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Blood Thief Box Set (Alpha Billionaire Vampire Romance)

Page 12

by Flynn, Mac

  Maeve's mouth dropped open. "To the garage? Are you stupid? We'll never make it."

  "I can carry you on my back and run there," I told her.

  She scoffed. "That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard."

  A sly grin slipped onto my lips. "Simon thought of it."

  Maeve frowned. "Fine, I'll go, but if this gets messed up it won't be Simon's fault."

  We climbed down the trunk of the tree and dropped the last seven feet to the ground. Specter flew around us. "Guards are coming!"

  I backed up to Maeve and leaned down. "Quick!"

  She grudgingly climbed onto my back. I grabbed her legs, steadied her, and looked ahead. Another tree stood some twenty feet from the house. I focused my attention on that and leapt forward.

  I only moved forward a couple of feet and stumbled to a stop.

  "What are you waiting for? An invitation?" Specter asked me.

  Maeve squeezed on my shoulders and kicked my sides. "Move!"

  I ground my teeth together. If I got out of this alive, I was going to kill Simon. Or destroy. Or whatever.

  A noise behind me caught my attention. I looked over my shoulder and watched a pair of guards come around the back side of the house. One stopped and pointed at their fallen comrade. My heart quickened. I looked ahead and focused on the tree ahead of us. I took a step forward.

  And then we were there.

  "Farther!" Maeve hissed. "Don't stop and smell the flowers!"

  The guards behind us shouted. I focused on the next tree. And the next. We bounced from tree trunk to tree trunk until I ran out of trees, but that didn't matter. We'd arrived at the garage. Maeve slipped off my sore shoulders and we scooted inside. The interior was pitch-black, but a pair of red eyes greeted us. Certus lit a match and swept his arm towards the limo.

  "Mr. Cruor has explained everything. Please step inside the vehicle, Miss Maeve," he invited her.

  "Don't mind if I do," she agreed before she slipped into the car.

  Certus shut the door behind her and turned to me. "Mr. Cruor would like you to return to the house."

  My shoulders drooped and my face fell. "Seriously? Through those guards?"

  "He deems it good practice," Certus told me.

  I pursed my lips and turned towards the garage door. "He's trying to get me killed. . ."


  I slipped out of the garage and looked around. No one was in sight. I tiptoed to the first tree and-

  "Stop! Put your hands in the air!"

  I cringed. The voice came from behind me. I raised my hands, but focused on the tree in front of me. I took a step forward.


  The voice was now twenty feet further away. I didn't look back to see his shocked face as I jumped from tree to tree. I soon reached the second-to-last tree. The one closest to the house swarmed with guards. I clutched onto the trunk and pursed my lips.

  One of the men ran up and pointed in the direction of the front of the house. "Someone was spotted out front!"

  The guards raced away from their post, but the new one remained. He looked to my tree and gestured to me. "Come on, Faith!" he hissed.

  I blinked at him. "Specter?" I whispered back.

  The guard rolled his eyes. "Who else? Now get over here and climb on my back!"

  I hurried over. He leaned against the tree and I climbed his back to reach the first branch where I pulled myself up. The window was still open, so I slipped inside and brushed myself off.

  "Have you had enough adventure tonight?"

  I whipped my head up and found Simon walking towards me with his sly smile on his face. I glared at him. "It's been more like work."

  He stopped in front of me and offered me his arm. "Then what do you say to a long break at home?"

  I sighed and grabbed his arm. "Now that's an idea I like."

  Simon guided me downstairs. Our host and Eileen stood at the bottom of the stairs. We were halfway down the flight when the lights switched back on.

  "Finally!" Eileen exclaimed.

  "Those damn fools are too late. . ." Eres grumbled.

  She grasped her father's arm and her lower lip trembled. "They will find my bracelet, won't they?"

  He scoffed. "We'll see if they can even find the safe, empty or not."

  We reached them and Simon bowed his head. "I'm sorry we were here at such an inopportune moment."

  Eres shook his head. "Nonsense. This was none of your doing. If Eileen hadn't told the whole world about its return this would never have happened."

