buckle, pulling it open. Arrow looked down to see if what she thought was happening was actually happening. Her movement was met with Kaelyn’s lips against hers. The softness and urgency in Kaelyn’s lips was enough to make Arrow forget any apprehension she had a second before.

  Arrow lifted her hands into Kaelyn’s hair, her palms resting against the sides of her face. Kaelyn bit down on Arrow’s lip and tugged her closer. Arrow felt as if her body were plugged into an energy source, awakened from a sleep she never realized she was in. She slid under Kaelyn’s shirt, desperate to take it off but wanting to make this moment last as long as possible.

  Kaelyn moved into her with every stroke of Arrow’s fingertips against her ribs. Kaelyn’s mouth moved rapidly down to Arrow’s collarbone. Kaelyn didn’t appear to have the same need to savor the excruciatingly blissful moment as she pulled Arrow’s shirt over her head and then took off her own. When their bodies came back together, the sensation of Kaelyn’s bare skin against hers broke the last thread of Arrow’s conscious ability to carefully navigate their relationship.

  Arrow closed her eyes and breathed Kaelyn in, felt her hands slide down her pants, forcing them lower until Arrow was completely free from them. Kaelyn didn’t make quick work of her boxer briefs as she’d expected, though. Instead, she ran her fingers slowly down Arrow’s center, using the material that remained as a veiled promise of what was to come. The friction of the soft fabric against Arrow’s sensitive skin changed the pace of her breathing. She was desperately trying to hang on to the present as the sensation of desire, longing, and urgency took form in her hands raking down Kaelyn’s bare back.

  Kaelyn let out a soft groan and bucked against her, pushing her hand harder against Arrow’s slick center. Arrow removed one of her hands from Kaelyn’s back, letting her fingertips slide along Kaelyn’s sweating stomach and down below the waistband of her underwear. Kaelyn forced her hips harder into Arrow, urging her hand lower.

  When Arrow’s fingertips met the warm wetness between Kaelyn’s legs, Kaelyn tightened her grip around Arrow’s neck, pulling her closer until there was no space left between them. Arrow was mesmerized by the way Kaelyn’s body moved against her hand in perfect rhythm. Her breath and the soft noises that were coming from the back of Kaelyn’s throat urged her along, stroke by stroke.

  Kaelyn abandoned the fabric and moved her hand underneath, causing Arrow’s vision to blur and a warm, tingling wave radiated out from between her legs. Arrow knew she was close but wanted to make this last for as long as possible.

  She pushed her fingers harder against Kaelyn’s center and felt her begin to twitch against her, rocking her hips harder and faster. She felt Kaelyn’s fingers dig into her back, and her breathing became more ragged and desperate. Arrow felt the first wave of her orgasm beginning and wanted Kaelyn to experience it at the same time.

  Kaelyn pushed her fingertips against Arrow’s clit and lightly squeezed, pushing up and down. Arrow slid her fingers inside and felt Kaelyn come around her. Arrow tipped over the edge, the tsunami of pleasure crashing against all her senses.

  The waves of pleasure were overwhelming her senses, and she started to shake, an unintentional outcome of the cascade of emotions and pleasure she was feeling. Against her neck, she could feel Kaelyn smiling, lightly kissing the dampness she’d caused.

  “You’re amazing,” Kaelyn said between breaths.

  Arrow wasn’t sure how much she had to do with it. She’d never had a sexual encounter with this much intensity, this much emotion, or that ended with this level of satisfaction.

  “That was amazing.” She put her forehead against Kaelyn’s.

  “Ten minutes isn’t long enough.” Kaelyn pushed the hair out of Arrow’s eyes.

  Arrow didn’t need to look at her watch to know that it had been longer than ten minutes. But it didn’t matter. For this brief period, all that mattered was Kaelyn. She knew it couldn’t last, that fate wasn’t built that way. But she was going to hang on to it for as long as she could.

  * * *

  Kaelyn had been protected by some of the most qualified and capable people in the world. But she’d never felt safer and more herself than she did right now, lying in Arrow’s arms. Sure, the sex had been incredible, but that wasn’t all that had transpired between them. If they were in a different place, if they were different people, this woul
d’ve been the beginning of a promise, one she would have no problem keeping for the rest of her life.

