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Of Gods and Goddesses: Book 3 (Lords and Commoners Series)

Page 28

by Lynne Hill-Clark

  “She appears to know what she’s talking about.” Teller’s arms were crossed and his brow was furrowed in deep thought.

  Val shook her head in refusal. “No. No and no.” She looked to Valentina, then Teller, then Elda, each in turn. “No one will hurt my girls. Their sole purpose in life is not to be sacrificial lambs. They will not be killed only to be resurrected to find all of their family dead, due to a plague that they released. We kill them, so they kill us. None of this makes sense. There’s nothing good about any of this! You’re all crazy for even entertaining this nonsense!” Val was yelling by the time she finished.

  “The Great Mother loaned us these two marvels. But She wants them back.” A tear ran down Valentina’s cheek.

  Val lunged at her mother. She would have thrown Valentina against the wall but Elijah and Teller each held one of her arms. Which only infuriated Val more. It was a good thing she did not have her sword on her or someone would have lost a head.

  Elda reached through the bars and gently placed her hand on Val’s arm.

  The gesture surprised Val, which worked to distract her from her fury.

  “I will find another way. Your daughters will not be sacrificed.”

  Val’s lips quivered. “You will?”

  “You have my word. I will not rest until I find another way to enact the curse.”

  “But this curse will kill all vampires,” Elijah reminded them of the second problem they faced.

  “That’s the easy one to get around. You see, it says here,” Elda pointed to the text, “‘the curse will kill all vampires it touches.’ This tunnel alone will most likely be enough to protect us from the ‘touch’ of the plague. Our basic protection spell will also work to stop it. So we will be doubly safe if we stay inside the spelled tunnels.”

  “Does that book of yours say how long the plague will last?” Elijah asked.

  “Forty days and forty nights.”

  “Of course.” Teller sighed at yet another Biblical reference.

  “So we’ll have to stay sealed in here for forty days?” Elijah asked.

  “And forty nights,” Elda confirmed. “The curse will not affect humans, so they will be free to leave. No vampires will be able to hurt them once the ritual has been completed. We must make sure we have enough blood to last that long,” Elda said.

  “Then we can all be free,” Elijah said.

  “Great. Then all we have to do is find a way not to kill my daughters.” Val said through gritted teeth.

  “We will.” Elda reached for Val’s hand.

  Val swiftly seized a knife from Elijah’s belt and slashed Elda’s hand open. Then she did the same thing to herself. This happened in the blink of an eye and in one swift motion. Val wrapped her fingers around Elda’s — pressing their bleeding wounds together. “Promise on your blood.”

  “No!” Silvia protested.

  But Elda didn’t flinch or hesitate. “I promise on my life that we’ll not enact the Curse of the Powerful unless we can do so without taking the life of your children.”

  “Thank you,” Val whispered.

  “So if we can figure out a less gruesome way to perform this spell, when will it take place?” Valentina asked.

  “It cannot take place until the chosen ones have come of age on their thirteenth birthday,” Silvia said.

  “They will be thirteen in two weeks,” Val said.

  Elda paced. “Then that is precisely how much time I have to come up with another plan.” She plopped down on her cot and began scouring through her grimoire.

  Elda needed to work and Val needed to think, so she headed out. There was nothing else to do at this point anyway. As the room slowly cleared, Val overheard Silvia whisper, “Why did you promise with your life? You know there is no other way.”

  Elda did not reply. She continued to read with great determination.

  Chapter 71 South America 2034 A.D

  A week later Val went in for her turn at keeping watch over Elda and Silvia. This was to make sure no one tried to assassinate them rather than out of any worries about them trying to escape. Val greeted Samuel, who appeared to be more than ready to get off duty. Elda and Silvia were asleep on their cots. As soon as Samuel was gone Elda sat up and ran to the bars. She glanced back to Silvia, checking to make sure she was truly asleep.

  This filled Val with hope. “Did you find something that can save my girls in your Grimoire?”


  Val’s shoulders dropped.

  “But as I have said before…” she spoke softly. Val had to lean in close. “My sight is back.” Elda looked over her shoulder again. She clearly didn’t want Silvia to know what she was about to say.

  What would Elda possibly keep from Silvia? Val wondered. “At least your sight is back. All I see is grayness when I try to look into the future,” Val had fallen into despair this past week. She knew if her girls died so would she. There was no way she could give them up. Yet how could she be so selfish? This was their chance to save the world. Val felt as if the Great Mother had abandoned her entirely. She could no longer see the sky when she looked up, let alone the future.

  Elda whispered in Val’s ear. “I have seen how we’ll do this. The key ingredients are the twins’ blood and two deaths. It may not need to be your daughters’ deaths but two others.”

  “Will that work?”

  “Shhh. It may but it’s a serious spell. This will be like cheating death because the two girls are meant to die. There may be consequences for such trickery.”

  “You mean, two others can be sacrificed in Eva and Vera’s place?”

  “It’s worth a try and it very well may work.”

  Hope flooded back into Val. It felt as if a light from her core was spreading through her body.

