Book Read Free


Page 11

by Lisa Helen Gray

  Walking over to the house, boxes are stacked up outside the front door on our little makeshift patio. It’s kind of cute.

  I walk in without knocking (I mean, it is my house now. Kind of) I turn right into the living area where I’m thankful to find the sofa already there. Mason, with help from Harlow when I was living at my Nan’s and my brothers helped decorate the house the way I would like it. It still amazes me that he was that sure of me moving in. But he did.

  The front room is painted a warm brown and green, the sofa the same colour brown with green shaded cushions. The rest of the place is decorated with similar matching green ornaments and the TV… huge. Not that I expected any different in a blokes house. I’ll never understand why they have to have them so big. It’s not like they’re going to see anything that the portable TV can’t.

  “Wow. It looks amazing in here,’’ I voice out loud.

  “Thank God. Mason has been on my back worrying,’’ Harlow giggles standing up to give me a hug. “You okay? You’ve been sleeping a lot more lately.’’

  “Yeah I’m doing okay. I think it’s just the heat, but it’s starting to cool down now so the sleeping should ease up. Hey, what are you doing?’’ I shout when I see Mason mooching through a box with my name on it.

  “Um… what’s it look like?’’

  “It looks like you’re going through my personal belongings that I’m pretty sure on the other side says do NOT open unless you’re Denny,’’ I tell him, raising my brow. The box is filled with diaries, and other personal items. So you can understand my panic if he ever read any of them or saw what I have stashed at the bottom. I’m pretty sure the last three diaries which are from over the past three years would give him a heart attack if he ever read them. They are all about him, my fantasies about him and my overactive imagination on what our life would be like together. Yep, totally creepy, especially when you add what I have hidden at the bottom. I don’t even want to imagine the things he would think.

  “Well I didn’t see your name,’’ he snaps, having the audacity to blush.

  “Now you do need to get your paws out of there,’’ I warn, and then jump when a voice startles me.

  “I hope you didn’t wake fucking Denny up brother. I’m not having her eat my…. oh, hey Denny. Shit… I was just telling Mason that I hope he didn’t wake you up because I was going to bring you a plate in bed,’’ he says stuttering, his eyes pleading with his brothers behind me to help.

  I shake my head feeling deflated. Am I that big of an eater that they’re all scared I’m gonna pinch their food and eat it?


  “I’m not hungry anyway,’’ I lie and move to sit down on the sofa feeling ready to burst into tears.

  “What the fuck, Max?’’ Mason snaps, walking up to his brother and smacking him across the head.

  “Sorry man,’’ he groans. “It’s okay Denny. There’s plenty of food to go around for all of us.’’

  “It’s fine Max,’’ I grit out, feeling ready to explode. First Mason this morning and now this. I can’t take it anymore. They think I’m disgusting.

  “Ahh shit, you’re going to cry,’’ Max says rubbing the back of his neck.

  “No I’m not,’’ I grit out defensively, the top of my nose stinging. My throat starts to ache and to make it worse, I’m pretty sure my eyes just started to water.

  “Yes you are,’’ he tells me just as Mason takes a seat next to me.

  “Are you okay, Angel?’’

  “Jesus, it’s not the end of the world, Mason. I can reject food if I want to. It’s not like I’m going to waste away is it. I mean, I wouldn’t want to starve the rest of you,’’ I say, but the more I speak, the higher my voice gets.

  “He didn’t mean it like that, Hun,’’ Harlow softly tells me, coming to sit down on the other side of me.

  “It’s what everyone’s thinking. Max can’t stand to eat in the same room with me because he thinks I’m going to eat all his food,’’ I say hysterically. Max takes a step back, his eyes wide while Harlow rubs up and down my back. “And to top it off, Mason thinks I’m fat,’’ I cry out, a sob tearing through my throat. Harlow pulls my head to her shoulder soothing me.

  “Mason, I can’t believe you would think that,’’ Harlow snaps; anger evident in her voice.

