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Page 8

by Lisa Helen Gray

  “Anything,’’ he smiles just as a waitress arrives to take our order. I let Mason pick for me telling him everything looks fine and that I don’t mind. When he gives her our order he sits back in his chair, his eyes locked on me, appraising me. “Go on…’’

  “What was your dad like? I remember you said you were scared about us being together because of him. Can you tell me why? I know some, but it’s not something Harlow and I like to gossip about. I heard some stuff from my Nan, but the rest I kind of pieced together and Harlow confirmed.’’

  He groans running his fingers through his hair and I immediately sink back in my chair feeling bad. Why did I go and ask him about his dad when I clearly know he doesn’t like talking about him? I’m so freaking stupid.

  “Look, you don’t have to tell me, forget it. Tell me about your job,’’ I say lightly changing the subject.

  “No. It’s fine. You need to know. You should know. If we’re going to be together we need to be able to talk to one another. I don’t know how much I can tell you, or what you know, but my story is a lot different to Malik’s.’’

  “I don’t want to ruin our date by talking about something that you clearly don’t want to,’’ I rush out, my heart beating wildly at the vulnerable look in his eyes, the pain he hides behind his easy going mask.

  “The date is so we can get to know each other Denny. For me to prove to you I’m serious as a heart attack about the two of us. Talking about my parents might explain things better.’’

  “Okay, but only tell me what you feel comfortable with.’’ I sadly smile over at him, lifting the glass of Coke to my lips and taking a sip.

  “From as far back as I can remember he was violent to us. He publicly beat Maverick and Malik to the point they couldn’t go to school on some days, but what they don’t know, what they’ll never know, is the beatings I received during the night. He’d drag me out of bed to just kick me about, to…’’

  “To do?’’ I question, reaching over and placing my hand over his.

  “He’d make whatever woman he was with at the time to have sex with me. They’d be all for it and would laugh at my inexperience. It’s something I’ve never been able to talk about with the lads. They would never understand. I guess it’s the reason I slept around so much, wanting to prove to myself I had a choice…’’ he trails off looking distant and all I can do is cover my mouth to smother a sob, tears streaming down my face. “Please don’t cry for me Denny.’’

  His voice is so soft it breaks my heart and I can understand why he slept with so many women. “How old were you when it all started?’’

  “Eight, nine, I’m not sure, it all blurs together. It was the reason I really pushed you away. You deserved someone better, someone who wasn’t tainted and had that evil running through their blood. The way I feel when I’m around you, scares me. Back then it was just as strong and when I woke up, I looked at you and pictured my life. What if I turned out to be just like my dad? What if I hurt you like he hurt us? I didn’t want that, not for you, not for anyone.’’

  “So what changed your mind?’’ I wipe the tears from my eyes, hoping like hell my mascara hasn’t run down my face.

  “The minute Harlow told me you were pregnant I felt like I’d been kicked in the stomach. Everything around me stopped and I knew in that moment that I’d rather cut off my own arm than ever lay a finger on you. I knew without a doubt we were meant to be together.’’ He shrugs like it’s no big deal, but I notice the slight blush to his cheeks that give him away. He’s not used to confessing his feelings like this. I’ve known him for a long time and for him to tell me something so dark, something he hasn’t told anyone just proves how strongly he feels towards us being a couple.

  “What about your mom?’’

  I’ve always wanted to know about his mom. Harlow said Malik doesn’t really remember much about her, only what Maverick told them. I also know she left them as kids and never came back, not even when their dad died.

  He laughs, but it sounds off. “My mom was another dad. Maverick painted her out to be a saint, but I know better. He thinks I don’t know about the shit she did, but I do. I’d tell you, but it’s really Maverick’s story to tell.’’

  “That’s okay. Has she ever tried to see you?’’

  “She never wanted us Angel. She wanted us for the benefits so she could feed her drug problem. Granddad said she was really good as a mother when we were first born, and I take his word for it, but the mother I knew was always shitfaced, high off whatever drug she could afford or passed out somewhere. I don’t even want to mention the amount of time we walked in on her sleeping with one of dad’s friends while he was passed out in the chair next to them.