  “So you will draw blood from the girls, a pint each should be plenty, then we will perform the sacrifice.”

  Val shook her head not fully understanding.

  “We, as in you and me. We are the only ones who can know about this.”


  “Because we’ll take the girls’ place.”

  Val nodded. “I will gladly die for my children but why you? You don’t need to die. Teller will volunteer. He will die for them.”

  “Yes. He would ... but gender is very important in sacrifices. The female lamb is the most precious of offerings. She could go on to produce many sheep while a ram is more easily replaced. Herds can thrive with only one ram while prosperous herds had many females. One female is worth thirty males to a herdsman. When sheep would give birth, prayers would be made asking for the lamb to be a female. Of course half the time it was male. There was no need to feed so many rams so male lambs would often become dinner. Rams were virtually disposable and therefore not a real sacrifice.”

  “We aren’t sheep and this is no longer biblical times.”

  “Either way, it would be too risky to replace what is meant to be a female with a male. It needs to be two females.”

  “You would die for this?”

  “It’s the price I must pay for what I’ve done. This is the only way for me to set things right.”

  Val studied her deep golden eyes and decided she was sincere.

  “We can’t tell anyone of our plan, as they will interfere. This is the way it has to happen.” She glanced nervously at Silvia, who remained fast asleep.

  Val nodded. She had had the feeling since she first found Elda that they were together in this until the end — whatever that might be. Finding Elda was the beginning of the end and Val knew they would finish this — one way or another — together. The only two queens to have ever ruled the vampire world had a duty to make things right. It all made perfect sense. This is the way it has to be. Val placed her back to the bars and slid down them to sit hard on the cool tunnel floor.

  From inside the cell, Elda did the same. She began to sing her solemn song, which was in contrast to her lovely voice. …

  The pieces are in place

p; The pawns are ready to play

  No more, no more

  The chains are broken

  The chains are gone

  Better left unknown

  Better left undone

  The pieces are in place and

  The pawns are ready to play…

  Val’s first thought was that she was grateful to have had twelve, almost thirteen, wonderful years with her girls. She was glad that Teller would get time with them now. Thankfully they have a loving father and grandmother. They have aunts and uncles who will look after them. Val frowned. She was not sure that Mari and Mary would be the best influences on the girls. Mary would teach them to curse and Mari would teach them to dress and act as “proper ladies”. Val chuckled at the thought. They will also have a stepfather. Val knew Elijah would be there for them. He might outright claim little Eva as his own. He cared deeply for her.

  The thought of Elijah made Val’s stomach turn. She rubbed at the pain in her heart. They had confessed their eternal love for each other — not that there was ever much doubt. They had been together for so long and been through so much. Not even death would change their love. Val didn’t want Elijah to become like his father. She pictured Eva helping him to remember how to love. Eva would help to remind Elijah that he was not his father. Val took some comfort in knowing this.

  After a long silence Elda asked, “Are you thinking of all that needs to be done before we unleash … the curse?”

  “It’s going to be hard to say goodbye.”

  “You can’t do it in person. They’ll stop you.”

  Val nodded. “So what are we going to tell everyone? I mean, how will we keep this a secret.”

  “I’ve been planning.” Elda slid a note under the door and whispered. “I don’t want to risk Silvia waking and hearing us.

  Val read quickly...

  It will happen on their thirteenth birthday. The girls’ blood will need to be drawn on this day — the fresher the better. It will need to be kept warm. You will let me out and we will keep Silvia in here — locked up safe. We’ll have to sneak out at dusk or shortly after. First we will cast a spell to keep vampires sealed in the tunnels, a circumscription spell. It will be a magical barrier, protecting them from the curse as well. Humans will still be able to come and go at will. Neither the curse nor the circumscription spell will affect them. Your vampire coven will not be able to follow us this way. As you are well aware, crystals are powerful conduits for magic. This will be a difficult curse for only two to perform. It will take a lot of energy, so bring as many high quality crystals as you can find. Now burn this note.

  “You have been busy,” Val said. Val held the note in the palm of her hand. She focused on the paper until it went up in flames. “Won’t others like my mom, her companions and Silvia be able to undo the barrier curse?”

  “Perhaps but it will be too late by the time they figure it out. We’ll have enacted the curse. You can warn them of that in a note, once we are out.”

  Val was rather impressed with the plan. I suppose she does not have much else to do, locked in a cell. Val dreaded having to draw her daughters’ blood. Eva would not like it. What would she tell them? She would have to think of something. She also had to figure out a way to warn their other allies in time. She could not let Hector, Shantanu and Jinlan’s covens succumb to the curse. Val sighed. The next week would be the worst week of her life, as they had exactly one week until the girls’ thirteenth birthday.

