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Sasha's Story: How to Find a Mate the Hard Way (Alien Erotica)

Page 2

by Bliss, Andromeda

  I do not know. I have not spent time with humans. Are you saying this is not a normal reaction for a female of your species?

  “For a cock-hungry bitch in heat maybe,” she muttered under her breath, looking everywhere but at him. “Not my normal, though.” At least, not until she was naked and squirming under a guy. Never before when she was fully dressed, hadn’t even been touched, and was somebody’s prisoner.

  Have no fear, he said soothingly. I would not touch you unless you consented with your whole self.

  Small comfort when at least half of her self was moaning to be mounted. For the life of her, she couldn’t get the ruthless drive of his hips out of her mind. Every time she pictured it, everything in her loosened and her channel spasmed with need. The thinking part of her might reject it but her primitive side wished desperately that it had been her spread out under him, filled utterly with those silky-looking organs, taking everything he had to give.

  Sasha. His mental voice had a strange ache in it and she glanced at him curiously. His forehead was pressed to the barrier next to his hand, eyes closed. His other clawed hand was wrapped around both cocks in a tight grip, dragging up their length in a slow glide that made her mouth dry and kicked her heart into a sprint. They looked like tent poles, ridged and pulsing. I would give you all that and more, if you let me.

  Sasha jumped to her feet and backed into the opposite wall. “Whoa, you can see what I’m thinking?” Of course he could. He was a telepath. How embarrassing. “Stop looking in my head,” she blurted.

  He opened his eyes, gaze locking with hers. His hand didn’t stop its slow masterful stroke. Your mind is so clear, so vivid. I could almost feel it. How could you want so fiercely and not seek relief? You see what you have done to me.

  Her mouth moved but no sound came out, eyes dropping inevitably to that slow stroking hand, to his pulsing meat. A clear fluid seeped from a slit at the end of each cock, forming a quivering drop that cried out for her tongue. Her mouth flooded with saliva, the sudden desire to taste him nearly overwhelming her, to swirl her tongue around that fascinating bulb at the end, to feel him filling her mouth.

  Yes, Sasha. Please. His voice was a hot groan, scalding her mind.

  He’d seen that, too. She whirled, pressing her damp face against the cool wall. “G-get out of my head,” she panted, shocked and furious at her own response. They had to have given her something. This enormous, mindless lust had to be drug-induced. But she’d be damned if she’d give them the satisfaction of falling meekly in line with their plans. Whatever those plans were. She had sex when she wanted, not at the command of some faceless kidnappers and an insatiable snake man. “Out,” she snarled.

  Silence. She refused to look, listening to her rapid breathing and trying to think about nothing at all. Seconds stretched into minutes. Her breathing slowed, skin dried, body cooled. After a while, she slipped her arms in her jumpsuit sleeves and zipped it up again, still not looking into the other cell. Her slavering libido whined to know if he’d finished himself off, but she was angry enough to resist finding out.

  Minutes gathered into hours. That odd shelf reappeared laden with food and drink. This time she didn’t need a command written on the wall to dig in. She was hungry and thirsty enough not to care if it was spiked. Since she felt the same afterward, she assumed it hadn’t been drugged.

  On exploring her cell, she discovered it responded to her touch in specific places, a bed dropping out of the wall, a sanitizing tube appearing in the corner, a waste receptacle emerging next to the tube. Many of these objects seemed to be made of the wall material itself, as if it was morphing to suit her needs. She ran her hands over every surface, looking for other functions, especially an exit. No such luck. No convenient doorways, no windows, no vents or closets with access panels.

  She finally gave up with a dejected sigh and sat on the bed, glimpsing the transparent barrier out of the corner of her eye. She’d done her best not to look but had occasionally caught sight of her neighbor in some mundane activity, eating, exercising, pacing slowly along the clear barrier. He watched her but didn’t speak in her mind, though she had no idea if he was still rummaging around inside her head like a peeping tom.

  She was just starting to think about sleep and wondering how she could with that well-lit ceiling on full power when movement in the next cell caught her eye. Her neighbor’s front wall rippled, disgorging a person into his cell before reforming solidly.