  “I don’t even know why they even had kids to begin with. They never raised us, Maverick did. From the age of five years old he was cooking us meals from whatever scraps we had in the cupboard.”

  “I could never picture doing that to our child. It makes me sick that there are people out there treating their kids that way. There are so many lovable couples out there who deserve to have a child to fill their home, a couple to love and raise them the way a child should.’’ My voice rises and I look sheepishly at Mason, and to my surprise he’s grinning at me, his eyes bright. “What?’’

  “You’re going to be a fantastic mother Denny.’’ I can tell he means what he said and it warms my heart.

  “And you’re going to be a great father.’’

  “I promise you I will be, that I’ll never hurt our baby girl.’’

  “I know you won’t, Mason, the thought has never even entered my mind. You’re nothing like your parents. You never could be. You’re kind, funny, loveable, caring, energetic, courageous, playful, and affectionate and… protective.’’

  “Really?’’ he asks lifting his brow.

  “Yeah,’’ I smile. “You take care of those closest to you. When you laugh people laugh with you. If you hurt, people hurt with you, your moods spread like wildfire and for that you give off this aura of safety.’’

  My face flushes when I realise how honest I had just been with him. I’m thankful when the waitress walks over and sets our food down at the table.

  The smell is intoxicating, the essence floating around us and sending my senses into overdrive. The smell wafting up through my nostrils and tingling my taste buds, it has my mouth starting to water.

  Mason ordered spaghetti bolognaise for dinner and he picked well, it looks delicious, but the smell is something else.

  I lift my fork, twirling the stringy, slithery spaghetti around my fork before dipping it into the rich smelling sauce. My mouth closes over the fork with a moan, my taste buds going into overdrive from the heavenly taste of the rich, succulent, sun ripened tomato sauce. It’s practically melting inside my mouth. I don’t even finish chewing before I’m scooping up my second mouthful.

  “Enjoying that?’’ Mason teases.

  I nod my head, my mouth too full with food to speak. I must look like a right picture, sitting here with hamster cheeks stuffed with food.

  “You do realise no one is going to pinch your food don’t ya?’’ he chuckles and I look at him confused.

  “Huh?’’ is all I manage to get out before I’m ramming another forkful into my mouth.

  God this is so good.

  “You! You’re eating like you’re worried someone’s going to come and take it away,’’ he laughs.

  My cheeks flame when I realise I’ve nearly eaten half the plate already while Mason has barely put a dent into his larger portion.

  “Sorry,’’ I mumble, feeling self-conscious about eating the rest now, but still, not even that is going to stop me from finishing off my plate of food.

  “No, don’t be sorry. I like it Angel. It’s nice to have a woman who likes to actually eat. So don’t mind me, have at it,’’ he grins, his hand waving to my plate.

  Not needing to be told twice I scoop another fork full and load into my willing, hungry mouth.<
br />
  This has to be one of the best dates ever.

  Despite the conversation we had about Mason’s parents, it still feels like things are looking up for us.

  I just don’t want to get my hopes up only to be let down in the end and have him leave me.

  Chapter Seven

  My alarm clock beeps loudly next to me, but I’m too tired to get up to switch it off. Mason didn’t drop me off at home until gone half eleven last night and because I never got a nap in yesterday because I’d been too excited about our date, I was exhausted by the time I got to bed.

  Yawning I grab my phone off the side of the bed to switch the alarm off. Needing to wake up a bit better, I start to read through my Facebook. I’m excited when I see I’ve got twenty six notifications, that is until I click on them and they’re all for either group invitations or someone posting in a group I didn’t even know I was a part of.