  Eileen glared at her father and dropped his arm. "How was I to know this would happen?"

  Her father frowned. "You should have more sense than to tell the whole world about our affairs."

  Simon coughed into his hand. "If you'll excuse us. I think I hear my vehicle."

  Eileen gasped and rushed over to us to grasp his free arm. "Must you leave so soon? Dinner is hardly over."

  He smiled down at her, but extracted his arm. "A theft has occurred, and I'm sure the police will arrive shortly to begin their investigation."

  Eres stiffened and cleared his throat. "Yes, the police, well, we'll see if they're needed. The thieves might still be caught."

  Simon bowed his head. "Then I wish you good luck, and good evening."

  We walked outside and into the cool night air. The limo awaited us, and we slipped into the back. I looked for Mauve, but the rear was empty.

  Simon sat across from me and chuckled. "She is in the spacious trunk. There's no chance she'll be seen there."

  I raised an eyebrow. "Did she agree to that?"

  He smiled. "She was happy to oblige me."

  I leaned back in my seat and frowned. "At least somebody's happy about this whole mess. Maeve got stuck in a tree, you sent me on a suicide mission, and Dolf got stuck in a ceiling." I paused and glanced at Simon. "What did happen to Dolf?"

  Simon chuckled. "Also in the trunk. I distracted our hosts long enough for him to sneak out of the house and through the trees to the garage. You must have barely missed seeing one another."

  I snorted. "I was too busy trying not to get myself spotted. That stupid speed trick only worked when I felt like I was at death's door."

  He folded his hands into his crossed lap. "Necessity is the mother of invention."

  I slid down my seat and tugged at the hem of my skirt. "This stupid thing didn't help."

  Simon disappeared and reappeared beside me. He leaned towards me and his hand slid over the skirt to my bare leg. His voice was soft and seductive. "We could remedy that." His fingers caught on the hem of the skirt and slipped the fabric up to my thigh.

  The familiar heat flared up inside me. I shut my eyes and tried to block out his sensual touches. "The. . .the trunk," I reminded him.

  He pressed a teasing kiss against my shivering neck. "They can't hear a thing."

  I bit my lip to keep back a moan. "I-I haven't forgiven you for making me save Maeve."

  "Then let me offer you my thanks," he suggested.

  He pressed his cool body against me, but all I felt was the sensual warmth of lust. His right arm slipped behind me and pressed my side against his hard chest. He pulled my skirt up to my waist and showed off my white, soaked underwear.

  My heart skipped a couple of beats. I leaned back my head and gasped for air. His hand slipped between my legs and pressed against my shivering bundle of nerves. I jumped in his grasp and moaned. His teasing touches and hot lips were sweet torture to me. My body and mind bent to his will as the ache inside me consumed my senses.

  I turned and pressed our lips together in a long, passionate kiss. He pushed me down so I lay on the seat and his body covered mine. His deft fingers opened my blouse. He parted the fabric and cupped my breast in his hand. I groaned into our kiss as he massaged my fleshy, swollen mound. The heat inside me was maddening, but I reveled in the feel of him possessing me. I wanted him to take me and make me his all night long.

  His hands pulled off m
y skirt and I removed my blouse. My underclothes soon followed, as did his clothes. Our naked, sweat-soaked bodies slid against each other as we kissed. His hands caressed my body with his soft, teasing touch. His lips covered me in hot, sensual love that made me groan. I writhed beneath his attentions and craved more of this unbearable pleasure. My hands wound through his hair and my thighs pressed against his hips. The tension was deliciously hot and tight.

  My lover pressed his swollen manhood against my wet opening, and I groaned as we joined as one. He grunted and thrust deeper. Every inch of him stroked my sensitive nerves and sent thrilling shots of pleasure through me. I clutched onto him and shuddered. The deep ache inside of me was worsened by his long, slow thrusts, and yet I never wanted this to end.

  I leaned my head back and slipped my tongue across my dry lips. "Oh god," I groaned. "Please don't stop. Never stop."

  He grinned and slowed his pace. I whimpered and shifted my hips, but he kept up the torture. "Say you're mine," he whispered.