  “I never said she was fat,’’ he says defensively with his voice filled with confusion and I can feel his eyes on me.

  “But you thought it. You’re repulsed by me. Running off as soon as you see me half naked,’’ I cry harder into Harlow’s shoulder.

  “When did I see you half naked?’’ he asks.

  “Dude… burn!’’ Max laughs, and I send him a glare that has him retreating. He steps back bumping into Maverick and Myles who have just walked in.

  “What the fuck? Who upset Denny?’’ Maverick snaps, his eyes glaring at everyone.

  “Bro, you don’t want to get involved,’’ Max warns him, taking another step back.

  “You all think I’m fat,’’ I wail, feeling like I’ve just stepped on to the crazy train. I don’t even know why I’m acting like this and a deep part of me knows I’m being irrational, but I don’t care. All I care about is Mason thinking I’m fat.

  “Who said she was fat?’’ Myles says outraged walking farther into the room.

  “Can everyone clear out a minute and let me talk to Denny alone?’’

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,’’ Max warns with a mouth full of sausage.

  “That sausage is going to be shoved somewhere other than your mouth if you don’t fuck off,’’ Mason growls and everyone starts to clear out of the room.

  “Will you be okay?’’ Harlow asks sweetly.

  I nod my head, wiping my runny nose with the back of my hand before wiping it on the back of Mason’s jeans.

  “Please tell me you didn’t just do that, Denny,’’ he pleads sounding disgusted, which just sets me off again. Harlow takes a step towards me, but something Mason does has her retreating and following the rest of the brothers to wherever they are heading, probably in to the kitchen to eat all my food. Just smelling the salt and vinegar in the air has my stomach growling. “Now tell me what this is all about?’’

  “Nothing, it’s just the pregnancy hormones,’’ I lie feeling foolish now for wiping snot unladylike on his jeans.

  They’re good jeans too.

  “Bullshit, I can piss a better excuse than that,’’ he remarks crudely.

  “It’s not an excuse,’’ I sniffle not looking at him.

  “Tell. Me. What’s. Wrong, before I go Jessica Fletcher on your ass and find out for myself.’’

  “Jessica Fletcher?’’ I question, scrunching up my features.

  “Um… yeah… My Nan used to make me watch it as a kid okay,’’ he says holding his hands up in surrender.

  “And you liked it?’’

  “You’re kidding right, I loved it, she was a bad ass detective,’’ he gushes before straightening his own features. “It was okay I suppose.’’

  “You suppose?’’ I tease, amused.

  “Stop changing the subject,’’ he snaps and I raise my brow at him. “Tell me why you’re so upset.’’

  “Because you’re disgusted by me,’’ I yell throwing my hands up heavily.

  “You’re seriously having me on right now. Please tell me you are, Denny because this isn’t a joke,’’ he warns taking a step closer, his hard chest resting against my bump.

  “No,’’ I whisper looking away again, but his hand shoots out grabbing my chin to face him.

  “Look at me. When have I ever gave you that impression, Angel?’’ he asks softer this time.

  “Earlier when I was bending over,’’ I cry out embarrassed. “You got one look at me and hightailed it out of there, Mason. What do you expect me to feel like when you do something like that? It hurt Mason, really fucking hurt, especially knowing you can go to work each night and bang some skinny ass bitch who doesn’t have
stretch marks, cellulite or a rounded stomach.’’

  The sound of my heavy breathing is the only noise you can hear in the room after my rant. When Mason still hasn’t spoken, my fears were confirmed. He knows I saw what was running through his mind and he’s just too scared to admit it.


  When his loud booming laugh echo’s around the room I snap my head in his direction and scowl.

  “Why are you laughing?’’ I growl feeling more pissed.

  “You! Babe, there is nothing that could ever get me to stray from you.’’

  “We’re not exactly an item and you did before,’’ I remind him which makes him give me a death glare.

