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The Witch and the Werewolf

Page 5

by C. D. Gorri

  “Wait, please!” Sherry cried out weakly, “He is a friend, Seff.”

  Seff stiffened at her use of the word. He didn’t recognize the man who’d just come bursting into his room. The guy was lucky Seff was weak or he’d have ripped his head off.

  He’d gotten a reputation as being somewhat docile as his Pack’s Beta, but nothing could be further from the truth. Seff’s role required diplomacy and a certain genteel exterior, but inside he was all Wolf.

  At least, he usually was. Fuck. What is wrong with me? Either way he wasn’t dropping his guard without reason. And right now, the reason was pale and beautiful and still in his bed.

  Whatever their past, one thing was true, he wanted to keep her there in his bed, in his room, and this guy was not welcome!

  “Who are you? What are you doing here?” he growled and gripped the man’s throat tightly.

  Never mind that the action stopped the guy from answering. He rolled his eyes and loosened his fingers before continuing, “Tell me what is going on!”

  The only sound was that of his captor trying to breathe and Sherry’s soft gasps. He tried calling his beast, but there was still no answer. It took all his strength to remain upright, but he wouldn’t allow himself to appear weak before this skinny, black-cloaked, sniff, Witch, who dared trespass in his bedroom!

  The bastard was ignoring Seff’s death grip on his neck! His beady eyes remained riveted to Sherry. Sweet Sherry, in a fucking transparent night gown in his bed! WTF? Wait. How did she even get here?

  “One of you answer me! What the hell is going on!” Seff bellowed on shaky feet and held the stranger tighter for one instant before tossing him away from the bed, in the direction of the door.

  Just then his brother, Liam, walked in, his eyebrows raised as he hurried to his side. Like the stranger, his brother’s gaze went straight to Sherry.

  “Whoa! You did it! Thank you so much! Seff, I can’t believe you’re back!”

  “Ha! You owe me twenty bucks! Told you she’d deliver! Damn, you look like shit, Seff,” Conall shouted as he walked in after Seff’s brother.

  “I am glad you are satisfied with my service,” Sherry replied to Liam, but her eyes were smiling.

  Clearly, something had passed between his brother and the Witch. Something that made Seff want to roar in frustration and smack his brother upside the head. Mine. Grrr. Unfortunately, he was in no shape to do either.

  Fuck. Every inch of him felt as if it had been put through the ringer. His whole body ached. Even his brain hurt. None of this made sense. He took in the crowd of people in his room and one thing was clear, he needed them gone.

  “Out! Everybody out,” He fisted the sheet and growled his orders, when Sherry made to move he stayed her with a look, “Except you.”

  Seff could hardly get a handle on what he was feeling. He knew he was weak. He knew his Wolf was not answering. He knew he needed answers.

  He felt tired, angry, hungry and, confused. The only thing that was not a complete fucking shock, was that he still wanted the woman in front of him like crazy.

  That ship has sailed, buddy. The reminder that he had fucked up that relationship years ago was as unwelcome as the temptation she represented. It was almost too much for him to bear.

  He groaned as pain shot through his chest all the way up to his head. He sat down hard on the rumpled bed, covering his half-erection with the bundled-up sheets. In pain or not, his body didn’t seem to notice anything else but her, especially when she was close enough to smell. How about taste? Down boy.

  No matter how sternly he spoke to himself, the second he was within a mile of the Witch, he reacted with the same insufferable desire. A lust so strong that it couldn’t be dampened with a month of ice cold showers. Shit. If she was there, he could probably still get it up if he was buck naked in Antarctica.

  Working in close proximity to Sherry over the past year had left him with the bluest balls he’d ever had, but he’d always managed to hide it. Not so much now.

  With nothing but a sheet to shield him from her gaze his physical condition was more than obvious. Given the way her cheeks heated when he caught the direction of her stare, he’d say she damn sure noticed. Hey, I got nothing to be ashamed of if I do say so myself.