  At first, Sasha wondered if this was one of the kidnappers and tensed, studying the figure. Tall and slender, bipedal, way too many fingers with way too many joints undulating like kelp, skin translucent and shimmering, body hairless and sex indeterminate.

  Then her reptilian cellmate stepped toward his guest, dicks rising to bob an enthusiastic welcome, and Sasha sighed. Another fuck-fest. Great.

  The light over her head began to dim, startling her. She looked up, watching the ceiling’s glow fade to black with distant relief. Maybe she could sleep now. Except the show next door was still fully illuminated…and absolutely magnetic.

  He didn’t mount this one with the rough dominance he’d shown the last female. Instead they stroked one another, slow and seductive, hands moving with easy, luxurious pleasure. He didn’t seem to mind that this creature had no breasts or any visible orifice that Sasha could see. She didn’t know if it was even female but it responded to his touch as if every inch of flesh was an erogenous zone, writhing under his hands and claws, mouth and tongue.

  Sasha was fascinated by that black, flickering appendage, wondering if it was rough or smooth, cool or hot. Wondering how it would feel on her own flesh, coiling around her nipples, sliding over her clit, wriggling inside her aching pussy…

  She gasped, hips jerking involuntarily at the vivid image. She knew she shouldn’t be watching, knew they were just trying to inflame her, make her give in. But she couldn’t tear her eyes away this time, hand sneaking to her zipper under the cover of the dark. Later she’d realize they’d darkened her cell on purpose, to give her the illusion of privacy, the illusion of freedom.

  At that moment, watching his muscles bunch smooth and slow, watching his cocks slide in and out between the being’s pressed thighs, Sasha knew only that she was on fire and whatever resistance she may have had was long gone. She didn’t think; she only acted, pushing regrets and recriminations off until later.

  She shrugged her jumpsuit off, wriggling it out from under her rear. Her breasts felt full and oversensitive when she palmed them through her shirt and she groaned softly, massaging them with gentle fingers, capturing her hard nipples between her fingers with a slow squeeze. Her hips jerked again at the exquisite pleasure and she growled low in her throat, arching her back to thrust her breasts into her hands, eyes still riveted to the scene in the next room.

  The translucent, multi-jointed fingers of the creature quested over scaled skin with mesmerizing slow grace, as if every motion was filled with ecstasy. One of those hands found the reptilian’s working ass, cupping and urging him on before those long fingers slide in his crack. Sasha watched a shudder pass through him and whimpered, shoving her hand into her panties with a hot and desperate need.

  His rhythm increased perceptibly, clawed hands moving with more urgency over that smooth, glassy body. The creature’s long torso bowed, head tipping back as if in the throes of unimaginable bliss. Sasha urgently parted her dripping folds and thrust two fingers inside, crying out at the sharp stab of pleasure, shockingly close to orgasm already. Hissing through clenched teeth, she rode her own fingers, grinding down on her hand desperately and tugging on her nipple.

  When she saw his claws dig into the creature’s hips, his movements suddenly jerky and wild, a fire exploded in her center, rushing outward like an obliterating storm.

  Yes, Sasha, yesss, cum with me…

  She squealed, body convulsing with the force of her orgasm, pussy clamping down on her fingers and rippling with pleasure. With a sob, she rocked, riding the re
ceding waves of glorious sensation as she watched fluid jet from between the thighs of his lover, hitting the wall and sliding down in a gleaming stream.

  Then she leaned on one arm, panting to catch her breath, watching the two slowly part. The being cupped his face in its hands, resting its forehead against his. He mirrored the movement and the two of them stood quietly for a long moment. Then the translucent being lifted its head and took a graceful step backwards into the wall. It rippled around the person, drawing her/him out and solidifying once again.

  The male stretched with slow, obvious satisfaction and turned, eyes raking across the barrier. Sasha started, realizing she was half-dressed with her hand between her thighs. The movement twitched her fingers deliciously inside her and she muffled a moan, staring at him wide-eyed. But he didn’t seem to see her, though she would swear he had a smile on his face. He sauntered to the back wall, activated his bed, and flopped onto it, hands behind his head in a strangely familiar pose of male complacency.

