Book Read Free


Page 24

by Lisa Helen Gray

  “Thank you,’’ I croak out, my throat feeling dry.

  My body feels grungy, my hair feels greasy, both in need of a good wash. Maybe two with the way I’m feeling at the moment, especially being in a clean, disinfected hospital.

  “How are you feeling babe?’’ Mason asks groggily, rubbing sleep from his eyes and moving back into his chair.

  “Okay. Ready for a shower and bed,’’ I smile teasingly.

  He laughs shaking his head before he turns his attention back to the nurse. “Are our family still here?’’

  “They came back a few hours ago. I told them I’d call them once you were awake, but if you’d like you can use the phone in reception to call them. You’ll be free to go once I’ve done this and Denny’s signed these forms,’’ she informs us and for some reason, I feel at ease in her presence. After the bad experience I had when I was brought in after Harlow’s attack, I promised myself never to step foot in one again unless really necessary. And although this is necessary the option has still been taken away from me. I hated it. The nurses all stuck their noses up at me. They were sharp tongued, disapproving towards me and just plain mean. I’d wanted to cry. I’d been so alone, on my own, without anyone who could sit by my bedside to tell me everything would be okay. They had me attached to a machine, monitoring the baby’s heartbeat because of the fall I had taken and the knock to the head. Thankfully everything with the baby had been fine. Obviously.

  “Can I? I haven’t got my phone with me or my car, so I’ll need to call for a lift.’’

  “Honestly, just say Lorna sent you and they will be okay,’’ she smiles to Mason.

  “I’ll be back in a minute,’’ he says getting up from his chair, but he looks back down at me with his face scrunched up in concern. He doesn’t want to leave me. I can understand. A part of me doesn’t want him to leave either.

  “Go, I’ll be fine. Make sure you ask them to bring food, I’m starving,’’ I sing, rubbing my large belly.

  “I’ll see what I can do,’’ he chuckles before leaning down to give me a kiss on the head.

  “Oh, he’s such a looker,’’ the woman grins at me.

  “He is, isn’t he,’’ I grin back.

  “I thought I was going to have to fight off all the other nurses at one point. They’ve been dying to come in and catch a glimpse of the young hottie all day, especially when they heard how protective he was of you when you first came in.’’

  “Huh?’’ I ask, and then wince when she slides the IV out of my arm, the sting startling me.

  “When you first came in he was funny with people around you. He kept asking us to be careful, to double check everything when we gave you the all clear. It was so sweet. In all my years of nursing I’ve never seen a man worried the way he was. It’s rare, but rarer to find one his age that loves someone the way he does.’’

  “I huh…I don’t know what to say,’’ I tell her completely dumbfounded.

  “Nothing to say my lovely, just make sure you take care of each other. So many couples your age break up because they expect too much from the other person. They expect them to be who they want them to be and not who they are. With you and that young man, you can tell neither of you expect anything but being yourselves to each other.’’

  “That’s kind of poetic,’’ I whisper.

  “Nah, I think I read it in a magazine once,’’ she teases giving me a wink. “The police still want to talk to you, but they left ages ago. I’m sure they’ll get in touch soon enough.’’

  Opening my mouth no words come out, my eyes and mouth flicker to the door, my heartbeat beating far too fast. When it’s Mason that walks through my body visibly relaxes.

  “Are you okay?’’ the nurse asks, keeping her voice down.

  My eyes look over to her to see her looking over at me with concern and worry. I nod my head yes, not really sure. I’m fine physically, but mentally, I’m still waiting for Carl to jump out and try to take me again.

  “Maverick is going to pick us up. He’s nearly here.’’

  “Already?’’ I ask shocked.

  “Yeah, he was coming over to check in on us and to let us know Hannah’s parents have been informed about her body, and that Carl has been arrested for murder, rape, kidnap, and some other charges. The list could go on.’’

  “So he won’t be out? There’s no chance he can get bail and come and get me? Or go to court and have people after me again to stop me from being a witness?’’ I breathe out, my heart beating rapidly against my chest that it starts to hurt.