  The pretty pink glow of her skin gave him the strength he needed to control himself. Sherry Morgan is finally here in my bedroom and not totally immune! Too bad I can’t fucking remember how she got here.

  He took a long, hard look at the woman whose face had invaded his dreams for the better part of a decade. Seff drank in every curl of her long, wild hair, every tiny freckle that crossed the bridge of her slightly upturned nose, and delicate tilt of her oh-so-kissable bow of a mouth.

  Like a starving man, he devoured every nuance of her superb countenance. All the reasons he’d told himself why they couldn’t be together vanished. He might not know what had happened to him, but he knew it was bad. And possibly fatal. A thing like that changed a man’s opinions.

  He blinked hard. He couldn’t afford to have his wits scrambled by her beauty regardless of how easily she continued to dazzle him with her perfection. She is still as gorgeous as ever and just as unattainable. Keep telling yourself that, Seff, old boy.

  She was part of his past and no matter how he regretted his actions, nothing he could say or do would bring her back to him. She’d made that perfectly clear the last time she came to aid the Macconwood.

  “Thank you for coming, Sherry. It’s so good to see you again. Maybe we can talk over a cup of coffee or glass of wine,” he’d said to her.

  “I do not do this for you, Seff McAllister. I have a contract with your Alpha. That is the only reason I am here,” and with that parting retort she’d left in a swirl of colorful scarves and skirts, like a fleeting glimpse of a rainbow behind the clouds. She’d left., and everything was gray again.

  “Seff, you must have some water, let me fetch it for you,” she said, but her words were spoken in a voice that trembled. So, unlike her.

  “No, no water. First, tell me what’s going on.”


  SHERRY GASPED AT THE sight before her. Still so damned perfect. The beast. How unfair nature was to give such lasting beauty to the man who tore her heart out with a single written note. Still, that didn’t stop her from taking in his perfect and lusty form. Given the tent he was pitching, Seff McAllister still found her desirable. Isn’t that interesting?

  It was a shame he’d given her up without so much as a conversation. He’d never even bothered to call her up after he’d left his blasted note. There was a time when she would have gladly dropped to her knees and begged him to listen to her.

  She would have worshipped every glorious inch of him with her eyes and hands and mouth. Anything to prove her love for him. Hadn’t she welcomed him into her willing body? Given him her heart? But it wasn’t good enough.

  She bit her lip. What would he say if he knew what she’d done to bring him back? If he knew that not only had he broken her heart, ruined her for any other man, but now, she’d given him access to her soul? And in turn, gained entry to his.

  She doubted it would please him. Best break the news gently. Lying was out of the question. It would taint the magic she weaved to protect him.

  Besides, Seff was not wholly unreasonable, just biased against magic. And even that was hardly his fault. He’d been raised to think Witches were evil, untrustworthy beings. But, that said, Seff possessed an innate goodness that would surely lead him to the correct conclusion that she’d had no other choice.

  Perhaps, goddess willing, he’d even come to the conclusion that she acted as an impartial contractor working at the behest of his Alpha. Then he wouldn’t have to know how, to her unending shame, her heart still longed for him.

  The one who got away. But maybe not this time? No. He is not for me. After all was said and done, Seff was the one who had left. If Sherry knew anything about life it was that choice mattered. He chose to leav
e her.

  Still, she’d come to help him. She couldn’t refuse. How could she? Sherry might be a powerful Witch, but she was also a woman. A woman in love with a man who did not, could not love her back.

  It was such a terrible cliché. She was smart enough to acknowledge it, even if she admitted to being powerless to help it.

  “I will answer your questions,” Sherry attempted to stand with one hand on the still warm bed.

  He needed answers that only she could provide, but for some reason she didn’t think she could do that in his bed. She wobbled on her bare feet.

  Not as steady as she’d have liked, she closed her eyes and breathed deeply. Weak and empty. She needed to restore her physical being before she tried to replenish her magical stores. Balance in all things. His gravelly voice interrupted her thoughts.