  I clutched onto his shoulders and bit my lower lip. The ache inside of me begged for more of him, but my pride held out. "Please."

  He stopped his wonderful, sensual thrusts and stared down at me with bright red eyes. "Say it," he demanded.

  I looked into the depths of those lust-filled eyes and shuddered. The heat inside me overwhelmed my pride. I parted my lips and breathed out my reply. "Yours."

  He chuckled. "Mine."

  He resumed our sensual love-making. His hands massaged my rear and breasts, and his lips left searing trails over my shivering flesh. I leaned my head back and groaned. His touches ignited inside me a carnal need only he could satisfy, and every part of me was aflame with desire. I needed him as I never needed anyone else. He was my lover, my master, my everything, and I reveled beneath his domination.

  I moaned and squirmed beneath our beautiful, aching friction. He penetrated me faster and faster. My body tensed. My hot core ached. My voice chanted my calls for release, for a finish to this sweet claiming. "Yes. Oh god, yes. Please. Please more."

  He grunted and thrust faster and harder into me. My body slipped was on fire with lust. I petted his hair and nibbled on his ear.

  "Yes. More of that. Oh god, yes. More. Take me. Make me yours all night."

  Small waves of pleasure washed over me. My body shuddered beneath the coming promise of fulfillment. I leaned my head back and smiled.

  "Almost there. Oh god, yes. Yes! Yes yes yes!"

  A burst of bliss swallowed me body and soul. I clutched onto my lover as I jerked and shuddered. He growled and thrust hard and fast into me for a few more moments, heightening my sweet, sensual finish. He stiffened for a moment, and then collapsed atop me.

  Simon and I panted for a few moments. The sweat on our body cooled. He raised himself onto his arms and smiled down at me. His fingers brushed aside a loose hair stuck to my cheek.

  "Mine," he whispered. I blushed and turned away. He chuckled. "You haven't forgotten so quickly, have you?"

  A streak of defiance intruded on my feminine need for domination. I looked him in the eyes and shook my head. "No, but you don't have to rub it in."

  He leaned down and pecked a kiss on my lips. "You're quite right. I would rather be rubbing against you." He paused and raised his head. A sigh escaped his perfect lips. "But we should dress. We're almost home."

  He slipped out and off me. I sat up and gathered my close as he pulled his on. I cast sneaking glances at his pale, but perfect body. Damn him for being so handsome.

  The limo bumped into the garage a few minutes later, and we stepped out. Certus walked to the trunk and popped the cover. Maeve and Dolf lay foot-to-head, and between them was the entire safe. Neither looked happy. Specter floated out when the trunk was popped.

  "I'd say that went well, didn't it?" the ghost quipped.

  Dolf sat up and rubbed his head. "I thought the roads were bad in the front."

  Maeve raised herself onto her arms and glared at Certus. "Did you hit every pothole in the city?"

  "There are quite a few," Certus agreed.

  Simon picked up the heavy safe and swept his free arm over the area of the garage behind him. "If you don't mind exiting my car."

  They climbed out, and Dolf's eyes flickered between Simon and the safe. "You'd better not be double-crossing us."

  "It would be a lesson well-learned from your bungling," Simon countered.

  Maeve crossed her arms and glared at him. "You didn't exactly give us an easy job."

  His eyes flickered to her, but his smile remained. "If I had an easier job I would not call for your assistance."

  Specter floated between them and held up his hands. "Come on, guys, cool it. Sure, there were some hiccups, but we made it out okay, and we got the loot."

  "And I expect thirty percent of everything in that heavy thing," Dolf spoke up.

  "Me, too," Maeve agreed.

  "Ditto," Specter chimed in.

  Dolf glanced at him and raised an eyebrow. "What are you going to do with money?"

  Specter grinned and shrugged. "Maybe buy myself a tombstone. Anyway, I earned it, so I want it."

  Simon smiled and bowed his head. "Then you shall all have your share of the entirety of the safe contents. I will have the contents appraised and your accounts will be duly filled."