  “No Denny, I didn’t. If I never acted like such a dickhead the morning after we fucked then we would be together. That night, it meant something to me whether you want to believe it or not. I’ve had enough of pussy footing around you wondering if you’re going to wake up one morning and realise what a mistake you’ve made being with me. We are together now. The minute I realised what a fucked up mistake I made, we were together. As for not finding you attractive, would this happen if I didn’t?’’ he asks which confuses me, but then quickly he holds onto my hips and presses his erection against me. I’m actually surprised he managed to reach with my bump in the way, and more than that I’m surprised by the simple fact he got a boner over me.

  “I’m always hard for you, Denny. It’s killed me not being inside you, but I need you to know you mean more to me than just sex. I want to do this right, I want us to work and I don’t need me and my dick ruining that.’’

  “You’ll get bored Mason, you’ll see some much prettier, skinnier girl, you’ll flirt, and before you know it you’re in the back alley of some club fucking her up a wall.’’

  “As much as I love your dirty imagination right now I’m not a cheat Denny. There is no one on this earth that could get me to cheat on you or even contemplate doing it. That is one thing, without a doubt, I can promise you without the worry of knowing that maybe someday I’ll break it. I keep my promises. I’ve had a whole childhood full of broken ones to know never to make one I can’t keep. You’re going to need to know you’re enough for me and trust me,’’ he whispers, leaning in, his lips a breath away from mine and my pulse raises miles a minute in anticipation.

  I lean my head back to give him easier access. His lips press softly against mine, kissing me gently as my hands run up his strong, hard biceps slowly. His tongue licks at the opening of my mouth and I moan holding him tighter. Just as the kiss starts to deepen, the door opens and Maverick walks in, coughing loud to show his presence.

  “Bro, the lawyer is here and wants to see you both in the kitchen,’’ he says and I can hear amusement in his voice as I hide my head in Mason’s chest in embarrassment.

  “Coming bro,’’ Mason replies before I hear the door shut again.

  “Well that was awkward,’’ I groan.

  “Not as much as you crying over food,’’ he grins rolling his eyes. “Max is just territorial over his food. He’s worried he’s met his match that’s all. None of us can out eat him. My Nan used to moan at him all the time for all the food he went through, asking where he puts it all. She’d say, ‘If I even looked at the food you ate I’d gain three stone’ and she’d shake her head at him.”

  “I wish I could have met your Nan, she sounds great.’’

  “She’s just like yours,’’ he grins and I look at him confused.

  “I’ve met her. We talked on the phone the other day arranging some things. She’ll be here soon so let’s go see what the lawyer wants with all of us. Make sure you have something to eat, if Max says anything tell him you’ll tell his niece he made you starve when you were pregnant,’’ he grins wickedly and I laugh.

  In the kitchen Harlow’s lawyer Richard Cole is sitting down on a stool at the small breakfast bar. In the room Harlow’s Gram’s, Mark, Harlow and the all of the Carter brothers stand waiting for Mason and I to enter the room.

  Maverick sends me a cheeky wink smirking, and I blush at him like a school girl. Mason tenses beside me and pulls me into him as we stand waiting for the lawyer to tell us whatever he interrupted our day for.

  “I’m sure you’re all guessing why I called you here today,’’ Richard says, looking at me, to Harlow, and then over to Malik.

  We nod our heads wondering what is so important that he would turn up out of the blue and not wait until our next meeting in a few days.

  “Well, a new witness has come forward with what could be vital evidence.’’

  “Who?’’ Harlow and I interrupt gasping. We both take a step forward wondering the same thing. Who else did he rape?

  “I’m not at liberty to say. The witness has been held in protective custody until the trial. From what the police have informed us Hannah Gittens case has now been moved up to a murder investigation. From the picture Denny had posted in her house the police are almost certain she is dead and that whoever killed her is targeting the witnesses. After the breakin at Denny’s brother’s house it seems that way too.’’

  My stomach turns and I feel like I’m going to be sick. I’ve tried so hard over the past few weeks to forget about that picture, most of the time it works, but then there are times when it’s all I can think about. I wish it could be unseen, but I know it’s never going to happen which kills me more inside.