  “No baby,’’ he tells me, running his hand over my hair.

  “Thank God,’’ I tell him, and then feel my eyes water once again. “Sorry. God, my eyes are leaking again,’’ I moan.

  “It’s okay. Little bit of tears never hurt anyone,’’ the nurse tells us handing me a tissue. “I’m glad they have the bloke. I’m friends with Hannah’s mother. She hasn’t been to work for a while though and can’t say I blame her. I wish you all the best,’’ she tells me then looks over to Mason. “Look after her, you’ve got a special one here.’’

  “I plan on it,’’ he smiles, his eyes fixated on me.

  “Good. I’ll let you get changed in privacy. You can leave whenever you’re ready.’’

  “Thank you.’’

  She nods her head giving us one more smile before leaving the room, leaving Mason and I alone.

  “Your Nan and Dad brought you some spare clothes. You can shower now or you can wait until we get home. I already told Mav to tell everyone to go home, that you need to shower and rest.’’

  “Hope they didn’t take it badly,’’ I cringe. “I honestly just want a shower, get all this grime off me and then have a relaxing bath.’’

  “Then a shower and bath is what you shall have,’’ he bows, making me giggle.

  “I want it hot and with lots of bubbles,’’ I grin.

  Back at the house Maverick walks Mason and I up to our door. Turning around as Mason opens the door, I look up at Maverick.

  “Thank you for being there for Mason,’’ I whisper not able to look at him in the eye.

  “Hey, I wasn’t just there for, Mason, Denny. I was there because I wanted you home safe and sound. Don’t ever think that just because you’re carrying our niece that, that is the only reason we want you here with our brother. You’re good for him. We love having you in our family. Please take care of yourself,’’ he tells me, leaning in to give me a kiss on my forehead. Mason comes up behind me as another tear slips down my face.

  “Come on, let’s get you in the bath,’’ Mason rumbles, nodding his head to his brother. Maverick gives me another soft smile and although we’ve not gotten to speak like I have with the others, I still feel like we’ve connected. I’m lucky to have been brought into the fold so quickly and so lovingly. I don’t feel like a burden to them like I have my whole life with my mother and father.

  I feel like things are finally going to change.

  “Okay,’’ I nod, giving Maverick a small smile before turning and heading inside. Mason talks to Maverick for a few more minutes while I make my way up the stairs, my feet carrying me right into the nursery. My eyes drift over to the cot as more tears spring to my eyes.

  Strong arms wrap around me and I lean into his strength, loving that I got to have this chance.

  “Want to talk about it?’’ he whispers.

  “Mason, I was so scared. So freaking scared and the whole time all I could wonder was if I’d ever get to see you or our baby girl, would I be able to keep her safe. What if I had died, if he had killed me? You would have been sitting here saying goodbye to both of us,’’ I choke out, finding it hard to breathe.

  “Baby, there is nothing that would have stopped me looking for you. I’m just sorry I didn’t find you sooner. Sorrier than you’ll ever realise, Angel. You and our girl mean the world to me.’’

  “You both mean the world to me too,’’ I tell him, turning my head to look at him. �
��When I was down there I realised we haven’t even spoke about girl names. I sat there and I realised if I died our baby wouldn’t have a name. We could have died and you wouldn’t have had a name on her grave,’’ I cry, turning and using Mason to lean on.

  “Hey, please don’t Denny. Please, don’t ever think like that.’’

  “What do you think of Hope?’’

  “Hope as in…’’

  “A name,’’ I smile. “It’s all I had to hold on to when I was locked up. Either that or Faith, but for some reason, throughout the whole pregnancy I’ve seemed to grip onto hope like a lifeline. Hope that everything turns out okay, hope that you will be okay with the pregnancy, and hope the baby will be okay.’’

  “Hope,’’ he says, testing the name on his tongue. “Hope…I like it. Hope Sophia Carter,’’ he grins.

  “Sophia? You aren’t naming our daughter after the girl you lost your virginity to are you?’’ I tease.