  Deciding to just check through my newsfeed I’m even more disappointed to find everyone moaning about their parents, about some girl at school, and oh… oh, then we have the cryptic messages. These are my favourite ones. They go on about being the bigger person, that ‘if you have something to say, then say it to my face’ and the best one ever ‘next time, if you want to write a status about me, tag me in it.’ I really want to comment and say ‘can you tag the person you’re talking about instead of sounding so cryptic’, but getting involved in Facebook drama isn’t me.

  Dropping the phone to the bed with a sigh, I get up, wanting a cup of tea to start the day. The second I stand up, a wave of dizziness hits me, and I have to sit myself back down on the bed, waiting for the nauseous, and dizziness feeling to subside.

  “Please don’t be sick; please don’t be sick,’’ I chant to myself, my head resting between my knees. It’s something my Nan told me to do from when I first started getting morning sickness.

  My phone beeps and ignoring the dizziness and the sickness feeling, I lean back over on the bed to grab my phone.

  Who’s the daddy: Do you want me to pick you up to go for some breakfast? Harlow and Malik said they’ll come as her lawyer called to tell us it’s been postponed for another hour. M x

  I laugh when I read the name he put his number under last night. Only he could have done something so silly. I never even thought to check it last night because of being so tired. Not bothering to change it and quite liking it, I text him back.

  Me: That sounds awesome. I’ll jump in the shower now; I’m dying for a cup of tea. D x

  Who’s the daddy: That is not a visual I need right now when I’m having a coffee with Granddad and Joan. That woman can smell a boner a mile off. M x

  Giggling I think of what to text next, loving the fact I get to him in that way. I also wouldn’t put it past Joan to have that kind of power. She’s like a horny Granny.

  Me: Glad I didn’t tell you I’m naked and was just about to get in to the shower then. That would have been sooooo awkward. ;) D x

  I can’t stop the grin spreading across my face, loving how easily it is to fall into old banter with him. This was how we were when we weren’t around people, when we first started to get closer. After last night with him telling me about his past, I can totally understand now why he doesn’t let anyone in, why he wears that mask of the playboy, comedian, and hard ass all the time.

  Who’s the daddy: Now things just got really awkward. I literally jumped from my chair, knocking over Harlow’s orange juice into my lap. So, think of me baby, when you’re in the shower…all hot, wet, soapy… naked… M x

  Who’s the daddy: I’ll be there in twenty minutes so get your cute ass in the shower. M x

  Me: Now you’ve got me all excited. I’ll think of you while I’m in the shower. When I stand under the hot steam, rubbing soap all over myself, naked, wet and slick… see ya soon D x

  Who’s the daddy: Now I need a shower…. M x

  I leave the phone on the bed, not wanting to text him back; otherwise I’ll never get up to get ready. I grab my court outfit, an outfit I’m not too sure about. It’s a black sleek maternity dress, the material clings to me in all the right places, but when Nan and I bought it, sole purpose for court, I was a lot smaller. Now I’m worried if it’s not going to fit me the same way.

  My Nan complimented me when I tried it on. She said from behind I didn’t look pregnant; that it isn’t until I turn around that you notice my bump.

  I manage to finish getting ready when there’s a knock at the front door. Grabbing my bag off the bed, I walk to the front room, throwing the bag over my shoulder.

  “Hey,’’ I smile, and blush when Mason’s eyes rake over my body, his eyes yet again lingering on my obscene cleavage. The dress is tight around the bust making my breasts push together in an uncomfortable way. “You finished?’’

  His smile knocks me for ten and has my knees knocking together. How can he effect me so badly? The hold he has over my body is scary. It’s like when he’s around I have no say or will power.

  “Not yet,’’ he smirks, his eyes again doing a once over.

  “Oi! Once you’ve finished ogling the hot MILF can we get going?’’ I grin hearing Max yell from out of the car window, a massive grin upon his face.

  “Bro,’’ Mason growls, his eyes glaring towards Max who is still grinning and just to annoy Mason more, Max gives me a slow scan, admiration clouding his eyes. “He’s freaking dead,’’ is all I hear muttered when I step out, loving it when Mason yet again closes the door behind me. We walk down the path with his one hand at the small of my back, sending delicious shivers up my spine.