  Sasha pulled her fingers free of slick, grasping folds with a catch in her breath and then yanked her clothing back into place with quick, furtive motions, trying to ignore how her hands shook. Sitting gingerly on the bed, she stared into his cell and waited for the lights to go out. They didn’t.

  She watched the soft light play in the gleam of his half-opened eyes and decided that was definitely a smile on his face. His long form lay relaxed, muscles loose, cocks lying over one thigh like sunning snakes, gleaming in the light with drying fluid. She squirmed a little and pulled her eyes away, wondering if she’d imagined his voice at the peak of her climax, urging her on.

  When it was obvious the lights weren’t going out she asked, “Aren’t they going to let you sleep?”

  His answer came immediately, proving he wasn’t completely blocking her. They want you to watch me. To grow accustomed to me. To enjoy me. His voice was slow and deep, fairly dripping with male satisfaction.

  Okay, now she knew she hadn’t imagined his voice. He knew exactly what she’d been doing, watching them and getting off on it. But if she didn’t say anything and ignored it, maybe he’d let it go and she wouldn’t have to die of embarrassment.

  Clearing her throat, she muttered, “Well, I’d rather sleep. Can’t do that with so much light.”

  He propped up on his elbows, looking through the barrier as if he could see straight through the dark to where she sat. May I watch you next time?

  “W-what?” she stammered, flushing all the way down to her toes.

  May I watch you touch yourself, sayshin? I want to see what pleases you, what can make you quiver and cry out so sweetly.

  Her jaw was hanging again but she couldn’t seem to do anything about it. She stared into the magnetic swirl of his eyes and decided silence was the better part of valor. Dropping back onto the bed, she pressed her hot face into the thin cushion, squeezed her eyes shut, and curled an arm over her face for good measure. Then she thought as loudly as she could about sleep.

  She swore she heard him chuckle. Then the light began to fade and she cracked an eyelid to see his ceiling dimming down to the faintest glow. With a sigh of relief, she hid her head again and went back to thinking about sleep. After a while, she didn’t have to think about it. It ambushed her and dragged her down into strange dreams where she ran and ran from unknown danger.


  Who the hell had turned on her lights? Damn roommates. Sasha grumbled and burrowed in her bed, shrugging off the hand on her shoulder. “Lemme sleep,” she mumbled. “No work t’morrow.”

  Sasha, sweet one, wake please.

  Come to think of it, she hadn’t had a roommate in over a year. Sasha’s eyes popped open. When all she saw was white, her memory returned in a rush and she jackknifed to a sitting position. Then she screamed and bolted off the bed, because someone was sitting on it with her.

  Sayshin, be calm. It is only me, Ocen.

  She goggled at him, trying to get her panicked, sleep-befuddled brain working. When he remained seated and didn’t attack her, she rasped, “But—you’re in here. With me.”

  She shot a look at the barrier but it was gone. Their two small cells were now one. With a strangled sound, she sidled away from him into a far corner and stared at him with eyes that felt like they were bugging out of her head. Would he attack her now?

  He made a rueful gesture with one hand but otherwise didn’t move. Perhaps they thought it would move us along.

  Her back stiffened, anger returning in a bracing wave. “Stick the dumb, horny animals together and let nature take its course, is that it? Why do you do this for them?”

  He tilted his head quizzically. I do this for me and those I mate with. If no one is harmed, why not do what pleases us?

  “But they’re keeping you locked in here. Doesn’t that make you angry?”

  Of course. But all I can do is wait and watch. And enjoy those who choose to spend their time with me. Please, sayshin, I promise I will not harm you.

  She glowered at him but felt a little ridiculous huddling in the corner while he sat so calmly on the bed. Easing out toward the center of the room, she crossed her arms over her chest and asked, “What’s that you keep calling me?”

  Sayshin. It means sweet one. I named you before I scented you but I was right—you are sweet as a honey drop. His tongue flicked out, licking the air in her direction lightning fast, then more slowly as if savoring what he found.

