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Of Gods and Goddesses: Book 3 (Lords and Commoners Series)

Page 21

by Lynne Hill-Clark


  “You need to see what you’ve done.” She grabbed Elda roughly under the arm.

  “I can’t leave her!”

  The woman sighed. “Here, you’ll need this.” She pulled a pint of blood out of her coat pocket. Elda almost lost control at the sight of it.

  The woman tossed it to Elda. When Elda ripped open the bag the scent was all consuming. With shaking hands she impulsively put it to her lips. No! I must revive Silvia. Elda put the torn opening of the blood bag to Silvia’s pale, dry lips.

  “Don’t do that! That’s not enough to wake her. You’ll need an entire human for that. The blood is for you. It will give you enough strength to carry her out. Which I can’t do because I have to distract the guards along the way.”

  With one last conflicted look at Silvia, Elda guzzled the blood in a matter of seconds. She felt some life flow back into her body. Now she fully realized how weak and tired she had been. Yet the guilt of not giving the blood to Silvia was unbearable. “How are we going to get out of here?”

  “We don’t have to hurry as much as we need to be careful. The guards most likely won’t come this far into the cellblock for weeks — to hand out blood rations. I know the guards’ whereabouts. I can get you out but you have to do as I say. The guards trust me so I’ll make idle conversation with them. Once our backs are turned you’ll sneak by.”

  “Why go through all this trouble for me?” Elda asked.

  “Because it’s been said that you can fix this mess of a world. I once thought it would be nice to be free, to be able to be ourselves and not have to hide but I see it now — the Court was right all along. If humans thrive so do vampires. I don’t particularly care about humans but I don’t want this for my race.”

  “I don’t know if I can help, let alone change the world.”

  “You did it once. You can do it again.”

  Elda carefully lifted Silvia over her shoulder. “I can’t make any promises, other than that I will try.”

  Elda’s mysterious rescuer, who would not reveal her name, helped Elda find a small abandoned apartment in Colorado Springs. “I wouldn’t stay here long if I were you. But this should work for now.” The woman headed for the door.

  “Wait. You’re not going to help me?” Elda’s heart jumped into her throat.

  “I’ve risked too much for you already. I have to look after myself. It’s a vicious world out there. Good luck saving us.” Under her breath she added, “If you can even survive.” Then she vanished.

  “Great.” Elda looked around at the dusty old apartment in dismay. It’s terrifying not knowing what the future holds. What in the hell do I do now? Elda had never been alone before.

  Chapter 54 South America 2034 A.D

  Teller always thought that it was Elijah whom Vallachia would return to. Her very infrequent communication was only to him. She truly loved him. Teller had long since accepted that fact. Yet Elijah was not the first one she returned to.

  Teller was in the garden outside the tunnels when Vallachia’s arms went around his neck. He had not even registered her scent.

  “It’s wonderful to see you,” she whispered.

  Once he fully realized that it was truly Vallachia, he put his arms around her waist and hugged her tight, breathing in her scent. She was not entirely the same. Although, he could not place what was different. The only thing he knew for sure was that everything was about to change. Whether that was for the best or not was impossible to tell. Sometimes change could not be labeled as good or bad, it was simply change and one must always be ready for it. Teller hoped he was ready for what was coming.

  Like being on autopilot — as if it was the most natural thing in the world — Teller bent down to kiss her but she moved to place her lips on his cheek instead. This was when he realized everything about her gestures were purely platonic. This confirmed what he already knew, She cares for me, even loves me but not in the way she loves Elijah. This thought sent a sharp pain through his chest.

  “There are two people I have been waiting a long time to introduce you to,” she whispered.

  With his hands on Vallachia’s waist he held her back in order to look into her large blue eyes. They danced with joy. Her eyes had always been his favorite things about her; they made her irresistible. She was positively stunning. Her expression was candid and excited. Her long flowing white dress appeared to make her light up. For some reason, Teller was reminded of the mysterious lady who had saved him from Neacsa.