  Chapter 72 South America 2034 A.D

  Val tried hard to enjoy every last moment with her family but she felt little joy. She focused on what needed to be done. Val made a run for supplies; heat packs, a small ice-chest for the girls’ blood, crystals and some other provisions. Over the years, supplies grew harder and harder to find. The tricky part was planning the exact time to send her messages, via crows, to their allies overseas. She could not warn them too much in advance or they would contact Elijah with questions. But she needed to warn them in enough time so they could secure themselves in their hideouts. After much calculating she had a plan that she hoped would give them just enough time but not too much. Then there was nothing left to do but practice the odd incantation for the curse.

  The night before her daughters’ birthday Vallachia crafted a note to Elijah. She was surprised at what came out as she wrote. …

  My Love,

  I have lived many wonderful lifetimes. Thankfully, I was able to spend them with you by my side. You were always a wonderful, fair and loving companion. No one could ask for a better partner than you.

  If your father were here, I would thank him for the life he gave me. You are nothing like him and you never will be. Keep our family around you and you will be fine.

  Val’s thoughts turned to Riddick. He had made an oath to protect Val. He was determined not to fail, as he had once failed his wife. Val knew that Riddick would not remain mad at her forever. He would most likely take her death doubly hard. He had been largely missing since Val’s return. She knew that this was temporary. He would return in his own time and he would forgive her. She could see a bigger picture now that she was about to die. Knowing the date of your death changes the way you think. She was not stuck in the present; she was only concerned for the future of the ones she loved and Riddick was very dear to her. She continued writing….

  If Riddick returns in time please tell him that my death was not his fault and that there was nothing he could do to save me.

  After the curse, you will be the leader of vampires once again. Send our people back into hiding. After a couple of generations, vampires will pass back into myth and humans can prosper once again.

  I’m sorry I will not be there to see it. I love you more than anything!


  She did not cry. This was too painful for tears — beyond tears. She could not bear the thought of writing letters to all her other family. She was emotionally drained after writing this. Elijah would have to say goodbye for her.

  P.S. Please tell everyone that I love them and will miss them terribly.

  By the morning of her daughters’ birthday Val had become numb. Her face was emotionless. She moved with purpose and determination. Val only allowed herself to focus on the task at hand. She had to do what needed to be done and she could not allow emotions to mess things up, give her away or cause her to hesitate on what she had to do. This mission was too important — saving her daughters and the world — restoring balance, once again.

  First she had to get through the birthday celebration. She and Elda would not leave until dusk. Somehow Val had to make it through this entire excruciating day. The only possible way was to allow herself not to feel — anything.

  Vera and Eva greeted her with a hug. Val placed her arms around them but there was no feeling in the gesture. She could barely force a smile as she said, “Happy birthday, my lovely angels.”

  Eva cocked her head. “Are you okay, Mama?”

  “I’m fine … darling.” Just go through the motions — stick to the plan. That’s all that matters. Val thought she might be getting used to making herself numb. She’d had to do it a lot lately.

  Elijah narrowed his eyes at her.

  Val snatched his hand more forcefully than she had intended. “Let’s celebrate.” Again she struggled to force a smile across her lips. She headed out to set up for the party. Just stay busy.

  They played games and ate a cake that Valentina had baked for the girls. Val did her best to act normal. She was aware that she was not overly convincing but convincing enough. Val gave Vera her favorite sword.

  Elijah continued to watch Val closely.

  “My first real sword? But Mama this is your best sword.”

  “That’s why I want you to have it.”

  “And for you my dear…” Val handed Eva the ancient patriarchal cross.

  “Your grandfather made this and I want you to take good care of it.”

  “My grandpa’s.” She held it close to her chest. “I will tak
e really good care of it, Mama.”

  Vera playfully thrust the sword at her sister with surprising force. Vera appeared to be much stronger today. Before Val could reprimand Vera, Eva threw her hand up and a bright light flashed, sending Vera flying backwards. They stared opened mouthed at the girls for a moment trying to understand what had happened.

  Val ran to help Vera to her feet.

  “They have come into their own,” Valentina said.

  “What does that mean?” Val snapped.

  “On their thirteenth birthday they gain their power. It also means they’re ready to do what they came here to do.”

  Val glared at Valentina. “We have been over this. Elda did not find another way so there will be no curse!”

  Valentina looked skeptical but she trusted her daughter. “Very well, we’ll find another way to defeat John and set humans free.”

  Eva looked at her hand as if it was a snake. “Mom! What happened? I didn’t mean to do that. I just … thought I was in danger when I saw the sword coming at me … then Vera went flying…

  “It’s okay dear. Your sister is fine. Your grandmother, I mean we, will teach you to control your new powers,” Val answered.

  “Powers? Cool!” Vera said. “Will we be able to fly, like you?”

  “I don’t know. This is new to us as well. Only time will tell.” Time that Val did not have. What does this mean? The girls are not simply slow growing human children. They are powerful. It doesn’t change anything. Other than the fact that they will be able to protect themselves. That’s a good thing but it changes nothing.

  Valentina, Sasha and Angela bombarded the girls with magical tips and advice. Val stood back and watched. They’re in good hands. Surrounded by many loved ones. The slightest smile, a real one, crept across her face for the first time in a number of weeks.


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