  The breakin itself is something that hasn’t gotten to me as much as I originally thought it would. Yes I have nightmares over it occasionally, but that’s mostly because of the baby. In my nightmares I wasn’t able to keep him out and he hurt my baby girl. Something about the nightmare feels so real it scares me to death. It’s why I’ve been sleeping a lot during the day. During the night when I need to sleep is the worst. The darkness consumes everything around me, and the deafening silence pierces my ears and that’s when the nightmares creep in and takeover.

  “So why can’t we know? What is the evidence she has on him? When did this happen?’’ Harlow asks panicked.

  “Babe, calm down,’’ Malik soothes her. His arms go around her waist, pulling her back to his front.

  “No, I can’t. If he raped someone else then I need to know. It’s my fault, don’t you see that? If I had gone to the police sooner about him instead of worrying about making the situation worse, then we wouldn’t be standing here right now.’’

  “I disagree,’’ the lawyer speaks up. “They wouldn’t have charged him by hearsay; they would need solid proof to arrest him, Harlow. I’m not saying you getting attacked is a good thing, but you’re taking a stand now, and that will put him in prison for a long time.’’

  “What if it doesn’t though?’’ I speak up. “He’s claiming a pretty good alibi, everything he’s saying adds up even if we know none of it is true. You can see by how protective Malik is he’d never touch Harlow and you know from meeting her for a few minutes she isn’t one to cheat or lie. Someone needs to be able to put our minds at rest, so we can sleep at night. So please tell us something,’’ I plead.

  “Alright,’’ he sighs running his hands through his hair. “I’m not allowed to mention names, but the witness stepped forward a few days ago by going to the police station and handing in the clothes she had been wearing the night of the rape. We also have a hospital report claiming her story to be true. It happened years ago, but she’s finally stepped forward claiming she was too scared to press charges at the time. I guess she found out he did it again and heard of his alibi and decided to step forward.’’

  “So will this help our case?’’ Harlow asks, tears in her eyes.

  “They might overrule it, but we’re digging up the results of the rape kit at the hospital. She hadn’t gone straight there, so DNA might not be conclusive, but something might be able to pin him at the crime. We’ve also taken the clothes to forensics. I’ll be going over a few things from her statement and I’ll find out as much as I can with the leads I’ve got.’’

  “What abou
t the clothes she kept?’’ I ask wondering why she would do that. My mind wonders back to Kayla, and wondering how she is doing. I know the girl who has stepped forward isn’t her because her mother would never allow it, but half of me wants it to be her. I want her to get the justice she deserved all those years ago when it happened. The other half is being realistic, and doesn’t think her mother would ever let her stand up in court and testify.

  I miss her, and I hope she’s okay.

  “She bagged them as soon as she got changed into a sealed plastic bag. If there is any DNA, it will be on them, but it can take up to a week to find out.’’

  “Which will still be in time for court?’’ Malik speaks up.

  Mason starts running his hands up the side of my body and I relax my back against him. When he moved to stand behind me is anyone’s guess.

  “That’s the other news I’ll be giving you. The witness is testifying the day you were meant to and you will be testifying the day after. If the court hearings go well, then the sentencing should be held not long after.’’

  “Why can’t they just hurry the process up? It’s been months and months since it happened and the case is still ongoing.’’

  “I know that must be hard for you, Harlow, but we have to follow procedure. I’m sorry. If a closer date clears up then I’ll bring the date forward. Until then we sit and wait and hope with the new witness things start to speed up.’’

  “Okay,’’ she whispers nodding her head. I know she’s worried something will happen between here and the court date. Especially with whoever is targeting witnesses. Harlow is the main witness in this case, so I understand her anxiety.

  “I’ll leave you to it. If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to call me. If anyone confronts you over the case other than me and your family then please call me immediately or the police. I’ll call with any updates,’’ he tells us standing up.


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