  Vallachia took Teller’s hand and led him to a small clearing. Her long flaxen hair swayed gracefully along with her dress as she moved. She was like something out of a dream. Maybe this was a dream and Vallachia was not truly back? Teller would follow her anywhere. This had always been the case and he had no idea why. He didn’t even care where they were going.

  Teller was surprised to find himself facing two small girls.

  “Girls, I want you to meet your father,” Val said.

  Teller’s head reeled. This must be a dream. The girls appeared to be about six years old; they looked at him with curiosity and earnestness. They reminded Teller of Vallachia when she was a little girl but they had large emerald eyes that sparkled in the sunlight — they had his eyes. The girls were virtually identical. The only noticeable difference was that one was slightly smaller than the other. This was the one who hid behind Vallachia, shyly peeking out from around her mother’s dress.

  The other girl, the slightly larger one said, “Father!” She ran to Teller and jumped on him. He instinctively put his arms out to catch her. She threw her tiny arms around his neck.

  Teller was petrified. The child’s scent was mostly familiar — that of his and Vallachia’s and something else — something unidentifiable and … not human. He slowly put his arms around the small child, as he realized that she was his — the daughter he thought he could never have.

  Teller closed his eyes to stop the tears. I have a daughter — I have two daughters, was his first thought. This was all that mattered — they were all that mattered. The change inside him was instantaneous. The fact that Vallachia would not choose him was insignificant. The past seven hundred years fell into place. He and Val had had that inexplicable connection because they were meant to have these two beautiful girls. He had even seen these two perfect spirits before, whenever he had touched Val. Granted they looked different than they had in his vision — nevertheless it had been them — his children — their children.

  All Teller wanted now was to be a father, to love them and protect them. “My daughter,” he said to the little girl as he put her down. When he looked to Val for explanation, he was surprised once again, as there were two of her standing side by side. He was seeing double twice over, with two small Vallachias and now two grown Vallachias.

  “What in the hell is going on?” he asked.

  Val laughed at his wonderment. “You two have met before but let me formally introduce you to my mother, Valentina.”

  “‘Mom.’ I’m your mom,” Valentina corrected.

  “It was you who saved me from Neacsa?” Teller managed to put together some of the pieces.

  Valentina nodded a yes and glided forward. She appeared to float through the air. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She extended her hand to Teller.

  Now that she was closer Teller could see the differences between her and Vallachia.

  “And you have meet Vera,” Val gestured to the larger of the two children. Vera had taken Teller’s index finger and was holding it tightly in her tiny hand. It was as if she did not want to let go, now that they were finally together. Teller hoped this was the case, as he did not want her to let go either. She gazed up at her father with wide expectant eyes.

  “And this is little Veva,” Val said, as she gestured to the smaller mostly-hidden girl.

  “Eva,” the small girl’s voice was quiet yet stern. She was clearly irritated by the name Veva.

  Who could blame her? Teller thought.
br />   “Of course, my dear, Eva,” Val said.

  Teller knelt down on one knee, trying to appear less intimidating. “It’s a great pleasure to meet you Eva.”

  She hid her face in her mother’s dress.

  “Eva, say hello to your father. Remember what we taught you? When you meet someone new, it’s customary to shake hands,” Val said.

  The little girl shook her head, which was still buried in Val’s dress. She refused to say hello or shake his hand.

  “Let’s not push her,” Valentina said. “She’ll open up to you in her own time.”

  “Of course,” Val and Teller said in unison. They looked at each other and smiled.

  It was difficult for Teller to look away from Val and her new radiance. He didn’t think it was possible but she was even more stunning somehow. Oddly though, Teller felt differently towards her. His desire for her had faded and there was only … love; as one would love a sister or a mother. He didn’t understand it or have the words for it. It was similar to how he felt about Sergiu, Abdullah, the twins, as well as some of his other men.