  She ran her hand over Arrow’s face, wanting to memorize the way her stormy gray eyes looked at her as if she were the only person in the world. She needed to remember everything about this moment. It would be all she would have left after everything fell into place. Kaelyn already knew she would look back on these few stolen moments together as the best in her life. Arrow’s skin was still flushed, and her lips were swollen from the fervor Kaelyn had needed and wanted from her. Now both were proof that they had happened, that what they felt was real. And Kaelyn would need that. She needed all of this, and it would be part of her forever.

  She took Arrow’s hand from where it rested on her waist and kissed her knuckles. Arrow’s eyes grew dark, desire reigniting. Her heart beat faster and her head grew fuzzy. She felt intoxicated. But whatever her body was calling her to do was interrupted by a knock at the door.

  “We need to get going.” Valor’s voice reverberated through the wood paneling.

  “Time’s up.” Arrow tried to smile, but the sentiment didn’t reach her eyes.

  Kaelyn’s heart wanted to protest. She wanted to say screw it all and stay right here with Arrow for as long as they could possibly manage. But there were too many people counting on them and the roles they were meant to play.

  Kaelyn kissed her slowly. She needed one more memory to tuck away, something that only belonged to them, a part of themselves they didn’t have to share with the rest of the world. Arrow put her hands on Kaelyn’s face, seeming to understand the significance of that kiss. There were still so many things she wanted to experience with Arrow, things time didn’t allow. So she did the only thing she could do; she kissed her harder, trying to articulate her thoughts and feelings into a single action. It wasn’t enough. It would never be enough.

  Arrow pulled away first, answering Valor. “We’ll be down in a few.”

  Arrow moved away from her, sitting up in bed. The simple action hurt more than any physical injury Kaelyn had ever sustained. She fought the urge to pull her back down. Instead, Kaelyn watched as Arrow walked naked into the bathroom to take a shower. She thought back to her life before her cryo state. She would’ve moved mountains to find someone like Arrow. But this wasn’t seventy years ago and this was her new life. It was a sick twist of fate to have found someone that made her feel like this, knowing she’d never really be hers. She pushed herself out of bed, needing to face a destiny that had been set in motion for her seventy years ago.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Olivia was saying her good-byes and giving her assurances to everyone when Kaelyn got to the transport. The tunnel here was well lit and there were lots of people milling around, most of whom stopped and watched as she made her way to her group.

  “I hope to see you soon, Phoenix One.” She shook Kaelyn’s hand.

  “Olivia, please, call me Kaelyn.”

  Olivia nodded. “Yes, of course, Kaelyn. Take care.” She was being polite, but her face was etched with concern.

  “We’re going to do everything we can for your people.” Kaelyn hoped it wasn’t an empty promise.

  “They’re your people too, and they’re counting on you.” Olivia hugged her. “Stay safe.”

  Kaelyn got into the back seat of the transport, her normal seat. But there was nothing normal about today. Everything looked different, smelled different, even the instant coffee she’d choked down before coming outside tasted different. She’d read poetry about a single night changing your life. She’d heard songs about how colors seemed brighter, but she’d never experienced it. That is, until now.

  Arrow programmed their next location into their navigation system, and Kaelyn couldn’t take her eyes off her. The way her fingers moved, the way her forearm flexed in the sunlight. Everything about her seemed to deserve a moment of silence for appreciation. But no one else noticed, everyone was going about their day as if nothing had happened.

  “We’ll be in Kokomo, Indiana, in eight hours and four minutes if we maintain ninety-three miles per hour.” Valor folded the map.

  “A lot can happen in eight hours,” Arrow said.

  “We can’t go any faster in the tunnel.” Valor slid the map into the side compartment of the transport. “You should use that time to rest anyway.”

  “I’m fine.” Arrow seemed annoyed with Valor’s response.

  Kaelyn didn’t know what had been said while she wasn’t with the others, but something had transpired. She’d been so caught up in her own thoughts she hadn’t noticed the annoyance Arrow was emanating until now. She wanted to ask what the problem was, but she thought it better to simply remain quiet. She didn’t know the inner workings of the Guardians, and she didn’t want to make life any harder on Arrow.