  “Yes, yes. Let’s see then, you were bespelled by a Dark Witch while out with your Alpha female-”

  “Charley! I’d forgotten! Is she okay?” His frantic eyes pleaded with her and she felt her heart pull.

  Poor Seff, she should have known his first response would be to duty. He’d surely blame himself if anything had happened to his Alpha’s mate. Pack first, she’d almost forgotten his creed.

  “Do not fear, she is well as are the young-”

  “Young? She had the baby then?”

  “Yes, three actually. Triplets. And the mother is doing very well too,” she couldn’t help the smile on her lips and the small trace of envy in her voice.

  To have a family with one that she loved and chose as her mate was something she’d never know or have. The Elders Trust saw to that. Damn fools.

  She envied Rafe and Charley their obvious love and their new family. She was happy for them of course, but it saddened her to think she’d soon have to pick a male Witch to bed and father an heir to the great Morgan magic.

  It was either that or leave it to the Elders Trust to choose a mate for her. Ugh. That idea was not appealing in the least. In her opinion, greed and time constraints were not good reasons for getting with child, and yet she’d agreed to their terms otherwise face a Tribunal made up of many Covens who would, no doubt, seek to strip her of her magic and divide it amongst themselves. Bastards. Sherry would not be the end of the Morganna Witches. I swear it.

  “They are doing well then?” Seff’s voice interrupted her thoughts and she refocused on him.

  “Yes, parents and children all healthy and well.”

  “That’s good. No, thanks to me,” his fist clenched, and she could read the torment in his eyes.

  “No one blames you. Seff, you executed your duty to the fullest of your power, as always. You could not have countered the attack against you.”

  “I should have scouted better. I should have known not to trust anything or anyone with our Alpha female even on Pack land! I should have-”

  “Please, calm yourself. There is no peace to be found in looking back on what could have been, Seff. You risked your life,” she choked back tears, then started again, “You conducted yourself bravely. You did very, very well,” she spoke in a soft voice hoping to take the edge off his anxiety.

  He gritted his teeth at her praise, his eyes were still a bit wild, but at least he’d stopped degrading himself.

  “Now, I have managed, after several days of trying out many, many different things, to rouse you from the Dark spell that held you in its grip. It has been a long fight and I am depleted, I am afraid, but I must tell you all of it. There was a price for your recovery, partial as it is-”

  “What price?”

  “It was for me to pay, do not worry yourself.”

  “I can’t allow you to do that-”

  “You can’t stop me either, besides I have a contract,” she said.

  “The hell with the contract, Sherry, you will not put yourself in danger for me.”

  “Before you fly off the handle, listen, please,” it was the please that stopped him when arguing wouldn’t.

  He’d always been a stickler for manners. She waited for him to calm down before adding, “I can’t fully cure you of this Dark magic without getting my hands on the foul Witch who cast the spell. It is why you can’t reach your Wolf, Seff, and I am afraid this is far from over.”

  “You mean, I’m still in danger.”

  “Yes, but I am not ready to give up yet. There are other things to try,” she said.

  “No, I can’t let you. You are obviously weak from this fight. I won’t allow you to put yourself in danger,” she frowned at his choice of words, but he continued, “That is, what I meant to say is, thank you, Shereen, but I can’t accept any more help from you-”

  “You remember my full name?” Hardly anyone called her Shereen anymore, and she was stunned to hear it on his lips.

  “Of course, I do,” he said, his voice deep and sincere.

  He had the kind of voice that made a woman’s toes curl. Strong and deep, confident and gentle. Sherry was not immune. No matter what she told herself. He’s got a voice to make a woman fall in love all over again.

  “Well, that’s a surprise then, Seff Andrew McAllister,” a smile teased around the edges of her bow of a mouth.

  “I see you’ve got a knack for names as well. Truth is, I haven’t forgotten a thing about you, Sherry,” his whispered words sent shivers down her spine.

  Neither have I, she answered in her mind, afraid to voice the words. Enough foolishness. He is still in danger.

  “Anyway, you have no choice. You are not clear of the cast yet.”