  He rolls his eyes not pleased by my sarcastic comment. “No. It’s my Nan’s name.’’

  A giggle escapes before I can muffle it with my hand. He looks so cute when he’s trying to be serious. His lips do that twitch thing and I want to groan and bite his lip at the same time.

  I yawn and Mason rolls his eyes again and I want to say his face will stick like that if he keeps doing it, but I’m too tired and really do need a bath. I can still smell the basement on me. The thought makes me stifle a shiver.

  “Bath, I’ve already got it running,’’ he says, leaning down to shove his face into my neck. “God, I’m so happy you’re home.’’

  “Me too,’’ once again becoming emotional.

  The shower did me the world of good and I felt fresh once I had finished up, but getting in the bath is just pure heaven.

  Mason leans on the side with a washcloth, cleaning my back and I blush knowing he’s seeing me naked with the light on. He accidently knocks a bruise I sustained from being with Carl and I wince slightly.

  “Fuck! Did I hurt you?’’

  “It’s okay, just a little bruise. Why don’t you join me?’’

  “Um…in the bath?’’ he asks swallowing hard.

  “No…on the toilet,’’ I tell him dryly, nearly laughing when his face turns to horror. “Of course I meant the bath.’’

  “Okay…yeah, I can do that. Scoot forward.’’

  I scoot forward a little making sure to cover my breasts under the soapy water and wait for Mason to strip out of his clothes.

  His t-shirt is first, his ripped stomach coming into view and making my mouth go dry. When his hands go to his jeans button I have to squeeze my legs together. The movement was quick and I didn’t predict the water sloshing everywhere making Mason chuckle. I look at him sheepishly, not able to admit why I just nearly lost half the bath water.

  The trousers slip from his muscled legs, his calves tightening and my whole body tenses up, the arousal turns thick in the air. Then his thick member comes into view and I find myself staring in open shock, my mouth hanging half open.

  He steps into the bath behind me, the hairs on his legs brushing against my sides. He slides down behind me, reaching around me to pull me against his bare front, his now hard erection pressing against me and it has me gasping.

  “Relax,’’ he whispers, his voice hoarse and husky. I do as he asks and relax into him and watch his hands in fascination as he picks the washcloth back up and starts cleaning over my bump, skimming lightly over my breasts. The simple touch has me arching my breasts towards his hands, and my eyes clench shut and I stifle a moan.

  The sponge disappears and is replaced by his rough hands. His hands cup my ample breast, my body humming in anticipation. But then his fingers graze and rub at my hardened nipples.

  “Hmmm,’’ I moan arching into his touch.

  “Shush, I got you.’’

  As much as I trust his word, I know he’s going to torture me slowly and right now I need him, I need this, now.

  “Please,’’ I beg, not feeling an ounce of shame.

  His fingers slide down my stomach and my legs open on their own accord. His fingers brush through the little speck of hair between my legs. My gut reaction is to close my legs, to be embarrassed that I haven’t been able to wax between my legs in a while. I dread to think what it looks like down there. Trust me, there have been perks to the pregnancy, one being gifted with a growing life in my stomach and the huge boobs, but it also comes with cons, the swollen feet, not being able to bend down to see your toes, and another, not being able to shave.

  Oh and let’s not knock out the worst one. Coffee. You can’t drink coffee. It sucks balls.

  Speaking of balls.

  His fingers rub over my clit and I moan loudly, the sound echoing in the small bathroom and I arch again, this time rubbing myself against his hard erection.

  When he inserts two of his fingers I know I’m not going to last long. The feeling is so good that I can’t keep still. My legs quiver and tighten and my whole body heats up and shakes.

  His skilled fingers don’t stop their probing and neither does my body rubbing against him, his rock hard erection getting harder behind me.

  My orgasm hits me by surprise, my cries of pleasure filling the bathroom and I turn my head to the side, resting it against Mason’s shoulder and lean up to give him a soft kiss.

  “Let’s get you dry,’’ he grins.