  “Motherhood suits you. You look better than ever,” Teller said.

  “Thank you.” Val studied Teller for a moment. “You look wonderful as well. You appear … free.”

  “I have made some major changes lately. I suppose you could say that I’ve recently come to terms with myself.”

  “You’ve finally defeated the demons within. I knew it; you look happier, content even.”

  “I’m no longer burdened by the past.”

  “That’s wonderful. I’m happy for you.” Val hugged Teller. “Well, I’m sure you have many questions. Let’s take a walk.” She put her arm in his as they used to do so long ago back in their village. Back when they were nothing more than two young lovers, before they became vampires and a prince and a queen.

  Valentina tried to take Eva’s hand but Eva clung even tighter to Val’s leg.

  Val bent down. “Give us a minute, my sweet. We won’t be long I promise.”

  “Don’t leave me here in this strange place,” Eva said.

  “I’m not leaving, only going for a walk. I’ll be right over there. I need you to be brave and you won’t be alone,” Val said.

  Reluctantly Eva moved to hide behind her grandma — who in no way resembled a typical grandmother.

  Vera looked disappointed that her father was leaving already.

  “Keep an eye on them and we’ll be back in two shakes of a lamb’s tail,” Val said.

  Vera nodded. “Okay Mamma, only two shakes.”

  Val told Teller everything about where she had been and why she had stayed away. She told him about learning her mother’s ways. To Val’s surprise, Teller believed her when she told him that she had learned to do magical things. He had witnessed Neacsa’s future-telling ability. He had fought skeletons that would not fully die. Tomoc had had a type of magic as well. Not much would surprise him after all that.

  “Go to him. He needs you,” Teller said. “Besides, that will give me time to get to know my daughters.” His eyes shone bright with excitement.

  “Thank you.” Val kissed his cheek. “But I told the girls that I would be right back. I’ve never left them before.”

  “Then it’s time you did. You need a break from being a mom and they have a dad now. Come.” He took Val’s hand and led her back to the garden where Valentina had taken the girls.

  Valentina was inspecting the garden with a critical eye.

  Vera jumped into Teller’s arms at once. She was fine with her mother leaving. Eva, however, threw an outright fit. Her mother had never left her before. She had not ever been more than a couple hundred yards away from Val. Now her mother wanted to go who-knows-where for who-knows-how long? This was unacceptable.

  “It’s okay. I will see Elijah eventually,” Val said.

  “No. Go now. We’ve got this,” Teller spoke loudly over Eva’s screams. “She has to get used to being away from you at some point.”

  “Well, maybe not today.” Val could not stand the anguish this was causing Eva. “This is all so new to her. I should stay.”

  Valentina held Eva tightly. “Now is as good a time as any. Go so I can calm her.”

  Chapter 55 South America 2034 A.D

  Vallachia ran as fast as she could through the tunnels, until she caught the familiar scent she was looking for. The girls would be safe with Teller and Valentina but it still felt odd leaving them. I pray Eva has calmed down. They need to get to know their father and … I need to see my husband.

  His wonderfully familiar scent led her to a closed door. Should I knock? What if he is not alone? I should not go barging in on Elijah after all these years. Finally, she decided to take her chances, the need to see him was stronger than these concerns. She slowly opened the door. There he is! He was sitting at a desk writing. Val could not help herself, the excitement at seeing him was too much. In an instant she was standing behind him. Then trepidation invaded. What if he is furious with me? No one could blame him — after everything I have done. Her heart thudded loudly in her chest.

  He caught her scent as she hesitated. He quickly stood. Val smiled and he wrapped his arms around her tightly. “Is it truly you?” Elijah whispered. Then to answer his own question, he inhaled sharply and added, “It is.”

  Val laughed with delight. It was wonderful to be in his arms again, even though he was holding her so tight around the upper body that she could not hug him in return.