  The transport was painfully silent, and Kaelyn had a feeling that was the way Arrow and Valor wanted it. She pulled her headphones out of her bag and placed them over her head. She plugged her computer into the power supply that Arrow had given her and turned on her music. The familiar sounds pulsed through her ears, easing her into sleep that she hadn’t been able to get the night before. The memory caused her to smile before she drifted off.

  * * *

  Arrow and Valor had spent the last several hours in silence. Now, her annoyance had turned into agitation. She knew why Valor was mad at her, and she also knew it wasn’t fair of him to feel that way.

  She glanced back to see that her mother and Kaelyn were both still sleeping. “What is your problem?” she whispered.

  He had been clearly waiting for this opportunity because he turned on her. “What are you thinking? She’s the damn Phoenix! You need a clear head or you’re putting us all at risk.”

  In all the years they had known each other, she couldn’t remember a time when Valor had been angry with her. And now that the time had finally come it was because of something that had nothing to do with him. He was going to lash out at the most beautiful night of her life?

  She leaned closer to him, forcing herself not to yell. “Nothing has changed. I can still do my job and she will do hers.”

  “That’s not the point, Arrow. The Phoenix can’t be in love with anyone. It will compromise her decision-making and yours too.” He shook his head. “I shouldn’t even have to tell you this.”

  The word love caught her off guard. She’d never been in love with anyone. “No one said anything about love. The plan stays the same. Nothing has changed.”

  “I’m not blind. I see the way you two look at each other. You have to break this off before you can’t.” His anger broke and his eyes softened. “Look, you of all people deserve to be happy. But it can’t be with her. It just can’t.”

  “It was one night.” But she didn’t believe her own words. It wasn’t just a night. It had been everything.

  He put his hand over hers. “I know it’s not fair. But these are the sacrifices we make as Guardians. We put the well-being of the people above our own. I’m sorry, but you know I’m right. Your head won’t be in the game, and neither will hers. It has to stop.”

  “I know.” She ran her hand through her hair.

  She’d known the gravity of the situation when she’d allowed herself to fall into Kaelyn. She’d never expected to walk away the next morning feeling the way she did. Even now, her stomach lurched as the memories of the night before flashed in her head. It was a type of cruel playback she would always live with. But she would accept a head full of memories, painful as they were, if it meant she could keep a piece of Kaelyn with her forever.

  “We’ve been friends for our entire lives. If there was any other way, I’d be the first one to tell you.”

  To his credit, Valor looked like he really meant what he said, and despite the anger she felt at the unfairness of it all, she knew he was right.

  The transport slowed, bringing this conversation to a close. Her mother stirred in the back. She glanced in the rearview to see her stretch and then tap K
aelyn to wake her as well. As Kaelyn came out of her slumber, she pulled off her headphones and made eye contact with Arrow. She smiled and Arrow forced herself to look away before her eyes betrayed her.

  “We’re under Kokomo Airport,” Arrow said. She was surprised her voice sounded normal and wasn’t cracking with the pain she felt in her stomach and chest.

  “Well, let’s get to it.” Valor opened the transport door.

  “I think we should keep pushing forward,” Arrow said. “Stopping has too many risks.”

  Her mother grabbed her weapon. “It’s important for the villagers to see Kaelyn. They need to know she’s real. It gives them something to fight for. Plus, the transport needs to recharge itself, so that’s three hours we have to wait around.”

  Kaelyn looked like she was going to say something too, but Arrow couldn’t bear to hear it. She nodded at her mother’s suggestion, walked over to the lift, and plugged in the transmitter.

  The door slid open, and screams of pain flooded the small shaft. The wave of heat that crashed into them was enough to blur Arrow’s vision. It was difficult to breathe, and sweat started to cover her body.

  “Shit, they turned off the weather bubbles.” She covered her face with her arm and looked at Valor. “We have to get as many people as we can into the tunnels.”

  Valor hopped out of the lift and pushed a few buttons on his bracelet. “It says the temperature out there is one hundred and sixty-eight degrees. We’d only be able to last eighteen minutes in that heat without the suits. If our internal body temperature passes one hundred and five degrees, our DNA will start to unravel and brain damage will occur.”

  Arrow shook her head. “The suits are too bulky. We can’t carry anyone in those things.”

  “All this technology and you haven’t created a suit more conducive to this kind of situation?” Kaelyn yelled.


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