  “Sherry, I mean it. I can’t allow you to-” The sound of heavy footsteps from outside the bedroom had them both turning their heads towards the door.

  “I need to get in there.”

  “No way, bro, you heard the man,” one of the Wolves spoke.

  “My mistress will need sustenance, you can’t imagine how much she is spent-”

  “Don’t care. You’re not getting in there until Seff says so.”

  “I could turn you into a frog, little dog-”

  “And I could use you for a chew toy, bird-man!”

  “This is going to get ugly, please allow Vasco in to see to me,” Sherry turned to Seff.

  “Fine. Your boyfriend can enter, then we will continue this. Enough, Conall, let him in!” he bellowed towards the closed door.

  “Sherry?” Vasco entered the room with a steaming mug and ignored Seff’s angry glare.

  “Here you must drink this now,” he held it out in front of her and Sherry smiled at him and squeezed his arm before accepting the brew.

  Vasco was no fool. He frowned at the nearly tangible undercurrents in the room. But what was a Witch to do? She could hardly stop herself from reacting to Seff’s nearness and vulnerability. The usually tough-as-nails Werewolf was so deliciously frazzled. She wanted to soothe his brow and ease his confusion.

  Okay. So, she was still a sucker for the tall and handsome brute. She couldn’t help it. Disapproving looks from Vasco or not. Sherry sipped her tea and allowed him to fuss over her, running a hand along her forehead and checking her pulse.

  Vasco had always been a reliable friend and at times, even an apprentice. Their families had known each other for ages and though they were of different Covens, they often worked together.

  His concern for her was touching. She smiled as she reassured him that she was perfectly fine. Just a bit tired. All the while she ignored the elephant, or should she say Wolf, in the room.

  Well, she tried to anyway.


  “ARE YOU FEELING BETTER?” The tall skinny Witch stared at Sherry with guarded eyes.

  He looked over her face with far too much interest for Seff’s peace of mind, but he didn’t comment on it.

  It was all he could do not to vault over the bed and deck the guy. Truthfully, Seff wanted to rip the skinny fucker’s throat out. How could he let another tend her? Calm down. She is not yours.

  Like fuck she isn’t.
r />   Besides, he still needed to figure out what the heck was going on and blowing a gasket over the male Witch’s overly familiar manner with Sherry wasn’t going to help his situation. Nope. Not at all.

  Until he knew the entire truth, he was at the mercy of one very wary Witch who seemed intent on ignoring him. Not bloody likely.

  “Thank you, Vasco, the cast was a difficult one, but I have done all I can for now. I am well, truly,” she smiled up at her friend and Seff tensed. Her eyes had turned an intense violet color that usually meant she was pleased.

  Seff frowned and narrowed his eyes at the pair of Witches. Was the stranger her lover? For a moment he could hardly breathe as his blood threatened to boil over.

  It had been years since he could claim any rights to Sherry, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t jealous as hell at the thought that she might belong to that skinny punk! Like hell. She is mine.

  Before he could shake off his disturbing train of thought, the dude in question whirled on Sherry, anger making his voice rise. Fuck that.

  Seff tensed. It was true, his emotions were a little out of control, hell, they were running wild. Still, that didn’t give the Witch leave to raise his voice at Sherry.

  “Yes, and what will the Covens say about it? You shouldn’t have done this, Sherry! Your loyalty to the dogs is sorely misplaced!” The Witch snarled and Seff growled and took a menacing step closer.

  The Witch took no notice of him. He had an obvious death-wish. He gestured in front of Sherry with an angry swipe of his hand as he continued to barrage her.

  Maybe he was crazy? Seff could only conclude that the man wasn’t all there. Especially since he continued to yell at Sherry.

  As if that wasn’t bad enough, as his tirade wound down, the skinny fuck had the nerve to stroke a long finger down the smooth, pale skin of her face. Sherry turned to look at him as if some inner sense made her realize he would not approve of the Witch’s familiarity with her.

  “Vasco, step away from me, please,” she began, her eyes riveted to Seff.


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