  “You look seriously fucking hot by the way,’’ he whispers once we round the car. Looks like I got shotgun I think when Mason leads me to the passenger side.

  “Thank you,’’ I blush, secretly liking the fact he finds me attractive even with a huge bump.

  “No, thank you, I’ve had fantasies about you like this for so long. You look like a hot, naughty, school teacher or a secretary. I think I’m still dreaming the way today is going,’’ he says, shaking his head as he opens the door. I’m too stunned about the comment he made about having fantasies about me to even try and get my head around him thinking I look hot.

  He helps me get into the front of the car before shutting the door behind me.

  “Denny,’’ Max groans, you’re gonna kill me love.

  “Huh?’’ I ask when I finish buckling my seatbelt. Max has to have the worst timing with his idiocy. He chooses when Mason gets into the car to answer my question.

  “I had a semi hard on over your outfit, now I’ve got a boner from looking at your tits, especially now you’ve got your belt on.’’

  He says it so bluntly and so loudly, I don’t just blush, I just burst out laughing. “Stop looking at m…’’

  I don’t get to finish the sentence because Mason is out of the car and rounding the back and dragging Max out. Luckily the little shit never had his seatbelt on or things would have gone awkward quickly.

  Mason slams the door shut making me jump, and although I can hear them, it only sounds like mumbles. I manage to make out the threat of a pole shoved up his ass and something about telling everyone he had an STD if he addressed his girl like that again.

  His girl!

  He called me his girl. My belly does a flip and I’m grinning like a fool when they both get back in the car.

  “Sorry Denny,’’ Max frowns, but soon winks when Mason isn’t looking, making me giggle.

  “What are you happy about?’’ Mason asks, looking at me warily, and quickly looks up in the rear-view mirror to check on Max.

  “I’m just excited about eating. I didn’t feel too good when I got up.’’

  “Why didn’t you tell me? You should have called me,’’ he frowns pulling out, his eyes flickering to me with concern.

  “You texted me and made me forget I had it, so the points moot, don’tcha think?’’

  He’s grinning like a mad fool when I chance a look at him, “Good
,’’ is all he says and he looks so darn proud of himself it’s cute.

  We arrive at the cafe at the same time Harlow, Myles and Malik do. We had to park nearer to the court as that’s where we’ll end up.

  “How are you doing?’’ I ask Harlow, knowing she’s terrified of seeing Davis again.

  “Okay. Just nervous I guess. He’s going to be so close. What if he attacks me?’’ her bottom lip trembles and I wrap her up in my arms just as Malik walks over to us.

  “What’s up?’’

  “Nothing,’’ Harlow replies the same time I reply, “She’s worried about Davis being in the court room.’’

  “I knew there was something you weren’t telling me,’’ Malik growls, frowning at her.

  “I didn’t want you to worry.’’

  “I’m not worried, babe. He won’t get near you, I promise. If it’s just seeing him in general then I’ll make sure your attention is focused elsewhere,’’ he grins, but I can still read the concern in his eyes. He doesn’t like seeing her worried.

  “You can’t do that in a court room,’’ she whisper yells making Malik and I chuckle.

  “I can and I will if you worry babe. Go grab the table over there and we’ll bring the food over.’’


  I didn’t go to the cash point machine before coming. I can’t see a place like this taking cards either. Not that the place is horrible, it just doesn’t seem to be updated into the twenty first century. I mean come on; they have what has to be the oldest till in history.

  “Any chance the cafe isn’t as old as it looks and it takes cards?’’

  “I don’t think so,’’ Malik answers confused, his eyes watching Harlow’s ass walking over to the table.

  “I’m just going to pop down to the cash point. There’s one outside Tesco,’’ I tell him, ready to turn around until a demanding voice stops me.

  “I don’t bloody think so woman. Go sit your ass down. I’ve already ordered for you,’’ Mason warns. I turn to find him looking at me like I’ve grown two heads and it kind of pisses me off.


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