  The sight of that nimble tongue sent a sharp spear of lust through her and she looked away, desperately searching for a distraction.

  “Why—why are you still speaking in my mind?”

  That is how my species communicates. We do not have a spoken language.

  This was good—conversation that didn’t involve sex. Just two sentient beings using their brains instead of rutting like wild animals. Feeling calmer, Sasha tried small talk. “So where are you from? I don’t think I’ve seen your kind before.”

  Instead of answering, his eyes darted past her and widened with alarm. Sasha!

  She felt a change in air pressure and jerked around to see a hulking male step into her cell. He was humanoid but a brutish, furry knuckle-dragger, enormous skull and jawbone with deeply inset dark eyes, massive muscles and slightly hunched, as if his weight pulled him forward. And a cock the size of her forearm bobbed against his belly, pointing unerringly at her.

  Before she had time to do more than blink Ocen flashed in front of her, holding a warning hand up to the brute, his other hand pressing her behind him. Off balance, she grabbed his arm to steady herself and goggled at the arrival.

  No, she heard Ocen say and assumed he was letting her hear what he said to the brute. She is not for you.

  The beast man hesitated then shook his hairy head with a bull-like snort, wrapping a huge hand around his dick. He growled something in a garbled language Sasha didn’t recognize.

  I know what you were told but you cannot. She is not willing and is too fragile.

  The brute roared something and shook his cock in a move that would have been funny if it hadn’t been so scary.

  Ocen slid forward, his entire body tightening with sinuous threat. No. His mental voice was calm and final but his hands had curled, flexing his claws. Sasha skittered back with a gulp, sensing the oncoming storm.

  The beast man shook his head violently and clumped forward, swinging a meaty fist. Ocen moved so fast he seemed to blur, ducking under the swing, grabbing that arm and twisting while he kicked the brute’s knee. All of that weight went where Ocen directed it and the brute toppled like a stone with a hoarse cry of surprise. Then Ocen was on top of him in a flash, one clawed foot pressing on his gonads while a clawed hand gripped the man’s thick throat.

  Lifting a finger in front of the beast’s nose, Ocen wagged it back and forth like a teacher chastising a stubborn student. I said no. Leave now. Still in that calm voice. Then he rose with blurring speed and placed himself between Sasha and the brute again.

; Grumbling what were probably insults and curses, the beast man lumbered to his feet and staggered toward the exit wall, his phallus flagging. Sasha had a second to worry that the kidnappers would refuse to let him leave, but the wall rippled and sucked him out of the room.

  Sagging with relief, Sasha slumped onto the bed. “Holy shit,” she wheezed, bracing her hands on her knees. “Thank you.”

  He didn’t answer, pacing in front of her with long, agitated strides.

  “Ocen? You okay?”

  No, he answered without looking at her. They knew I would not allow him to harm you. They knew this but sent him anyway. They sent him to frighten you into turning to me, accepting me. It is wrong.

  “Uh-huh. So is kidnapping. Why are you surprised?”

  They have never before treated one of us this way.

  “That you know of,” she reminded him, watching his long-legged stride with furtive appreciation. The supple strength in his muscles was making her throat dry. She’d touched his arm—she tried to remember what he’d felt like. Cool and smooth, she thought but couldn’t recall anything else. “Maybe they were just trying to get me to trust you more. It worked, in case you were wondering.”

  He slowed, glancing over at her. Colors whirled fierce and vibrant in his narrowed eyes. Callous, brutal manipulation. I begin to understand why you are so angry with them.

  “Don’t tell me they never did anything similar to you.” But she could tell by his grim features that they hadn’t. Probably hadn’t needed to, judging by what she’d seen so far. He’d probably jumped into the program with both feet—and both enthusiastic cocks.

  “Look, let’s just try to relax, maybe get some breakfast… Did you hear that, assholes?” she shouted to the ceiling. “Breakfast! Pronto!” She looked back down at him and smiled at his startled look. “I don’t have to be nice. They just sent some hulk to rape me.”

  She was starting to understand his facial expressions. That was definitely a smile. Perhaps I should call you sayshelgyr…sweet tiger.


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