  “I can’t believe it. You’re back.”

  “For good,” Val whispered. He eventually loosened his grip so Val was able to wrap her arms around him. She started to say the many things that she knew needed to be said, “Oh, Elijah, I’m so sorry —” was all she got out before he pressed his lips to hers. She kissed him back and let herself enjoy his hungry touch.

  “There’s much to tell you. I need to explain — ” she tried again.

  “I don’t care,” he interrupted. “All that matters is that you are here … with me.”

  Elijah’s wonderful gray-blue eyes were full of love and longing. Val could not help herself. She needed him. She pressed her lips to his and jumped up on him throwing her legs around him. They did not make it to the bed. They eventually melted to the floor in a tangle of arms and legs as clothes came off …

  Eventually, Val lay with her head in her favorite place, Elijah’s bare chest. She gently ran a finger across his skin, outlining his tattoo.

  It had been a long time since he had had a woman’s touch. He closed his eyes and his body felt fully relaxed for the first time in years — all but his arm, which held her close.

  Elijah might never let her go; she hoped he never would. She wanted to stay like that forever. “I missed you so much,” she whispered.

  “You have no idea.”

  They heard loud footsteps coming down the tunnel, headed their way. They were too loud to be that of Vampires.

  “Oh, boy. Here we go,” Elijah said. With his free arm he quickly yanked a blanket off the bed to cover them. After only a brief knock, his door opened.

  A loud human voice said, “Elijah —” but her words were cut short at the sight of the reunited lovers. She was a human with short black hair.

  “Oh my God … you’re back.” She seemed to know who Val was but Val had no idea who she was. Whoever she was she was not happy to see Val and her eyes filled with tears as she ran out of the room.

  “Do you need to tend to that?” Val asked.

  “No. That was Bray. She’s a friend, nothing more.”

  “She fancies you.”

  “Aye ... hopefully now she will leave me alone.” Elijah wrapped his other arm around Val and pulled her in closer. “She wants me to turn her into a vampire because she thinks I’ll finally be with her if she’s one of us. I’ve told her many times that it’s not allowed to turn humans and that it would not make me want to be with her. Yet nothing I do or say deters her. She’s hung on for all these years. Now s
he will see, you’re the only one for me. Hopefully she’ll move on and find a nice human boy.” Elijah pressed his lips to Val’s.

  Val didn’t care what Elijah had done while she was away. After the sin she committed, she had no right to expect that Elijah had remained faithful to her. She was only relieved that he was with her now. He wanted her back and that was all that mattered. She didn’t care about the past fifteen years. That was Elijah’s business, not hers.

  Val cherished every second of this, as it postponed her having to tell Elijah about the girls. How will he react to them? Will he reject them because they're Teller's and therefore reject me? This was an unbearable thought. For now she would lose herself in him for as long as possible.

  It was like being newlyweds again. Val and Elijah did not leave his room for an entire day. He would not allow Val to talk about why she was gone for so many years or why she was back now. He would say, “Don’t, not yet. Let me enjoy this a moment longer.” It was as if he knew he would not like what Val had to say.

  “I must see everyone else. How are they?” Val asked.

  Elijah released Val for the first time from his iron grip. “I suppose we can’t postpone the inevitable any longer.” So they dressed quickly. He stopped suddenly as he was about to pull a shirt over his head and looked at Val as if for the first time. “There’s something different about you.”

  Val shrugged. “What’s different?”

  Elijah smiled at her beauty — how he had missed it. She appeared radiant. Perhaps it was simply because he had not seen her in so long — he had forgotten how stunning she was.

  Val felt her heart might burst when Elijah gave her his crooked smile.

  She was anxious to see her other friends. Not surprisingly they tracked Riddick down in the weapons room. “Riddick!” Val ran toward him.

  Riddick narrowed his eyes. When Val grew close he backed away. “So you finally decided to show up.” His voice was full of accusation.


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