  I nod my head lazily and grin back at him. We get out of the bath and my eyes glue to Mason as he dries himself before coming over to dry me. The white fluffy towel does nothing to cease my arousal. When he dries between my legs wetness coats between them and I bite my lip from moaning.

  Heading into the bedroom wrapped in the towel I turn to Mason, needing to keep being brave like I promised I would be down in that basement. Dropping the towel from my body Mason freezes, his eyes glued to my body with so much desire, the lust burning in his eyes. I know he wants me; I can feel it and see the evidence currently pointing proud and hard towards me.

  Yep, definitely aroused!

  “Make love to me,’’ I tell him, nearly cringing at my own choice of words. Even so, it still sounds better than ‘Please fuck me’ or ‘have sex with me’ that’s for sure.

  “W-what? But you just got out of the hospital,’’ he curses looking pained.

  “No Mason, don’t do this,’’ I beg him, stepping closer towards him. “I know you want me, so why do you always push me away? You can touch me, but whenever it goes any further you push me away.’’

  He looks pained and he takes a hesitant step forward. “Denny, I don’t want to have sex with you because-‘’

  “Oh my God, you really don’t find me attractive,’’ I cry, bending down to grab the towel, thankfully not struggling on my way up. Covering myself, I look up at him through my watery eyes.

  “No, no Babe, it’s not like that. I’m scared. I’m scared that I’ll hurt you and the baby.’’

  “What? I don’t understand,’’ I tell him confused, my body relaxing somewhat.

  He groans looking to the ceiling before his head drops, his eyes focusing on mine. “I’m scared that I’ll ruin what we have by having sex with you again. Look at what happened the first time Denny? I got so scared, and panicked that I would turn into the one person I always promised myself that I would never become. I can’t risk losing you again; it nearly killed me the first time. Then there’s the whole baby topic. Can we even have sex?’’ he rambles, pacing back and forth with his hands flying around. “We’ve never talked about it and it’s not like I can ask anyone or Google that shit. The boy’s would have a field day if they looked at the laptops history. What if I poke her Denny? What if I give her brain damage, which I could? I read that their head at this stage is positioned downwards.’’

  “Take a deep breath. One, you can’t hurt the baby, I asked the midwife the day after we got intimate. Secondly, do you really think you’re that monstrous that you’d do that kind of damage?’’

bsp; He looks down at his dick in a ‘what do you think’ look and I giggle loudly. He snaps his head up giving me a glare before he sighs looking defeated. I take the first steps towards him knowing I need to make the next step clearer, after all it’s me taking the biggest risk here giving him my heart.

  “And as for the first topic you brought up, you could never hurt me again, you know too well what it feels like to not have me. As for me, I’m big enough to make my own decisions. I want you Mason, I’ve always wanted you, but you need to start putting some faith in yourself. How will we ever work if you’re always second guessing yourself? If you feel that strongly towards me then you wouldn’t second guess yourself so much over hurting me. If you cared the way you say you do then you would know yourself you’d never intentionally do that to me. I love you Mason, I love you so goddamn much, but if you don’t make love to me right fucking now I’m never going to forgive you or let you touch me sexually again,’’ I growl causing his eyes to raise.

  “You love me?’’ he whispers looking completely surprised. “After everything I did?’’

  “Yes you big doofus.’’

  He picks me up scaring me and I let out a loud giggle as he swings me around. When he puts me down he has to keep a hold of my waist, my head dizzy from him spinning me. He reaches down and grabs my face in his hands and kisses me forcefully for a minute. Just as I’m getting more into it, he pulls away breathing hard, staring right into my eyes to my soul.

  “I love you Denny. I’ve loved you for a long time, I’ve just been too much of a coward to admit it,’’ he says and my eyes water again. He doesn’t let me absorb his cherished words, he picks me up and immediately I have to put my arms around his neck.

  He places one knee on the bed before laying me down on my back, his hard, rugged body looming over me.

  “Tell me again,’’ he whispers.

  “I love you.’’

  “I love you too Angel,’’ he tells me before reaching down and taking my lips against his.


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