  Dolf grinned. "Good. Now I'm getting out of here. It's going to take a week for me to get over carrying that thing all night." He broke from our group and walked towards the garage entrance.

  Maeve half-turned away, but paused and glanced over her shoulder at Simon. She smiled and winked. "Don't keep a woman waiting." With that farewell she followed Dolf.

  Specter floated in front of us and grinned. "I guess I'll be going. You two kids behave." He winked and floated after the others.

  I glanced at Simon and jerked my head towards Specter. "Was he in the trunk the entire time?"

  Simon chuckled. "I believe not, but let's go up. I could use a long drink, and Cotio must be contacted to sort through our 'treasures.'"

  I followed him to the elevator and sighed. It'd been a long, eventful day, and I wondered what sensual fun and adventure waited for me tomorrow.

  I was soon to find out.

  Shadow Heist


  I screamed as the car tumbled end-over-end. My hands clasped the sides and my seat belt cut into my gut as the world around me spun in a dizzying circle of colors.

  But I'm getting ahead of myself. That wasn't how my night started, but it made for one hell of a finish. My night started in the evening. I shuffled out of my bedroom that was situated in the penthouse of one Simon Cruor. Whether or not that was his real name, I don't know. That was the name he used, and when an ancient vampire used a name most people didn't argue the point.

  Except me. I could argue with him. He was after all my lover and creator. What was he going to do? Ground me to his bedroom?

  I found my aforementioned lover seated on the couch with his crossed feet on the coffee table. I reached the back of the couch and leaned forward. His eyes were closed and he held very still. He appeared dead. Well, deader than usual.

  "Was there something you wanted?"

  I yelped and jumped back. Simon hadn't opened his eyes, and the only movement from him came from his delicious lips.

  I clutched my chest over my thumping heart and glared at him. "Don't you ever get tired of scaring me?"

  A smile slipped onto his lips and he chuckled. "No." His eyes flickered open to reveal their brilliant red color. "Though I must admit I am tired now." He stood and glanced around the richly-furnished penthouse. His eyes narrowed and his lips pursed together. "What a dull night this is."

  I walked around the couch and plopped myself onto a cushion. A sigh escaped my lips as I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. "Yeah. Great, isn't it? No vampires chasing us, no guards chasing us, and no tax collectors chasing us."

  "Perhaps it's time to deal with some unfinished business I have
with our old acquaintances the Gemmarius's."

  I opened my eyes and frowned at him. "You mean the jewel guy?"

  Simon nodded. "Yes. It seems he's moving many of his valuables out of his store and into a depository on the island of Avalon in the bay."

  I raised an eyebrow. "So?"

  A sly half-smile slipped onto his lips. "So our old acquaintances have provided us with quite a challenge."

  I shrugged. "What's the big deal about an island? That last compound was practically one. You can just get your crazy friends together and do it all over again."

  Simon shook his head. "This island is rather different. The owner is a-" He paused and chuckled. "Well, we shall call him a very old acquaintance. If I were to land on the island, he would know."

  "So what's your point?" I asked him.

  "My point is we would have very little chance to steal any items once they were in the depository of that island," he summarized. "We must find another way."

  I groaned and ran a hand down my face. "Seriously? After all the trouble we had last time, you want to do this again?" I paused and furrowed my brow. My narrowed eyes flickered to him. "Come to think of it, you didn't do all that much the last time."

  Simon chuckled and pulled out his phone. "It was rather selfish of you four to have all the fun, wasn't it?"

  I snorted. "Yeah, great fun." Simon dialed a number and put the phone to his ear. "Who are you-" He held up a finger.

  I heard a faint female voice answer the phone. "What's up, dark and gruesome?"

  Simon smiled. "Good evening, Miss Makon. I was interested in seeing your latest selection of fast vehicles."

  The person on the other end laughed. "Too late. I just sold the last one."

  Simon frowned. "I see. And when will a new vehicle be available?"

  "Don't know, but I've got an idea. How about you and I go on a date?" she asked him.

  My eyebrows involuntarily crashed down. Simon's eyes flickered to me and his mischievous smile returned. "That sounds very tempting, Miss Makon. What do you say to a three-some?"


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